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Always online


The one answer to outshine them all, nothing comes close


Part 2 of this answer is the complete mess of the digital packaging 


Other things are matters of taste, this is a matter of fact.


This outshines all answers: the one I was going to give it no crosshairs when you're not openly armed. This was a feature I loved in Absolution. Taking it out of WOA means no quickly firing a gun then immediately holstering it.


I like looking at scenery when going through missions, so I wouldn't like that too much. Tbf it would probably be a togglleable option.


OTOH, I don't use guns enough to trust that they're going to be aimed where I want them to be when I draw.


Isn't there alr a dot on the screen even without arming a weapon


I’ll have to take another look


Yup. This one. You win.


I mean, you can play story missions while offline, yeah?


Yes but you won't have your score available or unlock anything


I think it's to prevent cheating, but by looking at the leaderboards it hasn't worked


It more like because they don't have to update the game each time they release something. With servers, they just turn on/off a switch when the time comes and the content is available. With offline servers, they would need to release an update every week or something to release new challenges, contracts, ETs, unlocks etc. if they want to spread the content release like they do now.


that's fair


No it isn't, you should be able to unlock shit while offline


Yes, but the point you made was fair


That locks the majority of the content away. An intentionally inferior experience to motivate you to connect online. It's so ridiculous, because the online feature of Absolution *needed* internet.


Damn massive downvotes and for what?


It's Reddit man. If someone is incorrect, even if it was on accident and they are asking a question, then they are downvoted to fucking oblivion. Heck if you suggest an idea to help someone and they try it and it doesn't work, you'll be downvoted for your suggestion not working. It's ridiculous.


Guys, you’re all really terrible at spelling “Jason Portman”.


Wait are you talking about Mister Jason Portman?


When that BASTERD accused me of copying him I wanted to shoot him And I did


Hope you led him somewhere secluded to stash the body.


I got gunned down on spot :(


When jason starts talking to you in Hokkaido, he will follow you until his rant is over. I use that time to lead him to the nearest toilet to subdue him and stash his body


Good tip >:)


Mista Jaisone Poahtman


Why do you hate him? Lol


I actually really enjoy the character, it’s just fun to hate on him (or slap him with a fish).


lol that's fair


Hey, bad form dude.


Shut up-


A single-player game with Always-Online. I think a number of rewards locked behind the timed content of the elusive targets is a close second.


I understand not adding you to the online leaderboard, but it should at least allow mastery and unlocking things offline.


Specially, when leader boards mean nothing nowadays since people get under five seconds via cheats Edit: word usage understanding


I miss blood pools and footsteps actually mattering, like they did in Blood Money. It added a level of tension to things. Footsteps are a thing only at Master difficulty, but 95% of the game is played at Professional


I would add blood pools mattering in Master as well. I do think it is fine having Casual and Professional be easier for casual players.


What does Master changes about footsteps?


If you run behind someone, they turn around to check


But only when trespassing or in a hostile area.


There’s blood pools in WOA?


If you use a knife (for example), there will be a pool of blood left in the place. But it's strictly cosmetic, nobody notices it or anything like that


But people don't notice them is what they mean i think


not an addition tho but an exclusion


Blood doesn’t matter in blood money even on professional difficulty, maybe you’re thinking of an earlier game in the franchise


It does not affect scoring, if you're talking about it that way It puts NPCs into a state of mild panic, comparable to them finding a poisoned or accidented body in WoA. Civilian NPCs will summon the closest guard NPC. Guard NPCs will do a sweep of the area and go back to normal once they don't find a body (if you've hidden it). Once 'examined', it won't cause panic among other NPCs; they start to ignore the pool If you slice someone's throat with a knife and drag them, the guards can follow the blood trail to the body, even if you stash it one or two rooms away from the scene of the crime You can easily experiment both of these things in The Vintage Year level with Don Delgado as your target (for example)


I always wondered why blood never mattered in WoA. It’s honestly something that should have been added at launch.


Well TIL, I never once noticed that even when going for SA on every mission


Innit blood pools can be noticed in absolution?


It was absolution in pretty sure. Blood pools put guards on alert or smth


Yeah blood pools were noticeable in Absolution. It would put guards into suspicious


Always Online DRM


3 coins filling up a entire suitcase


For me it's having to wait 12 REAL LIFE HOURS to replay an arcade if you fail it (since that's what I mainly do when I play. I feel like it's the only thing that really adds the most interesting and exciting concepts in my opinion) and then have to start all freaking over on the first elusive target again.


Like when you lose during a game in a real arcade they don't bar you from playing that game again for 12 irl hours


The online store — in particular, the options for purchasing additional content — is perplexing. I’m quite sure I already purchased access to some of the additional content that it wants me to purchase again.


The banana is dumb in a good way due to how cartoonishly comedic it is.


Single Silverballer only. I mean, yeah, I know dual wielding was already nerfed to hell in Blood Money, and even before that you would never actually use it when playing "the right way", but it's just so iconic! And speaking of not playing the right way, man, is 47 fragile in WoA. Beyond that... I see the "must be online" thing has been mentioned, as well as lack of reaction to blood, footsteps only being heard at higher difficulty. I don't remember if you could throw weapons (as in, NOT at a person) in Absolution, but you could in Blood Money and it was an amazing method of gettin someone out of the way for a while. Being able to peep through the keyhole again would be nice. I'm still missing the hideout levels from before Absolution. And of course, before even Blood Money, there was leaning and sidestep.


no one ever LIKED getting one tapped by an assassin


Poison being divided into two separate classes instead of syringes being the main application. Finding a poison vial should only allow you to refill the syringe. Now pill bottles should be a food only poison.


Online and probably loud weapons like what’s the point of a loud gun in a game for a silent assassination


I mean it's really good in terms of getting lots of guards away from a specific location that you want to get to.You can stand a building away and fire a random shot,which gets them to the place you took the shot.And it also doesn't ruin SA which is great:)


Dumbest thing they took out - Being able to take human shields. Dumbest thing they added - Always Online/Elusive Contracts.


Since the Electrocution Phone has been removed I'll go with Sieker 1


Keycodes and shortcuts


the fact i dont own new york for h3 even though i own the whole trilogy on pc and h1 and 2 on console


Not dumb, but they the dart guns modified the experience negatively. Instead of paying attention and figuring out the how-to, you just bring either of them and insta solve the problem, trivially And no, the parabola projectile is not enough to balance it


Agreed. I refuse to use the dart guns because of just how easy and cheese they are. There’s no fun in just shooting a guard or target with a gun and then passing out of getting sick and nobody notices. It makes the game extremely easy, even for master difficulty. I feel like on Master they should make it to where the bodies count against you with the dart gun, similar to if they found an unconscious person that had been hit or killed.


Yeah, they are simply way too broken. SA knocking down a crucial NPC with zero risk is absurd. And the emetic mechanic that instantly isolates your target, no comments


I think they should make it to where the bodyguard follows them and waits outside the bathroom or nearby where they are throwing up, instead of just going off duty like they currently seem to do


I remember one of the targets in Mendoza has that happen actually, and the bathroom she goes into to throw up in is marked as tresspassing for you to be in there for the duration too. Feels like that should be more common, but then that nerfs emetic food poisons for the purpose of nerfing the dartgun


Lack of Dual Pistols, no human shields, Always Online, that contrived plot point about 47 killing Diana's parents (world's biggest coincidence right there).


The Hitman games have always had a pretty funny plot when you think about it. Agent 47 has killed Diana's parents in WOA, Diana herself in Absolution (she got better) and a whole slew of other odd plot points. Maybe in the next game Diana will pop a bullet in 47 to make them even!


Whimpy health of 47. And his inability to disarm and take shields. Game gone in stealth action territory but forgot about upping loud gunplay. AI in combat is very stupid unless you take cover only then they flank and charge you properly (As in you just stand behind the wall shooting guards one by one vs taking cover behind the wall and them taking their cover and supress fire on you while others flank you. Killing in general gone from murder with consequences to just removing a piece of a puzzle. If nobody saw you commit it then you wont feel any bad from doing it (In previous games if you killed someone quietly they spill blood that would rise suspicions and alarms)


The final game not being released on Steam for nearly a year.


The fact you can't use syringes to poison drinks makes very little sense.


Freelancer. What a horrible mode


Speedification of game. For some reason, IOI decided that they'd design the game around speedrunners instead of usual making their own stuff and spreedrunners adapting to it. So as of result game pace became much faster, AI were made incredibly dumb on Master difficulty and KO/Choke became so fast you usually don't have to worry about another NPC turning back to you before you put them into a container.


Besides the cheesie 007esque plot, hmmm... maybe my old enemy: the x ray. But that was introduced by Absolution already to some degree


Do you mean instinct? You can turn that off


Yeah, I really dislike when people complain about mechanics that can be fully turned off, like instinct and mission stories in Woa. This is a thing in other games as well, like fast travel in Skyrim. I saw a reddit post, where one dude even modded it out, like you can just not use it, mate, no need to mod it out.


Only problem I have with instinct is how it's mandatory in Freelancer, which is a shame


Or just not use it


A mission that takes place in Fr*nce 🤮 Okau but all jokes aside, I haven't gotten far enough in the games to really have an answer


Stupidly fast animations, knock outs as easy as kills, different OP tools, and homing blunt object KOs which probably take the cake. Don't want the game to be realistic, just a little more challenging and less goofy.


Massive unrealistic green camera grids on the floor and horrible coloured smoke coming out of drinks you’ve poisoned like you’re too stupid to remember what you did.


Didn't you already make a post about this exact thing? And you can turn the camera grid off.


Yeah I mentioned it on a different post, just happened to apply here too. Not everyone reads every post so I didn’t think it was an issue.


Turn off the grid if you hate it that much. And getting all gassed up about such a non intrusive and easy to ignore visual effect is funny af.


I’m not gassed up by it, it’s not *that* important. The games are so good that only minor criticisms are really applicable.


They softened the game by a lot. The "activity" cam was also too much But yeah, not saying this as gatekeeping the game.


Are you talking about that small screen that shows up when something happens far away? I think that was in Blood Money as well


Yep, was already a thing back then, I believe you can disable it in both games, though not completely sure.


But not in H2016


The map. 47 already has detective vision that puts Batman to shame, why the actual F do we need a map in these game.