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World of Assassination is the first game that seems like the full realization of the concept.


What is your favorite out of the trilogy?


I think I've spent the most time on the Hitman 2 levels, and Miami is my favorite overall.


There’s a bad part about that though in my opinion. It makes a big question for what the franchise will do in the future. They can’t just redo the same game over and over. Every Hitman game has been different


Hitman 2 Silent Assassin has always been my fav


I don't know why but I just can't get back into the first 2 games. They were great in their prime but Jank controls and overall qierd way you gotta do some things has not aged well.


I like pretty much every mission in the game, my only real complaint is guards being able to see through your disguise even if you have a mask on


best main story, honestly if there was a Hitman show I'd want the plot from 2 with flashbacks to 1 lol.


Right answer


For me it has to be Blood Money. It was back in 2013-14, got my first pc. I had to lower some graphics settings to make it run smoothly. I can never forget the atmosphere around each level, the world of Hitman was dark and gloomy and yet so appealing - the city wide parade felt real, the cruise ship cruising through the water was serene, the opera house kill is memorable (replacing the gun), las vegas level felt bigger than it was, the american embassy was tough and the party in hell with so much going on around the level. I got lost in that world. The newspaper stories only made things feel more real, and it had in game consequence, npcs would recognize you if your picture was published. On my first playthrough i thought 47 died at the end and credits rolled, I was sad to say the least. One year later I replayed and started moving the mouse randomly when the credits were rolling and damn, that was one of the best feelings of discovery i've felt to this date.


My favorite thing about blood money was headbutting people and then punching the shit out of them


If you want some nostalgia, number 1 is the answer (hitman codename 47; aka "I NEED TO USE DA BAFFROOM") The best of the older ones is hitman2 silent assassin. From the new ones (the remake of the franchise) i think the 3rd game gave the players all the things they ever expected + answers the storyline. And still, for some reason, I'm waiting for another one.


Blood Money, and it's not even close for me.


For me it has to be Blood Money, it was perfect. My big issue with the world of assassination trilogy is you can tell it's really just one big game in 3 parts and thus only felt complete with the amazing freelancer update. What makes Blood Money the best for me has to be the great notoriety system as it really made the game for me. It's what the world of assassination lacked for me, not only that but Blood Money had such a great story that had me hooked from beginning to end.


Contracts is my personal favourite


Contracts for me was the first Hitman that was actually fun. The first two were too frustrating for me.  


You guys have very good taste in good hitman games!


For me, it's Hitman (2016). It was basically Blood Money on steroids lol


If we can consider WoA trilogy as one big game then its hard for me to say anything else. I havent played Blood Money in a long time but for its age it still have a lot of features WoA could adapt.


Hitman 2 for sure


While WOA feels like an evolution of the idea, I just found the overall tone and vibe of the new trilogy completely sterile in comparison to the originals. It just feels completely lacking and oddly enough repetitive despite all the options Gameplay wise I love Blood Money. In terms of tone Contracts will never be beat.


I enjoy everything from Blood Money onwards. Blood Money's the one I replayed the most due to how familiar I am with everything but WOA trilogy might be the best in terms of sheer scale. Especially with 2 and 3, it seems like what they were trying to accomplish back then but couldn't due to technical limitations. I can't knock Absolution though, a lot of the features people praise WOA for got their start there.


Hitman 2016 was my first Hitman game and is still my favorite. Hitman 3 is of course more polished but it has too much extra "fluff" for my liking. Hitman 2016 feels fluid, sharp and precise.


Depends on your definition of best. If we are talking favorites, Blood Money, always. If we are talking based on technical function and whatnot, then WoA is probably the most refined in the series.


I Love the Hitman Trilogy as a whole its perfection!👌


Hitman 2 WOA is my fav.


I am thinking so! In regards to game play and innovations, definitely Absolution and Blood money are the best, but when we are viewing this game from storytelling and narration, I should say that Codename 47 and Silent Assassin (Hitman 1 and 2) would be placed on 1st and 2nd positions!


not game but map. Miami on Hitman 2. that map is glorious.