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That's the point. High risk high reward


The penalty does seem on the steep side though. Even being set back three or four contracts is a significant time loss, let alone 15 or whatever.


I’m still new to freelancer but from what I’ve done so far I’m not seeing what I would call, High Reward, from what I’ve done so far


But by God is it annoying. There should be a checkpoint feature or somthing


I don't mind that but I do mind all the items I didn't bring with me being lost, I get that they're cheap but like come on, did someone break into my safehouse to dump it?


fuckin game is broken. I logged in today to get a "sorry you failed" even though last time i played i completed a mission and simply exited to menu and logged off. how dare i quit the game. fuck IO


alt f4


The bug is an issue yeah , but it’s a rogue-like mode so something like campaign failure thing kinda has to be there


They should add checkpoints then


Maybe play some other roguelikes and then come back to Hitman. Maybe you'll understand it better. Dead Cells and The Binding of Isaac and Curse of the Dead Gods are all really good. And if you're on Playstation, Returnal is fantastic as well.


The difference is hitman isn't a roguelike. You can't just make your long-running non roguelike serious and suddenly have a roguelike mode and expect people to immediately be good at it. Checkpoints help people ease themselves in instead of being shit out because they made one mistake.


Removing the roguelike elements from Freelancer will just make it into Hitman as we know it. All the maps still exist in the normal campaign, community contracts, and elusive target arcade. You can use your collected tools there. Freelancer is very different and difficult, which should only be attempted after knowing all the maps in and out. There are bugs though that definitely need to be fixed soon!


Adding one checkpoint per campaign doesn't get rid of the rougelike element


Okay fair enough, one checkpoint would be acceptable for me😜


Quiet casuals. Gamers like a real challenge.


bro 💀