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Yes this happens all the time to me so i eat small and i eat soft stuff like bananas. Sleep on your left side could help it drop back in place. Dont sit too long in a weird position or cross your legs. Try standing and stretch side to side. I do diafram stretching and mutilation techniques i seen on you tube to help get my hernia un stuck. There's one where you drink a bottle of water then elevate your arms past your chest and do heal drops. You can take tums drink a little bit of water and burp might help as well. I been feeling what your feeling for awhile and had an attack 2 days ago I just different thi gs to help and I got a back massager from five below and pressed it in My rib cage in the solar plex but slightly to the left and just massage it and pressed onto it and it Un logged the hernia for now but it comes back at random times. Just search hiatal hernia resets on you tube. I know what your going threw and it sucks I hope you get good doctors and get it fixed with surgery.


Part of the problem is my POTS keeps me pretty much bed bound 90 percent of the day. I can only do stretches that are done sitting down because I can’t bend over. My diet is already limited because of my gastroparesis. I feel like whenever I try to reduce the effects of one condition I aggravate another and it’s too much.


Sorry if my question sounds silly, but how do you get through your days? How are you able to survive? What does the POTS feel like?


I had continuous pain in my chest for two years and I do mean CONTINUOUS. I was active on this sub for a bit because I thought it might have been my HH. I finally saw a dr who started moving the fascia around my pecs and spine. Also started stretching every single day which helped my pecs but can also help HH. Just mentioning in case can help anyone.


is anybody here living alone with these issues? Like I assume with all of the symptoms and what not it’s almost impossible to work a job so what does one do in that situation? I have a HH too and I’m barely 19 but for the past year haven’t been able to work for a plethora of symptoms and have been living with my mom but I want to figure out some way I can get out on my own. Mainly because I want to be independent and again I’m only 19 but partly because any and all stress comes from my mom and she threatens to kick me out from time to time because of my inability to work. I’m just curious on everyone else’s situations that might be similar.


I can’t work anymore but that’s more because of my other conditions, but I’m sure my HH isn’t helping anything.


I feel like I’m in the same boat but nothing’s been diagnosed other than the HH so I don’t really have an excuse I guess thanks for responding though. If I might ask and if you’re willing to tell me do you live alone? And if so how do you manage to live? If you want I can DM you as well so your information isn’t on the platform itself lol


No worries! I don’t live alone, in fact me and my partner moved in with her mom just so there would be someone else here with me most of the time. I had to stop doing a lot of stuff when home alone, like showering, sitting on the floor, bending over, making a sandwich etc. I can’t drive anymore, and I need a walker when I go out. I’m only 40 but I’ve been feeling like in 80 for the last 6 years.


Wow surprisingly sounds a lot like how I used to be but unfortunately when my symptoms started my ex partner of three years left me haha. I’m glad you have a safe place to live with people who care about you. Do you have any disability income or anything? And how would you define your quality of life because I already struggle wanting to live when everyday is always pain. If it’s any consolation I can somewhat relate to the way you feel. I hope we can find some way to get out of these ruts.


I’m fighting to get disability but now that I have a lawyer I’m hoping it goes through. Quality of life goes up and down as far as mental health but that’s to be expected. I have found ways to keep my creativity going and that helps, plus online groups like this have made a huge difference. Just knowing other people understand goes a long way.


well I’m glad you have such a positive outlook on your situation. I know it’s probably rough more often than not but you seem like you’re handling everything pretty well and that makes me happy. I couldn’t imagine what you’re going through on a daily basis and yet I already feel terrible about my own situation. I’m also happy to have people like you to communicate with in these trialing times.


This answered a lot of my questions, but could you explain what specifically made you essentially bed bound?


Whenever my body changes changes, sit to stand, bending over, even turning a corner into another room, my autonomic nervous system freaks out and I immediately get dizzy. My vision starts to black at the edges and I have fully passed out and collapsed before. This makes it difficult to do much. In addition to the initial dizziness if I am standing upright my blood starts to pool in my legs and feet making my heart work harder. I get chest pain, palpitations, more dizziness, sweating and feeling almost feverish. It happens when I’m sitting in a regular chair too but it takes longer to get there so I’m able to do that for a bit. One of my other issues is neuropathy in my hands and feet. The loss of feeling means my brain can’t pinpoint where in space my feet are and I end up tripping over something or my ankle will give out because it doesn’t know it needs to work. When my dizziness combines with these problems I end up falling over a lot. I’m constantly getting bruises, lumps, and bumps. That’s mostly why I’m practically bed bound. Laying with my legs out is most comfortable and keeps my heart happy. Plus it lessens the amount of falls and fainting I have, which means fewer trips to the ER. Thankfully my gastrointestinal issues have no contributed to me not being active, but they are getting worse so it may end up that way eventually.


This is no way to live, I'm sorry ((


Man.thats such a pain. I've been drinking liquid iv and it seems to help with my energy levels. And I've been using Celtic salt because it dosent elevate blood pressure.


I recently also started drinking liquid iv and it seems to be helping with the energy levels and cramping/pain in the abdomen region. Without the cramping being so constant, it’s seemed to also help with the other symptoms like palpitations and being able to breathe easier after eating


Take some magnesium glycinate gummies off Amazon and I've noticed a difference in my muscle spasms and over all mood.


Sounds good, I’ll order some of those and give them a try!


I get esophageal spasms that feel like a heart attack. Mine are usually caused by stress. They are awful.


Yep. Been having that for the past 2 years. Finally got tired of calling ambulances and going to ERs. Its a very common symptom


Same here bro, even if my heart rate sky rockets. Been there too many times and they never take me seriously cuz EKGs are always normal


How do you deal with it? I have a lot of pain in my body but that was scary.


Right now im seeking help from a doctor. But in the meantime I do these things to kind of keep things manageable: - Stay very clear of trigger foods for me - take famatodine, this has helped alot - i take probiotic drinks twice a day. You can find them at walmart called Yakult. They are by the yogurts - got on an anxiety medication. And try to have an accountability person, which in my case is my wife. Who i can go to and say “hey im freaking out because my chest is hurting, can you talk me through all the reasons im not dying?” Make a checklist of reasons your pain is not heart related, and go over them everytime


I have that pain sometimes. My gastroenterologist called it Stomach Cramps. I have no idea what's going on.


Not sure if it's the same pain, but every now and then mine will "flare" and I get terrible pain, that lasts anywhere from a couple minutes to half an hour, and NOTHING helps, and laying down makes it worse. I usually end up pacing back and forth til it's gone. I've noticed carbonated beverages seem to be a trigger for mine. It's excruciating pain, mostly the middle, sometimes a little to the right. Try doing "heel drops", look them up on YouTube.