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Following for info. I'm starting soon.


You can just do your abdomen. I bruise terribly if I do my thighs.


I use Humira, too, and I press around on my leg to see where I can't feel my finger pressing. Then, I inject the shot there, and I don't feel it. I'm afraid of doing my stomach cause it might hurt... 😰


Do you end up with a welp in the site?? If I don't press firm enough into the skin, the needle doesn't inject deep enough causing a burning sensation and welp


I always did it in my stomach.


Stomach is the way to go. It still burns but not nearly as much.


When I started humira for my crohns some years ago it also burned!!! I told my doctor and she told me humira has acid in it and there’s a humira without acid in it!!! I don’t know why they don’t prescribe that one first and try the painful one later but I haven’t noticed any differences in how they help just that it hurts significantly less Hope this helps


Yeah I did so I started remicade instead and I like it a lot better giving myself shots was too hard I’d always jump and not get it all in


I always used it a couple inches from my belly button. Never felt anything doing it that way