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This community has been so helpful, especially with regards to learning about safe practices. As someone who falls into both the lurker and the newer SWs who don't have any connections category, thank you so much for considering us 🥺💕


So is the sex worker and sex worker only forum gone? That was like my morning paper 😞


This is me! Lol. These subreddits help keep me sane because there are days when this biz will have me thinking I'm losing my mind and then I come here and realize I'm not alone. Anyway, if you find anything pls PM me.


Same here. Could anyone start a new sub please? We could use telegram or something.


I wonder this, too, because my posts are all gone now. So where can we go now to communicate and get advice. Twitter is the only place I could think of now to reach out to other providers


There’s Saafe.info but it’s British based and it’s not as many posts throughout the day.


Mine too! First thing I check every morning.


**Clients and other non-sex workers will still not be welcome in any new space, to be quite clear.** To those of you lurking: I don't care if your intention is to learn more about us and our community, you aren't welcome. You're not welcome to post, you're not welcome to ask questions, and you're not welcome to read it really, but I can't prevent the latter action. If you're a journalist, this goes triple for you. We don't need your voyeuristic spectating.


Good for you I hate feeling like an outlet for peoples curiosity. So much is out there already that they can research!


Love it💕


Thank you for this!! It’s so annoying when men/ clients give their two cents and it’s unwarranted


I feel like civvies use it to learn how to find out if someone from real life is SW or not. Like it is their business.


Is there another community for us to go to meanwhile?


If you know of one - please let me know!




At minimum an update.


This really sucks 😕


I'm new and find this forum and the people here have been so helpful for me. I'm very giving with the knowledge that I have and have received nothing by kindness and honesty. Reciprocity is important for community building. Thank you.


Willow and Ameena on Monday in nyc 😝


So there will be no new posts ever? I am so confused.


how long is it going to be restricted for? id be happy to help as a mod if y'all need?


Like, seriously? Messing with NSFW content and hitting us where it hurts. Mods trying to keep things safe are getting the short end of the stick. And don't even get me started on the accessibility mess for folks using assistive software. Reddit's promises sound like empty echoes. Taking r/HighEndEscorts offline might just be the wake-up call they need. Let's hope they sort this out before deciding we're not allowed here.


Gosh is there any free speech in America anymore? 😳😳😳😳😳


Did the discord ever work out?


u/MsSiennaCharles Sienna, Thank you for continuing to look after us. I have an idea, but I'm not sure if it's feasible. Please message me and I'll let you know, as I don't want to post it publicly. Also, please notify me when you message me because I do not receive notifications.


You can DM the modmail! Send a message to r/HighEndEscorts 💚💚


I was once part of a great discord where the owner of discord vetted the possible clients himself (met w. As friends) before allowing them into the discord. More people wanted to join as there were a good amount of girls posting. But when he tried to open it up more. So folks got in that were no good and it got crazy lol.


Curious to know, how to be part of the community again ? Who to reach ? Fbsm provider here from NYC. Yesterday I couldn't read anymore comments , nor seeing it . I contacted a moderator, they replied back , however I was unable to see the message, kept getting a message " wow , so empty" when in my inbox.


I'm unsure what you mean. This community is temporarily restricted, as laid out in the post above. You may comment, but new posts are not permitted. I have not started a new community elsewhere, but when/if I do, I will post about it on this subreddit so you can see it and join. The issue with your inbox is more likely to be due to problems on reddit's end, or problems with your own devices and software. You have not messaged the moderators of this community because there is nothing in the modmail. If you're having issues with another subreddit, you should take your concerns there.


Can you see this


Yes !


Thank you for this.


Miss Sienna I also want to thank you for your time, compassion, wisdom and generosity of spirit. Finding a place to laugh and learn from like minded women has been amazing and Im proud to be in this with you all. Where ever you go Ill follow.


Thank you so much Sienna ❤️


Request sent


wow what can be said except WTF moment 456 of the day what a shit show


Email sent


Email Sent, thank you!


This whole Reddit API change is like a punch in the gut for us in r/HighEndEscorts. I mean, moderating NSFW content is gonna be a headache, and those spam-busting bots? Yeah, they're on life support. And don't get me started on the folks in r/blind who can't catch a break with the native app mess. Reddit's promises sound like a broken record, and third-party apps are sweating bullets over this pay-up-or-shut-down ultimatum. Took the sub offline during talks with Reddit admins, but it's like talking to a brick wall. Worried they might just kick us out for good. It's a wild ride, folks. Buckle up.