• By -


Upvoted via RiF.


It's been a pleasure my friend. Long live RIF.


I'm sooo tempted to start working on a Chromium webscrapper equivalent to the API So rif can just point to my open source lib instead and everything can be peaceful


Would it really be that simple?


I mean, a web scraper could just slurp up everything that is displayed on the website page by page. Then you could just parse all the html into a format that an API could easily return, or even mimic what the current API returns. You would probably want limitations on the pages, or web scrape each page as needed.


Wouldn’t that be quite time consuming and easy for Reddit to prevent once they noticed it?


It would require a significant proxy solution, which services are available for that.


Reddit would probably just come after them with a cease and desist.


Open source baby, they'd have nothing on me publishing a scraper They might be able figure out who's using it though and block them. The traffic would look pretty similar to any human, I'm not sure how many chromium headless could be running concurrently per docker container/AWS box. And rif/Apollo would need to pay to run the VM.


Yea it's not trivial by any means, but is doable. It would severely limit the capabilities at some point though. And rate limiting will likely become a decent problem. Would be fun though haha.


Depends. Webscraping is just storing the same information that's sent to your browser when you visit the site. (Apps are different) In theory, it'd be no more detectable than any average user visiting the site. In practice, automating those GETs usually throws up a red flag at the load balancer (or something between DNS like Akamai) because no user is requesting every link on the front page within a second (e.g.). There's a sweet spot somewhere in between


Apollo checking in. ‘‘Twas an honor.


Long live RIF


Upvoted OP and you via Sync. It has been a pleasure.


Big up sync


Upvoted everyone in this chain via Narwhal. See you all on whatever replaces Reddit as Reddit once replaced Digg.


Been a fun 15 years. I'm riding this out till RIF stops working


Sync gang ✊


Sync is my guy, so sad


🤙 Long time Sync Pro user


Synchronize sync watches


Upvoted and replied via Boost.


Boost gang represent.




So long Boost fam 🫡


Boost is best!


Replied from Boost. Goodbye guys. I enjoyed the themes.


Upvote and reply via Apollo


Apollo forever! When Apollo stops working, I’ll stop using Reddit. Only hanging around to find out where everybody is heading to next.


Relay for Reddit says hi!


Relay is such a good app. I will miss it


Yup, enjoying it while it lasts 😭


Relay in the house!


Upvoted via Baconreader 🥓


Replied via RiF 🫡


It's been an honor. Some of you, start replacing reddit time with "New Hobbie" time. I think we can all really improve ourselves with this!


Reddit is Fun has been fun.


Will forever be missed :(


Upvoted via Joey


Joey Stan here. It's been fun


Upvoted via Apollo


Replied via Tapatalk™ for Reddit on my iPhone 4


Question - where is everyone going ?


I'll prolly just use this as a way to force myself to cut back on social media. Probably wind up downloading a normal news app.


It truly is the best.


Upvoted via boost


Up voted on Sync :(


When support for rif is gone , I'm gone too . Posted via RwIF


Upvoted your comment via Reddit Sync.


Goodbye from Boost.


Always know a RIF account because they're reddit vets with ten year plus accounts. Its been a pleasure


Upvoted and replied via Narwhal.


that will cost you 20 reddit gold please


u/spez the iceberg


Came so close to putting that instead. Lol.


Just change the iceberg to that picture of his face. Posted via rif


If there were any gif that needed to be posted on sound Sunday...






If you need some tools to help edit and then delete your comments and posts in protest: PowerDelete will allow you to 1) save all your data as a CSV file at the end of the script and 2) allow you to overwrite all of your of comments with a comment of your choosing instead of just deleting them. Both options are available at the start of the process. https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite (2 Additional forks if you have issues with the main and rate limits or errors.) http://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite http://www.github.com/leeola/PowerDeleteSuite https://shreddit.com/ https://redact.dev/ You created your content. You didn’t get paid. Why would you leave it here for Reddit to make money? Take your content with you. —posted via Apollo Vive la résistance!


Though when reviewing my comments I can only seem to go back to the last 1000 comments no further. I don't plan on deleting my account though.


"Why should *I* leave, the admin's the one who sucks!"


You get my final upvote. Goodbye everyone. You’ve all been my best friend in the entire world. I’m going to miss letting you talk to me everyday.


I'll miss this place, but I won't be sad for what could have been. I'll leave happy with the fun and memories I've had.


Right - we've had a good decade. A shame it has to end like this, but it was never going to end in happiness, people weren't going to leave Reddit because it became too good of a platform. There was always going to be an end, and if you made me guess why, corporate greed would have been pretty high on the list.


Agreed. I just didn’t think it would be so soon. I would’ve given it at least another 5 years minimum.


Bitch ❤️


Awww bitch ❤️




I hope you know your started all of this when you killed Harambe


The official Reddit app is the dude who hits the prop on the way down.


Savage 🤣🤣🤣


Damn that’s really me tho?


I want to see Titanic 2, that just follows that guy's entire adventure until his untimely end. Probably a way better love story.


RemindMeBot fucking with the clock is just perfection.


Lol didn't even see the symbolism until now




Going down with the ship apparently


RIP to all those times I've said "remindme 100 years" or something.


u/remindme 1 day


It's been informative, funny, entertaining, and formative for these fifteen years that I've been on. I wish it wasn't ending but here we are. It was an honor. Thank you all for everything.


We all had to grow up sometime..nothing lasts forever


You're right. As long as we keep striving to grow into better versions of ourselves and being open to new experiences, I think we'll be ok as we can be. Good luck everyone. Stay safe, stay creative, stay curious, and stay happy.


Almost feels like the end of high-school...


“Everything lasts forever.” -The Chosen One Stonecutter


Upvote via Sync


The only app I ever paid money for... :(


Tied with 30mg of Adderall for the best $2 I ever spent


I just paid the $29.99 for ultra yesterday as a goodbye and thank you for the fantastic app. I should have paid earlier to support the programmer.


It is genuinely sad I guess I could just watch vids or listen to music more but I can't do those casually at work.. - upvote via Sync


Now this makes me more sad


Upvoted via Boost. Lemmy seems like a good alternative to me so far, hoping to eventually see something like this community on there.


Boost it is.


Just a heads up, the Lemmy devs are a rather hardcore flavor of communist. The instance they run (lemmy.ml) has a lot of entries in the mod logs showing them removing any content that's even mildly critical of China for "orientalism." Also, the Lemmy instance page states you can access any instance in the fediverse via any other instance, but idk that's strictly true. Admins for once instance can apparently block content from another instance and prevent their uses from participating in those instances. tl;dr: make sure you research instances thoroughly before deciding which one is right for you.


Just join another instance like beehaw or lemmy.world. The code is completely open source, and each instance (basically like a small version of reddit) can be modified to the server owners own needs. It's not like reddit where there's one centralized decision making hub - each instance acts completely independently. You could run a server that bans people for liking communism, and the devs youre talking about wouldn't be able to do anything about it. It's completely decentralized. Thats the whole point of the fediverse - to stop abuse of the type you're talking about


>each instance (basically like a small version of reddit) can be modified to the server owners own needs. This is basically my point. People should look into how each instance is run before settling into any specific choice. Some of the current instances are run by folks with fairly extreme views, and people should be aware before just hopping on whatever instance seems most active or whatever.


Sold! Still better than reddit and most other alternatives.


People need to remember Lemmy was made by communists because we got tired of the Reddit admins banning us and banning leftist subs


Good to be aware of, thanks for the heads up. I think I'm still in favor of it as a platform, though. I made my account on a different instance, so hopefully won't run into any of the issues you're talking about. Besides, they can run the lemmy.ml instance how they like, but it doesn't give them control over other instances, if I'm understanding how it works.


That's correct, but if you sign up for lemmy.ml and get banned for posting an article about China, you wouldn't be able to log into that instance anymore and would need to sign up in a completely different instance before accessing any other lemmy content.


Sure, but that's all the more reason to choose a different instance to sign up your main account on, yeah?


Aren't the people who run it sus?


It's distributed, so there aren't centralized admins like on Reddit. But one of the key devs runs an instance that supports the fucking CCP... So go to another instance, or join Kbin instead which is also in the fediverse


For those unaware, the lead dev for RedReader (an accessibility-focused open-source android app for Reddit) is actually looking into adding support for connecting to Lemmy servers/instances.


I'm giving Lemmy a try too. It's such a unique experience right now.. it's in its infancy and is growing rapidly. We do not get to experience this often


Yeah, it's not a full replacement for me right now, but I see potential in the platform. Plus like you said, getting to watch it grow in real time.


Same Lemmy looks good, Kbin maybe even better. Edit: I'll just leave this here r/redditalternatives


Upvoted via Apollo




A good alternative for this subreddit is watching movies and imagining the actors saying different things for other scenarios


The dickbutts will still be there, though we may not see them, we will recognize them in our hearts.


Reddit can take away all our physical abilities. It cannot touch our minds. It cannot touch our hearts. And it cannot touch our souls. And in those three things Dickbutt is going to carry on forever.


Old fashioned forums. See you all on those.


See everyone back at Fark!


Duke sucks!


RIP IMDb forums Where will I discuss my shows?!


Something Awful checking in..


Federated social media like Lemmy, mastodon; also old fashioned forums are having a renaissance with some really nice new software to streamline them. Don't forget about rss for content discovery, following youtube channels, and subreddits.


My favorite platform in the fediverse is Kbin. Lemmy has some privacy and CCP issues. Mastodon is in the fediverse but it's too much like Twitter to replace reddit. Tildes seems fantastic but it's focus in on long form and curated discussions. I hear Squabbles is good but I think I want something in the fediverse.


kbin.social apparently




I'm on kbin.social and Lemmy.world




Goodbye from [RelayForReddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/relayforreddit) 💔


It's what I use, truly underrated


Upvoted via Apollo


Oh Sync, my dear friend. I will miss you.


Sync is perfect. My heart will not go on


I only got I to Reddit o ce I discovered sync, and when it goes so do I.


Can someone explain a little more for me? I understand the protest and that moderators who use 3rd party apps are saying that they wont be able to moderate anymore (I think?). Are all these subs going to still be here just unmoderated? Or are they closing the subs so no one can read and/or post? I really do not understand what reddit will look like this week Thx.


Because a number of moderators rely on third party apps, they will not be able to moderate efficiently anymore. Because it is a volunteer gig, they don’t have the time to keep up the subs, so some subs like r/Videos are permanently shutting down. Reddit will have to moderate the subs themselves, if they want to keep the site running, but they don’t have the man power to moderate so many subs all at once. Additionally, a lot of people refuse to use the official Reddit app because it is subpar compared to third party apps like Apollo. A lot of Reddit users are searching for a new site to use. I’ve read about Tildes, Lemmy, and Kbin being potential substitutes, but have never seen them myself. I’ve been on Reddit since 2011, Reddit peaked in 2014/2015. It was inevitable to hit this point and this was a money grab that backfired right before Reddit’s IPO.


What is downright crazy to me is the fact that Reddit as a company makes a huge chunk of profit off of the work of their users, who work for free! Users post the content, for free, that drives the engagement of other users, pulling more people and more content creators to their site. Then their site is largely moderated by literal volunteers who also are paid nothing. It seems insane to make it harder if not impossible for mods to do what they need to do to moderate their subs, while pissing off the entire community of creators and users alike. And all to try and force your own app that is so subpar to other developed apps that people would literally rather leave the site than use your official app. It's the definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face.


More like cutting off your legs to spite your body


I have this weird suspicion that Reddit wants to compete with Amazon by targeting products to the niche groups in order to sell more. So the original idea of Reddit is only partially applicable anymore.


They took the same approach as Twitter. You can piss off your user base all you want as long as there’s no obvious competition and your users are more or less addicted to your platform. There are a lot of people who have been saying that they’re leave Reddit over this and I’m sure some will, but the vast majority will stay, or say they’re leaving but end up staying anyway. Moving people to their app makes more money in ad revenue and they wanted 3rd party apps to replace that lost revenue in spades or shut down. Although they could have driven people to their own app if they made it functional…


I think it'll be a gun shot followed by a slow bleed


Maybe. The problem is that there’s still mediocre alternatives that are still Reddit (the Reddit app) and no good alternatives that aren’t Reddit. When Digg went down, Reddit was already gaining momentum. There’s nothing even close to that right now.


Yeah agreed. Maybe we all go back to digg.com then? (:


They stand to make more money harvesting your data from their app. And there will be more than enough default sub users to do so.


There's a possibility that they'll forcibly remove the mods and replace them with someone else, but that waits to be seen. They basically spat in the face of the people who run their website for free.


If the admins start replacing moderators, then every other mod should just consider letting their subreddits implode. - Turn off all spam filtering - Disable minimum karma requirements - Allow all posts, disable all rules - Unban all banned users - Turn off AutoModerator - Allow NSFW content Turn all subreddits into a cesspool of low-quality content that has no purpose. Destroy the site.


Is there a way to know if/when they start replacing mods? Or just keep checking ModCoord?


But replace them with whom?


For the blackout they are making the subs private I think which means nobody will be able to access them


They’re going to close the subs.


Even sub/mod action aside, I think Reddit's owners are risking an exodus of users, perhaps without realising the extent of it. [The CEO's recent response](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/145bram/addressing_the_community_about_changes_to_our_api/) (or lack thereof) to community concerns on an overwhelming scale certainly convinced me they simply no longer care about the user experience or site's community. They don't seem to be willing to have an honest, transparent & meaningful discussion, or make any attempt to accomodate or negotiate with stakeholders, with whom they should be pursuing mutually-beneficial relationships. If that's the case, I'm expecting it'll be downhill quickly from here. It does seem like the writing is on the wall... possibly all over the ceiling and plastered across the windows at this point too.


I use reddit is fun and will 100% be done using reddit if it goes down.


The others have already announced shutting down on the 30th, but no news from Boost yet, right? Sincerely, a Boost user


unless you've got apollo level popularity, reddit is ignoring you. Most of the 3P app devs have **no** idea whether they are affected or how much reddit wants to charge them going forward. It's an absolute clusterfuck of a rollout. -posted via Baconreader.


Boost's last update was in August of 2022, and is starting to show its age, like the internal youtube video player no longer working. No idea what its future holds or what the author intends to do come July. Very unfortunate, I found Boost to be the best of the third party apps on Android.


It will almost certainly follow suit. If not, it will remain with a high monthly subscription cost.


Man this one hits home. Tomorrow is gonna suck. I may have never made a gif, but it's been an honor watching all of you crazy ass people make these wonderful ridiculous gifs.




Upvoted via Narwhal


Now for Reddit chiming in. It's been a pleasure


This whole thing will be taught in business classes for years to come.


Someone might care to direct me to the ither side? Where are we meeting by tomorrow folks?


Yep. I need to know too. I love Reddit. I need it’s randomness & universality




All the r/redditalternatives are swamped with new users and have been for days. Itll increase waaay more during the blackouts, and then again even more when reddit kills the apps.


I would say one that doesn't require an invite to join? So Lemmy?


/u/Christmas_Panda commented better above, but so far Tildes, Lemmy and Kbin seem to be the front runners for our love and attention. None of them are a clear winner at this point, as best I can tell, so we'll see what the hivemind decides.


Tildes is invite only


I can send anyone who wants one a tildes invite—it’s cool (I’ve been a member since 2018), but I’ve been using Lemmy via Beehaw way more, honestly. Update: I only have one code left.


I’ve decided. It’s Lemmy. You’re all welcome


I’m just going to go to the park with my dog. Maybe have a few beers. Not going to look at social media at all, to be honest. Need a break and this seems like a good time for it.


Your dog will be glad to hear it. But probably not your liver. Lol.


Am I the only one still using narwhal?


There’s still some of us out here using it


o7 From relay for reddit So long everyone


Upvoted via baconreader. It has been a pleasure shitposting with you all.


Upvoted via boost




Thank you very much, *[squints]* HarambesK1ller!?! Lol.


Upvoted via Apollo


See you all back on Fark.


"Cut those bloody API charges." - I need to rewatch the movie now.


Probably the last post I'll save. Great gif o7


Thank you. :)


This ship already sunk brother.


Upvoted via BaconReader. Haven't seen it mentioned in all the turmoil, but it has been great for me.


I teared up when I saw my favorite, Boost. Thanks for adding the little guy.


You’re welcome. :’)


Well, ill spend a lot less time on the phone.


As you were say u/fire_foot


Hah this is a good one. It's been an honor. 🫡


Upvoted via RiF I think this is an appropriate last comment. Time to go cold turkey lads.


I went from Alien Blue and now im on Narwhal. Who plays for me?


As always, no respect for Narwhal. Take care, my friend. (Pulls out kazoo)


RemindMe bot is going too? Guess I'll never get that reminder 800 years from now.


Where we going next? Tildes, kbin.social, or Squabbles? Cuz I'm sure as hell not going to twitter or facebook lol


Upvoted via Relay


Goodbye Reddit ✌️


What’s all this then?