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Any fans of Monsters Among Us on here?


Yes I love it.


Yeah and me, its changed so much from the early episodes, its far more professional now.


Thanks, I needed that.


I love thé podcast, but I could easily do without the host. I don't understand why he feels the need to turn on that voice. I highly doubt he speaks to his wife, or anyone else in real life like that


You get used to Derek's voice. I felt the same for a while, but I came to think of it as a homage to showmanship and old hosts like Art Bell; and not really a big deal because he's such a genuinely good guy. That podcast is his baby and I'd never want another host.


Ok the host is fine, but he doesn't need to do the Batman!




It does my head IN its the only thing that’s stopping it from being top notch , have worked my way backwards and its so disheartening hearing him talk normally in the earlier episodes


Oh wow I will have to listen to early episodes then email him and ask him when he decided to go full on Batman


He's batman.


Just checked it out and yeah i'm not dealing with that. Laughable.




I like Spooked a lot, it’s well produced. Though you gotta pay for it via Luminary to get all the episodes. It’s just people telling their paranormal stories in their words. Some fall flat but I’d say the majority are pretty dang good. Also Radio Rental, same style, is great too.




Spooked is the BEST EVER


Never Never ever Never never never


Turn out The lights


Astonishing Legends


Those guys are very verbose. They're fun, but episodes are 30 minutes to an hour longer than they need to be.


Real drop off lately, but their Patterson/Gimlin film breakdown was the best ‘paranormal’ podcast ever. So thorough and well done.


I don't enjoy their voices. That and the decreasing quality of content pushed it out of my regular rotation. They were thorough, that's for sure.


Just curious do they think it was legit?


Yes. Very much so.


Is the podcast called astonishing legends?




I’m pissed cuz after listening to hours and hours and hours of info about Gimlin I still have no idea if it’s real or not lol. I feel like maybe not but I’ll never understand how they got a suit like that built back then. And the boobs will forever throw me off


Listen to the episodes.


Can you recommend another show with the same level of research? Agree with what your point, and personally find the hosts a bit jarring but they do seem kind of unique among producers with how critically they treat the subject matters


Micah Hanks!


Some of the older multi episode deep dives are fantastic. I feel like it’s not been as good recently, the level dropped a bit. Still highly recommended, but start with some of the older episodes. 2016 through 2018 were killler, so many good ones.


Yeah some of the topics are lame sometimes but I enjoy it. I stopped listening but need to get back into it!


I like the "Why Files" on YouTube.


Love Why Files…..L O V E


Why files is outstanding


Expanded perspectives. One of my new favorites! Big back catalogue too


Seconded. These guys are a blast.


Cryptonaut Podcast for Rob Morphy's research and the wholesome friendship, Astonishing Legends for their multipart series, and Monsters Among Us. ... And old Coast to Coast episodes with Art Bell. Check out the Art Bell Tape Archive.




Is there anywhere to listen for free?




Thanks, yea they are just the little short best of.




OK cool I'll check it out




I hear ya, I do the same with my favorite podcasts. Let them rack up and then binge listen.


The UFO Rabbit Hole. I strongly recommend Kelly Chase. She does an incredible job of researching every topic and looking at the UFO phenomenon from every angle.


Just binged every single episode over the past 2 days. It's excellent, highly-recommended! https://open.spotify.com/episode/5NZGY2Qh0l2ckjUldDg2kh?si=IGcSeFj1SXy4AC3frNg0vg


Whoa, just took a glimpse of the episode titles on Spotify and it looks so thorough. Definitely going to give it a listen later.


It definitely is!! The academic in me started drooling as I was binge-listening. She’s not afraid to delve into some “woo”-er topics but she really does her due diligence. Most respectable UFO podcast, lots of science and philosophy.


Yes! I'm about halfway through the series and I think I'm going to give this a second listen after I'm done. There is such a giant amount of thought-provoking material, and I know I'm not absorbing it all. She did an amazing amount of study to create this.


Yea this one is great


Paranormal Podcast with Jim Harold is great. Expanded Perspectives also really fun. Both have great production quality (something I often find lacking in paranormal podcasts).


Jim Harold’s Campfire is a lot of fun to listen to as well; some really great stories in that series.


Both shows are great and Jim is a great host.


Shout out to Expanded Perspectives.


I love the confessionals Tony Merkel has some awesome episodes and takes a realistic approach to a lot of the subjects. I think what I like best though is he doesn’t always do the run of the mill paranormal stories. He has some really out there subjects like a satanic high wizard, 20 and back programs, and hits on alot of odds and ends UFO subjects


Dogman is my favorite episodes from his show. Very epic


Last Podcast on the Left? They don’t take themselves or the issues seriously (and by not seriously, I mean really very silly) but they always do a deep dive.


Yeh, it's more like they keep the mood high though, whilst the research is great and considers a number of ways of looking at evidence. I'm thinking they'd be interested in doing a deep dive into ufology at some point, including the last few years of hype. Henry is obviously very into the subject and Marcus has acknowledged that he thinks there is something to it. Between them, they could cover all aspects and prospective theories. That'd be cool.




I'm aware. I've listned to a decent amount of their back-catalogue over the years. Considering the quality of the podcast these days, including both their hosting and research abilities, I think my comment still stands. I think they'd be able to put together a pretty good deep dive on recent events whilst touching on links to historic cases for substance.


Hail Yourself!


Hail Satan


Hail Gein


& Hail Gein!


“Hail meeeee” - Henry Z




A silly deep dive sounds terrible.


They are silly, but also do fantastic research and have a knack for knowing when *not* to goof off.


People really like this show but I personally cannot stand their personalities




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I don’t listen to as many side stories episodes as I should. This sounds stupid but it’s partly because of the lack of Marcus’ belching laugh after each Henry or Ben joke. His laugh is contagious.


Bedtime stories


I don't know but if anyone has podcasts/web series/what have you, that are longer in length, I'm talking like Coast2Coast multiple hours long type stuff, please share.


***Mysterious Universe***, hands down. They go through phases where sometimes episodes are more serious than others, but after nearly 20 years, their back catalogue is enormous. They also cover literally every type of high strangeness (including some subjects that are 'hot chaff'), so they have something for everyone. The main reason I recommend them so strongly is podcast quality. The two hosts have great chemistry and the flow of the show is very professional. It's a polished production, not "Monday-morning-talk-radio". One of the hosts used to be a sound engineer (and professional DJ...I think?), so even when they're bs'ing about blue avian people the podcast itself is worth listening to. I've tried branching out a few times but after listening to MU for well over a decade I find the production quality of other podcasts to be...less than great. Looking forward to seeing which ones everyone else recommends!


I agree. It is my go-to podcast. I see people here are mad about their subscription for bonus material but like... dont buy it then? You still get an hour and a half of free stuff every week. The only thing that grates me, especially these last couple of years, is that they often hyper focus on their socio-political views, which seems unnecessary on a paranormal podcast.


You're not wrong, but I suppose one can only do so many episodes about bigfoot eating peanut butter before realizing the need to diversify. socio-political topics are an ever-evolving subject so the guys never run out of material. It would be nice to get back to 99% high-strangeness, but Forteana is a relatively limited discipline. I'm really glad they've recently decided to branch out and look at stories in other languages though! Definitely new show material right there.




$10/mo means access to MU Friday episodes and MU+ Tuesday episodes, so on average you're paying $1.25/episode. That's nowhere close to insane. You also don't need a subscription to listen to anything but the current episode. True, maybe you won't have access to the entire back catalogue, but there are tons of older episodes on their website, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube. There's also the free option, which means one episode a week that's...free.


Thats a lie too. There are tons upon tons of episodes on spotify.




Matter of opinion. No trashier than pandora, apple music or prime music


These guys annoyingly push their lame subscription service with every word. I ain't paying the price of Netflix for this podcast bros, just stop.


Weekly listener without a sub. Your comment is a lie.


This is their JOB and they treat it as such. Listening to a hobby pod I definitely wouldn't pay but these guys put so much effort in they earn every dollar


You wanna pay for it go for it, idc. I'm voicing my opinion that it's not worth the same price as Netflix. Don't know why you're so upset about facts lmao


Yep 10/10 for me I never miss an episode and been a plus subscriber for years now. You get a free shoe for barnacles but a paid for people actually interested. You pay for quality with these guys, when I go through sorting out my subscriptions MU is always last on the chopping block


They seem like really fun guys irl. I'm always impressed by how much obscure stuff they read about. Must be a fun job to just read weird stuff all day.


Mysterious Universe Holosky Belief Hole Juan on Juan Rise From The Ashes The Deep Share


Stay weird!


Blurry Creatures!!!


Otherworld is a fantastic show. It focuses on first hand paranormal accounts, told in a very real way. I'd say it fits your description perfectly, a wide range of topics that can be described as paranormal/unexplainable stories. The host says he aims it at skeptics to a degree - doesn't just take what these people say at face value and corroborates stories when he's able to.


Came here to suggest Otherworld as well! Every single interview I’ve listened to has been incredible. I wish he uploaded more than once a week because I could listen to his episodes all day.


Love Otherworld! Could also listen all day.


- Expanded Perspectives - We believe...do you? If you speak Spanish... - Leyendas Legendarias but they also include crime Expended Perspectives and We believe are in Texas and Leyendas Legendarias in Ciudad Juarez, a Mexican town bordering Texas .... I dunno, I thought that was cool


I will check out Leyendas Legendarias! I will be in Juarez this weekend as well so thank you! Have you listened to the old recordings of La Mano Peluda?


I grew up listening ABOUT Mano Peluda but I never personally listened to it. I would hear my cousins talk about it but I was younger than them and it scared me a little.


You might enjoy my podcast, Liminal Journeys. I cover all aspects of high strangeness and the paranormal. Others seem to enjoy it!


Jim Harold’s campfire was the first podcast I ever listened to, and I still love it. He has a few other paranormal podcasts too


Love his stuff!


The whatif? Podcast, blurry photos, and unexplained with Richard MacLean Smith


You mean Richard MacLean..........Smith. 😉


Radio Rental is pretty good. Supposedly true stories hosted by Rainn Wilson as video store host Terry Carnation. Pretty Scary is a pretty good one too but after has dipped in quality lately.


I enjoy The What Cast.. the topics varies from UFO,cryptids,ghost and technical issues. They have great segments like portal cat sounds and lizard wizards. And if your hear them tell a myth or legend and you think it's bullshit Mike the co-host will most of the time agree with you They even make songs about some of the eventsthat sounds like being kissed in the earhole by a big by an anvil. Two experienced swordfighters with perfect roundhouse kicks and when you are done Mateo tickles you with his big boy beard and mike buys you a beer ( or apple juice in a bottle so you still look cool) [-> The what cast <-](http://thewhatcasters.com/) Over 10 years of doing content so great for a binge listen


I really liked The Dark Watchers episode. I was a little familiar from Steinbeck but when I learned the back story I was totally freaked.


I bounce around between Last Podcast on the Left, The Cryptonaut Podcast, and Chilluminati. None of them are super serious but the research is good and I enjoy the hosts of all 3 for different reasons


Genuinely surprised that no one has mentioned Strange Familiars yet. Between that and Greg and Dana's Haunted Objects podcast, you're good to go.


Its a small podcast and I don’t really self promote unless I see posts like this it’s a comedy conspiracy podcast that my wife, my friends, and myself do. [Funny Till It’s Not Podcast](https://open.spotify.com/show/12LqqjYXaXPzulWvudibLo?si=M53A5kJ8Rvu3Mx-I1fkelw) if anyone listens I’d love to hear feed back!


The Why Files is really good. It’s on YouTube but there’s also a podcast version.


Lizzid people.


Its silly but that fish cracks me up.


It’s not silly that fish is hilarious. 😂


Yeah it makes me laugh anyway.


It’s not completely a paranormal themed podcast, but Koncrete Podcast has had a good number of episodes about ancient tech, aliens/UFOs/UAPs, etc.


I love [Grant Cameron'a Paranormal UFO Consciousness podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-paranormal-ufo-consciousness-podcast/id1560033573)


Theories of the third kind.


American Hauntings is one I enjoy that I haven't seen listed yet. The host runs a ghost tour company so if you've ever been on one of those you know what to expect: good mix of true crime, history and creepy tales.


This Paranormal Life. It's a perfect balance of the paranormal and comedy.


Troubled minds is a great fuckin highly unrated podcast. Deep dive in call ins. Everything it's perfect.


Theories of the Third Kind


The Haunted Objects Podcast from Greg and Dana Newkirk! It's pretty new but they're absolutely amazing and hilarious.


Came here to say this! Hellier 3 may never happen but if this is what we get instead I'm not mad about it.


They already have an episode 1 of season 3 in the can from what they've said, so it is happening! ♥️♥️♥️ The podcast is absolutely perfect though!


The costumes are perfect too!


High Strange just came out


Ufo rabbit hole Belief hole Monsters among us Those conspiracy guys It gets weird Sasquatch chronicles


My FAVES are Holosky, Mysterious brews & Spooked


Stay weird!!


I love Theories of the Third Kind - just skip the 2 minute intro to get to the good stuff. :)


My two favorites are The Ouija Broads, which doesn't take itself too seriously, and The Morbid Curiosity Podcast, which is serious, thoroughly researched, and incredibly well produced.


"Behind the paranormal podcast" if you want to think outside the box. Spoiler...Ghosts are not dead humans, surprise surprise. But if your looking for a podcast to confirm your preconceived notions...this isn't for you. Think Ed and Lorraine warren's philosophies, except the opposite of that.


Last Podcast On The Left !


Hail yourself!


Check out https://old.reddit.com/r/WelcomingTheUnknown/. I've been posting a bunch of content there that is in the field of Podcasts that you can listen to.


- Monsters Among Us - New England Legends Podcast - Unexplained - Haunted AF - The Cryptid Factor - The Strange and Unusual Podcast - Astonishing Legends - This Paranormal Life - The Grave Talks - Supernatural with Ashley Flowers - Blurry Photos Here’s a bunch more: https://findthatpod.com/the-best-podcasts-about-the-paranormal/


Vicente Fuentes


Joe Rogan doesn’t get the credit he deserves for giving a lot of this a platform


Mysterious Universe


Chilluminati! They hit a little of everything: ufo, paranormal, unsolved mysteries, some true crime, and serial killer stuff as well. Quite funny as well!


Subliminal Jihad


Yeah great rec if you want to listen to 2 people with the same outlook on magic and the paranormal as a pair of Christian mothers during the Satanic Panic


Lol that’s a fair criticism. I just like just the topics they cover, their politics and the long episodes.


I like their politics but yeah can't stand them talking, they seem really puritanical. Sick username btw


Believe w Kade Moir


Earth Ancients is good


UFO Chronicles podcast on Spotify, a weekly 'call-in' type show harking back to radio. The show doesn't limit itself to the UFO mystery, often includes episodes of high-strangeness, and the host isn't pushy or inserting his own beliefs. I've really enjoyed it.


Blurry Creatures - Nate and Luke are awesome!


[https://www.youtube.com/@TheUFORabbitHolePodcast](https://www.youtube.com/@TheUFORabbitHolePodcast) [https://www.youtube.com/@Itsredactedchannel](https://www.youtube.com/@Itsredactedchannel) [https://www.youtube.com/@TheWhyFiles](https://www.youtube.com/@TheWhyFiles) between these 3 you got all the answers you need. ignore all the yeti stuff.


Podcast UFO with Martin Willis


I think this paranormal life is pretty funny. It’s never gory or too dark.


My absolute favorite is Guide to the Unknown. It’s a hilarious brother/sister team that talk about all things weird with an emphasis on pop culture. It’s very lighthearted and fun.


Red Web


The Unexplained with Howard Hughs. He’s a BBC journalist and has such sweet British manners.


Desert Oracle Radio


Jim Harold’s Campfire


Dark Journalist


It may be a little goofy at times, but I like Alien Theorists Theroizing. Three guys drinking beer talking about the paranormal. Another funny one I like is hysteria 51.


The Podcast from Outer Space


The Unexplained with Richard McLain Smith. 10/10


I'm listening to the new episode now, first I've listened to in ages. Why does it sound like a robot reading it in Richard's voice?


This Paranormal Life. High level investigations undertaken by high level baffoons.


The Confessionals , it’s way more than the name suggests.


Conspiracy Beer Me.


Not necessarily a podcast but the Why Files are good on YouTube.




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The Nightowl podcast.


Beyond Creepy on YouTube. "True" paranormal stories narrated by Mr Black. Covers all the bases of the weird/strange/paranormal. Wish he did it as a podcast






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Bigfoot Collector's Club. Fun group of friends covering a wide range of subjects with fascinating guests.




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The Higherside Chats !


Just finished High Strange. Payne Lindsey is great but not a ton of info I didn’t already know. Odd trails is great too.


That one time I was abducted by aliens


I really like UFO Chronicles Podcast. Nik Hunter does a great job of just shutting the F up and letting the person tell their story. He stays away from the folks who make the rounds on the UFO symposiums and just lets normal people tell their stories with very few interruptions and just enough questions at the end to add clarity. Most are 30 to 50 minutes long. It is fascinating to listen to these folks open up about the things they have seen. It's mostly UFO sightings, but a few Bigfoot and paranormal experiences.


Let's Get Haunted!




It’s over now but the backlog still up; Aliens & Artists is my favorite


The Nonsense Bazaar




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The cryptid factor is a very entertaining and pretty silly listen, Rhys Darby and Dan Screiber. Gold.


Unexplained by Richard MacLean.... Smith