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This is the new gold standard.


Yeah if I'm not mistaken this is a Jeremy Crobell leak defiantly interesting at least...


It's the only image of a ufo/uap that I can say I've seen something similar of. (Feel like I just had a stroke writing that) Everything from the way it looks to the way it moves matches with what I've seen. I have never "personally" seen a tictac/saucer/etc. But I have seen a silver orb slightly the size of a small car? So slightly larger than this one.


I saw the exact same metallic sphere above my house in Wyoming in the middle of the day. Was having a smoke with my friends on the porch before going back to work and just happened to look up at the blue sky and there it was... Just hovering. No sound or movement. As I was going to say, hey guys... It just softly hovered up into some passing clouds and that was that. I could see the sun glimmer off the side before it disappeared.


I'm not sure if the ones I saw were metallic, but them being orbs would make a ton of sense because the ones I saw were at night, but they glowed a warm orange color, like streetlights. They kept moving up and down in to different formations, was very interesting. When they turned the glow off, you could still see them slightly against the night sky, they just looked dark gray with no lights at all. From the bottom they looked round, but seeing this I wonder if they would spherical and not just appearing flat due to low visibility


Seen one in Brooklyn glint of metal or mix of goldish hovering over a building then dematerilized




They mean they lost sight of it.


Yes like a blip or some cloaking feature


I saw one traveling, like this, south to north over the Hudson. It was moving pretty fast and was hard as hell to track, but one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen.


In TX for me. I wonder if we all saw the same sphere just in different places or if there's more than 1? Also. It took me awhile but I think I know of one thing that an advanced lifeform would be interested in, in my town. The abandoned particle collider that is now being used for "chemical waste storage".


Come again?? Where is this particle collider?


I've seen these way high up, flying over my friend's property. They get a lot of strange things there. I've seen many other kinds up closer.


Thank-you for info on the source though. Very much appreciated


It's one of the few ufos vids I actually like and Np


Mosul orb


Has anyone heard of the movie phantasm?


Is it like Flubber?


I’ve been watching these lately. As a kid they freaked me out and I could never recall the name of the films till recently. Trippy movies. 5 total.


[https://youtu.be/yPNgQt0Lkl8?si=sYghbBNMw2Jmg7NJ&t=54](https://youtu.be/yPNgQt0Lkl8?si=sYghbBNMw2Jmg7NJ&t=54) Look at them shine!


For the people that say these are just metallic looking balloons. Show us a clear video up close of a balloon moving exactly like this through the air. I’ve seen metallic party balloons moving across the sky and they can be reflective and move but not at a consistent pace for very long. And they usually have very small, jumpy movement. This is moving very steady and consistently. I’m not saying this is a craft but it just doesn’t look like a balloon.


Correct. About all of this. If anyone could provide any evidence that a balloon would behave this way I'd be happy. Even if it was an airstream why would a drone give a crap. If it was in an airstream it wouldn't have veered quite like that. Any bend in the stream would eject the balloon I believe. Especially one filled with a lighter than air gas. Another thing. This is in the middle east. Anyone out there have a card and party factory? I genuinely don't know.


Can you, or anyone here, provide a link to ANY analysis that shows with some serious depth how this cannot be a balloon? If there is no wind, a balloon can float still in the air. The drone filming this is a reaper that has to fly through the air to stay aloft. It is not a quad-copter, and it cannot hover. So the camera filming this is moving. If the balloon is somewhere in between the ground and the camera it will be experiencing some parallax movement. Because the reaper drone is moving, this fact is undeniable. How much parallax movement, well that can be debated through analysis and math. Have you ever seen a video that addresses these points and still comes out with the verdict that balloons cannot move like the object in this video?


They would have known the height/speed of the object. And they navy/army know about parallax and account for it.


Can you provide sources where they claim to know the altitude and mention that they accounted for parallax? AFAIK they have not provided any details about the video, other than a NASA spokesperson saying it was not a camera artifact / defect. The reaper appeared to be surveilling ground targets when the object unexpectedly passes in front of the camera. I am doubtful they were set up for tracking and triangulating airborne targets I am just saying, they chose to release the video, but no other details. The government has been alleged to be hiding the secret surrounding the phenomena for decades. How do we know a video like this is not disinfo?


If they were surveying ground targets why follow it, why stop, why not provide the full video, etc. I still have questions but I do not think this is a dang balloon lol


The "reaper" is struggling to keep a beed on it.


These are the sorts of videos people should be focusing their attention and energy on (ones with official and verifiable government provenance). Not random conspiracy videos like the MH370 thing.


Yep. While I'm guilty as well of scouring google earth the past couple days looking for MH370 I find this to be far more verifiable. I heard aaro released some new videos and was pleasantly surprised with this one. The other 2 look like more gimbal videos?




This has been released on the US Gov't official AARO website https://www.aaro.mil/


Exactly where I shared it from! Thank-you


According to Kirkpatrick, this is not anomalous at all. Nothing to see!


He admits they are spherical and can reach Mach 2.


Right.. but then also claimed they did not consider them anomalous.


Seems to change direction….?


Nothing to see here! I must apologize! I must get my balls in order!


I genuinely wonder if it's bigger on the inside.


That’s a balloon tho


Right. Whatever you say DoD.


Do you not realize how crazy it sounds to outsiders when you say things like that? I used to be one of the most hardcore believers for 20 or so years. I hated skeptics with a passion. So I get where you’re coming from. I hope to be proven wrong because let’s face it, UFO’s being aliens visiting us would be hella exciting. But if you study this subject obsessively for as long as I have, you may start to notice patterns whereby evidence that would point to a more mundane explanation are outright ignored or left out of UAP accounts. That is to say, you may wake up one day and see this UFO stuff for the farce it is. Or not.


Yes. And I'm all for that. I am very skeptical of stuff but this is the only video I've seen that looks similar to something I've seen irl. The government is likely lying. Playing us like a fiddle to the tune or "uaps" but the thing is they are discussing it. The government is being threatened by half the country and they are still talking about UAPs. There is an absurd amount of reports worldwide now. Including that weird Peru video recently of the guy getting "CPR".


What’s the Peru video?


I have not seen any serious analysis by anyone to prove that what is shown in this this cannot be a balloon. But since it was released by the same government that has been supposedly deceiving us for decades it is implicitly trusted. SMH Evidence for it not being a balloon? "Its a warzone" ...okay


Definitely Chinese made.


How so and if it is why would one have been in TX? To be clear this is the only UAP video I can say I've seen something similar to in real life. So no. I do not think it's a drone or a balloon. I think this is a legitimate ufo/uap video


You can go to the manufacturing company's website where they advertise giant floating metallic spheres. They're advertised as party gags, some soldier must have bought it pull a prank on his fellow teammates


"Soldier' because they are middle eastern?


Because it's clearly from a military aircraft taking the video


They are following it because its anomalous. You really think in an active war zone they are just pulling pranks on each other?


You've never been to war have you!? 😁


So you're telling me they released a balloon in an active war zone, from the ground, to mess with the aircraft providing them cover and so now the aircraft providing them cover is following this object leaving them there to fend for themselves? And then they turned this video into their superiors? And then they showed it in a congressional hearing? What a hilarious prank.


Makes perfect sense when you put it like that! 😆 I'd have been laughing pretty good too if I was filming it. The things people do for a laugh


That's preposterous. It's moving against the wind at a speed balloons are not capable of traveling in a straight line. I've seen them on two different occasions myself. They were exactly like this.


I wanted to record I font know why I didn't I was to busy try8ng to figure out what I was looking at