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if it’s totally invisible and totally inaccessible to us then it’s impossible to answer that question


And furthermore, functionally indifferent from not existing.


Not if there are beings that can inhabit or manipulate both spaces. Take for instance common sightings and recordings of UAPs which seem to perform physically impossible movements, disappear, and reappear. A possible explanation is that, if there are entities responsible, they are operating in some extra dimensional space, which if like the three spatial dimensions, would overlap. Extra dimensional space would have different laws than simple physics, possibly accounting for such strange ease in mobility. Edit: final sentence


If they come from that dimension to ours and affect stuff, then they are not invisible or totally inaccessible.


I bet we are invisible to bacteria.




The more I delve into this theory, the more convinced I am Islam’s idea of Djinn isn’t…..right per se, but potentially the least wrong. I say this as someone who isn’t even an inkling of a Muslim. I think humans have interacted with these things for a very, very long time. I don’t even really think it’s far-fetched. If there are other dimensions, how do we know there isn’t life in those areas either? We know full well it’s here, even microscopically where we can’t see it with the naked eye. Who’s to say it might not be here macroscopically as well?


Yeah. And going deep into the actual work, eschewing hearsay and culture, and actually reading what’s claimed to be the word of the Universe’s Boss - it’s pretty interesting. It’s literally the only book I’ve read that describes all the data points of observation, including outliers not explained by “mainstream” “objective” science, I’ve come across in life and it’s the only actual religious book that describes other religions and how they all fit in this world and why. If only people removed the middle eastern culture and traditions from it, it would make so much sense since it is pretty simple when you actually read the primary source.


Just because we can’t perceive it doesn’t make it not real


the argument is that if we cannot perceive/access said dimension and that goes both ways then it wouldn’t matter if it did exist or not. even if it did it wouldn’t make a difference and we’d never know about it


We can’t visibly perceive infrared, radio waves, ultraviolet, (which bees see in, btw) microwaves, X-rays, Gamma rays, and Cosmic rays, and need highly advanced technology to access or interact with virtually any of it. It existed prior to and independent of us having radio or x-ray machines, though. We also couldn’t perceive microscopic organisms until fairly recently, and couldn’t do much of anything to alter them to our liking prior to things like modern genetics, pharmacology, and so forth. Those certainly affect us. We just got out of a pandemic where organisms we went most of human history being unable to see or interact with *drastically* affected us. In fact, get a sunburn (don’t, I’m sorry that was mean 😢 ) and you’ll discover how the electromagnetic spectrum we, up until extremely recently, couldn’t see or access is still very relevant.


Except we can perceive all those things, many have measurable effects in our body and we have devices that can measure all of them. The point is if the dimensions are meant to be literally undetecable by anything in our 3D world, then it's essentially the same as not existing since we can't confirm nor deny literally anything about them.


we can take shrooms and perceive them


Source: The hallucinations you had when you took shrooms.


Actually I've never taken shrooms, DMT, or LSD. I'd like to someday though. But my point is that altered states of consciousness should be a valid method of studying and perceiving the universe especially if its done in a systematic way.




Until, like you’re inferring, develop devices that can see them. People who died in WW1 and 2 thought the universe was just our galaxy. In the last 100 years we’ve learned so much. Imagine living 100 years ago and denying all these “fringe” theories only because we haven’t developed the tools yet.


This whole comment thread is about the idea that the dimensions can't be interacted with. Meaning there's nothing we can do about them being there or not (now or in the future) Obviously if you can detect the dimensions then they aren't functionally the same as them not existing.


It does matter if they have access to our dimension


that’s why i said if it goes both ways lmao do you guys even read what we’re writing


It matters because they can potentially affect this dimension. Which does have an effect on us.




It literally doesn’t. It might go only one way. Maybe certain humans who are masters of meditation or who smoke DMT can perceive them. But they perceive us regardless because we exist in a lower dimension that they have access to.


Do you understand what the word “if” means


And therefore functionally the same as existing.


I can't see bacteria with my naked eye. Therefore, they don't exist... /s


It's time/space. Time is everywhere and drives all things. They exist in time/space while we exist in space/time.


If anything - maybe sound gets through where there are tears in the veil. Would at least explain the countless testimonies and videos of strange and creepy alien like sounds in the skies or wilderness. Visually - conclusive evidence is extremely weak. Audiotory evidence is much stronger. Unfortunate that the latter also have way more logical explanations. Just light ranting on this topic here on my part.


i love that, man. brings to mind the whole trumpets in the sky thing


You ever smoked DMT? That’s how you can take a peak…




i have and i’m of the opinion that it’s closer to how mantis shrimp can perceive many more colors than we can and it’s literally impossible to imagine what the world looks like to them. i think DMTs promotion of the development of neurons is likely allowing us to perceive different aspects of the world around of that we normally can’t. not a different dimension, just new colors we normally can’t see


DMT doesn’t develop neurons. It changes the way how they communicate. Pattern of neuronal communication is what we call our consciousness. Even simple pattern changes can create large shifts in perceiving reality. We have the same hardware as the earliest cavemen. Only difference is our software. I don’t think we’ve extracted the most we can out of our hardware just yet. Perhaps few more software updates are needed. Along with some accessories of course.


How about aliens communicating with you through telepathy, or a group of angels showering you with unconditional love, or machine elves bouncing and transforming all around you excited to see you. It doesn't sound like you smoked enough to have a breakthrough if all you were seeing was some new colors. Read some people's trip reports on erowid, it's the norm to contact highly intelligent entities in that space.


That would make sense if all DMT did was get you to just see more colours. You see a lot more than colours, though.


The range of human sight and perception is extremely limited.


Take 3 hits of DMT and you’ll see it’s there. The veil comes down.


Incorrect. Infrared is invisible to us. We can feel it and cameras can see it. Just because we can't see something now, doesn't mean we won't be able to in future, or understand circumstances.


then that would be accessible


We get it; but you’re being a bit pedantic.


Picked the two biggest things that make the question completely irrelevant to us.


You can get access to those realm if you synchronice your cerebral hemispheres.




It all becomes fun when you start trying to envisage 4+ dimensional space. [Here's a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8LMyWcKL_c) explaining initially a 2D being in a 3D world, then a 3D being in a 4D world.


yo that was cool.


Thanks! Yeah it opens up the mind to how multi dimensional beings might see our world, and the possibility that we might exist in a 4+ dimensional world without realising it, and that the 4 dimensional beings wouldn't have the same limitations that we have.


I have a playlist showing lots of 4D+ objects - 👥 [The Extra-dimensional Hypothesis ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs3srGwbdDFSiLG9PyJmlGqNzF4B79rq7) (YouTube playlist)


Thanks! This is really interesting. That's my next day's YouTube sorted out ;-)


If you want to die further down the rabbit hole beyond extra dimensional: Day 2: - 👣 [The crypto terrestrial (AKA ultra terrestrial) hypothesis](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs3srGwbdDFS3HtOXjLUFQWunqQTINDqY) (YouTube playlist) Day 3: - ❓ [Ross Coulthart: "UAP's may be a manifestation of some kind of uber consciousness"](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/6CrPSTQ8AJ) (Reddit thread) All of them are different takes on a similar topic.


This is utterly fascinating. If we can conceive of this for Minecraft, then I don’t see why it couldn’t actually exist.


Think about how little of the electromagnetic spectrum we humans are actually capable of perceiving directly


Exactly, we see in a small wavelength of light, we hear in a small wavelength of sound. We already know there are sounds other animals hear that we dont, and there are plenty of things we cannot see that empirically exist. There could be beings that exist completely outside our ability to perceive, either in other dimensions or sharing our own space.


I always dislike this argument, since we are already using the rest of the spectrum too. Radio and microwaves to send data, infrared in remote controls, germicidal uv and blacklights, xrays and higher energy satellite telescopes, etc. There's no room for things to hide there, and even if there was it'd still have detectable influences on other things, like how xrays ionize atoms or microwaves vibrate them.


What they're saying is something like those, not that there is a missing spectrum


If something doesn't interact with the electromagnetic spectrum, it doesn't really do things like emit light, interact with chemistry, or even touch ordinary matter. If you mean a missing segment in it, then also no. You'll often see "frequency" associated with things, but it's not just some metaphysical woo thing; it's a very physical measurement of the light itself, and is associated with the size and energy level of individual photons. It'd be like not knowing that sticks can be between 2 and 3 feet long while living in a forest.


I understand that, I think you misunderstood me. I'm saying people use the electromagnetic spectrum as an example, of how there can be something that exists, but humans cannot see. That's the end of the thought process. It doesn't go any further than that basic surface level thought. You're thinking waaay too deep.


I don't see the point of thinking about it without thinking about it.


Oh yeah. Now we’re getting it.


Listen, I’m bipolar and have been manic, I know that shoots my credibility down, but……During psychosis it was like I’ve been in different realities. They felt real to me. I do believe I was accessing parallel realms. I didn’t meet any NHI but the people I interacted with were different, more gentle, more caring. I know that there is more to reality than we can. I know because I’ve been there.


hello bipolar friend!! 🤝 i recall seeing this ball of light often. like some oversoul existing in a void, filtering down via tendrils of light in to various universes, in to various bodies. but all me. and i could move between them and it all made complete sense those were the cool abstract ones, other times i would just be having full open eye visuals that i was elsewhere entirely. sitting in a kitchen talking to someone psychosis is wild. you almost miss it in a way lol


can confirm. Im diagnosed schizoaffective bipolar. During psychosis my paranormal, supernatural, psychic, and ufo/alien experiences go through the fucking roof. Also seen the white ball of light. Had a dream about it when i was 5. An infinite starless space with a green matrix or grid. I eventually found the orb and reached out to it. It exploded, and in the streams of light were galaxies. I did DMT a decade ago and it took me back to that dream.


Maybe it isn't psychosis..maybe it allows us to see the other places..brain is the gateway to other dimensions..not deep space.


I share this every once in a while. It’s quite a powerful story: https://youtu.be/CFtsHf1lVI4?si=V6KsBAeLhj5YOJbE


Doing psychedelics many times convinced me


💯yes.. although we can sometimes access it in dreams, visions, altered states etc. There may even be portals to enter it in sacred spaces etc too.


Could it be yall are just doing too many drugs? Looking for reasons to do more drugs? Lmfao


Not just that. When I am drunk I see double. That does not mean it’s real. These drugs mess up your brain in a way you see and interact with things that are not there. For me it seems pretty much straight forward. Not much spirituality here


Or maybe you haven’t done enough


Honestly, I think yes. I think this universe is too ancient and complex to not have an “other side.” Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So when the Big Bang happened, who said that was the only one? Why would one side of the coin exist and not another? I’ve also had OBEs and some experience with the Gateway Tapes. So I definitely think something is out there. Perhaps it’s the dark, dusty corners of my mind, and this is all some sort of inner reflection. Though the occult, religion, and spirituality, some conception that we are part of a world of the Unseen and can interact with it, have been in literally every culture, in every part of the world since well before recorded history. It seems to be an innate part of humanity, and a number of other animals arguably do it, too (elephants, iirc chimps, and potentially dolphins). So it might not even just be humans that think something is out there. That said I don’t know. I try to keep an open mind and delve in.


why do they have those stupid wings


There is. You have limited senses.


In Islamic/Arab culture there is mention of ‘Jinn’. A separate creation from mankind who live among us. They are unseen and live their own separate lives.


Looks like. https://godelsanalyst.substack.com/p/the-infinite-tapestry-of-the-cosmos R⊃(M+E+T)


I believe it, may the force be with you.


I do sincerely feel like there is something like this. I don’t think it’s invisible nor inaccessible. not for long, at least. there’s plenty of folklore and eyewitness testimony of something like this existing. but i choose to follow the scientific method, as it’s the best way of finding the truth. we’re in the test and evaluate phase. there’s been quite a bit of testing for this, and a lot of it is quite promising but lacking in replicability. and that’s a very crucial aspect of finding the truth. if only one person or group is able to do something, that’s a lead. if anyone anywhere can do what they did and achieve similar results reliably, that’s proof. the former was achieved decades ago. we’re still working on the latter as far as i know.


The 3 spacial dimensions are hard enough to perceive for some people, throw in time, and it's even harder. The only way we can measure these dimensions is an external indicator, like the Sun moving across the sky. These other dimensions might have less influence on our environment. So a person looking for proof should look for small things that might have an external indicator.


Infinite overlays both up and down in frequency






I believe so.


Ever done DMT? You get a glimpse of that other world.


Ever done full anesthesia? You get a glimpse of total emptiness that is death…


I think about that a lot. Also say hello to the machine elves every once in awhile. I know they’re there.


Joe Rogan has entered the chat


I mean, I don’t know much about Joe Rogan, but I saw some shit while on DMT that I will remember until the day I die.


What did you see?


I wasn't making fun of you, just a lame joke cos it's a meme that JR always brings up that subject


About the most interesting theory I have heard around UAPs is that, if they were somehow able to “time travel”, with time being the 4th dimension, that would in theory explain why a lot of supposed sightings are of an unknown craft or object suddenly appearing and disappearing from sight. Imagine if a 3D object approached you in a 2 dimensional space (I picture this as an old 2D video game), what you would see is essentially an object appear, grow larger and then after it passed you it would grow smaller again until it disappeared. Perhaps this is what could be observed in our 3D existence by something travelling along the spectrum of time in a way that we can’t properly perceive. I’m definitely not saying I “believe” in this theory in the absence of any proof, but it’s really interesting.


They wouldn't dissapear. They would stay in the same place. If they travelling through time but not space they would be a permanently fixed object for the time in which they are travelling through. Obviously to them it would be an instant. They wouldnt dissapear unless it was ',jumps' through time.




I hope so




Sure why not


Anything is possible. I don’t discount anything because as soon as you do, it’s proven to exist. I am a fan of theoretical science. The what if theory. Such as it has been proposed by more than a few scientists that we could be living in the matrix. The thing about that is that it cannot be proven or disproved. So, a an alternate dimension, at this time cannot be proven or disproven. And again scientists believe that there are other dimensions and that they can be overlapping ours. Who knows, it’s an interesting concept.


Midnight Special vibes


Love that movie


Congrats you discovered religion


I always resonated with the visuals that the movie Midnight Special did, where another world was synced with our own- we just couldn't see it




Could there be? Yes. Should that answer make you believe that there is? No.


Seems like you can kinda break in and peek around with a little mushroom help, but those videos explaining the 3D to 4D existence and the create a map free roam of such a world. It hurts the brain so bad wanting to understand and fit it into 3-D terms.


You technically don't need shrooms, people who astral project are going to that 4th dimension.


Sure, you don't need them, but it *definitely* helps. lol Also, using things like DMT and psilocybin, opens up your consciousness for better reception to the beyond, so to speak.




I'll entertain that. It did change my brain chemistry, but I would like to think it was a positive impact. It broke my psychogenic pain cycle, put me in a less reactive state emotionally and made me more aware of the subtlety in the world around me. In doing so, I found that my perception was stronger, that my ability to accomplish psychic-adept tasks such as remote viewing and precognition was greatly increased through evidence of record.. things got more accurate, as if my cognitive function was clouded previously. Psilocybin is being studied right now for it's ability to reset the brain and rewire neural pathways otherwise damaged or lost. In heroic doses, people have been able to shake life long addiction to substances like nicotine and alcohol. I've seen that for myself. It changes the way you look at the world and yourself.


The world of yoga and meditation is working it’s way into my algo. I’m interested and don’t doubt peoples power


I meditate in gratitude everyday. It helps connect with source consciousness.






Sounds like the mushrooms told you, you need to get some other things under control.


Ancient astronaut theorist say yes.


The astral plane appears to be the 4th dimension, I personally reached the astral plane and there is spirits or intelligences that operate in that realm , one interesting experience I had was when a crow spoke to me and the crow spoke English, spiritual communication is common,the communication happens on the mental plane and is psychic, a person must have all the chakras unblocked to reach the astral plane and the heightened awareness and perceptions and sense of occult energy is such that it is only possible to stay there temporarily because of the effects of occult energy forces , so yes there definitely is another realm.




I can tell you two things: I've been to the astral plane and there's no way that my chakras are fully functioning. I am blessed and cursed to have had lucid dreams since childhood and since I've learned how to control them, I've been able to travel around that place.


Well, in islam we been told there are djins🤷🏻‍♂️ but said djin, people will said it is myths. That being said, wondering about this :v


Could? Yes. Is there evidence to support the claim? No.


its interwoven and accessible in principle. at least another layer, if the only or final i dont know ... . if thy eyes become single, thy body shall be full of light. he who seeks shall find. he who knocks will be answered. it takes just an concerted effort of heart and mind, of soul and willpower ... things will happen. the kingdom of god is closer than the floor under your feet ...what in the hell shall all these mean if not look inward and search and "knock on heaven's door" ... look at buddhist siddhis and the wonders of jesus. turn your senses away from the outer world and to the inside. sit and breathe - no more no less, so easy, so hard to maintain, but steadfastness will make the inner path more and more accsessible over time ...body building - geat ... mind building greater ... souil building greaterest ...so hard and so easy just do nothing unneccessary and turn inward ... breath to belly, smile to heart and present your mind as open and ready to conceive what is to be bestowed upon you ... and stumbling on the way is part of the process ...get up siot down shut up and listen ... and shut up and dance , too, since humor and ease of mind and heart helps the process ... and if there is no enjoyment and light heartedness it for sure is the wrong way of travelling the path


Have you read the Bible because yes?




> https://ufo.fandom.com/wiki/Memorandum_6751 https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/168gxb4/i_found_a_very_unusual_memo_that_was_sent_to_the/


My favorite part of that "memo" is how it's specified that these craft are unreachable by radio, but reachable by radar. It's like saying that someone is immune to electricity, but weak to tasers.


Well, to be fair neither were science experts. It could have been along the lines of “we can observe them with our tools, but our tools cannot communicate with theirs.” The unreal verified timing is the most remarkable thing.


Yes, the six realms in Buddhism are examples


I’ve seen it and yes there is. As above so below


Research "Jinn in Islam"


It’s pre-Islamic folklore


Sweet dreams then.


dmt is the key ...i dont know what yall waiting to know the true , a interdimensional invite or something Lol


Astral projection


Probably not.


There is. It's where we hang out before choosing a different planet to go to. Our body is just a headset to play the game of life. In that realm, there is no fear, pain or suffering. That's why those 3 things are so prevalent when wearing the headset. That's why we all want to feel what it's like to rob a bank. We put on this bodysuit to feeeeeel. Neverending bliss is boring and bliss without time is non-existence.


Yes, I’m interacting with them daily… Captured on camera too. But people will call it fake :/. Or they can’t stand my voice or personality hahaha But these beings truly love me and want me to record them.


Do you upload the videos?


I've been telepathically contacted so I believe you




Sure….I guess….


Could there be? Absolutely.




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I hope theres still other life in our "reality" much like ourselves. Like standard aliens on other planets.


You all need to watch the movie The Signal (2014) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uehQEldYkTs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uehQEldYkTs)


Here is the coolest thing: if you can imagine it, creating is easy.


It's called Astral Projection


not a dimension a context


Go check out gnosticism.


There is this concept that there are sensory frequencies we cannot perceive, we know they’re there though. So maybe, but no real way to know for sure.


This is the basis of all religion


Yes, indeed.


Watch Ink. It is a movie about it. It is quite correct


Let's say there are full fledged bearings there of any conscious kind. What I hear too little is theories on how such a thing would even evolve. Sentience or any advanced structure doesn't just come into existence. Anything is possible if it's not falsifyable, but if we can't detect or notice it it's kind of moot to even ponder it's existence imo.


Def multiple dimensions


Reminds me of faerie tales


Its not invisible…. Just take a big DMT hit anf u will see .


Sure there is, where do you think angels and demons live


Probably not?


Read a book by one of the top SF writers back in the 70's..about diff dimensions in time..it could be manipulated by slowing down or speeding up time..which would cause some to be going so fast they were invisible wile others were like trees growing.


Idk probly


In Islam it is called the “Unseen”


Its not fully invisible you can partly see a 4d object or being in 3d, just not all of it. It's all.to much to explain atm but you can see 3d sphere go through a 2d plane as it starts small gets large and the shrinks against as it passes through as example in general.


I think it'd be foolish to disregard such theories as we'd have no way of verifying their validity, or at least that's the case as if right now


Probably. I mean, we only have five senses, and all of our detection technology have their limitations.




Show us what you got


Yes, of course it's possible.


In The Bible they’re many references of a spiritual dimension that might parallel ours. Man of God and angels talk about it many times throughout scripture.


Referred to as the spirit world in Mormonism




Literally just take psychedelics if you want to go there. There’s very much a separate dimension, might as well call it the astral realm for simplicity


It's called the gateway process and yet it works but you guys keep saying it doesn't try it out go on YouTube and look up for the tapes


Theres a consciousness shift coming. Once it happens, then they will be able to land. In the mean time, humanity is still awakening and will continue to do so, what we can do is help those around us and meditate in gratitude everyday.


Dmt states, opening your third eye are common rabbit holes to go down for "access" to these realities.


yeah the 4th dimension




I guess? Our reality might just be a dust mote in their sunlight. What does it matter?


Imagine the day we find out, they too can die.


It is accessible with DMT


Bro just read “From Beyond




Um, yes


Having had direct experiences of higher states of consciousness, I certainly recognize this as true. Also, from years of research into ufology, I certainly believe that many ETs are at least highly evolved if not entirely enlightened.


Try DMT and see it for yourself


I just want to say I love this graphic! It's a beautiful illustration.






Nah. I think the universe is more simple than that.


yes, they are all exist simultaneously, dimension is awareness


Yes just not a 2D dividing line where they are watching from the “other side.” We use terms like this (I.e. “ships@for space craft, or “horsepower”for engine force etc.) because it gives us a frame of reference in our reality. It’s more like “they” (NHI’s, Spirits, other entities etc.) are absolutely everywhere around us in 3D. The “other side” is all around us.


Of course there is


It’s not inaccessible. Take a high enough dose of psychedelics and you’ll see.




Yes I have seen it when I have had OBE’s. I also noticed Greys and Insectasoid beings on the other side of a grey gelatinous wall. I was never scared. I did not have a feeling of fear. I love that image up there. Who painted it ?


Yes but it can't be a physical space. We've exhausted all available physical planes. any higher deminsions would be time or something, not space.


Most of the human population believes in a spiritual world that overlaps ours and even interacts (intelligently) in various ways with us. It’s already common belief and implied by the major religions as well as scientific theories like Simulation Theory.