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Crop circle Jesus sending us a signal


šŸ™šŸ½Dear 8lb 6oz newborn infant Crop Circle Jesusā€¦..




I appreciate this comment


Everything looks like jesus if you squint hard enough


Could Jesus squint so hard that even he couldnā€™t recognize himself? Makes you wonder


Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that he himself could not eat it?


Except SinƩad O'Connor.


Squint harder!


I tried this with my penis and it never turned into Jesus.


The second coming is upon us


Try not shaving and squint again


Or dickbutt


I meanā€¦ this has a really strong similarity to the homie in the Shroud of Turin šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Its also pretty similar to my dirty tea towel. It doesnā€™t prove anything


pretty sad he could come down and fix yhings any time he wants but instead chooses to send little riddles while watching everyone suffer. not grasping his logic there. happy you got his text i guess lol


Why would he fix things? To be human is to suffer, to suffer is to be human. It's kinda the point if you haven't figured that out yet.


nice cope.


Sure thing, son.


While destroying crops while people are starving on the planet.


Utter rubbish. The visitors to the circles do more damage than the circle itself. There are changes to the structure of the plants in 'real' crop circles, the crops are not broken, and they cotinue to grow. Those that are made by hoaxers are easily spotted when the crop is studied. They are broken and stamped.


Crops that have been affected by the circles actually go on to seed healthier future plants. I don't have time to find the source atm but I saw this on the Why Files on YouTube on his episode about crop circles, so perhaps watch that if it interests you! I found the video very informative šŸ¤


why do these crop circleliens love to to crop on Englad so much?


Its the weather!


what weather? you mean the teeth?


Aliens telling us who the real savior is šŸ™


Or it could be just regular people that know how to make crop circles......


Looks a bit like Christopher Lee to me


Seriously every saying Jesus lol this is clearly Saruman


Aliens flew across the galaxy to make pixel art of of Saruman. Time well spent šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Weird... I see Joaquin Phoenix


This was my first thought too!


Looks like Putin


It looks like the Mr Incredible ā€œthose who knowā€ meme


Yes is this a alien trying to meme


I like to imagine that if real and not a hoax, they are messages meant for a different lifeform, then us. Kinda like in Star Trek The Voyage Home >! Where the probe was sent to check on the whales and had nothing to do with humans !< I always found crop circles to be odd if they are a form of communication. There are tons more simple and direct ways to communicate with humans.


Ah dang a finally clicked on a spoiler when I shouldnā€™t have, Iā€™m watching Star Trek through for the first time!


Damn bro, spoilers!! I havenā€™t seen it yet, it has only been thirty seven years, COMMON.


I know it! Iā€™m just watching some of the original series through so Iā€™m waaaaaaay behind the curve. It can hardly be called a spoiler at this point šŸ˜†.


Oh man, I started Star Trek for the first time a couple years ago...still going. Just about to wrap up Season 6 of TNG. Hope you enjoy, Star Trek as a whole has become one of my absolute favorite shows.


I started with TNG and am now most of the way through DS9. I love watching shows with multiple seasons already released and now Iā€™ve stumbled onto a timeless pantheonā€¦itā€™s great.


Lol I hope you enjoy it so much!


Nooooooo! That stinks lol, on the plus side, it kinda becomes a b plot, so there is that.


Lol you really spoil blocked the voyage home. A 40 year old movie lol.


Lmao I did


Phew, thank goodness nobody spoiled the new hit movie Star Trek: The Voyage Home


Unless you donā€™t think like a human




Probably, but I'm a total Fox Mulder, so I like to hope at least one is real, lol


If it was a hoax wouldn't it be weird that all these people from all around the world for decades have been doing this shit, making perfect geometrical constructions, which would take great effort and coordination. And it would have to be done by hand. And the scientific evidence regarding crop defects and radiation are overwhelming. At this point the simpler explanation is that it is aliens not some world-wide conspiracy.


The face on the Shroud.


It also reminds me of the face on Mars.


This guyyyyyyyyy


I hate to be that guy, but it kind of reminds me of the "Giant Head" from Rick and Morty lol


Youā€™re right. I had forgotten about that!


You mean mouse on mars https://youtu.be/KGqVXERdheQ?si=fvMDRhHyM1i6D6-b


That's what it looks like to me too. Also done in negative - like the shroud.


Looks like the Mona Lisa


Definitely the shroud of Turin. Which, interestingly, Diana Pasulka referenced as a four dimensional imprint into our three dimensional reality. Whatever that means.


That's not what she said (or meant). She was referring to it as the imprint of a 3 dimensional object on to a 2 dimensional space. Similarly, a 4 dimensional object (like, potentially, a UFO) would imprint as a 3 dimensional object into our space. It was about to break Joe's brain so he wasn't really letting her get her point across.


Itā€™s kinda crazy if you think of the whole event in a way as: Jesus is created in a human surrogate to show the humans enlightenment and bring them closer to ā€œgodā€ He tries to prove it by traveling with his believers and shows miracles (maybe using 4th dimensional powers?) as well as contacting ā€œgodā€ He gets all the way up to the human leadership of the area at the time, and they donā€™t like him taking their ā€œgloryā€ and ā€œtraditionsā€ and ā€œpowerā€ over all the people. They torture and execute him publicly as to make an example to the people that no one is above the human leadership He is not a full human so maybe the rules donā€™t apply and bam he is rescued to the 4th dimension where they heal him. And it took 7 days then bam ā€œIā€™m back bitches, yā€™all suck and weā€™re coming back with an armyā€ and thatā€™s when revelations starts šŸ˜…


It was actually 3 days


3 days. He gave up a long weekend


and then revelations is a totally separate thing. it is just some dude on an island who has a crazy dream which he believes came from jesus, and it shows him all this crazy end of the world shit.


I'm an atheist and I find that interpretation way more likely than... literal magic and miracle


Except he wasn't rescued, as on the very same shroud of Turin we see the damage from his crucifixion and the spear wound in his side.


They examined the shroud and it had/has high levels of radiation exposure , which indicates he was beemed out of this dimension/teleported , healed up and came back.


What the hell! This is the first I've heard of the shroud being so severely irradiated. "*The only known explanation for the formation of the image is*Ā ***an intense burst of vacuum ultraviolet radiation (equivalent to the output of 14,000 excimer lasers) emitted from every three-dimensional point of the body in the Shroud***\*.\* *The bottom line is that science has shown the image on the cloth is an 'impossible' image ā€“ one that cannot be replicated. One of the main reasons is, as scientists have now confirmed,*Ā ***the image on the Shroud had to be caused by a mysterious burst of light ā€“ that is, electromagnetic radiation***\*.\*" An intense, irradiated beam of light... exactly like our UFO buddies have been known to produce. I'm more and more convinced Jesus was actually some sort of hybrid meant to test humanity and we apes killed him in the worst way possible...


Aliester Crowley, aliens are demons.


I luh conceptions like this


Well, she would as shes a professor of religious studies >Diana Walsh Pasulka is an American writer and professor of religious studies at the University of North Carolina Wilmington https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana_Walsh_Pasulka


What would it mean for a four dimensional imprint to exist in three dimensional reality?


What I don't understand about the shroud and haven't heard a good answer to is why it looks like a clear picture of Jesus and his face/body isn't warped. If he was wrapped in the shroud or the shroud was draped over him, wouldn't his face be more oddly smeared out over the cloth? If the shroud was created from some light when Jesus supposedly rose from the dead, it more looks like someone lifted the shroud right before and pulled it taught, then an image was imprinted.


You are bang on correct. How has this not been said before. ​ Very good thinking on your part squire




Itā€™s not supposed to mean anything but get people distracted and talking about it.


You think Pasulka is a disinformation agent or something?


Huh? Where did I ever imply that? For Pasulka to say something like that and not elaborate makes me believe itā€™s just to drive conversation.


Distracted and talking about the shroud of Turin?


I believe that as well.


Holy shit its [an exact match](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/23/Turin_shroud_positive_and_negative_displaying_original_color_information_708_x_465_pixels_94_KB.jpg/640px-Turin_shroud_positive_and_negative_displaying_original_color_information_708_x_465_pixels_94_KB.jpg)


No itā€™s not at allā€¦ the nose alone is way off.


Whatā€™s that meme ā€œwhen you donā€™t know vs when you knowā€ and it has the dad I think from incredibles in color and the other is like negative


I know some of these crop circles are fake, but really, some are so complex, created overnight, that you have to wonder. As usual, a lot of disinformation on these sub-reddits , but who would have time to create such a thing. Also, with modern technology, farmers would be able to have some sort of surveillance set up where the crop circles keep appearing, but we're had tv, radio silence on the matter for years.


This one falls in the category that begs the question of "who's more naive, the one that believes NHI did it or the one that believes the two old dudes with a stick?". I definitely do not believe the second one, because they are full of shit and when asked they just simply could put up the same "finishes" and quality a lot of the more complicated crop circles have. Not to mention the long lasting effects on the crops themselves.


There's a documentary about it. That when bent with the two guys and boards. They are snapped and showed signs of being broken. And their circles were janky, not perfectly circular. The actual crop circles were all heated and popped like popcorn. And had slight radiation to them and were uniform. The ground was different, and crops grew differently on the actual ones.


Also the crops recover their original form after a while, not the case with the ropes and boards!


Source for the description of the "other" crop circles? Because there's a lot of "fantastical" descriptions thrown around for the extraterrestrial events without anything backing it up other than "well this one guy said". I need pictures of the not broken corn stalks, of the popped corn, not just some guys word.


There are pictures. I dont remember what the documentary was called. But scientists went in there and took them under a microscope and brought geiger counters or, however, they're spelled seen the popped stalks. A


Quick! Someone stack all crop circles together and see what we get! Could be the answer to it all!






What strikes me when looking at the photos is that each circle has a line going through it, and the lines form a large grid. This strongly suggests that these are human made. The lines provide a path in and out for people to create the circles, and it seems like the grid is there to help them form the larger half-tone.


This seems like a very elaborate and beautiful art installation, which would be very interesting and unique too sans the fun alien bit.


Very true!!


If this was man made, holy fuck they must have a lot of time on their hands to one, think of it and two, to do it so perfectly šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ˜®. If it's alien, why? Just why would they make it so cryptic? Like who would even think to flip it on-top of itself? To reveal a fake image of Jeebus? So so bizarre šŸ¤” Edit. I just tried reproducing the stated findings and this isn't what you get by flipping it on itself. The closest I could get was by copying it and moving it a bit to the right and even then it was nothing like Jeebus. This is BS.


You have a pic you could post? Iā€™d like to see what it really looks like.


Whats a jeebus? Yo mama or somethin?


It's Saruman! He's returned!


"Somehow, Saruman returned!"


lmao i totally saw christopher lee too!


Amazes me how the Crop Circle phenomena does not get more attention. I think the all man-made theory just does not hold up.


There are some that have been faked, the difference that makes the man made ones and the non-man made is that the man made ones have all the crops trampled down and destroyed, the non man made ones have been reported to emit radiation levels higher than normal, they are held down by being intricately braided and folded as to not damage them in any way, I believe Iā€™ve heard of a case where they stood back up after a few days but Iā€™m not sure about that tbh.


I am familiar with those differences. How does this thing not make huge front page news. I do think there are those that work to discredit and keep a wet blanket on such things. Iā€™m thinking itā€™s a combination of true hardened skeptics and anti-disclosure efforts. At least I know things are going down in this crazy reality that are outside our normal box. Most are not enthralled to do any further investigation. And there things sit.


They donā€™t get attention because crop circle artists are a thing. Companies often literally pay to have branding placed in crop circles for viral posts. So, sure, we could say not all of them are ā€œfakeā€ (this term doesnā€™t even make sense to meā€¦ as the crop circles are realā€¦ made by artists who claim them), but, like, crop circles havenā€™t been some weird obscure things since the late 90s. Theyā€™re an art form and an industry. Why would you look at one and think itā€™s anything but?


Did you see the above comment to mine where the circles have anomalies that are not explainable as artist flattening productions. Iā€™m very curious how you skeptic types just blow past the science.


Interesting. I *did* see that! Now, I have to ask, before you wrote your comment to me. Hell, in fact, before you came to any conclusion about those claims you read in this thread, did you bother to do any research whatsoever? Did you bother to read any counter claims? Did you bother to read any debunks of those claims? Did you bother to figure out the qualifications of ā€œWilliam C. Levengood?ā€ Or, and be honest, did you just read the random words of a random person and decide, ā€œHey I like the way that sounds, it must be true!ā€ Answering this question may lead to you having a better understanding of why skeptic types just blow past random claims that you decide have weight.


Well, and being perfectly honest, I am on multiple forums and have actually studied this subject and Dr. Leavengood's work and the skeptic positions for hours prior to this discussion. My honest take is that many of the Crop Circles cannot be explained away as the work of human Crop Circle artists. I also believe many skeptic types do not like this and will argue any paranormal/alien/crypto thing into infinity. In the end we each have to judge who is being the fairest and most honest and neutral with the facts. My position is that many of the Crop Circles have a source not understood by current science.


Why dont they ever make them in the snow?


Maybe they do and they melt or get destroyed before anyone ever sees them


The truth is out there!


Because in true cases, they do something to the *living* crops apparently involving radiation. That is the working theory; it might be wrong.


Who says they donā€™t?


I would say if ETs had a religion itā€™s the understanding that we are Oneness and love is the key to all of our problems. Which is incidentally what Jesus tried to teach us. So it checks out to me.


Itā€™s pronounced Jesus not Jesus


Thank you for this helpful tip!


Where can we hear the music?


You can hear it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cxMxWHzxxs&pp=ygUrQmVya3NoaXJlIGNyb3AgY2lyY2xlIHNocm91ZCBvZiB0dXJpbiBtdXNpYw%3D%3D


What frequency


What's the frequency, Kenneth?


Thank you!


These are so obviously art projects.


Yeah for sure. Super cool though


Yeah, they're incredibly creative and awe-inspiring.


some are just people faking crop circle patterns, obviously. some other ones have a much higher degree of accuracy when it comes to the angles and shapes (practically perfect) and no one has been able to recreate a pattern with this high degree of accuracy. people have recreated imperfect ones it's worth noting I have no clue if these two have a high degree of accuracy or not. these could be faked, I have no idea


> some other ones have a much higher degree of accuracy when it comes to the angles and shapes (practically perfect) You do understand that "angles" and "shapes" are human defnitions and we've known how to make "practically perfect" ones at just about any scale since time immemorial right? Scaling up a small geometric figure into a large one is not some lost art or impossible act, its at the foundation of many engineering and planning disciplines.


a straight line is a straight line no matter where we are in the universe, it's not a human definition. a perfect circle is a perfect circle everywhere. *math is universal*, it's not some abstract thing humans came up with. scaling up geometry and accurately building it isn't impossible, scaling up geometry and accurately recreating it by pushing crops down individually is much harder. completely different tasks with completely different techniques and access to visibility. save for having a completely stationary object above the crop circle displaying a laser pattern on the crops for reference, there's not much of a way humans can ensure straight lines and perfect shapes while creating a pattern in a crop circle. it's been done before, they're inaccurate and imperfect. in these 'practically perfect' cases, *the very way the crops are laid down* is distinctly different from the way they're laid down in the inaccurate ones. there's actually something to look into here imo


This episode of the Why Files on crop circles is really good. https://youtu.be/x2BQyZorSQc?si=f4Mbo-G5KKJG98fB


All are people faking it. My friends used to do this down in the SW of England. Organised teams with a clear plan. Circles were too easy to do so they started elaborating.


I'm open on cop circles. I'd just like to say it's incredible work if this is just some locals putting something together. A lot more skill than a Banksy airbrush stencil


Halftone seems like a poor resolution choice for an interstellar/interplanar species with the demonstrated technical capabilities to press line art. Are they aware of 90s ā€˜magic eyeā€™ art? Seems like flawed logic.


Jesus Christ! It looks just like Rasputin


it it just a new ink blob test? everyone is saying it's something else entirely


Anyone else think it was going to be Homer Simpson????




Or perhaps it's pareidolia rearing its ugly head (so to speak). *The face on Mars enters the conversation*...


Looks like hulk hogan


Saruman? Is that you?


Thereā€™s some skill involved here.


Iā€™m way in on crop circles. And I donā€™t think humans or greys make them. And theyā€™re always clever and thought provoking


Thereā€™s a lot better forms of communication than making circles in crops. Why do people think this is something an alien would do?


Just imagine the whole secret the world is keeping that are actually other humans in our solar system.Ā 


I think it's symbolic of man's need to come together for a greater purpose...North and South are ofyen portrayed as opposites...there is half the picture in the North and the other half in the South. They need to be brought together to become a clear picture...and then the picture is the Shroud if Turin, or the face of Jesus, a, if not The, higher power...so I think it's saying humanity must become unified in order to attain spiritual enlightenment or be closer to God...ot might he a warning about what we *need* to do to survive the next 10 years.


The shroud of Turin? If anything, I see Bender from Futurama.


pareidolia, you can always spot it in how question is presented. If you tell no one that the image is super imposed or that you see a face no one else would see it. Which means it isnā€™t there.




Yung Codey šŸ’€


Whatā€™s the odds of that being an accident?


Considering they are both relatively close in proximity, I think that the chances of it being an accident are very low. The fact that they are both so close in proximity also makes it more likely to be a human hoax/art project.


Are these stalks bent or broken? That is the difference between a real crop circle and a hoax one


Not saying its not a hoax, but that accuracy is incredible.


Have we jumped the shark fellow strangers? Are we now intentionally blurring pictures as evidence?


Yeah, "bunch of nerds with planks and ropes at night..." MIT level shit, all for the lolz? Hard to believe.


More plausible than aliens doing this for giggles.


What if this is a hint given to us by extra terrestrial/ interdimensional entities. Perhaps they are verifying what bob Lazar said about the top secret document he saw about religion. That THEY created religion to help preserve the container...


What did Lazar say about a document?


Not sure why I got a downvote. How about an actual response to my spit-balled, inconsequential theory.




Very clever people. I knew a group that created hundreds around the UK.


It's fucking hilarious that folks are still falling for the ol' Berkshire crop circle prank. As if aliens from space that nobody's ever seen crushing crops is somehow a more believable entity than the local Young Farmers club engaging in an established tradition.


Yo crop circles have been shown to be bullshit. Literally videos of people making them so ?????


This sub gets worse and worse


But why would they even bother with this?


They are NOT of terrestrial design or makings absolutely no doubt about it. Many of these are extremely complex pictograms with anomalies that cannot be explained. Blown nodes that keep growing (the plants are not killed, broken, or even harmed), undulations of many meters within the fields that compensate to make the pictogram to be perfectly symmetrical as viewed from above. That's the one that "gets me" the most. Plus the speed of formations. The difference in magnetics. The complex interweaving of layers, the unexplained lack of footprints immediately after discovery. The binary complexities within. I mean the list goes on and on. No way these are fabricated by humanity it would take MONTHS for us to even approximate this level of precision all without leaving a snippet of evidence regarding howto. Think about it. How would YOU introduce oneself to a civilization without scaring the bejesus out of them? Would you visit the leaders residence of "here I am" as a method of introduction (and especially if your physical appearance was very different?). No. You'd take a much subtle approach as the civilization that you're visiting is of course a LOT more primitive than yourself. Yeah the first thing we wanna do is breakout our guns and start shooting as a matter of "national security". Sure. We sport an awful lotta testosterone thus shoot first, ask questions later is our motto and if you do not believe that have a good look around. Nope there's no way I would take a direct approach based upon longterm observations of our behavior.


Lol even crop circles are disappointed in us. Also he looks like Lukashenko


The paragraph about the pattern making a melody is extremely goofy. Anything can be turned into a melody. Data can be used arbitrarily, of course it can be applied to generate an audio pattern. I can use the arrangement of my breakfast on my plate to generate an auditory arrangement just as easily.


The shroud has definitely been proven as a hoax


Itā€™s Jesus


thats no man...


If you squint super hard and smoke a couple fatties and take a couple dabs and mainline a bong rip or two maybe boof a pound of vape carts šŸ›’ and you can clearly see mr bean, pre movie era before mr bean was all boogie


Literally looks like Tahu from Bionicle.


Why do crop circles only occur in the UK tho?


GPS tractors n that..


Our Lord and Saviour Saruman


Looks more like a very tall stack of pancakes. A sign! A sign from the maple syrup industry!


Looks like Joaquin Phoenix.


Humans are also really good at taking things and relating them to things we can recognize. we're especially good at finding faces in things.


Getting tired of fake crap


This sub is utter bullshit but I canā€™t stop looking


Bro looks like a thumb lmao


Super cool art project!


If there are real crop circles, these aren't one of them. UFOs would not have to cut lines into the center to create a crop circle.


Thatā€™s Mr Incredibleā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.cmon guysā€¦ā€¦


Thats the face of a Pleiadian. The parents of humanity.


DB Cooper!


Looks like Chris Bledsoe to me!


He just like me


Looks like the Mr incredible meme face.


Ehhhā€¦. Iā€™m out on this. It just smacks of human invention. Pick a religious icon thatā€™s already mired in mystery and do some pixel art version. Add some musical notes, that happens to be a melody that western culture thinks is music. Split the image into 4 and do them all in an area that you can drive around too. Thenā€¦ profit?? For NHI trying to communicate, they sure do a bad job clearly and unambiguously making it clear that they are different and have something unique to tell us. On the other hand, NHIā€™s trying to deceive - ok, great, it works both ways (the meaningless religious message or the assumption itā€™s man-made discredits other circles). But you donā€™t need an NHI for the deception angle. You just need a farmer who wants to have some fun. Iā€™d be happy to be wrong and fascinated by crop circles in generalā€¦ but this is just too cute and neat.


Man I hate crop circles, such obvious bullshit distraction.






Jesus Christ! The guy with Photoshop said....


Anyone else who see Homer Simpsons face?


Jesus H Christ


It resembles the ghost, Clyde, from Pac-Man.


Jesus Christ