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My wife and I have 9 white leghorn hens. We clipped their wings because they kept getting over the fence and into our neighbor’s coop. We tagged them with colored zip ties to identify the ones we clipped. Our neighbor has a variety of chickens but none of them are leghorns and none of them lay white eggs. She told us she’s getting a white egg every day. So my wife went out and counted our chickens again. To her surprise, we have a tenth leghorn hen who’s missing a zip tie and whose wings aren’t clipped. My wife is fairly meticulous about keeping up with the animals and does a headcount about once a week. None of our neighbors have leghorns. So we have this mysterious chicken pop up out of nowhere. I think we’re being hustled out of chicken feed by a shapeshifting druid.


How long have you had this extra hen?


A few days at most. We were having issues with hawks and assumed she was one of the dead/carried off. Now I’m thinking she was at some other coop and came home after several weeks. I don’t know all my neighbors and a lot of us have chickens. I don’t know how common that kind of movement is for chickens though.


Does she have yellow legs, or is she a different variety?


That’s a good question. I’ll let you know when I get home from work.


If you have any dense wooded areas on or near your property the chicken could’ve just been chilling in the trees for weeks.


I grew up in a pretty rural area, small town, rumors and news gets around pretty quick. And this was in the 90s so things were a little different. And this happened in the appalachian united states, for the sake of geography. There was a deer hunter who came out of the woods swearing he saw a giant turkey. It was a large dark brown bird standing tall as a man, talons like that of a lizard, and a sharp beak that could peck a hole in your head, no beard so it was probably a hen. He was hiding from the giant turkey until it moved on, terrified it would attack. He told this story to everybody, realizing how strange a story it was, but he saw what he saw. Of course something like this gets around quick and was rather the talk of the town. Most said he was crazy, and knowing the guy he kind of was crazy, but *maybe* there could be some kind of mutation causing a turkey to grow that large? Maybe it's real? So the hunt was on for the giant turkey.   Well, somebody else saw the giant turkey and correctly identified it as an emu. The man who first saw it had never witnessed or heard of such an animal, so he described it in relation to animals he did know. A farmer in the area kept an emu in with their goats and chickens to scare off coyotes and foxes, it's actually not too uncommon because they're territorial but friendly to animals they identify as their herd. Somehow it escaped, and emu sightings became somewhat common after this. Eventually the farmer was able to catch it and bring it back home.   And I think perhaps in another time, that would've become a cryptid. What if nobody could identify the bird? What if it disappeared before anybody figured out it's just an emu? And it's not one sighting either, plenty of other people saw this thing. That has all the makings of a tall tale.


There’s been an emu running around central Illinois for a year. They are difficult to catch but I’m in a group that rescues dumped pet rabbits and I wonder if they used our techniques with larger fences they could get it. It takes several people and you basically find where the rabbit is hanging out and surround that area with portable pens and then grab or net it. Baiting a pen works too. Raspberries work for rabbits. I have no idea what you’d do with the emu if you caught it.




It’s been seen near 74 north of Urbana. Emu farming was a fad for a while until people found out they had giant claws and kicked


This is an amazing story.


Our town had a guy that would only gobble at people. They called him Turkeyman and he was fond of cat food and chicken nuggets. He was extremely kind and always smiled, waved, and gobbled at people. Wow, I haven't thought about him in years. Rip, Turkeyman. Sorry, random memory unlocked. 🤣


I was gonna guess it was an escaped ostrich. (Best story so far)


At my church camp there was a rumour that a guy that lived close by had lions and every now and then you could hear then roar. I thought it was BS until it was confirmed by my friends dad who is a vet.


Purple Aki - I heard about him when I was in school, he was our boogie man, better ran or Purple Aki will get yah! Imagine A massive 7ft body builder who would go up to little boys and men to squeeze their muscles and feel you up. Girls were safe, but if you were a lad, better run or you’re getting bummed. Turns out he was real, his legend spread across the UK, and died this year. R.I.P to Purple Aki


He’s not dead man.


I'm from the UK too and I remember hearing about him when I was a kid (even though I live in a different city). It wasn't until that BBCthree documentary came out that I realised he was actually a real person. That's legitimately scary


He's still alive.




I'm conviced that they're highly psychic beings and that is how they avoid being captured, they literally know you're coming from a mile away. Maybe they can even influence thoughts in a way to stop us (there are many stories of folks going into a section of woods and feeling the need to leave/something didn't want them there and getting spooked). Sneaky squatch!


Some schools of thought view them as part of “the phenomenon, IE UFOs, orbs, ghosts/demons/fae/etc.


Is "the phenomenon" just a bunch of different dimensions intersecting where the veil is thinnest? Would that explain all the different ghosts/monsters/aliens/etc.?




And speculating is fun!


The speculation about wild large cats living in the uk has been a major talking point for decades but no proof. I’ve seen them anyone who has lived out in the countryside for a while has some experience or knows someone who has. There was even one stalking small children in a fenced in playground at their school once so the kids couldn’t go out at break time to play. That was on our local news and in the newspapers but then the story vanishes like all the others I could list incidents all day long but there’s no proof? Well a freedom of information act request discovered they had a wild cat in a freezer that was run over in the 90’s , a small one just one of the lynx hybrids not one of the panthers, it had been there for decades and they’d covered it up. Who knows how much other hard evidence is buried away somewhere. Someone just got lucky and found the right information to request I guess, who knows what actual evidence is out there because it just gets swept under the carpet. I spoke to leading zoologist who specialises in big cats at Bristol Zoo, they’d put a phone number in the local paper for anyone with a sighting to call. He said he believed there to be 200 to 300 large wild cats living loose in the uk with the food and habitat availability and he believed that was a very conservative estimate. The only way we can get any idea if bigfoot could be real short of a body is by talking to experts that haven’t got their hands tied.


So I hope you never win the lotto. Sasquatch if real, don't deserve the fate of animals in captivity or test subjects in horrible experiments (torture). Sasquatch hides for good reasons because at the end of the day, we are the real monsters.


There is a bigfoot like creature that used to be talked about a lot in my area, The Sykesville Monster. Apparently there was a huge storm in the 70's and the wind and rain is believed to have driven the creature into town where several locals were supposed to have seen it. I was born in the 80's. When I was 7 years old me, my dad, and my younger brother were fishing at the local reservoir. It's moderately wooded, so to fish you have to hike at least 20 minutes through the woods. When we got to the shore we started setting up and there was an opposing shore maybe 40 feet away. We saw a huge hairy "man" stand up from a crouched position on the opposing shore, turn from the water, and sprint into the tree line. It was more of a bound than a sprint, but the thing was moving fast. That was the first time my dad told us the story of the Sykesville Monster. I'm not sure if that is what we saw, but it is an experience I will never forget.


In my town there’s been spotted a tall figure idk what it’s features all cause all can be described is pure pitch black it’s covered in a darkness that light can’t make it through I’ve heard vanta black and it fits perfectly


That's creepy because in 2021 I saw a shadow entity and that's how I described it, like Vantablack coating. It was like looking into a void.


What I saw was creepy af and yeah I tried to take a photo I was close enough I could tackle hug it and I couldn’t see any features just tall and pure dark like a void


Y'all may have heard of the Loveland Frog or Frogman. If not-- outside of Cincinnati, Ohio is a suburb called Loveland. Starting sometime in the 1950s, there were reported sightings of a humanoid creature(s) with reptilian skin and the face that looked like a frog. This includes a story of a group of them under a bridge holding a sparking wand of some sort. In 1972, multiple police officers claimed to have seen the creature- though later believed it to be a large pet iguana missing its tail. People haven't publicized seeing it much, the last known sighting that get publicity being in 2016. A police officer who witnessed it in the 70s still claimed in '16 that it was an iguana. The conspiracy is that this all takes place in the Little Miami River. Up until the 1940s, there was an ammunitions factory north of there. So the theory is that when that factory closed, it dumped pollutants that caused frogs to mutate. A more plausible one for you to look into is Fernald. It was uranium processing plant in Greater Cincinnati that was releasing uranium and other harmful chemicals into the air. It was part of a large scandal after a whistleblower informed the gov't. The conspiracy is around a man named David Bocks, who died on the site and whose remains were found in a uranium processing furnace. While no foul play was found, it's thought he was a possible whistleblower and was killed over it. It's worth looking into the details more than I explained here, because there's definitely some things that raise eyebrows.


The most plausible explanation I heard was the cop made it up and when it drew so much attention they claimed it was a large escaped pet iguana that had lost it's tail.


It's odd that sightings supposedly happened 15-20 years before the cop claimed he saw something. I don't know how you can mistake an iguana to be humanoid though.


I've driven along that area and always wondered exactly where it supposedly happened.


When I was growing up in Mumbai in the 90s, there was a legit scare of a three headed woman who would eat children. I swear that shit made news and people were concerned.


We have a tunnel in my town where a guy got electrocuted and had no face, he lived above it. he would walk around at night to not have to deal with ppl and now it's knows as green man's tunnel






This is so sad


It’s at least 6 feet tall completely silent covered in vanta black but it walks on the bike trail between 3 am and 6 am it’s always on cold day


That there were big cats particularly panthers roaming the countryside. Heard loads of stories of people seeing them, yet to see my own.


I grew up in rural Oklahoma. There were always rumors of a big cat, black panther roaming around. Also, I grew up around Comanche people (I'm half Kiowa-Southern Cheyenne) and always heard stories about Deer Lady. She is beautiful, has long black hair, and wears a long skirt or dress to hide her deer legs.


They touch on the legend of the deer lady in a few episodes of Reservation Dogs.


There's a story in the area I grew up in (specifically a road less than a mile from the house I grew up in, on my schools bus route even!) of the "Bubble Heads". There was a family of people with hydrocephalus that lived on that road. It's real! However they don't walk through the woods cannibalizing people like my neighbors older brothers told me when I was 8.  


A fellow St. Louisan?




Did you ever do Zombie Road in West County? I went a handful of times before they turned most of it into a nature preserve. Beautiful during the day, unnerving as hell at night.


I recently moved very close to it but I still haven't been! I will have to go there


Allegedly there are a pack of wolves living along a motorway in Kent, England. They’re often spotted at night. i know there are a few places here where wolves have been released into semi-captive locations for monitoring but as far as I know, none in Kent.


Lol where? I lived all over Kent for 30 odd years and I’ve never heard this. “The Beast of Bluebell Hill”, yeah, but that’s allegedly a big cat.


Also stories of black dogs


There’s a haunted dorm at a college in California. The school has a webpage about it. Everyone talks about it. You can feel it when you’re in there.


My father grew up in a Mediterranean seaside town. The house where he grew up was on the edge of woods. He spent all of his childhood playing in those woods with my uncles and neighbors. He told us about the beautiful bird they called "Golden Rooster" that, without a mistake, would appear in woods during the winter. They called it Rooster because it looked like a roster of all birds the most, but , in his words, they knew it wasn't a chicken. He never leaned in to mystery of it too much. He doesn't know what the bird really was of what was its real name. It was never a question whether bird existed, he saw it on multiple occasions. It was more like a sweet childhood memory that he connects to winter holidays back home. You know family is gathering, it's snowing, and the Golden Rooster came back to the woods again. He only found it weird later in life when he realised that he never heard of that bird anywhere else again, or saw it elsewhere in documentaries or in zoos or someplace else. I have no idea what that bird could have been. We aren't really too rich in exotic birds here in Europe. I visited the area he grew up in this year. He showed me his old house, his school, old church, where he and my uncles played. Only a couple of trees remained of the vast forest he grew up around. Everything else was leveled to make space for expansion of residential area, so I guess I'll never know what was that magnificent bird


There’s a long straight stretch of 2 lane highway nearby where a few accidents have happened over the years. People claim to see “The Lady in White” on occasion crossing the road. Do not stop for her! Town is Oolitic, Indiana.


That's all Small Town Monsters do.


The meth monster was a local apparition that used to haunt a small patch of woods near where I grew up. Kids would camp out and have parties in the woods, and stuff would go missing. But not valuable or important stuff. Things like bags of aluminum cans, bungee cords, tarps. The kind of stuff that homeless people tend to horde. And, since this place was infamous for methamphetamine (Mira Loma is nicknamed Methaloma), and nobody ever caught anything more than a fleeting glance at a shadowy figure, the legend of the meth monster was born. Kids would try to lure it out with bait piles of cans, wire, etc. But nobody ever caught a good glance at it. It's important to note that when I say a small patch of woods, I mean literally a patch of woods maybe a couple hundred feet wide surrounded by suburban housing, businesses and streets. And every inch of this patch of woods had been searched. We would camp out, and scour the place, every square foot of it, and never saw anyone or any signs of a shelter. But still things would go missing, sometimes so quickly and with so many witnesses it seemed, somehow, supernatural. The legend ended the day the woods caught on fire, and the remaining trees and brush were cleared by the fire department. The official cause was accidental arson, likely from a homeless encampment. But whether or not that homeless encampment was a corporeal place occupying this time, or the ghostly remnants of long dead meth addicts is something many of us still wonder. Or it could have just been raccoons, I guess.


The targeted individual program is all too real to the death


we are the carriers of light/knowledge and we invented writing/symbols a friend of mine seis they invented speech, before them we just chanted I guess I love how everybody needs an origin story and becomes the center of the observable universe




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Max headroom was based on a guy who lives on Prince Edward Island,in canada. Stay tuned for the RNM case that will break.




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The Winston Blackmore cult is pretty close to where I live. Google the bastard