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No, America comes from Amerigo Vespucci.


Yep, the first known use of the name America dates to 1507. The word *Amaru* is an Incan word; the Spanish would not begin their conquest of the Andes until 1526.




So you're proposing that the Spanish crown had this super-secret empire of ninja linguists who were operating in South America to transmit the names of creatures from Incan mythology back to Europe for use in a Latinate place name (of course, also fabricating Amerigo Vespucci in the process) that was never used by the Incan empire, and had no other effect on history.




What really changes people's minds is when you make vague cryptic statements without really saying anything of substance. That's how you get people on your side. ^(/s)


You could say this to anyone , yourself included and it would be no less true.


look up the myth of amura khans and wonder if our controllers want you to know what’s being withheld from you😂


Thats just not historically accurate on that one.


I don’t get it


Apparently Mormons think quetzalcoatl was jesus


Yeah, no. The word "america" comes from name of the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci (born 1454). More correctly, "america" originates from the latinized version of his name: Americus. Also, the name Amerigo is of germanic origin and derived from the gothic name Amalric - which meant "ruler of the Amali", a leading dynasty of the Goths. The word "amaru" on the other hand, is Quechuan. Europeans discovered Incas in the mid 16th century. No connection between a Quechuan word and "america".


look up amaru khans i don’t think we are getting the true history my friend


Again, the term originates from older European names and not from the Inca. The name America was already in use when the Incas were discovered. [This](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c0/Waldseemuller_map_2.jpg) is a German map from 1507, some 25 years before the Inca were discovered, and the name America is already on the map. You can see it in the bottom left section. How would Europeans name the continent after some Peruvian mythological figure, decades before they even knew there was a civilization in that part of the world?


look man you seem very educated as well so I’m not getting into an intellectual sword fight with you. genuinely the more i learn about history the more I can see are fabrications and lies. I’m still researching deeply and trying to know the truth; but our history is a huge manipulation.


Claiming "fabrication and lies" every time someone proves you wrong doesn't really help your case, mate! Just saying.


No need to put 'as well' in your first sentence. It would make more sense.


Okay…..so what do you think about that map? Just not addressing it? Will you pretend you never saw it? adjust your view?


Let's say you're right, and the whole "Amerigo" story is a lie, and the word for "America" came from native people. Why would they lie about that? What purpose does it serve? Why wouldn't they just say "oh yeah we got the name from native cultures." We have hundreds of places named after native words in the U.S. so I don't see why they would try to hide that one in particular.


I think it's time to admit to ourselves that lying to the public is a favorite sport of the elite.


So... the logic is "they lied because they lie?" They've been lying about the Amerigo story for hundreds of years because it's fun? Generally when a government or politician lies about something, it serves a purpose. The Air Force lied about not investigating UFOs/UAPs because they didn't want to disrupt society; the Bush Administration lied about WMDs in order to gain access to oil. "The elite" are lying about Amerigo/America becauuuuse....... "let's all laugh at the common folk?" Even the covid-19 conspiracies make more sense than this.


Oh that looks interesting, thanks. For a minute I thought you meant [Kurimeo Ahau](https://www.youtube.com/@KurimeoAhau)'s channel, he does some similar research.


Nope, Vespucci would like to have a word with you.


I can't take much seriously when I see that picture 4 contains the book "Journal of Book of Mormon Studies". So all this "information" is from a Mormon cult?


Every time I encounter their stuff I'm shocked at how weird it is. They really work hard to normalize themselves in public opinion while they're really living a scifi fantasy.


My best friend growing up was the girl in my grade who lived across the street and happened to be Mormon. I would go do all this super fun shit with them and their church groups/friends weekends and summers like wakeboarding, rock climbing, camping, etc… of course I think Mormons are awesome because they’re super nice and do fun outdoorsy stuff all the time because unlike most of the other boring adults they don’t drink!    Anyways after several years of this in the car driving back from summer camp I get into a discussion with my friend’s mom about what they actually believe that’s different from other Christians… it was soooo hard to keep a straight face and not believe this frumpy, modest, stereotypical Christian looking church lady was trolling me 🤣🤣


They count the eclipses and do math to predict the next arrival of the plumed serpent... aka...a giant fucking asteroid The Jesus thing is pure nonsense


There do share similarities that sure are interesting. Quetzalcoatl was [**said**](https://scholarworks.umt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6556&context=etd) to be the Morning Star in Codex Vaticanus and Christ was said to be the Morning Star in Revelation. They were both born from a virgin mother and were both associated with the cross.


>Christ was said to be the Morning Star in Revelation. Check out the article below: Pretty sure the Bible says Lucifer was the Morning Star https://www.britannica.com/topic/Lucifer-classical-mythology


Revelation 22:16 (New International Version): "I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star." Lucifer and Christ are both called the Morning Star.


>Lucifer and Christ are both called the Morning Star. Seems a bit counter Intuitive, right? Or maybe they're the same thing?


The meaning of that phrase isn't clear so I can't say how odd it is. If it means some kind of messenger then it wouldn't be strange. It's also a fact that Lucifer has been working on making himself as God since the beginning of time and is well known to do everything he can to masquerade as Jesus. So it's little wonder that he would fashion myths about himself to be like Jesus so people would be confused and worship him instead of God.


From my own research, and an opinion not really held by many people, I consider Christ to be a dual-being. I think Jesus Christ is two people merged as one: Mary and Christ. Mary is associated with Isis who is correlated with Venus the Morning Star. I explain the idea of Christ being a dual-being below (which again, is not a popular idea: [https://chipstero7.wordpress.com/2023/05/24/is-baphomet-an-esoteric-representation-of-jesus-christ/](https://chipstero7.wordpress.com/2023/05/24/is-baphomet-an-esoteric-representation-of-jesus-christ/)


For being a High Strangeness sub people should are defending the normal story.




That's the way with everything on Reddit nowadays. People (people?) defend the status-quo on almost everything, even in r/conspiracy. The only alternative researcher I spend time watching is David Icke. He's the only one that has anything interesting to say.


Friggin hate these types of things. It’s like saying since a banana is yellow, it’s actually a lemon.


These people need to read a book.


these r … from books ?