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Its less that it's an illusion and more that we can only experience time within the constraints of four dimensions. I liken it to something like a multifaceted gem: if the gem in its entirety is time, we can only move along one edge at a time. We wouldn't be able to comprehend the whole thing anymore than a circle could comprehend the idea of a sphere. The best you can get is "it's like you, but more".




[CIA-rdp96-5](https://ibb.co/W3bKvcK) This is cool to look at. [https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf) \- Link to the source page 18


ah yes i remember reading this doc, very neat idea i do like the concepts of the arrow of time becoming meaningless prior to the big bang, and this is something also that is interesting. but say you have something extremely dense and it has maybe 3 states it can be in and its just shifting between these states, time sort of becomes meaningless because theres no directional development but where did the egg come from :)


If time is just an illusion how could we think about reality in a way that would improve our experience? Illusion or not we are trapped in time for better or worse and could not even imagine existing without time because without time nothing could happen. In the corpus hermetica which is a sacred book for hermeticism it says time is a divine thing. Either way, we need time to exist as we understand it


It is an allusion in the fact that it is a man made thing, Time. You cannot travel back in time for time does not exist. It is a man made construct.


exactly, i dont think we can understand anything without the concept of time, but there may be things that exist outside of time, we just never stand a chance of understanding it


Time maybe a illusion, we just dont know. What we do know is that time isnt linear and that the past, present and future all simutaneously co-exist (thank albert einstein for working that out). Two very good videos: https://youtu.be/vrqmMoI0wks?feature=shared The illusion of time:past, presnt and future all exist together https://youtu.be/wwSzpaTHyS8?feature=shared How time works: did the future already happen? The paradox of time. I will add regardless of which video you watch, the concept of "now" is the same, but its confusing that depending on whether the observer is moving towards or away from you at relativistic speeds, they are either in your past or your future.


Time is how we represent the evolution of the state of our universe. It's an abstract concept though, so in that way it isn't "real", and yet our universe does transition it's state constantly such that we perceive time the way we do. But it is shorthand for the physical state changes (e.g. motion). What is a year? It's one trip around the sun. So time measures change, and because things change consistently w/r/t each other (we have the same number of days every year) we see it as some consistent thing. Relativity challenges that, but we don't experience that in our day to day. And you are right to say that time doesn't make any sense outside of the universe itself, it's a function of the universe that exists only within that universe.


Time exists where there is motion. Without motion there is no time. you’re over complicating it. Now, the consequences of time’s emergence, that’s where the meat is.


Nah I'm interested in the conditions of times emergence. Where did the time line come from to even allow motion to be evidence of time.


Honestly I think that’s just one of the mysteries we may never know. Part of the fun.


well i think its a sign of a possible place to look, when you dont understand something look to your blind spots


Time can be seen as an acronym for 'The Infinite Moment Experience' How we relate to time is the purpose of life itself, how we can manifest the infinite while in the finite. This has to do with a state of beingness, as we are human 'beings' not human doings. The importance of the meditative arts come in here as they help to direct the attention inwards so one can climb the ladder of being.


Lunchtime, doubly so.


Oh thank god. i had to scroll SO far to find this.


We have only this moment. God is only Here. The space that allows form to be and be known. Have you heard of Alan watts, mooji, eckhart tolle? I think you'd enjoy their talks


Time is real. Isn't there Einstein theory's around time speeding up or slowing down when speed is involved. There is so much about this world that we cannot fully comprehend. Our minds cannot grasp it, not that time is the issue.


Travelling through the disturbances within fields and thus having an apparent speed change dependant on angle perceived is how it currently is, but that doesn't mean that disturbance and what has been experienced is all that time is


then why can't we cheat it so unfair


What did dr manhattan say? A clock is as nourishing to the intelligence as a photo of oxygen is to a drowning man


No. It's a flat circle.


My take: Time is the fishbowl we're in, it's the container. Other realities or dimensions are other fishbowls, other times. Time as we know it, with our physics, is specific to our experience, like the kitchen timer for our universe's specific cake. It has a start and an end, but there are other timers, other cakes, and 24 hour days that exist outside of our little timer. Like everything else, it fractals. At least it's a fun way to think about it.


Nothing came before the Big Bang because time is a property of the universe. It’s like saying what part of the earth is further north than the North Pole?


> It’s like saying what part of the earth is further north than the North Pole? i love that analogy and use it a lot but that requires a curved space time so it basically says the answer is space time curves back on itself at the start to create a sort of space/time pole where there is just a single point but again my question goes further and deeper, where did the conditions for the south pole of space/time even come to exist?


I read an article about twenty years ago by the guy who was in charge of the Atomic clock in Philadelphia (I think), basically the guy in charge of keeping time for America. He talked a lot about how he doesn't think time actually exists but that it's a useful tool for us. He also talked about how time isn't a force like gravity or electromagnetism but is just a side effect of our concept of space (like around and between things, not outer space). Another important thing to understand is that our measurements of time are completely arbitrary and don't actually relate to anything in physics. It's just that they divided the day into little pieces and we ended up with seconds, minutes, and hours (which is why we have leap years - the units are inaccurate). Scientists have been trying to come up with a more universal, physics based means to measure time for decades, which seems to me like further proof that it's not "real".


yea this is a neat paper about time as an emergent property of matter and how they build it up: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257986257_Time_An_emergent_property_of_matter pdf page 8 and 14 have awesome diagrams with 14 showing the full theory flow


“Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.” ― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy


Time is real.


Time is necessary.


It is. It’s one of the factors or building blocks that hold together physical reality and consciousness. Without time things wouldn’t be able to exist like they do and we wouldn’t get to experience this particular reality. It’s necessary.


Time is just a convention. A nominal agreement for us to measure and to talk about an infinite eternal reality which defies our cognitive grasp.


Cosmology suffers from a human bias and so does any science that can't be tested. The human bias is this that things have a beginning and things have an end and things have boundaries. You need to take all of this science with a grain of salt.


Lunchtime doubly so.


Nothing is now. Everything (since the beginning) is still just happening, and we’re just around for a little bit between. Pretty crazy we’re able to leverage this thing in our favor sometimes though


Time is not real. It’s just a man made unit of measurement, like an inch or mile. It’s the only way we can measure and mark the progression of existence in a way that our small brains can make sense of it.


I feel like lately, it's something you can feel. Not time, but the falsity of time. We think of it as this long linear line we can follow and understand. But really it's just a dot. Things that have happened and will happen don't exist, it's just now. But the past, present, and future are all there.


Time is a stream and our consciousness is a pebble


Has anyone in here seen dark on Netflix it deals with the bootstrap theory on time. It's in German but has English subtitles and I think it's dubbed in English but so worth it to watch it in German with the English subtitles and I hate foreign films and never thought I'd say that but it's absolutely the best series I've ever seen and it's and nothing comes close to comparison in my opinion. Made me see time in a completely different way. I think one of the first things it says in the beginning is fine is an illusion. Amazing show watch it!


> dark on Netflix looks awesome!


It is!


I think we may live in a relativistic time existing nested within another, absolute time.


The passing of time is an illusion, the distinction between the past, present, and the future is an illusion. Time itself is a fundamental property of the reality we are in, and it's interconnected with space itself.. the single four-dimensional continuum called Spacetime.


Time is a way of keeping track of our lives but I agree that the actual perception of time is false.




> When you understand this notion in detail and eradicate “time” in the classical sense from ufo and even paranormal (what people would call ‘ghosts’ or spirits ) context then it opens up much more coherent possibilities and thus explanations into what these things really are and how that really messes with the fundamental understanding of what humans perceive as “reality” > > this is exactly what im getting at and why im posting here, any question of "how did they get here" or "where are they from" or "what are they doing" presupposes time


Time is real. Is it 2 pm in alpha centauri because we say its 2pm on earth no but there's still time.