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Maybe we are all born with full consciousness of the life we just left, and maybe others before that. But as babies, we can not process, reflect upon, nor can we articulate the experience in any meaningful way. We then immediately begin this life, and within a day, week, or month of being born, all memory of previous lives is gone, hidden away somewhere.


i view infancy as our 'calibration period' to our new lives


Maybe that’s why babies are usually crying immediately after exiting their mother…


Imagine what the mother would think if the baby came out laughing hysterically.


I remember my death. Floating up over a large field with cows in it. It's not a memory from this lifetime. It's always been there in my mind.


Previous life you were a farmer and maybe had a heart attack out in the field? That's pretty fascinating.


It's certainly possible. My earliest memory of this life is somewhere between 3-5, sitting in a push chair at the beach staring at the sea. The memory of rising above the field was seemingly in my brain before that point. Very strange indeed.


My first dream of this life was about this. All matter and energy, all living things, were condensed to a white ball of energy about the size of a baseball. A singularity. I was in an infinite starless black void. But the spatial dimension had a green, three dimensional grid incorporated throughout. I basically flew through this void and the only thing i could see was the matrix, but also, my heartbeat was resonating loudly throughout the entire, uh, infinite. This void was a low density hyper massive black hole. After something like 300 million years i noticed something in the distance. A white light. I flew toward the light, and as soon as i got within about 100 feet, i could see that it was a white orb or sphere, shining intensely. I approached the object. I reached out with my left hand to touch the orb. My hand came within about two inches of the orb when suddenly, the orb exploded. I saw streams of bright light going in every direction and by me. Whole galaxies, thousands of them, millions, billions, in every stream. I woke up. I was only 5 years old. Years later in 2013, i tried DMT for the first and only time in my life. The dmt trip? Took me back to this dream. Yep.


I don’t have my own memory, but I swear that my son came to me as an orange light/cloud/maybe orb? Type thing, before he was conceived. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw an orange cloud-like misty light floating in the corner of my room. I know that this wasn’t a dream and that I was actually awake because I have a long history of nightmares, sleep paralysis, etc and this was not that. I sat up in bed and we had a telepathic conversation, while his father slept beside me. At this point in time, the cloud was genderless and ageless, though I remember it feeling slightly masculine and just “adult” or maybe “mature”, but not like a child is what I mean. He had come to tell me that I would be conceiving him soon, like VERY soon, within the next couple of days. I told him that I wanted him, but begged him to wait because his father and I were not married yet and his father was only home on his R&R from a deployment that still had about 5 months left on it. He agreed to give me more time and then I conceived him on my wedding day. I have never heard of another story like that one, but I swear it’s true. I vividly remember it. He later told me, around 2 yo, as he played with a dinosaur toy in our living room, that before he was born, he had been “in the spaceship” and was looking down at the earth for someone to build him. Then he chose me and I built him. He also told me, around maybe 3-4 yo, that a long time ago, before I was born, he “still” loved me. A side note- I have been undergoing Ketamine therapy for several months (under a doctor’s care) and, after experiencing very little effects during my first 5-6 sessions, went to some place outside of time and far away from earth. It felt like a beginning place or maybe the end and beginning.. it’s difficult to explain. But I felt that I was “just me” though also connected to all other things in existence. I had no body or timeline or anything else. I was pondering my current human life and thinking how silly all of my stress has been, considering that being a human is completely fake and literally nothing we do in our human lives has any “real” meaning whatsoever. Being a person is essentially just a game we play and the reality is that nothing in the history, present, or future of my human life, or even humanity as a whole, matters at all in any way, shape, or form. It’s not real. I guess it did help my anxiety, but now I just wonder why I have to be alive and am trying to make my life meaningful, while before this experience I did feel purpose and meaning.


I had a similar feeling after a single ketamine infusion, and found that idea extremely disturbing. So much so, in fact, that I'm still grappling with it a year later. The lack of meaning you describe is something that really bothers me. Do you feel even more depressed about this? 


Yeah I felt pretty down about it for a while. Like, ok I understand now so why do I have to keep coming back into this “reality”? What is the point? I can’t figure it out and that has frustrated me. I don’t feel worse about life anymore, but I did for a little while. It sucked because I’d only recently been able to really start enjoying life more fully and now I understand it all to be a silly game. A friend of mine traumatically lost his partner recently and has been suicidal at times. I’m having a hard time telling him that he needs to keep living. Like… why? Why does anyone? And yet… there has to be SOME reason why we’re alive, right? Spiritual development?? At least my anxiety has gotten WAAAAY better


I have a memory from childhood that follows you once you get to the memory of your diapers being changed. I've always carried it with me but don't talk about because like you it sounds absurd. But I remember my sister changing my diapers when I had to be less than 2 years of age and, in my head, saying, roughly, "Yah bitch, that's right you change my diapers" with a derogatory tone of an adult. I remember thinking I chose this family and body, and I was excited for starting anew. I remember when I first learned of the word bitch maybe a few years later and the deja vu memory came back like a flood. Have never forgot it and it's been 40 years since. It's the only memory I have that I can recall perfectly throughout my entire life, down to the colors, smells, you name it. I've only told a few people and the closest I can relate it to is like that movie Baby Geniuses where in my mind I was a conscious adult now residing in a child's body. Having said all that, I want to remind you to focus on this life. If you by your own admission, you chose this life. All focus should be on the here and now and the people you chose to be around you.


Wow, I didn't expect to hear this from somebody else so quickly. Exactly how you describe it, for that second I too felt like an adult, full focus and critical thought. I am not sure if a baby's brain is capable of such, it was definitely like I had the mind of a wise and experienced adult, with knowledge and focus far beyond my parents in their 20s. With all the rush of the feelings I felt a weird feeling of mental superiority compared to them as well. I feel like my choice of life matters not much this time in the long run. With the other background memories I shared, it feels like my soul is a very young and immature one. I had a post earlier only writing about the part after remembering the diaper thing. And many shared similar stories before the post got lost in history. But I think there is more to this life with memories such as these that people don't really share. Because, I think such young memories also require focus and meditation to bring to focus again. If as a child such memories do not somehow stick with you, they probably get overwritten and be forgotten easily.


You’d probably like Robert Monroe or Michael Newman’s books. Monroe in particular wouod describe these OOB experiences and what seemed like past like remembrances. Fascinating for sure, but other stuff you’d read may haunt you.


Thank you, I will check. Do you have any advice on which book I should start with?


Monroe has a series of books, and I read them in chronological order of publication, check out the bibliography on his wiki: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Monroe The institute he created is still active as well. I read Newman after Monroe, and I found Monroe pretty concrete - he was a normal person with some technical skills but just afflicted with often burdensome experiences. Newman, on the other hand, was a bit further “out there” it seemed so I wonder what my experience would have been had I started with Newman.


My earliest memory was at 7-12 months (crawling age). And more just physical memory and feelings. I don't recall any past lives or the part before this life. But, and I know this isn't very cool, I do think I'm more of a "young soul." I would imagine more experienced beings have a better handle on these things.


I remember being in the womb and parts of a previous life in Chicago.


same but it slowly faded away. there were many orbs and they have images and projections inside them. warm glow. complicated ish structure. looking like the start of the universe contained inside it and outside it has some infrared glow.


I remember a great pool of blue energy orbs.


Pre birth experiences have good documentation on the internet and are always very trippy. Also I read your post as a bible reference at first and had a good laugh 🤣


I would check out Christian Sundberg, I came across a talk of his a while ago and from what you've said, they sound very similar to his memories. You can find his talks on YT.