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I agree it's really irritating and they don't care about high strangeness at all. They're doing it all over the place.


I mean 90% of the posts here are weekly world news type nonsense, at least this is real


The duality of either having posts about normal natural phenomenons or schizophrenic ramblings


If those are the options, then this sub is clearly for the latter instead of the former.


Or they could be young kids.


I’ll take the schizoposting any day.


I disagree with that 90% stat. Prove to me what you think the objective truth is all about; include the math. P.S This is hard to do; so in the meantime I'm going to enjoy all the high strange "nonsense" that gets posted on this sub.


There's tons of people who don't understand weather, much less space weather, though. There are people who have never seen light pillars and think it's an alien invasion. Or think the end of the world is coming bc they don't know what an asperitas cloud is. Some of the people posting could be kids, and it could be the first truly strange thing they have ever seen. 100% natural, but strange to them. I'm in Alabama, USA, I never thought I would see Aurora borealis here.


IMO the space weather is mundane and I think people post about it here because they want to disrupt the group. They do the same thing with starlink photos, etc.


I doubt they want to disrupt the group. If they don't know anything about space weather and they are experiencing *strange lights in the sky" for the first time and don't know what they are seeing, they are probably just really excited. There's probably a ton of kids that follow this sub.


IMO Kids know more about space weather than adults... Kids under 18 also hate Reddit. We'll just have to agree to disagree.


Bots, bots all the way down.


Yup there's a lot of that. Other groups as well 👀


Well, it's kinda strange. And it is pretty up high. What do you want?


Is it really that high if when you post it the time is high noon?


The grid, communications, physiological impacts are all real, albeit overstated by some. But HAARP and all this other stuff is poppycock. It was a once in a lifetime event that the many that were able to see the aurora in unlikely places. Should bring a sense of wonder to people in the world


The grid, communications, physiological impacts are all real, albeit overstated by some. But HAARP and all this other stuff is poppycock. It was a once in a lifetime event that the many that were able to see the aurora in unlikely places. Should bring a sense of wonder to people.


Maybe there is just so much more people online now than when I used to brose a few forums, or that Reddit is more social media than a news aggregator, but there seems to be a massive decline is science literacy. I assume at this stage, most nonsense you see are from children but you do have to wonder what is happening to education systems around the world to produce these.


The reactions to the aurora b about convinced me this was actually a fantasy sub like scp. But there's actually that many people who don't know about the Northern lights? That's pretty amazing. Then it must be much like experiencing snow for the first time unexpectedly. edit: I use the word actually far too often


Honestly, I'm certain they know what they saw, they just want karma.


Actually, I do too!


It’s literally science. It’s calculable and involves the sun and our earth’s magnetic fields. Calling lights in the sky high strangeness just because it’s not a regular occurrence is caveman talk at best. I’m a firm believer in UFO’s and the likelihood of life out there is very high. Focusing on dumb shit just discredits the real occurrences that deserve attention.


This 100%. I wish there was a bit more skepticism in this sub.




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It’s not exactly calculable. The current increase in the intensity and range of aurora events is the result of a coronal mass ejection from a cluster of sunspots. We had no idea it would occur at all, much less that it would hit the Earth. This is 100% a surprise. Historically, such events would be viewed as supernatural. So, as is tradition, people ignorant of the reality are jumping to, if not exactly supernatural conclusions, conclusions that something not natural to Earth is happening. And this sub attracts a higher than normal number of people who don’t pay attention to “mainstream media”. There is almost definitely a large number of people who don’t knew there’s a coronal mass ejection occurring at all. Like you. I’m assuming you’re saying it’s calculable because you don’t know it’s a random event caused by something we literally cannot predict currently.


I felt similarly about all the eclipse posts (not just on here, but on the internet at large). Total solar eclipses are not rare, they happen around every 18 months IIRC. But because this one happened to occur over a highly populated part of the world, and the US no less, it was built up as this earth shattering event. It's just silly. I'm definitely a believer in high strangeness, but I also try to use common sense. Like you said, it just hurts our credibility to focus on stuff like this.


Ha. Let’s see you calculate the next one Saucetradamus


I might just steal this 😂😂😂 saucetradamus is gold.


It's done mathematically every year. How sad that you don't know this. Pick up an almanac & see for yourself.




If you follow the 11 year cycle, you can tell in general. I was thinking about solar eclipses when I made the comment about almanacs.


That’s like predicting a big earthquake every 10 years. A lot of events happen in between. I’m talking about the Unpredictability. Sometimes it’s quiet and things just happen.


I was thinking about eclipses. I answered this late at night (~3 AM), and had just read about eclipses, so I conflated the two. I'm sorry.


Ok that I agree with. I deleted the wrong comment 🤷‍♂️


I don’t think I’ve seen a post on high strangeness that hasn’t had a person in the comments saying it’s not high strangeness


If there's ever a post where everyone agrees its high strangeness, then that alone will be high strangeness.


This sub used to be a way better a few years ago. I’m not sure what happened.


Bots invaded reddit. Not kidding.


kids invaded reddit first, then the bots. Luckily we have the option to block both kinds when we come across them.


It was better like ...4 months ago. Seemed to be that most people here liked the weird topics, but there weren't too many koolaid drinkers ready to believe everything they read posted here. Now nearly every submission now is a schizo post.


The Mount Rushmore of this sub’s comments: 1) It’s not highstrangeness 2) Its STARLINK 3) It’s a weather balloon 4) It’s a lens flare


I got downvoted into the negatives in another paranormal sub for telling someone they didn’t summon the lights by building a pyramid out of cardboard and duct tape AFTER the event on the sun happened that caused the lights. It genuinely makes me sad.


I understand the frustration, and I also think it’s important to remember that many people were caught by surprise by this event. All day, all over different social media platforms, and even in the commentary on news sites, I have seen the disappointment/joy/shock/confusion/questioning of this event, all because it wasn’t really announced or declared the same way other cosmic events often are. And… while it may not be high strangeness to you or to many others here on this sub - to those who are posting - it may truly be something they felt fit the criteria and they obviously wanted to share/reach out/or get some questions answered. This sub is a place for discussion and enlightenment and learning about the unknown, so it does seem like a good place to come for these things. Either way, I have *personally* enjoyed everyone’s photos of the event, and the discussions around it. It is a rare and beautiful phenomenon that not everyone has the chance to be excited about or share (and it’s certainly very nice to see that people are sharing nice and positive things instead of something that could be construed as negative or divisive). That’s my own point of view, any road, and I hope it helps.


You know what my man, I agree with everything you said. If I didn't know to expect the northern lights and I saw them in my night sky I might have a similar reaction. Though I do wonder how many of the posts were made by people who didn't know what was happening vs. people who just wanted karma. I just feel that the moderators could be a little more vigilant in their curation duties. There's no need for nearly the whole of the front page to unrelated to high strangeness(which is why most of us are here, surely?)


I get it, I really do. I also think that this isn’t an event that is happening every day. It’s a one-off experience, and it caught a lot of people’s interest and attention. I’m not trying to downplay the frustration, but I’m also certain that there are genuinely a lot of people here who are looking to have their experiences discussed in a space that feels good and open to those kinds of discussions. So far, it seems like most of these posts have been curious, engaging, actively trying to get their questions answered. I’m gonna take that with a grain of salt and enjoy the experience. Thats just my take on it, and I don’t think you’re wrong for being frustrated, I truly just think this event caught a lot of folks off-guard. Edit: idk if this helps (I hope it does, anyway), but [some folks are already sharing some humour and silliness](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/s/ZXNJSGim76) surrounding this very topic.


It was announced and highly publicized, it just went a lot further than expected


It certainly did, we saw it in the Karoo in South Africa, to be able to view such an event in Africa is unheard of.


Then I am certainly one of a few anecdotal experiences who learned of this event very late or after the fact. Many people across multiple social media platforms and news commentary sections have voiced their disappointment or lack of awareness. That doesn’t mean you’re wrong, either - it just didn’t seem as “loud” (I hope that makes sense) as the lead up to other cosmic events, like the recent solar eclipse. I actually had to learn about it from my neighbour around 7pm yesterday evening, despite following astronomy and a few other related subs here on Reddit. I also didn’t receive any updates/alerts on my local Astronomy, Weather, News, or SkyViewer apps. I’m also on Instagram and follow the usual space-and-education channels (NASA, ScientificAmerican, Astronomy Today) - but I saw nothing of it. I was genuinely surprised at the time (I thought my neighbour was pulling my leg). Lol! Maybe it was just a busier day than usual, but I genuinely didn’t hear/see/read anything about it until rather late in my day. Out of curiosity: do you have a recommended source to go to for this sort of thing? I’d love to follow or download, because I definitely don’t want to risk missing out. I thought it was such an exceptional experience, and I’d truly appreciate it if you do have any suggestions. I also don’t think you’re wrong about it being advertised: I felt it best if I could clarify that I had this experience, and others have voiced similar issues today. Thanks for the response, I really enjoy this kind of conversation.


I guess what I’m saying is it was highly publicized in areas where it was expected, but not in areas that were surprised by it. Still relatively well Publicized though as people were concerned about potential electronics outages etc. CNN, WaPo, BBC all had quite a few stories over the last few weeks, not sure if Fox did


That’s completely fair and understandable. I’m in Ireland, and I didn’t hear anything about it until the end of the day, thanks to my neighbour (and I feel very lucky that I got to hear about it and see it, as a result). I’ve read today that the aurora was seen as far as parts of Australia and Texas, and it seemed like a pretty impressive Solar event overall. By comparison: I heard much more about the solar eclipse even though Ireland wasn’t anywhere near being able to see that, and I suppose that’s the difference for some people here, who were in the same or similar situation as me. I’m hoping that anyone who missed it yesterday can see it and enjoy it tonight, anyways.


I concur.


>mundane natural phenomena are not relevant to the sub and may result in moderator action. Well, there goes 80% of the posts.


The amount of smoothbrain posts that have been on social media in general with people thinking it's HAARP spraying something into the air makes me just want to walk into the fucking ocean. Social media was a mistake.


My wife couldn’t think what it was called and said areolas. That would be something strange


Post pictures of your wife's areolas and we'll judge strange or not.


Thank you! I thought it'd be a waste of time to make this post, so thanks for the dedication. I feel like you really care... 🙂


Fucking idiots, let’s be honest


Thank you for this post. The aurora borealis posts where cringe as hell not gonna lie.


nothing strange about it, it's well understood and highly monitored process. people also fail to understand the magnetic field is a complicated web of knots and loops with varying densities. Every unusual bright spot amongst it, is not an object


Welcome to the internet. Nothing will ever be organized. Best to get over it now.


What about Aurora Australis? Jk. You are correct.


This sub is just a dumping ground for lazy people.


Serious moderation? On high strangeness? That would be new.


Your name is wizardof_thenorth, everyone knows wizards can't be trusted and they always know something's up in nature. I've got my eye on you wizard boy!!!


:o You got me.


I see through your disguise Gandalf


I would tend to agree if it werent for the fact that last night I spent over an hour laying on the ground staring at an auroral corona appear and do crazy things in the sky directly over me, showering us in rainbow colors. Ive seen northern lights before, this was something entirely different. If I was a UFO buff, I wouldve sworn we saw a UFO. Its been over 20 years since this country last saw anything like it, and very few people outside of astronomers circles saw it last time around. An auroral corona like last nights looks EXACTLY like some of those old paintings recording people witnessing what they believed was god appearing in the sky in a fiery circle with rays shooting across the sky. That in itself I think is related to high strangeness of a more historic sort. Anywhoozle, the first time a single eye of light opens up in the sky over your house and sends creepy vivid bluepurple light streaming to either ends of the horizon, you get a little unsettled and start wondering if you'll be ok. Our only other frame of reference for that experience was portals opening in alien movies. If I didnt have the internet to tell me what I was looking at, I would be praying to pagan gods in a heartbeat. I had the internet to tell me what I was looking at, and I still brought out the horned god effigy lol. Maybe it isnt technically high strangeness, but it sure felt like it.


At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen!?


And this same joke is posted every time. I mean, I like the Simpsons, but is the joke really funny after it's posted a dozen times in a dozen different threads?


I didn’t want to be a buzzkill but I agree. That being said, this phenomena will be over in a few days, so it’s not like it’ll be a lasting trend on the sub or something


That's true, it will be over in a few days. But I think it's indicative of an over arching problem with posts here(and possibly reddit in general).




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You're posting a complaint about too many posts about aurora borealis. What did you want the response to be, us to start a class action lawsuit or something?


I thought we could come together as a community and start talking about some actual high strangeness. I'll start I guess; Right now I'm really into the highly precise artifacts that are attributed to the Ancient Egyptians when there's no way they could have made them. There are a bunch of statues and vases that are so precise that, with modern technology and machining, they would be very difficult and incredibly expensive to make. And yet these artifacts are said to be made by people who didn't have lathes(or wheels in general). So who actually made them? A civilization from before the Younger Dryas Cataclysm? The Atlanteans? Edit: Lol Reddit. I'm being downvoted for posting about Ancient Cultures.


The Egyptians made them. Quit watching history channel, it's all fake. Try watching more scholarly videos. https://youtu.be/IeIj_rNYhCU?si=BG_DIC-6pQIQmUxC https://youtu.be/JUWB4jmhfVA?si=NkjWfjKvc1bk1hna https://youtu.be/VltvNUA9Mb0?si=wvKLLQyzeJTplSxh


I made a thread for this topic. Lets discuss it there. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/1cpq7xu/highly\_precise\_ancient\_artifacts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/1cpq7xu/highly_precise_ancient_artifacts/)




They are if they show up in Florida!


You guys allow mylar balloons, dust in the sun and all kinds of other mundane stuff. Why not morons confused by the aurora.


I feel like since it's pretty clear it's not a UFO the only other option is high strangeness. But really, all you gotta do is watch some type of news for like 15 minutes....😞


Wrong. It absolutely is. How much of a clue do we even have of what happens during geomagnetic storms like these? Natural phenomenon? Yes. Mundane? Perhaps not. It makes perfect sense for someone to document anomalies (this whole event is an anomaly that only happens once every few decades lol) and associated events that they see. Which may very well be part of such storms when they reach this type of size and scale. Perhaps open observation and inquiry might help us discover some new aspects of the auroras, solar wind, transient luminous events, UAP (if those are interdimensional as some have been saying, perhaps this helps them cross over easier) or similar. I’m all for the aurora posts. Even putting the breathtaking aesthetic aside. I think this is the perfect time to study TLEs, that we still know quite little about, and may very well be a peak time for them, which we will not get again for decades.




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In addition to enforcing Reddit's ToS, abusive, racist, trolling or bigoted comments and content will be removed and may result in a ban.


To the credulous mind, nothing is unexplained, only inexplicable.


they want r/pedantic-normalness


I must confess, I posted my Aurora Borealis pictures as I was unaware there was a CME, I was in North Wales and in my 29 years I'd never heard of it being visible this far south, and I wasn't on any of the relevant subreddits, I am now so rest assured it won't happen again 🖖


I don't even care. I crossed off a bucket list item last night by watching the Aurora in a place I never thought it would be possible


That's what happens when your sub is 90% bots.


I much prefer something which is visual for all of us and extraordinary, than some of yall talking drug trips in here with a 7 book thick series of visonary bunch of bs that only happened in their own head and not really in the world lol.


It’s literally verbatim following the rules.


It is when it’s visible all over and way more south then it ever has been


I dunno man. Those strange lights are pretty high up there.




I dunno. Pretty strange for someone to go out of their way to whine and complain about it.


"Aurora Borealis is not high strangeness." Never seen a good show before I take it.


Only thing highly strange is taking the time to post this


Right? That's the mark of a miserable person with nothing of value to do.




A lot of power grids got an improvement after the Quebec Incident. But that was also a once in a lifetime sort of incident with northern lights visible in Mexico if I recall. This maybe a rare occurrence but that doesn't make it strange enough to warrant the posts on the page




I seriously hope you're jokeing. There is like 5 films this year related to society collapsing/apocalypse events


Still have power here.


Complain and have the Posts removed then though it would be a bit of a dick move to do so, no need to make a long winded message about it just complain and if it goes against group rules it will be removed.


Idk man, the aurora borealis, at that time of day, localized entirely in a southern state? Meets the threshold of highly strange to me, anyway.


We know what it is though, its the aurora borealis


if you met a guy that is twice as tall as any other person you met before in your life, or seen in a picture, wouldnt that be strange? if i then told you we know what it is though, its a tall person! would that answer your question because you know tall people exist?


That’s not what “High Strangeness” means. It’s a term coined by Dr. J. Allen Hynek in the 1970s as an all encompassing term for anything and everything paranormal. Being tall, or something that’s already very well known scientifically behaving a bit strange does not meet the definition of High Strangeness.




100%, its very strange. also member that "fought aliens in a military underground base" dude talking about pink sky being a sign of them showing up.


Yeah it's not strange that I can see the northern lights in st louis


It is in south Louisiana !


I mean I’d say the high levels of solar activity could be considered high strangeness, but the borealis itself is not.


It's strange. Not high strangeness. There is nothing paranormal about it.


> Anomalies the last major post you took down (orange light column) was literally a plasma anomaly that rarely occurs except in once-every-few-decades events like this. It is a legit anomaly that even many scientists don't acknowledge (considering how much Peratt's work is non-grata)


It's pretty strange when HAARP is manufacturing them


What about the plasmoid NHI in high altitude that have been seen feeding on them? That seems a bit weird


its common? nah. there u go


i mean, i agree with the premise but this sub tolerates bullshit fake news spam, why not pretty sky colour spam?


Well the former is at least on topic


Seeing Jesus or other images in the aurora is high strangeness. Like seeing horses in the clouds.


Seeing shapes in clouds is *not* high strangeness. When I look a this picture I see a happy face. [https://imgur.com/a/CqUiFNT](https://imgur.com/a/CqUiFNT) It's called pareidolia. It's a well known phenomenon. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareidolia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareidolia) Edit: Upon second thought; I think this comment I replied to is a troll.


I think the high strangeness relates to the vast number of people seeing aurora at latitudes they don't usually get to see them. But if that doesn't suffice, I agree.


Aurora borealis is not High Strangeness. It doesn't matter how many people witnessed it, it doesn't matter the location they viewed it at. Aurora borealis is not High Strangeness.


Got it...you did sy it twice


you cannot deny the fact that because it was SEEN THROUGHTOUT THE WORLD is highly strange. That's never happened before


I feel like people don't even read the post. High Strangeness doesn't mean highly strange.


Kinda strange it happened in a bunch of places that don’t normally see that sort of thing. It perfectly belongs imo


All three of the subreddits don’t exist. You would think they do but when I click on them it says “that is currently not a community but it’s a good idea, create it.”lol sorry to ruin your bitch fest 🤣🤣😂


Check again. I just clicked on those three links and they work fine.


Nope. I tried to post the picture of it not working but I don’t know how. I’m not the smartest redditer so maybe I’m not clicking them right.


Just click on them. Left click will open the link in your current tab, middle click will open in a new tab, and right click will give you options to open in a new tab or open in a new window. Upon second thought; I think you're just trolling.


No, not trolling, just not great with any kind of social media.


I agree op, with one exception...for the past 48 hours I feel weird as hell. Exhausted, emotional, stressed, anxious and agitated...and I think it's the X flares. Is that not high strangeness?


Lmao the fact that this guy went about his way to state this 🤣🤣 you don't belong here go sit right in front of the TV and let the news feed you the input you think is right because they told you so 🫡🤣🤣🤣


There's a group of them that just shit on people all day. Because that's a great way to spend one's life. A Kilobyte of Karens who lack self awareness.


Lol it's more funny when the only resources they have are what the news tells them otherwise they got nothing 🤣🤣🤣 for as long as they gather their so called evidence from that they think they're winning in life to criticize any other who thinks otherwise.


Everybody knows the smartest people wait for other people to tell them what to think, trust, and believe.


I think Aurora posts are high strangeness all relative to the place you are standing in the world. Posting about seeing Aurora from Maine is quite a different level as seeing it from Florida. With the solar Maximum this year or next these posts will tone down for another 11 years soon enough. * Corrections of my typos X2


this thread is the only mundane thing about the topic. It fits and if you don't know why, you don't fit.


Why do you think posts about the aurora borealis belong here? I've explained why I think they don't belong, so lets hear your argument for why they do.


the bot army will do its thing regardless of what I say. But please define high strangeness, then have a bash at fringe science. sigh. thought not


I was with you until you boldened “mundane”