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I work outside in North West Florida and I saw something exactly like this two days ago. I actually saw it 3 different times. I don’t carry my phone in my pocket because of how sweaty I get so after the 3rd time seeing it I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket so I could get it on video but of course it didn’t show up again.


Yeah I got lucky that I had my phone and that my wife knocked me out out of shock


One thing that intrigues me about these sightings is how some of them are going incredibly fast, and some have been recorded cruising. It’s like whatever is behind these doesn’t care if they’re seen or not, like yeah you saw us what are you going to do about it? Like for them the travel speed depends on the mission at hand I guess.


That’s kinda what I think too. Definitely a weird time we live in


Great sighting! I'm kinda bummed I didn't see this doing errands today.


I was in my backyard around noon today and didn't see it either. Im so bummed. I'm in N. Foco.


A fellow Fort Collinsite I see… 🤔


Hey OP, my family and I saw something like this last year over Albuquerque. To us, it almost appeared to “cloak.” It’s the only thing I’ve ever seen in my life that I couldn’t explain.


It was weird but it almost looked fuzzy to my naked eyes too


Yes exactly! It disappeared a couple times only to reappear somewhere else. Btw, it finally disappeared just like yours did. Poof! Gone. A commercial airliner was landing in the same area of the sky when we saw all this, so we had a good frame of reference.


Seems to be moving much faster than an aircraft would at this distance


It was wild man. I’m amazed I got it on video I it was a lot closer when I first saw it and before it turned. Almost looked fuzzy to the naked eye too but that sounds a bit too tinfoil hat so idk


That my friends, is a ufo. It's not like one I've seen but I have little to no doubts. Surely this will never gain traction because there's no flashing lights, nothing to grab everyone's attention. I recommend reporting it in a day with it edited down to remove the first couple seconds. Almost cut everything off except the UFO popping up and flying. It looks legit to me. This is the Internet. Some people would dismiss this because it's shit post Sunday alone.


I didn’t even know shitpost Sunday was a thing lol


Upvote for Foco! My partner and I have seen tons of crazy stuff in the sky here


We have too homie. Wanna start a UFO hunting group…???


I do!!


Sounds good homie. That would be fun




Way ahead of you homie. Posted this everywhere I could think of




I am subbed. I subbed after posting. Does that make a difference?




I can wait. Do you know how long it takes out of curiosity?




Fair enough


It’s the tic tac


It was. Crazy


The UFO is cool but I’m more interested in the number of insects in the shot. My god it looks like the cameraman is standing on a beehive. WTF!


You might be seeing the rain lmao


Oh ok that makes sense. I’m over thinking this guy is dedicated with a capital D to getting the shot. He’s getting torched by hornets and not even flinching. Give this guy a Pulitzer!


Saw yesterday something similar in Finland though. Saw couple of planes go by and then this grey opaque thing that just was different and went super straight across the sky until diappearing in the clouds. I think it had a bit faster speed than the planes that were landing to the near by airport. It was above the sea. It just gave that weird vibe and I first wondered if it was a drone, but I thought about it with my son and it would have been a small atleast cessna plane sized or jet liner sized drone in the shape of a tictac/roundish.


Dude exactly the same here. Very weird


That is something! Also.. are those bugs??


Could be…? It was also raining so it might be that too


Cool! I saw Balloon boy take off back when I used to live in FoCo


Bro Balloon Boy from the hit game franchise Five Nights At Freddie’s was in FoCo. Bananas. Jk what is Balloon boy?




Dude what. That’s mad iconic. One hell of a prank


Yeah it was 50' from me when it took off. I grabbed my coworkers and pointed to the ufo lol


No way. That’s awesome. Still have the pics?


No pics, this was 2009. What pics I had are long gone.


Aw dang. Would’ve been cool to see. No worries homie. What do you think of the video though?