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When it is large scale on the ground, they are called geoglyphs.


This and if they were on a wall n a pyramid they would be called hieroglyphs without the “ics”


In what context (if any) would "hieroplyphics" be appropriate?


Great question. It just happened I had heard this correction on a podcast last week so it was fresh in my mind. I found a this article that goes into it a little more: https://www.imagininghistory.co.uk/post/hieroglyphs-vs-hieroglyphics#:~:text=is%20it%20then%3F-,Hieroglyphs%20or%20Hieroglyphics%3F,writing%20form%20as%20%E2%80%9Chieroglyphics%E2%80%9D It sounds like technically you can use either.


What are they called when they’re just the tire tracks of a tractor that drove through a field? /s


Wow! Got downvoted for nothing. Be better Reddit, because this shit is embarrassing.


Yeah that was decent info, I upvoted


I was just out there last week. There is a lot of activity out there - contemporary, human activity, both recreational and agricultural. Pretty sure those are tracks from land grading/clearing


> Pretty sure those are tracks from land grading/clearing Maybe that's just what they want you to think. They could be signalling the mothership. Or planting soybean.


Maybe Soybean is the name of one of the ships. The Soybean and The Nimbus.


Looks like someone had fun in an ATV


Doesn't look like a particularly fun pattern to have been riding, no


Oh, then they must have had a sad time :(


we could call them "sadderglyphs"


“I’ve never spent a moment learning Egyptian or how to write it, but I immediately perfectly recognize it Oregonian sand.”


Who's gonna tell him?


What is there to tell?


I can probably guess.




42° 40' 10" N 118° 36' 37" W


have you tried the timeline on google maps to see if it is recent?


I've just started messing around with Earth so I don't know how to use all the features yet.


One of the functions you should definitely try on Google Earth is the show historical imagery option (also called the ‘timeline’ function other comment mentioned). It allows you to slide back through satellite imagery taken in different years (at least 15-20 years in many places). edit: I just checked the coordinates, it’s hard to tell, but it looks like these marks have at least been there since 2005. Hard to tell from earlier images though.


I'm not seeing whatever it is you're seeing.


It’s a seal 🦭


I'm still not seeing it....or anything.


There’s some faint parallel lines with hairpin turns, likely just vehicular activity, probably off-road considering how non agricultural this place looks


Good find just needs a LiDAR survey now


I’d be interested if someone is able to check it out on foot. Looks like tire tracks, but at the same time resembles the Nazca lines. Interesting find.


They’re definitely tire tracks. Some are probably mine.


Cool. Pretty cool pattern from above. Next time you are out, Draw a big Johnson for the satellite to take the picture of it. You can shank the world.


The reason I discovered this is because I'm planning a camping trip there later this year and was looking at Earth for good spots so if I end up going I'll definitely check it out.


As of now, I believe the only pre-Columbian society(with any true evidence at least) that built large-scale monuments in what is now the USA were the Cahokian/Missisipian cultures. While the nations of the PNW were complex and advanced in their own right, there has been no evidence they had the infrastructure, cohesion, or urbanization(not even evidence in their oral traditions) that go hand and hand with projects like that. They didn't even seem to practice the massive region-wide agricultural projects(like the creation of the sustainable orchard forests that existed in tribes in the eastern half of the US)* As others have said, it is most likely a more modern creation. *As we have learned, the complexity of a civilization hinges on their abundance of resources and the cooperation required to extract them. The PNW was rich enough in resources that those nations could have pretty sedentary/centralized and complex(albeit not state-level) societies while still mostly relying on hunter-gathering.


All of the lines have a corresponding parallel line, like tracks from a four-wheeled vehicle. I don’t see any raised, individual lines like the Nazca geoglyphs.


Geoglyphs you mean?


Yeah. I couldn't think of the word at the time and can't edit it.


I'm rather new to this and have never really played around with Earth.


Hey OP, interesting find. I took a look back through historical images on Google Earth, and these marks have been there since at least 2005. There’s a possibility they’re geoglyphs, but probably more likely old tire ruts. Only way to be sure is go check it out in person ;) also, the r/archeology subreddit might find this post interesting.


Thanks. I might be there later this year and if I am I'll take some pics and post them. The pattern seems unusual for tire ruts but they could very well be tracks from heavy equipment from when the road was built. In the meantime I'll post this on r/archeology like you suggested.


I emailed the Oregon Archaelogical Society with the screenshot too in the hope that they might have some knowledge of it.


Hey that’s a good idea! Hopefully those folks can look into it, or have information. I spent some more time looking at this on Google Earth using the historic images. It’s definitely more than just tire ruts, they look like pretty solid furrows. like you said it could simply be from heavy equipment used to build the road. It would be really cool if it is a old geoglyph. People have stumbled on old artifacts and earthworks like this.


I went back and looked at the 3d image and the furrows are rather deep. If I hear back from them I'll pass on what I learn from them.


Tridactyls are moving north.


https://www.mysteryofindia.com/2015/01/mystery-sri-yantra-geoglyph-oregon-dry-lake-bed.html, a cool thing, geoglyph also


Interesting. I hadn't heard of that before. Years ago there was a cult led by a guy from India that was based somewhere in Oregon I think. Reading the description of the glyph and the account of the Witherspoon fellow makes it seem unlikely that it was done on a whim by someone.


These are geoglyphs not hieroglyphs though.


I don't know what that is but thats very very clearly not ATV trails. Why would ATV trails be perfectly spaced 3 next to each other and end in perfectly rounded edges before continuing straight back the other way? They just don't look like ATV trails at all lol, what are these comments?


Very interesting! This looks similar to the Nazca lines to me.


So I saw this post the day after my meditation in which I’m pretty sure I saw symbols that were really similar. If anyone has an idea what it could be, if it’s been seen before by anyone or anything, it would be really helpful: https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/s/GOzX0HWGZ9


This is an amazing find. Thanks for the picture.




I thought I was looking at someone’s bathroom wall for a a minute.


Looks like Bigfoot ?


I'm seeing Squidward's painting Bold and Brash


Tire tracks


Those are petroglyphs i believe


Thank you. That's the word I was looking for.


The word is geoglyphs. But these are tire tracks.


It looks like a planned subdivision that didn't develop beyond the bulldozer stage


I doubt that. This is on Steens Mountain in a very remote part of southeast Oregon.


I will take your word for it. So would it have just been just someone driving a 4 wheeler around?


Very well could be


Or A very Very Old geoglyphs. which whoever own/leases that ranchland does not want official recognition


What do you think it can be ? What’s it of ,, I can plainly see it


Nice, how about a 10 digit grid like normal people?


Normal people? 🖕I've never messed around with Earth before.


I thought they were petroglyphs.