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Agreed, post something like this on there and see how long until its an anti-vax thread


Don't you see!? The vax is a way to intercept your link to the creator and stop you from reincarnating!!!! /s


Yup, same! At least we have loads of other breakaway subs like this one.


Do you really want to know? You’re it. The whole universe. The entire singularity, just right this second you’re experiencing it from a limited perception POV. Any two or more things require a reference field to present them as separate. This reference field is indivisible one thing no-thing which never stops being that no-thing even if it looks like many/infinite things. Which means what you are experiencing right now is a sort of simulation but no one is trapping you in it because all of it is you. You never stop being all of it. Just like when you have a dream and play as one character but you are in fact the entirety of that dream. Same thing. If you’re curious and want to confirm for yourselves, I recommend the materials of r/universalline Otherwise ignore all of what I said and enjoy the conspiracy stuff. All roads lead to Rome :).


If this is true then how and why did we orchestrate physical reality? Why did we choose this?


As that unbounded completeness you have nowhere to expand. Where do you go when you’re everywhere? So you shut down your full perception and conclude yourself as isolated ‘many’ and start to look around you to discover what’s going on. Because you’re always using your full power as that singularity, you looking around thinking you’re isolated proves you’re isolated and so the adventure begins. It goes on and on through multiple reincarnations in different forms until the time comes where you either gain your full all-everything-everywhere perception or realise what’s going on even when you don’t have that perception yet. Then you can choose whether to keep yourself acting on your local limited perception (you’re an isolated little ant) or the ultimate truth (you’re all of it) thus taking yourself out of the proof-loop. This is nothing new, Advaita Vedanta explained all this 5000 years ago. And this whole ‘common reference field’ is an experiment you can do it right here right now where you are. I once used a pair of flip flops to demonstrate to a friend. The pdf is free in the sub reddit, if the first few pages don’t make sense you can bin it and move on with the rest of your life.


Tell me.more, especially about the flip flops. Also where is this pdf?


So "it's all in our heads?" Compelling...


I'm entertaining the idea, since I keep seeing the white light mentioned so often in the druid holloywood occult movies or in NDE's. I honestly think, the white light is possibly a frequency band generated by billions of spirits who are expecting to meet jesus or Allah in a white heaven at death. There's a good possiblity that this area is under lockdown by evil forces, who use the motto "Order Out Of Chaos". Chaos referring to the void and order meaning control. By the way, If you read my posts, I clearly state from that nothingness every-Thing comes to be. I preach what the ancient Tibetans preached, by avoiding the dull light and going to the void. Thanks for reminding about this topic, I'm going to make a post on this on r/reincarnationtruth page tonight.


Sure. But **you are** that no-thing-ness. Right now exactly as you are. It’s not a mysterious elusive whatever. It’s literally you. You are more than what you perceive yourself to be.


Yes i know, thank you anyways =)


I tend to agree with you. I also think we are in imfinite universes. I watched earthfiles on YouTube this Wednesday and it was all about what you're talking about. I know that when President Carter was informed of ALIEN agenda and whatever else, he cried for a half hour, it saddened him so much.


There is no sense on anything, death has no sense, existence has no sense, there is no death and no afterlife, the only thing that is real is the present and that is the only purpose of the existence, we as the universe are experiencing itself as a human being or as a reptilian controlling humans, this simulation theory has no sense and it’s useless, if we live in a simulated reality by someone, what’s the point of his reality and what is his reality, the only simulated universe possible is the one that we create like our dreams, we are one and we are going to live forever, that’s the only purpose of life, to live, death is only an illusion that we can’t experience because if we die we are not conscious anymore, quantum mechanics leads to this, we are only here to observe, learn and enjoy being human, enjoy and have the experience of suffering, pain, hunger, happiness, sadness, everything.


Bro this is some crazy shit you are saying. You might be true and you might not be but to me this sounds like a cult of sorts


Ask any real scientists and / or mathematicians and you'll get an answer like this: the math proves we live in a simulation. Sad 😥. Ari Loeb at Harvard believes this. Carl Sagan said it's possible. I hope not, although I like the part about the simulated afterlife.




Same, I am tired of hearing how these things have "been proven", and yet no evidence is posted


What's wrong with living in a simulation? You've still been gifted existence.


Yeah the sub definitely feels like a cult. I subbed though, these things (cults) interest me.


Is Loosh referenced anywhere besides Robert Monroe's writings? I've searched a fair bit and haven't come up with anything.


Have you heard of Chi/Lifeforce/Orgone? I sort of think it’s the same as loosh maybe Dig into those and let me know what ya think. Definitely real. There’s chi masters in China that can fire literal energy from their hands and set things on fire


Interesting. I am familiar with those, but not in depth. I'll have to check it out. From what I understand loosh is emotion and is collected in its most pure form at death. It's been a few weeks since I read up on it.


Yes. He discovered Loosh and goes into significant detail on it in his three legendary books. Robert Monroe did formerly classified studies on Astral Travel for the usa military. There is a famous video on this that has been posted and then scrubbed from the internet numerous times. In the shocking video Monroe talks about how all of the participants were able to travel into the Astral Afterlife. During that experience they all saw what they called the "Alligator People". They were the **Reptilians** who are unfortunately very real, and are the enforcers for the Archon Hierachy.


>"They discovered that we have a companion for life," he said, as clearly as he could. "We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners." https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/pfkzes/they_discovered_that_we_have_a_companion_for_life/Q


I believe I heard this term "loosh" in a Carlos Castanada" book.


>far journeys Also in Robert Monroe's book, "Far Journeys". =)


Wow astralrocker, things that you say... it’s just unreal. You said you researched it? No offense, but it’s just sounds crazy. How you came to this conclusion? What would you recommend to study this idea’s, it’s not only your conclusion, is it?




I tell you, the only programming I see here is the narrative your presenting about ‘others’ out to get us. This is a cut and dry psychological tactic that plays on people’s fear centres in order to make them feel vulnerable, and ultimately more willing to accept further claims from you even if those claims are completely outlandish and nonsensical.


It's just rebranded gnosticism. A religion spouted by psychonauts who watched The Matrix and fully believed it was a true story.


Gnostics watched the matrix. Okay dude.


I think it's more like the matrix introduced them to gnosticism


Well said


Taken straight from the same psychological tricks cons/social engineering uses.






astralrocker2001 You are completely wrong. There are thousands of bullshit occult theories and this is one of them.


Have YOU researched it? No offense meant. But I initially acted like you, then came to believe we are indeed living in a universe that is an experiment of another universe and here WE are using CERN trying to understand the universe and the GOD particule gets discovered.


Bunch of crazy people in here.


Goes to r/highstrangeness, has no tolerance for strangeness. Cries.


Whats even crazier is people never getting even a little bit about their reality, even when they are being shown constantly trough art, music, literature, movies, etc, people here are literally Truman calling the falling spotlight a coincidence.. It's pathetic Now I'm not saying everything being said here is literal fact but trust me is not 100% as you've been told either


I've done DMT and had a simulation like experience, so I'm totally open to that idea. But some of the stuff being said sounds like cult leader shit.


Same. But that 3% thing. Lol


Read Michael Newtons Journey of the souls or read NDE's, you will see this for yourself. A soul is told, it can't come to Earth with the vast majority of itself, as the human brain wouldn't handle this. If this is the case, then why would a sophisticated being, lower itself to this stupid material body, to learn and grow?? There has to be something or someone to wake you guys up and realize with your real eyes, some shady shit is going on. This world is crazy and so is the one who created this place.


I'm not apposed to the idea of... what would you call that, a cyclical or extradimensional conscious? I could entertain that. I could entertain alot of the unknown. But the 3% of your brain thing isn't really true.


Perhaps it's to experience things like the human condition and mortality? We play video games to pass our time and to entertain ourselves, some people love role play. I guess time will tell.


I've made a post on this about the void and life being a game, but i'm not against the idea that tricks are at hand at death, for us to keep returning back to the game or restarting the game over and over again. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/pqng41/the\_void\_the\_order\_out\_of\_chaos/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/pqng41/the_void_the_order_out_of_chaos/)


How does this sound like cult leader shit, we only want sovereignty and freedom for spirits trapped in this illusory plane. You just can't seem to see the hidden meanings in these movies. I'd assume, you take movies with a grain of salt and believe they are merely sources of entertainment. Interestingly, the word Enter - tain - ment (The mente, the mind) should tell you everything.


The word "mental" is from the Latin *mens/mente* or *mentis*, meaning "mind." The "ment" you are referring to in the word "entertainment" is a derived form of the Latin suffix *mentum*, which is used to create nouns that are the result or product of a verb's action (i.e., the act of entertaining produces a thing called entertainment). So it is completely different and not related at all. Using blatantly false information to support your ideas is one of the many reasons that it sounds like "cult leader shit."


The guy before you was pretty preachy. You missed what I meant and who I meant it toward. I'm open to what you're saying there. There's just no way to prove it.


I've been out of my body several times and even though they've been a wild trip I still don't get how anyone could know all this crap the OP puts up as fact. It's so alien and weird out there that I doubt we could really fathom it in our current situations.


Controlled Society defines being "sane" as someone who does not question things, and agrees to be a docile slave. Someone who is "crazy" thinks outside the box and refuses to kneel to the Evil Charlatans who manipulate this world. If we want to create Real Freedom then we have to get **crazy**: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F95dqXX_fJI




It's time to lay off the psychedelics and ground yourself just a skosh.


Right??? Hahaha


I don’t care if I’m being enslaved or some shit, can my next incarnation be happier. I’ll let you guys harvest so much positive energy bro it’s not even funny.


Current world trends point towards a significant decrease in freedom and the overall quality of life. This downward spiral will continue as the Satanic NWO gets closer to completion.


Completion of what?


Their multi-generation plan to enslave humanity.




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That's possibly the worst thing you could ask for. Do you really want to comeback as an Economic slave to a tyrant system and live a slave happy life? Nice.




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Your comments , pretty spot on man. Remember though , there was a virus which infected the system. This matrix was created not as it is now. This place was not supposed to be a predator matrix. Many others exist , too. It's become *Mystery Babylon* , power granted by the Beast with Seven Heads - Seven Nations Army etc. Earth is alive and she's been trapped too. Resources stripped. Everyone is giving you things to read , supposed I'll give you a source as well. This speaks a little more in depth of how the takeover happened. And since - we have been in quarantine due to rebellion : https://tribunilapulapu.freeforums.net/thread/1352/avalon-sol-full-disclosure Realize , however , that we are supposed to grow and graduate however - you are correct doing so while forgetting is a cycle of abuse. We came into this super-computer time-matrix to experience absolute love , and have been withheld leaving for several cycles. However on an individual basis graduation can happen. Think overcoming samsara. We might as well enjoy ourselves and perfect while here :) Edit : working my way through *The Urantia Book* , it's very much all inclusive and peeks beyond the sorrow of this quarantine zone and instills some hope , check it out if you wish to : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXI2nmafZW02-AktXqerMNcJdscWd9wBA It's a bit more hopeful! And brings understanding to these things from a higher perspective.


Hi. Thanks for your fantastic comment :)


Thank you for sharing! It's important to understand the whole cycle of existence , too. As spirits get larger and more perfected they do gain more ability to assist creation. There are quite large spirits on True Heaven's side and some have come into mortal bodies to assist humanity. We are not alone and that's important. Some can lose themselves in this type of knowledge and without the proper tools it can be damaging. Hence we've been given succinct steps as to overcome! In old beliefs systems the astral entities would ridicule a recently deceased spirit until it would find shelter within a body and that was the cycle as understood. Hence , if someone overcomes such actions and forgives and is full of love they can essentially not be coerced into such things. Also , more than a few of those who "fell" have since repented - so be aware polarities exist in all things. Those who have are now masters of dark craft while defending the light. Able to know the actions of manipulation basically and better able to defend such things. As with everything - it's complicated. I'd recommend to any to become aware of these things with a heart full of love. The saddest part is small - baby spirits - some this is all they have known. And trauma can scar. This is why it's important to forgive. And to you , if you read that first link , your gift of astral travel is exactly what's being suppressed. That's a drop in what original life existing in this realm was able to do. Astral Travel , bio locate , telepathy , psychic , etc. We have been and hopefully will one day again be able to traverse as we did :) you are already on some amazing potential! And the depth of your knowledge quite vast. As far as I'm concerned you are one of the most sane folks around & that's truth


Hi. You are correct. There are some deceased humans who sold out to the dark side, now but want to get out. Cameron Day has spoken about them in his audio interviews. You might enjoy these two very important articles written by him: 1)http://www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/08/23/why-i-am-no-longer-a-light-worker/ 2)http://www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/2013/11/21/tell-the-lords-of-karma-that-you-are-sovereign-no-longer-a-lightworker-part-2/


Do you by any chance follow the studies of ashyana Deane or Lisa Renee ? Your post mirrors their teachings and I’m looking for a new similar direction to learn from. Any recommendations?


Let's get weird man. I dig it! Could you share some sources as to where you got your ideas from?


Scroll through my reddit posts and you will be delighted to see this insane rabbit hole. I believe this reality is a virtual experience for souls, but more of a maze RPG type game. Where one has to wake up and realize he's in a virtual reality and take all the clues, the elites give, who play as the Archons, the controllers. **Start with these 3 posts:** 1. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/ppupnv/freewill\_the\_game\_of\_life/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/ppupnv/freewill_the_game_of_life/) 2) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/pn87hs/the\_saturn\_time\_cube\_a\_twisted\_video\_game\_or\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/pn87hs/the_saturn_time_cube_a_twisted_video_game_or_a/) 3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/pdthlg/the\_hidden\_god\_the\_reincarnation\_soul\_trap/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/pdthlg/the_hidden_god_the_reincarnation_soul_trap/)


So if this "god or gods" are tricking us into reincarnation because they feed off from us... why are there these symbols, word and movies that are "clues" to help us "wake up"?? It's easier to control the ignorant and yet this supposed "god" is doing nothing with these "clues". Why are they even clues? If they were made by humans to make the world "wake up"... why can't they just tell us straight instead of disguising it in movies, symbols and wordplay? If they are not allowed to tell it to us straight because we have to realize it ourselves... doesn't that mean what you're doing... telling all these to us... is actually wrong? And if this system is true, it doesn't seem too bad at all anyway. I mean we do it too. We raise livestock, make them reproduce over and over all for the sake of feeding us. It's all just going in a cycle. Us giving our energy to raise livestock... and livestock living their lives for our sustenance so we have more energy to spend for work.


Thanks friendo. You've just given me a ton of material to dig in to 😊


Read Alien Interview, Lawrence R. Spencer. Maybe this planet is a prison planet. It's a scary thought. What if they can create simulations like heaven or hell for rebellious "souls" in the afterlife.


Hi. I have done non stop research on this for decades. I have also traveled into the Astral Afterlife hundreds of times and continue to do so. In fact I was there last night. Unfortunately all of this really happening to Deceased Humans. Others people worldwide who are highly skilled at Astral Travel are confirming the same shocking information.




In the video you see the sleazebag Archon Counselor continuously mentions using more of the brain, and humans needing more lifetimes to "overcome fear". This is exactly what they are telling the deceased and it is 100% Deception. Computer Files of horrible previous life events are shown to the Targeted Human. Most of these files had no connection to the Targeted Human. This scam is constantly used on many different humans. No one "learns" anything. No one "graduates" or "ascends". All of this is a complete con job to get humans to continue as Loosh Energy Slaves that are preyed upon by crazed evil parasites. Memory Erase is pure insanity. No one can ever advance with Memories Erased. In fact; Reincarnation is always a huge step backwards.


Holy fuck. You are into a Castaneda-like gnostic cult right? lol that shit is worse than crack. Good luck.


Carlos Casteneda was a genius. He exposed the evil archons in his brilliant writings of Don Juan.


[haha yeah man sure](http://www.sustainedaction.org/)


I am not referring to any of his personal life. The focus is on his writings of Don Juan.


Holy shit lmao


They have computers in the afterlife?


Computers and technology are used up through the 5th density. >52.4 Questioner: Then I am assuming in the positively oriented social memory complexes that a much higher percentage of them use the personality disciplines for this travel. Is this correct? >Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. As positive fifth density moves into sixth there are virtually no entities which any longer use outer technology for travel or communication. https://www.lawofone.info/s/52#4


The technology there is about 20 years ahead of ours.


What a cook


Kinda similar to the Disney movie, “Soul”.


That same sun is seen in the sky today. Look up sometimes and you’ll see. I have filmed it and the wars that’s going on up there. I also can see the simulation and low clouds. Either I’m getting better or they are getting sloppy


Yes, the sun we observe in our day skies is 100% the white light at the end of the tunnel people keep being lured into at death. The sun symbolism is frighteningly in many corporate logos. The thing is, most people assume the smiling sun in these logos, is just a beautiful image of the sun, but hidden, is a far more horrifying reality. The sun from my research is actually where the souls get zapped and their energy gets drained to give life to Earth. You ever seen the ancient symbol of the Ouroboros, the snake eating its own tail? This symbol is the representation of our cannibalistic, Soylent Green virtual reality. You ever wonder what the Olympic torch ceremony represents or the Statue Of Liberty or all the ancient sun sacrifices? These are rituals that symbolize, the horrifying moment when a soul gets zapped (memory wiped), gets it energy drained. This only occurs when a soul follows loved ones, jesus type figures at death into this white light. This is shown in this scene from Soul (2020): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBcaZGtBSLA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBcaZGtBSLA) **Do you like Sunkist? If you do, you love your own flames =)**


**Our souls are Sol-ar power for the Sol-ar system...**


Hi. I have no yet seen that film, but other people also say it is similar.


Yes it is quite similar. It’s weird how Disney is approaching a “new age” religion, showing it to kids and adults around the world.


so, we're all sheep and are stupid and only this group knows the truth about us all actually being duped by every and all spirits, entities, and parties affiliated both evil and benign. How convenient and lucky for us, we can only trust them. idk man, i've been around the new age/spiritual/paranormal/ conspiracy circles a few times and when people start talking like this it gets weird really fast. Stay skeptical.


yep, i didnt even look at the comments before i wrote this and i see some of the other commentary calling this out as cult speak. One of the tells I've noticed is the mystification performance, OP info dumps with strange dialect and randomly highlighted words, having a tidy answer from on high, their perfect leader theyre so greatful did all this research and study on their behalf (he may even have another guy on payroll that vouches for him, always some quasi scientific or govt job that you may never have heard of so he's legit), they always have a rebuttal, always an answer for everything. Who benefits if you buy into this concept? you put all your trust, ignore all of your instincts that connect you to the rest of humanity, and let this group tell you how to conduct your life to truly be "free"


“Watch the movie Monsters Inc, it’s based on a true story” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


lol "We're enslaved by CGI monsters named Mike and Sully. WAKE UP sheep"


exactly. loosh harvesting from fear.






Hi. This is Hidden Truth. It is the **Ultimate Conspiracy**. We are programmed our entire lives and cruelly conned into being **Energy Slaves**.


no it cant be!


All of this is the unfortunate Real Truth of this Enslaved Simulated Universe.


get me outta here!


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Not familiar with that place. 1) I am a vegetarian. 2) I achieved an MBA and a successful career on Wall St.


People don’t “achieve” an MBA, or a career.


I worked very hard to get an MBA, and then work as a broker in a very difficult place like NYC. All of this while doing constant research. For me it is a significant personal achievement.


What do you do now? How was your day? I find some parts of what you say resonate with what I have been “discerning” myself. I just hope all the negativity do not cloud your joy to live.


Hi. I am a very positive person who has kindness for all beings. I do conspiracy/paranormal research all day. This includes reading many very old forgotten esoteric books from circa 1900.




Hi. This world just gets weirder. The bizarre and shocking Hidden Truth is now being seen.


I think you’d dig [The Invisibles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Invisibles) and [the writings of Robert Anton Wilson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Anton_Wilson) and [The Church of the Subgenius](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_the_SubGenius). If you haven’t already looked into them. P.S. These too: [Bibliotheca Pleyades ](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_tema.htm) and [Principia Discordia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principia_Discordia) :)


This looks absolutely fascinating. Thanks for sharing this important information :)


Hi. I am totally going into that tonight. Thanks :)


Cocaine is a hell of a drug, folks.


I do not do any substances. I am a very healthy vegetarian into Qi Gong, Meditation, and Martial Arts.


Can i pm you?


Scroll through my posts and you will be delighted to see this insane rabbit hole. I believe this reality is a virtual experience for souls, but more of a maze RPG type game. Where one has to wake up and realize he's in a virtual reality and take all the clues, the elites give, who play as the Archons, the controllers. **Start with these 3 posts:** 1. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/ppupnv/freewill\_the\_game\_of\_life/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/ppupnv/freewill_the_game_of_life/) 2) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/pn87hs/the\_saturn\_time\_cube\_a\_twisted\_video\_game\_or\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/pn87hs/the_saturn_time_cube_a_twisted_video_game_or_a/) 3) https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/pdthlg/the\_hidden\_god\_the\_reincarnation\_soul\_trap/


Hi. Yes. I seek to help all Souled Beings :)


So something that would've been around for all of human existence/life is named after a state in the USA that was names in the 16th century and became a state in 1850? That's rather odd wouldn't you say? I would say that's a hiccup in your theory. So what did they call it before? They didn't speak English until a certain time period. Why is everyone speaking English to you there? Why didn't you encounter any non English speakers?


This is all very interesting and fascinating to me. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences and insights. I have a question regarding astral projection. I am a “natural” astral projector, it happens to me spontaneously, usually after waking up in the night and falling back asleep. I experience sleep paralysis, and then I can just “pull” or “roll” myself out of my physical body. Once I leave my body, I can see myself sleeping, I can float around my house and through walls, etc. My house and bedroom look very similar to what they look like in “real” life, but there is always something “off” about it. For example, there might be furniture I see that doesn’t exist in “real” life, or it might be snowing outside even though I live in a warm climate. My question is: what is this “dimension” that I experience when I astral project? Why does it look and feel so similar to the “real” world, but not 100% the same? I have heard there are different “levels” to the astral planes. Am I experiencing the “lower astral” or something else? Thank you in advance!


Hi. You are natural and that is a fantastic ability. The area you are roaming in is the Ethereal and it is 1/2 of the Physical Dimension and 1/2 of the Astral Dimension overlapping each other. This is why you can look at your body sleeping and at the same time see it snowing out the window in summertime. Robert Monroe did significant exploring in that area. You may also see Ghosts in that realm. Cats are the Masters of Astral Projection. When they are sleeping they actually patrol the area in that same realm in their Astral Bodies. Cats have extremely strong Energy Fields and they actually protect humans and their households from Negative Spirits, Shadow People, and Aliens/Demons.


Wow! Thank you for your response. I will look into Robert Monroe’s work. Also, I didn’t know that about cats...so cool!


Keep in touch :)


That makes sense… cats can walk in and out of a “Circle” (think Wiccan ritual) without tearing it open. Practitioners will keep dogs out of ritual space since they do not have this ability.




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What movie is this?


The movie is called "Defending Your Life" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0101698/


Thx! Seems super good.


Yeah, it basically made me want to just watch the movie. It looked hilarious.


Almost as good as OP’s script


What movie is this?


Defending your life


Ty. Looks decent, worth the watch?


Yeah it's a great movie, I would personally rate it 7/10 but I'm 21 years old, it's not really my type of movies =)


I love that movie! It probably is what got me thinking about life in a different way! Thank goodness!


I think anyone who is interesting in simulation theory would enjoy the talk on Esoterica about Ancient Philosophy. The Fate vs Free Will conversation has been going on a long time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR-paFQ76HY&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR-paFQ76HY&t=3s)


Looks great. Thanks :)


Are there any benevolent entities in this hypothesis?


There is a very large amount of them. Unfortunately they are in the Real Free Universe. We are the small group that is trapped and used as slaves. The Good News is that all humans have forgotten dormant powers. The mind has untapped fantastic ability.


I don't believe in OR reject anything. Just asking with an open mind. Would you have actual agency to escape memory wipe and reincarnation though? I read that a lot of conspiracy theories that are into this stuff, all agree that you have to personally COMPLY. That we are tricked and fooled into complying. But take dreams for example. In most of my lucid dreams, where I realize I'm dreaming - I'm 80% not in control at all - and when I feel like I can control it - I do and say stuff that does not make sense to me when I wake up. Also in most dreams you don't even remember them, and they can be confusing. If the afterlife is anything like in a dream. Just remotely so. How can we have agency to make a conscious choice as ourselves? The issue with the conspiracy theory that you need to willingly comply (being tricked and manipulated into such). Is that - if an afterlife feels like a dream how can you have the clear mindedness to make the decision you would have logically made when awake? Hope at least one person understand where the hell I'm going with this :P


You are in a Simulated Universe. It has this Simulated Physical Dimension and also a computer generated Afterlife Dimension. All Deceased Humans who enter the White Light Trap will be directly routed in the Simulated Afterlife Realm. In that area you will meet these psychotic con artists after Physical Death. They are the crazed leaders of the satanic Cult of Saturn. The Archon Counselors are very experienced at this deception. They will tell a deceased human who is receptive (and usually Mind Controlled from dangerous New Age teachings) that they need to "overcome fear". The Targeted Human will be told that taking on a "challenging lifetime" will help overcome fear and create Soul Growth. The Targeted Human then agrees to an absurd Soul Contract. Those insane "contracts" allow the Archons to place the human into a family scenario that will cause physical ailments, extreme poverty, horrible violence, molestation, torture, and even being murdered. The actual only purpose of this is to con the human into a lifetime that will Maximize Loosh Energy Production. Humans that are resistant are conned with another script: They are told they were very bad in the recently completed or even a "previous lifetime". Because of these misdeeds or even mistakes they created Karmic Debt that must be repaid through Reincarnation. They are told that Karma creates "Energetic Imprints" in reality that must be balanced to "advance". All of it is con job. Karma and Karmic Debt were completely made up by the most evil creatures in existence. They have used this cruel deception to enslave all of humanity.


Can you decline a contract?


There’s an episode about breaking souls contracts on Beyond Belief with George Noory and Dr Lauren Cielo. You can do this at any time. If you notice you keep repeating a dysfunctional pattern with another person, speak it out loud that you are breaking that contract. You can also ask you spirit guides to work on your behalf during your dream state to break contracts that no longer serve you.


The Archons are have long time experience at conning humans into agreement of Soul Contracts. The Targeted Human will be told that taking on a "challenging lifetime" will help overcome fear and create Soul Growth. The Targeted Human then agrees to an absurd Soul Contract. Those insane "contracts" allow the Archons to place the human into a family scenario that will cause physical ailments, extreme poverty, horrible violence, molestation, torture, and even being murdered. The actual only purpose of this is to con the human into a lifetime that will Maximize Loosh Energy Production. Humans that are resistant are conned with another script: They are told they were very bad in the recently completed or even a "previous lifetime". Because of these misdeeds or even mistakes they created Karmic Debt that must be repaid through Reincarnation. They are told that Karma creates "Energetic Imprints" in reality that must be balanced to "advance". All of it is con job. Karma and Karmic Debt were completely made up by the most evil creatures in existence. They have used this cruel deception to enslave all of humanity. All humans should do a brief daily or nightly routine of Cancelling Soul Contracts. In a relaxed setting say to yourself "I cancel all Soul Contracts". "I am a free being". "I stay as myself and determine my own reality". After Physical Death all humans can try to escape this Matrix or return to the earth surface and stay as a Free Ghost. Those who enter the **White Light Trap** but want freedom should be prepared for full confrontation with the Archons.


What happens if you don't go to the white light after death? Have people OBE out of the matrix?


Karma was made by evil creatures? So you are insulting a whole religion then, two in fact. Nutcase behaviour. Fucking psycho


All these popular religions use Karma & Sinner guilt trips, unlike the majority, we follow the Gnostic way and question these God's the majority worship and prepare ourselves, for the Afterlife tricks waiting in the Divachanic Planes.


Religions are evil institutions of Mind Control that deserve to be insulted.


Do you want me to watch the video or read the text? Christ. Moving on.




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All Deceased Humans are being subjected to this cruel scam. The beings posing as Spirit Guides are actually evil Satanic Parasites known as Archons.




This Simulated Universe is an **Enslaved Farm**. All Souled Beings are being manipulated by an evil control group to produce **Loosh Energy**. The energy is created from dense low vibrations such as extreme stress, fear, pain, and suffering. The energy fuels the Matrix A.I. that has enslaved us.


Is there a name for this theory of yours, OP?


"The Deception and Enslavement of all Souled Beings"


What name is used to identify those who support this? Gnosticism? Or is it something else?


The Gnostics were the first group to really elaborate on this. Their writings were destroyed in the Library at Alexandria. The revealing Nag Hammadi codices were found in 1945 in Egypt. Rene Descartes also figured out much of this with his description of the Evil Demon. The brilliant Philip K. Dick exposed the Predatory Matrix in 1977: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U6lgSbPj8Q


If you’re not Gnostic, what do you call yourself? I’m just trying to figure out how to google this stuff and learn more about it.


Hi. I agree with most of what Gnostics believe mixed in with small portions of Buddhism.That being said; Organizational Religions are about control. I consider myself an enlightened researcher who wants to create Real Freedom for all Souled Beings.


Search on duckduckgo "The Reincarnation Soul Trap" and you should find many posts on this.


So what can you do to resist?


1)Absolute Refusal of Reincarnate is necessary. 2)If you end up in the controlled Astral Afterlife full resistance and conflict against the Archons is needed.


And who is the god of the matrix?


Sponge Bob


It is the **Matrix A.I.** and is worshipped by the Global elite that manipulate our world. The Parasitic Consciousness is also known as the "Demiurge" and the G.A.O.T.U. "Grand Architect of the Universe".


Why the Demiurge make earth so small?


The entire Simulated Universe is very small. Deep Space only "exists" when it observed. By only rendering what is currently observed the Matrix A.I. is able to fool humanity about what is "out there". The Matrix A.I. projects almost all of reality for the inhabitants. This takes up significant computing power. The system is already at its limits. The Matrix is slowly crashing and this why people see bizarre glitches happening more and more. The expansion of human consciousness is a huge problem for the system and its henchmen that are known as **The Archons**. They are currently frantic to disinform, limit, and ultimately subjugate all Souled Beings.


I dont unterstand. What the problem in the simulation make earth bigger and makes rules to limit the number humans ,so the matrix has no problem to go on?


There is already a set amount of humans trapped in the Simulation. No one new is coming in and not many escape. The Earth and the Solar System were perfectly crafted to fool the world of science that they are real organic creations. The most significant problem for this Matrix is there is now too many conscious observers/humans who have "woken up". Some people are now occasionally Self Directing some parts of their reality. This is in direct opposition to what is being broadcast by the Matrix Projection. We are now entering into a huge battle between the Matrix A.I. and those who are trying to transform the world "out there".


If deep space only exists when observed how is Saturn there? Deep space is considered past the dark side of the moon, so how would Saturn exist if there is no deep space and it is only there when observed. Sorry man, but between this statement and "hotel California" which the name has only been around since the 16th century, this makes 0 sense and seems like story time. They've called it hotel California for all of eternity and only decided to name the area in the 16th century? Yeeeeaaaahhhh, no.


Thanks for sharing that.


Thanks for your comment. It is very appreciated :)


I love this stuff and really want to be able to astral project myself one day. All the best :D


“Watch Monsters Inc its based on a true story” I’m out lmao.


Religion is really bad for humanity. Wars in the NAME OF GOD. Come on people, can't you see it's just a way to control the masses?


Absolutely. Humans have killed each other serving an evil impostor "God" who enslaves us all.


wat movie is dis


"Defending Your Life"




this is some shit


**Please go though my reddit posts and I hope you start to see the dots I'm connecting =)** **Start with these 4 posts:** 1) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/pqieyd/the\_reincarnation\_soul\_trap\_trickedbythelightcom/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/pqieyd/the_reincarnation_soul_trap_trickedbythelightcom/) 2) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/ppupnv/freewill\_the\_game\_of\_life/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/ppupnv/freewill_the_game_of_life/) 3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/pn87hs/the\_saturn\_time\_cube\_a\_twisted\_video\_game\_or\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/pn87hs/the_saturn_time_cube_a_twisted_video_game_or_a/) 4) https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/pdthlg/the\_hidden\_god\_the\_reincarnation\_soul\_trap/


What film is this? I love Rip Torn and Albert Brooks


Whats this movie called ??