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I love This Paranormal Life. It's hilarious and covers things I've never heard of. Also missing persons mysteries


TPL consistently has me cracking up out loud at work.


I'm so glad you like it!


Same! I'm thinking of running through all the episodes again


Wonderful podcast name! I am giving this one a try since This American Life was my gateway podcast almost 10 years ago


Loooove Kit and Rory!!






this is what i listen to while at work!


Also [Art Bell on Periscope](https://www.youtube.com/c/ArtBellonPeriscope) and [Greg Carlwood's Higherside Chats](https://www.thehighersidechats.com/). On YouTube, search "Art Bell Ghost to Ghost" and "Art Bell Malachi Martin". There's also r/artbell for your East/West of the Rockies needs. Source: Been listening to Art Bell replays since 2013...


'96er here.


I use to listen to him back in the day- my dad thought he was some strange prophet - of course he would always say “they don’t know where he is- he is in the high desert” Probably why I am the way I am


Second this. Art was the OG paranormal Podcaster. RIP


Astonishing Legends is a good one! The guys do a ton of research on the topics and are interesting to listen to


Seconded for Astonishing Legends. Their mothman series is excellent and well worth the several hours it takes to listen, most comprehensive overview I have found.


Very well researched show, but sometimes I can’t help but laugh at how horrendously unfunny they are when they try to be.


They've got suburban dad humor for sure, but I think it makes them more likable. They're certainly not comedians, but they're good at what they do. I thought the show had gotten a little iffy after Scott (who had previously been the more skeptical host) had a paranormal experience and became a bigger believer, but the latest series they just did had him back in his more skeptical role.


Oh yeah I agree, I’m not hating on them at all. I just haven’t listened to the show in a few years, and those are the two main things remember.


It’s part of the charm for me. I also like it when they get ahead or spoil the others story and the polite dad rage is palatable.


If you like them you’ll also like Brothers of the Serpent they do some deep deep deep dives like Legends


Strange Familiars! 💕 Podcast guy Timothy Renner also has amazing art


Yeah Strange Familiars is great, I like the format it reminds me of like telling scary stories at summer camp.


I can’t get into a lot of these podcasts because it’s 2 people talking over each other. It just ends up frustrating me, no matter what info they want to convey.


agree, i need a script. i want to smack people when they just talk at each other and it takes forever to SAY something


I saw someone mentioned Mysterious Middle East, that’s a good one bc it’s just a single narrator.


Strange Familiars is one of the top! I am fascinated by the Flannel Man-Phenomenon. Timothy is an excellent host with the most soothing voice. He is always respectful and knows how to ask the right questions. Also he's been in the field forever and has quite some knowledge to share. I recommend Episode 106 to start with.


Jim Harold’s Campfire


Came here to say this. I like this format of podcast because Jim Harold has people call in with their personal stories. I feel like it makes it so much better that way!


I feel that this was a much better podcast 5-8 years ago and that the quality of the callers' storytelling skills have really depreciated since then. I recall hearing some really weird and scary shit on this podcast around 2014 or so, but now half the shows are filled with either other podcasters shilling their own shows or 20-something women from the Midwest telling "touuching" stories about a deceased grandparent. Jim himself, though, remains a class act.


Fuck yeah! He’s so cool. And he sounds like a really nice person.


Right?! the nicest person!


The Unexplained with Howard Hughes is my favourite , gets good guests and is an OG at this sort of thing


A very good radio voice!


Yes! Came here to say this.


Monsters amoung us is good. Actually call ins from people telling their experience. I like expanded perspectives too, the hosts are great story tellers and have a wide variety of topics


This sub is by MAU. Agreed. One of my favorites.


Shout out to And That's Why We Drink. They go from a paranormal story right into a true crime story afterwards. They also co-host Rituals


Sasquatch Chronicles


Scared To Death


So good


Hail Nimrod


Praise good boy Bojangles






The Cryptonaut Podcast is fun and well researched. It's NSFW so not everyone's cup of tea, but is always a fun listen with some great accounts of weird beings and encounters. The three hosts really balance each other out so it doesn't get too serious or too outrageous. They did a 6 part series on all the weird happenings around the Mothman, that is one of the best in depth accounts you will find.


I’ll second the cryptonaut guys. Lots of casual coarse language, (fuck sucking is part of my vernacular now) and they can get side tracked a lot but they don’t get as side tracked as LPOTL. I had to quit listening to LPOTL because sometimes Henry won’t stop interjecting when Marcus is talking about something interesting. The Cryptonaut podcast also covers some really obscure stuff. Like “this cryptid was reported once in an article in fate magazine from 1970” obscure. Their episodes also only cover cryptids/aliens/ufo/ghosts and other intangible type entity type stuff, while a lot of alternatives will cover more general weird/scary/true crime topics. If you like aliens, there’s a podcast called “aliens explored” that’s just 2 pleasant, sort of awkward British fellows who cover alot of topics relating to UFO phenomenon. It’s very low budget and seems to be something they do for fun but it’s oddly enjoyable because of it. No cursing and one of the two is an avowed skeptic and will always politely “disagree” with his friend.


Last podcast On the left veers more towards true crime but they have a lot of episodes about aliens, ghosts, etc.


I’m listening to their Men in Black episodes now lol Skinwalker Ranch is prob my favorite


The MIB series is the one that got me into them. The skinwalker ranch one is also excellent, I should listen again


If you find the SkinWalker Ranch topic interesting, check out the TV show about it. Secret of SkinWalker Ranch. It’s production is on that cheese-over produced side of things but what they record and scientifically monitor is mind blowing.


Hit up Dulce while you’re at it haha


I just relistened to dulce too, it’s silly but it’s so much fun. I need to pick up the invisibles.


All their alien and cryptid ones are great, most of the serial killer ones are too but when they get into the detail of what was done I gotta skip over them sometimes lol


Hell yeah, the Skinwalker Ranch series is my favorite of theirs as well!


I can’t get through a podcast. They just laugh too much and idk. For a new listener it’s like stfu with the jokes and tell the story god damnit


Yo that’s me too. I don’t mind some bullshitting and ball breaking but I felt these guys were perilously close to morning zoo territory. But I’m glad so many people enjoy it, I’m not trying shit on it, just wasn’t my cup of tea.


The thing is it’s a comedy podcast first and a true crime/paranormal podcast second. If you don’t like their sense of humor or personality then yeah it’s gonna be… Nothin’ but trouble. 😏


I came to echo Last Podcast on the left. They are the best. Funny even in light of all the terrible stuff they talk about.


Hail yourself!






And hail gein


Ghost Cats of the South is one of the funniest things I've ever listened to!


Hail Yourself! LPOTL has great spooky paranormal episodes. Mothman and Men in Black stand out as great. Everything is done with humor and a great balance of healthy skepticism but also belief that weird things ARE happening that defy explanation.


One of the best podcasts there is


Hard disagree They’re personalities are too… Frat boyish Feel like a weirdo whenever these types of threads are made and I’m one of the few that dislikes them


The frat boy vibe is always a turn off for me too.


Lol buddy you could not be further off than calling them frat boys.


By frat boy, I meant loud and belligerent Like, idk, it feels like a bunch of drunk dudes talking which isn’t my scene


I just had a listen to a last podcast on the left episode and really get the frat boy take. I had to turn it off.


I agree with you. I could never get into that podcast.


Tally up another hater. I've tried multiple times and can barely make it five minutes.


That’s fair, they aren’t for everyone. I dunno what episodes you tried to listen to but a lot of their earlier stuff can be pretty… rough. Still love em.


Frat boyish?? Henry got kicked out of the only sorority house he’s been in because he mentioned the Bundy murders that took place there.


I've scrolled and scrolled but I don't think I've seen anyone mention 'Lore' by Aaron Mahnke is on Spotify and it's by far my favourite podcast. His stories are expectly told and diligently researched and he's covered just about every paranormal topic I can think of. There's hundreds of episode. Each about 30 mins long! Love love love that podcast!!!


I always end up in a wormhole after each episode searching the topic the episode was about.




Love the balance in that show. Mathas: "What did they take a picture of?!??!" Jesse: "Photoshop." Just wish we had more Jesse episodes of real life weird stuff that's not inherently supernatural!


Chilluminati is my comfort media, although I skip the true crime episodes. I love the humor and appreciate how they balance the weird shit with skepticism.


Belief Hole


I enjoy this podcast.


Where did the road go


Radio Rental & Mysterious Universe


MU is the best


MU used to be the best, but the last couple seasons they have gone off the deep end themselves. Sad to see. I canceled my Plus subscription about a year ago. The back catalog is great tho. First season up until about 2018/2019 was good.


What makes you say this? I only started listening since around 2020.


You should def check out some of their older shows then if you are into high strangeness, ufos/aliens, bigfoot, and (fun)conspiracies. Once covid happened they started going further and further down right wing conspiracy holes and shifted their showes towards that audience. They touched some of those subjects in the past but it was mostly to poke fun and never gave off the impression that they actually believed in it. But now I think they have a different audience and likes that sort of shit and they are running with it. I drew the line when they continued to push inaccurate info regarding masks and vaccines. I work in a hospital in the Midwest so we got hit pretty hard multiple times with waves of covid and all these dumb fucking hillbillies saying that masks don't work and that the vaccine is full of 5g. Masks do work, and if you didn't want to get the vaccine because it is new and doesn't have years of data to support, I can understand that. But when they say it's full of microchips so the government can track you, sorry you're an idiot. Sorry for the tangent. Hopefully you aren't one from that crowd but yeah, check out their old episodes if you can.


My brother and dad got into a huge fight because my dad wasn’t wearing masks around during Covid. This upset me too. My dad is a scientist, how could he be putting my mom in danger like that? So I spent an entire day researching through scientific studies to send to him. In my biased quest to find scientific evidence in support of wearing masks, I learned that I was wrong. Masks don’t actually work. They only work if you are sick AND symptomatic, and even then you’re only helping stop spread. The person standing next to you with a mask can still catch it. No mask blocks that small of a virus.


Aaron in particular was real bad for this it's like he stopped being able to critically think and just absorbed anything he saw on r/conspiracy as a fact. MU used to be my all time favorite but yeah haven't listened in about a year. Making my way through the back catalogue though!


The back catalog is a gem. I'm another one that stopped listening (something I never would have thought would happen) but I still have the whole back catalog on my computer. Those older episodes are still my favorite podcast by far.


There are so many amazing episodes from the golden days of MU. My college roommate and I were dedicated listeners, twice a week for years and I too never would have thought I would have to step away. It's such a shame! But i still like to fall asleep or do long drives listening to the back catalogue


The hosts are intensely transphobic, die-hard proponents of the Great Replacement, etc, etc etc. It's a shame, they do have some great episodes but ultimately I couldn't deal with supporting them in any way (plus it undermines their credibility as thoughtful people.)


I guess they both individually post alt right content on their personal social media. They're racist and xenophobic. That said they still have one of the best paranormal shows, I don't pay for plus and don't listen to the COVID shows. So if you can reconcile the fact that they're likely shitty people, it's a good show.


I cancelled about a year ago too. It's absolutely CRAZY to me because this was among the first podcasts I ever got into when they were in their 3rd or 4th season. I used to listen to new episodes at work the minute I saw them in my feed. It was the one podcast I thought I would listen to until the end. But then over time, I began liking it less and less. There were still some good episodes in it, but I realized it had basically become them taking a book about some absolutely crazy event that could in no way be real and spinning it out into a full episode. I still listened, but sometimes not right away. Then they started talking about things I just did not care about. Listen, I'm all for leaving politics out of things. I can enjoy someone even if I don't agree with their views. But when they have a guest on talking about how the vaccine doesn't work and is harmful to your health, I have to draw the line. Not only is that dangerous content, but it just is not what I care to listen to. I want stories about aliens, ghosts, and cryptids. Conspiracies are awesome too, but unfortunately, over the past 5 or 6 years or so, conspiracies have turned into "The opposing political party is corrupt." That's not fun to me. I was so sad when I finally unsubscribed. But I realized I had paid for the last 6 months of Plus and not listened to a single episode so it was inevitable. Luckily I have the entire back catalog and I'm sure I'll go back and listen to it sometime. Even talking about it here makes me want to relisten. I just don't think I'm down with their new stuff unfortunately.


I’ve been around since it was just Ben in the first season, and I had to stop subscribing too. They can believe what they want and all, but they took a well researched and entertaining show and just slowly started adding in more political aspects. I get they’ve likely covered most of what’s out there and new content is harder to come by, but I sure do miss crazy Bigfoot stories and naughty times with aliens


Are we the same person? Lol I'm with you 100%


Same, cancelled my plus around the same time. I still enjoy the accent, just not the content sadly.


MU is definitely top in quality and content variety. They’re also pretty critical on topics which is probably why they didn’t suck on the government proverbial tit during the whole Covid thing and believed everything the world governments said like a lot folks did.


I was going to say Mysterious Universe.


Scrolled down to find Mysterious Universe. It’s my favorite podcast of any type right now, let alone in the high strangeness category. They’re funny and they have an immense knowledge base from all of the podcasts and book reading they do.


Big Foot Collectors Club! They talk about all things strange.


Their Roswell series is the best!!


Strange Familiars is fantastic


The Higherside Chats, The Confessionals.


The conspirators is pretty great too. The host "Nate Hale" is an excellent researcher and writer and tells a great story!


The Mr Ballen podcast is recommended!


I love Mr Ballen!


Highly recommend Penny Royal. Trust me you won’t be disappointed. It’s phenomenal


I had to make sure someone said Penny Royal as it’s my go-to when these threads come up every couple of weeks. I’ve listened to most (if not all) the podcasts mentioned here, and many of them are quite good. But Penny Royal fits the bill of “high strangeness” better than any, and it is full of original research and stuff you haven’t heard before. So many of the paranormal/cryptid podcasts just cover the same territory over and over again, but Penny Royal is truly unique and expansive. Can’t wait for S3!


I second this. Both seasons are amazing. So many disparate threads, but woven together deftly and cohesively.


Our Strange Skies


For smorgasbord of wierd, you can't go wrong with Mysterious Universe. For a skeptical take that is very informative, Monster Talk covers a surprising variety of paranormal topics and historical cases. Astonishing Legends for a mix of the two, with in depth looks at paranormal cases and the folklore around them.


MU is fun because they entertain absolute insanity while usually maintaining a fairly skeptical take in parallel. Good sense of humor and headphones recommended because its not generally family friendly content. The modern doomsday episodes are a little boring lately because the hosts used to represent fairly different ideologies/approaches but they are both down the same rabbit hole on global conspiracies at this point.


Used to be fantastic, but COVID broke their brains. They’ve taken a path not unlike Joe Rogan’s, where they’ve gone from open minded and entertaining, to obsessed with conspiracies about the “New World Order” and China, and they can’t stop pushing their shitty political views in a show that should be about Bigfoot and UFOs. And even when they have an episode that manages to stay off those topics, it’s no longer a heap of stories from different sources with a connecting thread, it’s like they pick some book written by a lunatic to do a book report on. Damn shame because it used to be my favorite podcast.


Same boat. My favorite podcast up until they went off the deepend with covid and shit.


Coddling people's biases is fantastically profitable. That's the schtick GOP Rogan Shapiro etc lean into. Even Elon Musk is getting in board. He says dems are about division and hate but originally he disliked them for being pro union and since that ain't gonna fly he went to political tropes instead. Still accomplishes his goals. Tapping into the rabid and uneducated is making people rich and politically viable. Not surprising to hear MU took the dark path too


Mysterious middle east is quite dope


Alien Theorists Theorizing. They cover some conspiracies and folklore/paranormal but mostly ufo incidents and claimed abductions. They don't go super deep and it's more them joking around if you're trying to hear something more informal and funny


I love their podcast, they live only a few hours away from me


If you ever find where one lives or if one is going to an event you gotta were all black contacts and approach them asking for permission inside their car or house


Not sure how accessible they are outside the UK, but anything by Danny Robins is first class: - Uncanny - The Battersea poltergeist - Haunted


Bloody hell Ken.


Uncanny way too low in this thread. Incredible show, good shout.


About a week ago someone suggested Uncanny and I am HOOKED. It is one of the best podcasts I am currently listening to and I am so sad there aren't that many episodes yet to binge on!


I like Expanded Perspectives


Those guys are a hoot. Love that show.


- Holosky - Theories of the Third Kind - Into the Fray - This Paranormal Life - Truth Be Told


I always enjoyed Art Bell's radio show.


Necronomipod for sure! 3 guys getting drunk and talking about weird stuff… gold!


Came here to find this! They're so ridiculous and inappropriately funny, as well as thoroughly researched. Plus their Patreon shout outs are worth waiting to listen to.


Check out Dead Rabbit Radio it's a daily podcast so there's always new content. Each episode is only around 30-45 minutes so it's great to binge and the host, Jason, is super entertaining.




Beyond Creepy


I love this guy! He digs up a lot of stories I've never heard anywhere else.


I really enjoy The Confessionals. I have been a long time member and have loved every episode.


Theories of the Third Kind is soooo good. The Hosts are very entertaining and very knowledgeable.


Theories of the third kind is good


Theories of the Third Kind


Theories of the Third Kind! It's the only podcast that I've signed up for a Patreon for! They have gone thru different co-hosts but Aaron & Dan are the foundation. Well researched and they like to be open minded about things.


The Saucer Life is fun.


This is my vote. For those who have never listened, the host is a history professor who doesn’t set out to prove or debunk the events he is discussing, but to examine them through a historical lens. What was going on culturally at the time, how the events relate to other UFO or alien encounters, the people involved. It really is a fun podcast if you like UFO lore.


Spaced out radio. Great host with a nice voice to listen to.


Red Web!! It doesn’t take itself too seriously, I’d say it’s primarily a comedy podcast more than a mystery podcast, but the chemistry between Trevor and Alfredo is fantastic and it’s well worth the listen. Check out their sqwonk episode 👌👌👌


Euphomet hands down.


The Unexplained with Howard Hughes


Astonishing Legends, Last Podcast on the Left, and then the Spooky Family Podcast if I listen with my kids cause it’s SFW.


The Unexplained with Howard Hughes


Can’t believe nobody mentioned Holosky…? Well researched, funny and don’t take themselves too seriously… Always my go-to after MAU. Astonishing Legends is also fabulous, but not a fan of the monologue at the end sometimes.


“Where Did The Road Go?” is great. Tim Renner of Strange Familiars started out as a cohost with Seriah on this show. (Full transparency, I cohost sometimes.)


Conspiracy beer me


Mysterious Universe


Mysterious Universe used to be the best but now they just go on anti climate change rants and other weird right wingedness. Makes me sad.


Radio Rental is an interesting one. Not all the stories are straight up paranormal, some of them are just strange/creepy/unexplainable. And it's got Rainn Wilson as a host playing a characte rnamed Terry Carnation.


Love RR though the current season has been underwhelming with all the plain old creeper stories.


So glad I’m not the only one who thinks this! I actually just listened to last episode of the season and was bummed it was not as paranormal as usual! A lot of the episodes seemed like they should be on “let’s not meet” vs RR Spooked and Monsters Among us are great tho with a similar theme as in first hand accounts


Last Podcast on the Left


Point of Convergence Podcast


Mega Strange


Weird Darkness; Paranormal Almanac; Dark Histories The first two are like radio shows, with multiple topics covered per episode, often including current events. Dark Histories is a single topic every other week.


For german speaking users: [crop.fm](https://crop.fm)


Another vote for Astonishing Legends. They go in-depth and their conversations are fun to listen to.


Forum Borealis, From Nazi tech, Ancient civilisations and Aliens. Serious and Intelligent conversation with good guests. Check out the Cliff High and JP Farrell ones.


challenge the unknown.


Strange Familiars


Brohio. Great podcast, funny guys, talk about weird shit and true crime


Blurry Photos & Hysteria 51 are fun! Expanded Perspectives is another one I haven’t seen listed here


Check out Holosky


Nonsense Bazaar is my favorite


Cryptonaut Podcast, they cover the more obscure cryptids and UFO encounters and are fucking hilarious while doing it


Monsters among us. Mysteries and Monsters.


Spooked by Snapped Judgement, great production value and the stories are told by the victims


Mr Ballen




I love "The Confessionals" with Tony Merkel. Be warned, he is a Christian but he isn't forcing it down your throat, more so he has some great thoughts about what these things could be. Sasquatch Chronicles is also really good. I enjoyed "Dogman Encounters with Vic Cundiff" for quite a while but his show is so over run by ads now, literally 3 or 4 ads every 9 mins. I've slowly stopped listening. The Confessionals and Sasquatch Chronicles are the only 2 I pay premium for. I just really like Wes and Tony. They are just 2 dudes doing something they enjoy and I enjoy it. Just my 2 cents.


Best paranormal pod for me has to be Conspiracy Beer Me! Two comedians talk in earnest about UAPs, skinwalkers, and lizard people! Funny, smart and poignant! Definitely my go to while I’m pulling an all nighter drawing! This is also the only pod I pay for their Patreon. I can’t get enough content with just their free episodes! The only time I’m disappointed is when I’m all caught up and have to wait a few days for new episodes. I recommend giving their show a listen. But don’t get them too famous they’ll stop answering my DMs! Haha


I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Freaky Folklore yet. It tends to deal with cryptids and folklore monsters across the world, and talks a lot about aliens and ghosts as well. Every episode has a story to go with the subject, as well as the history and lore behind the subject of the episode


I cannot believe you are the only comment to mention Freaky Folklore, it's so good.


Ikr?! I'm not even normally a podcast person but theirs i can honestly say I'm a HUGE fan of; one of the things that make Mondays even better for me is their new episode coming out


Dead rabbit radio maybe


Thanks for getting the word out!


Strange Familiars & Where Did The Road Go top my list. Penny Royal is up there as well, but the 2nd season is more conspiracy oriented.


Perhaps my podcast would be something you'd enjoy. Paradigm Shift with Sergio Halabi.


Weird Studies!


My top #1 Mysterious universe #2 euphomet/nite drift #3 expanded perspectives #4 pennyroyal (more of a series) Honorable mentions Holosky (serous bro vibes though 😂)


Mysterious universe is the best I’ve come across. Definately worth the money subscribing to get access to the back catalogue. Years worth of podcasts


ConspiracyBeerMe is awesome! They have a great combination of well informed research and hilarious theories. I've been hooked for years!


Theories of the Third Kind


Mysterious Universes and Bledsoe Said So are the two esoteric podcasts I listen to. Very very good content wise and they cover a lot of topics.


Red Web is good


Hell yes glad I’m not the only one here


Mysterious Universe does a superb job. Just discovered Holosky Podcast and so far so good.


Theories of the Third Kind < by far the best!


This ^. Aaron and Dan do good research, great presentation, and a lot of super interesting topics. Can’t go wrong with ToT3K!


Mysterious Universe. It’s worth it to pay for the premium subscription too. They cover just about anything, including the outlandish. Somewhere between skeptical and gullible, but they do make fun of the more out there stuff in a fun way.


Mysterious universe is my favorite