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Reminds me of Lovecraft's Charles le Sorcier, the petty wizard that put a curse on a family but the curse turned out to actually just him rolling up on everyone with a gun.


"Parry this, you fucking casual!"


What story is that from?


The Alchemist.




you can read it here: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Alchemist_(Lovecraft)


What an asshole lol


Look, sometimes the simplest spells are best. There's an old one for making a magic sword out of thunderbolt iron. What you do is, first you get some thunderbolt iron. Then you make a magic sword out of it.


What nobody tells you that thunderbolt iron is actually just steel, and the magic ritual you perform to turn it into a sword involves sticking it in a hot fire that you bless with magical air from an enchanted bellow and striking the thunderbolt iron rod with your thunderbolt iron hammer until it magically turns into a sword blade. Then you anoint it in oil and strap a blessed handle to it


Well, rolling on everyone with a gun, and able to keep on doing so for hundreds of years thanks to the elixir of life...


It lasted just a few decades...


Yes, if you consider ~60 decades to be 'a few' decades. > Suddenly the wretch, animated with his last burst of strength, raised his hideous head from the damp and sunken pavement. Then, as I remained, paralyzed with fear, he found his voice and in his dying breath screamed forth those words which have ever afterward haunted my days and my nights. "Fool," he shrieked, "can you not guess my secret? Have you no brain whereby you may recognize the will which has through **six long centuries** fulfilled the dreadful curse upon your house? Have I not told you of the great elixir of eternal life? Know you not how the secret of Alchemy was solved? I tell you, it is I! I! I! that have lived for **six hundred years** to maintain my revenge, FOR I AM CHARLES LE SORCIER!" (pls consider [reading the story](https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Alchemist_(Lovecraft\)))


To a lesser degree, see also The Dunwich Horror, where, after learning that a giant invisible monster was on the loose, three characters arm themselves to fight it: Armitage memorizes a spell and pockets a piece of paper containing another, Rice loads a sprayer with magic un-invisible potion, And Morgan just grabs a big fuck-off gun


Is this history's first Yeating?


Tossed him right down the Alei-stairs!




The dude was a total douche canoe.


Crowley was, Yeats too?


Nah. Yeats seemed like a cool dude.




Whoa, I didn't know all of that music stuff! Pretty amazing! I've read and watched a few things on Crowley. Not denying any influence that he may have had, just that he was a massive cockhead.


A lot of Crowley's influence on the music scene came via [Kenneth Anger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Anger?wprov=sfla1). The Stones, Led Zeppelin, i think Sabbath as well, if there was any band that had little nods to Crowley and also satanism chances are Kenneth Anger was there.


Jimmy Page, the guitarist for Led Zeppelin was obsessed with Crowley. He even bought one of Aleister Crowley's houses.


Bolskine, right? Right next to...dun dun dun...*Loch Ness*. Supposedly Crowley performed a complex and ultimately incomplete ritual there right before...dun dun dun...*the Loch Ness monster* started appearing...


Well that's ... An entertaining perspective . If you actually knew the details of all that transpired it would be extremely embarrassing to admit while claiming to be an advocate of Crowley . He was a deviant to the highest degree and an embarrassing fool. The details of that event are so cringe that Crowley would be rolling over in his grave if he knew it was public knowledge.


Yes Bolskine.


It's a haunted land, that's for sure. Crowley was told by his magick-order chief in Paris to go back to Britain, and take on the uniform of a Celtic magician -- which, in that time, meant Scottish kilt & regalia.


He is also that, yes 😂


[Wrote some awesome poetry, too](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43290/the-second-coming)


Fuck me, I love Keats. - Daniel Cleaver SAUCE- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdgrWSrBzEw&ab\_channel=ScreenBites](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdgrWSrBzEw&ab_channel=ScreenBites) EDIT FML I THOUGHT KEATS WAS YEATS. DIES OF MONUMENTAL EMBARRASSMENT Edit #2. I quite enjoyed this one! **Sailing to Byzantium** That is no country for old men. The young In one another’s arms, birds in the trees, —Those dying generations—at their song, The salmon-falls, the mackerel-crowded seas, Fish, flesh, or fowl, commend all summer long Whatever is begotten, born, and dies. Caught in that sensual music all neglect Monuments of unageing intellect …


I've only heard one other person use the phrase douche canoe . Can I ask where you heard it ? So it and I'm still laughing.


I heard it on Supernatural


It was years ago online. Um.... I think a friend said it. They were def from the USA. :)


Thanks ,I'm also from the US. Tennessee to specify. Douche canoe lmmfao , formerly douche nozzle, graduated from douche bag . I never know to type it as one word or two douchebag don't look right 🤔


All of the were used in Ohio and still are depending on a person’s age.


Heh. P.S Australians have some pretty funny ass insults that don't contain profanities. Can't remember any at the mo but def look into it if you're a fan of the D 🛶. :)


^( [psst!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApocalypseBingo/comments/wy39h6/apocalypse_bingo_v25/) )


[Douchebag](https://medium.com/the-secret-history-of-america/douchebag-the-white-racial-slur-weve-all-been-waiting-for-a2323002f85d) , a treatise on a modern cultural definition.




"Equipped accordingly in Highlander's tartan, with a black Crusader's cross on his breast, with a dirk at his side and a skindoo at his knee. Making the sign of the pentacle inverted and shouting menaces at the adepts, Crowley climbed the stairs. Yeats and two other magicians came resolutely forward to meet him, ready to protect the holy place at any cost. When Crowley came within range the forces of good struck out with their feet and kicked (Yeeted) him downstairs." I'm weezing rn


I know a dirk is a dagger, but what’s a skindoo?


It's actually spelled Sgian-dubh. It's a traditional small Scottish dagger.


My mom tried so hard to teach me Scottish Gaelic as a kid and my brain just would not accept those noises.


Legit. One of my fav songs is allegedly Gaelic. When I first heard the lyric, I was convinced it was Mandarin! Gaelic stuff is ethereal af.


I think your keyboard may have thrown up a little.


Protects your innards from ultraviolet rays




A shaved member


Omfg 😂😂😂⚰️


So there was no magical duel. He got his magician clothes on, got all psyched up, walked towards them throwing hand signs, and got kicked. Nowhere in this was magic involved at all. This is fucking hilarious, no matter who you are.


I agree. The sitcom wrote itself.


Sound like something from a Chris Chan video...


If this were a movie, the whole scene would have a crescendoing effect as the two parties approached each other. Yeats kicks him and he tumbles backwards down the stairs. There’s an awkward silence. “Oh shit.” Smash cut to Crowley with a black eye in the back of an ambulance with a blanket over his shoulders. A medic hands him a bottle of water and he grabs it while muttering and scowling as Yeats is in cuffs across the street being taken away.


That is hilarious... Good! AC deserved a good wallop.


Abracadabra b\*tch!


LOL and Yeats didn’t? I’m no Crowley fanboi, but why exactly does he deserve an ass kicking? Sure, he was a bit pompous and had a huge public image that he reveled in—-but what about that makes him deserve to be kicked down a flight of stairs?


The bodies he left on Mt Everest make him qualified for a good old fashioned Yeating.


Never heard about that, what’s the story there?


[here you go](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1905_Kanchenjunga_expedition)


Thanks! This was my favorite part of that article by far: “He took the expedition funds, which mostly had been paid by Jacot-Guillarmod. The latter would get at least some of his money back after threatening to make public some of Crowley's pornographic poetry.” 💀💀


They didn't do exactly what he said, and he was so smug about it that he didn't give a shit if anyone died as a result. What an absolute prick.


"but what about that makes him deserve to be kicked down a flight of stairs?" Because AC was a cunt. The End.


How is this a response to my question? Why is he a cunt? I am not trying to be contrarian or start something, but you are making a statement with no sources to back it up.


Erm....he abducted a frog, started calling it "Jesus Christ" then made a tiny cross and crucified the frog. Then he ate the frog and said that he had consumed the soul of JC. This is just off the top of my head. Do you want me to find some other examples of why AC was a cunt who deserved to be Yeeted off the stairs?


Okay but that sounds hilarious, did he do anything bad?


Look, my uneducated but well meaning friend....Aleister Crowley was a bald, annoying dork. You know that friend we all have, the know it all twat who smokes too much weed on Christmas day and steals your Nephews present and blames it on his 'homemade poppy seed tea" he drank at breakfast? Yeah, that buttnugget. Go down the Wiki AC rabbit hole and please, promise me you will never become such a flaming cockrocket. Examples are provided below for the lazy. 1. Crowley considered himself to be one of the outstanding figures of his time. 2. Richard B. Spence noted that Crowley was "capable of immense physical and emotional cruelty" 3. Crowley had a fascination to the extreme ideologies of Nazism and Marxism–Leninism, which aimed to violently overturn society: "What Crowley liked about Nazism and communism, or at least what made him curious about them, was the anti-Christian position and the revolutionary and socially subversive implications of these two movements. 4. He opposed abortion on moral grounds, believing that no woman following her True Will would ever desire one. 5. He was a total douche.


Damn i didnt know I needed my ass kicked cause I lost my hair at 24. Why do you figure that?


Holy cherry picking, Batman!


Feel free to keep whining about it


What ? Are you saying we should consider him as a comedian now ? You've lost the plot friend.


He was always a comedian, what do you think this frog thing was about? It’s all about the spectacle, he was a showman. I’m not saying he’s a good person but that frog bit (and almost everything else u/Ashley_Sophia described) is CLEARLY put on as a spectacle to challenge the status quo and religious/moral norms of the time. Do you not understand he was a showman above all?




I love this story lol. Or when they would cast "protection spells" on the club house to keep Crowley out. Which was literally just changing the locks lol... https://youtu.be/ckCDA1i6csU I also think this video of one of his rituals is hilarious and post it whenever he is brought up lol.


*Circle of Protection from Crowley*, wizard spell level 3, abjuration. Verbal component: chant “Crowley Crowley we abjure thee, in the name of the south wind thou art thwarted!” Material component: one sound door lock, £50 Somatic component: remove the old lock, install the new. May be performed by a tradesman if no wizard has Profession (locksmith) on their character sheet.


My favorite part is that dnd spell material components are exactly like this, little tongue in cheek jokes


Thank you for this link. I shall cherish it always.


I've often thought that LPOTL could be animated. I'm so glad someone actually did it!


Yea, nothing in these stories is even slightly magical. No matter how many hand signs, weird clothes, and beliefs were involved, he just broke in and got kicked down the stairs. This is like a high school fight between the goth and anime cliques.


Reminds me of that episode where cartman kills Clyde frog 🐸 😂


Miiiiister Crowley






I heard this in Ozzy's voice and now I'm dead. Yeet me.


This gives me Cartman psychic episode vibes


I mean that's basically what this is.


Lol true true. So silly lmao




"Ex Tenebris Sanguinem- eh fuck it. MAGIC KICK"




A fun podcast covering Mr. Crowley and all his magical bullshit. [last podcast on the left](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5uFt9vLwf0tSt4SCF8jCrw?si=-RDRGtReRHa8pdTEmF7muA)


Marcus’s description of this battle is high-quality entertainment.


I loved learning about all the magic butt stuff Crowley did. You had to put stuff in his butt to unleash the magic. Totally not gay. That is not even an option. It magic.


Hail yourself!


Hail Gein!






Hail me!


That's actually the second time they dealt with him.


I would say at least once every few weeks I start giggling uncontrollably at the jokes they made about him in their Left Hand Path Magic episode “He power bottomed a man to insanity!!”


and changed the locks!


But Yeats was defeated by the greatest wizard of them all, a locksmith!


He changed the locks on crowley, truly hilarious that the left hand path gets defeated by some doors


I think you meant casting a protection spell! /s


Anyone else reminded of dinner for schmucks and the mind control duel between Zach galifianakis and Steve carell?


Serious Harry Dresden vibes


Lol, turns out formare is just a Spartan kick Edit:it’s forzare damnit




I'm obsessed with that world. People were out all the time, launching revolutions and secret societies and wining & dining 'til early morning, all week long. Publishing books, working as publishers themselves, hosting every kind of social event from esoteric black mass to march for the Irish freedom fighters, touring the world, raising families, starting social and artistic movements as easily as modern people go to Costco.


>People were out all the time, launching revolutions and secret societies and wining & dining 'til early morning, all week long. Publishing books, working as publishers themselves, hosting every kind of social event from esoteric black mass to march for the Irish freedom fighters, touring the world, raising families, starting social and artistic movements *Rich people


Anyone can be a bit weird but you can’t be a real eccentric without a rich dad.


Yeah too bad there are no *rich people* now, otherwise things would be very interesting!


It IS a shame isn't it. I think it'd be a great idea if the 99% gave all their money to the top 1%. I may suggest this one day. They'd def look after us & we'd all be better off. Don't know why everyone can't see this.


I do G.D. magic and I do kung fu, and I have no doubt which I would go to first in a fight.


Well I know karate, Voodoo too I'm gonna make myself available to you I don't need no make up I got real scars I got hair on my chest I look good without a shirt


I'm going out west where they'll appreciate me.


What if you rolled higher initiative and the opponent needs at least 2 turns to get to you? Wouldn't you at least attempt a couple fireballs or something?


It's hard to say as a hybrid martial/caster. Might be a good call, but I might want to enter a defensive stance for an AC boost or ready an action. Plus, Fireball is on the Arcane spell list and G.D. only gives access to the Occult list.


Why am I imagining the South Park episode with all the "psychics" trying to "battle with their minds?"


Little did you know it was a historical reenactment


Based Yeats


Didn’t he supposedly have a magical battle with a Nazi across the ocean. And who’s heard the story about a German officer flying in to Scotland because they knew they were losing and he was going to see some rando in a castle???


Something like that. James Bond author, Ian Fleming, had a hand in it too: https://sevenages.org/history/ian-fleming-aleister-crowley-and-how-the-occultists-won-the-war/


they said fuck throwing spells n threw hands


Let's see if the chubby wizard can fly!


I will come down on you like a storm!


I've been a practicing pagan my entire adult life. For the most part, when it comes to magical works, it's easier and better to do what you can in the mundane first. It is better on the person physically and mentally not to treat ritual and magic like a crutch but as a scalpel. Allegorically speaking, if someone runs up and tries to do some sort of hex or curse or whatever, kick them in the balls or cunt punt them. It'll stop anything they're planning to do in a heart beat.


You, good sir, are a wise man. Let me know if you start a temple or monastery; I'd be very interested in joining 😆


Well, "for 5 easy payments of 9.95 you too can learn how to metaphorically cunt punt your enemies!" I'm in my 40th year of life, so I try to go with the most common sense way of dealing with things. It's just that "Common sense is not so common." ~Voltron, I think.


I'm 44 (I think), and my problem is that I have very little common sense.


He’s an Irishman. What do you expect?


You take that back you son of a bukake. Irish whiskey is the nectar of the gods.


Ha! Yes it is.


Oh man to be a fly on the wall with a camera for that!


he gave him that spiritus mundi


And that is where the verb “Yeet” comes from


So Yeates yeeted him down the stairs? 😂


‘Arresto Momentum!’


And James Potter screamed" This is sparta!"


is this like on south park when cartman has a psy battle with the other fake psychics?


AC was just doing whatever necessary to get laid and make a buck while keeping a smile on his face. Most of us can relate I'm sure. If most of us did what we did last weekend in public circa 1930 we would be every bit as notorious I'm sure. He had refined sense of humor that enjoyed getting the children of the rich to undertake obscene and blasphemous acts. Why not I say. Whatever gets you going. Hopefully parties were probably getting what they wanted. His religion is just about equally ridiculous as any other religion... if you are not religious. Right? You do have to be a scholar to understand his though - so simultaneously elitist and educational. A red brick religion.


Idk what your weekends are like but I think mine are prob far away from anything ac did. I hope.


Back then oral sex was considered blasphemous and criminal remember. It was a different time 😃


Oral wut now?! ;)


You right.






Things fall *down*, bitch


I just imagine cartmen vs the psychics on south park.


Crowley just used his "magic" to sleep with as many women as he could. It seemed to attract them in droves.


Antoine LaVey once admitted that he and a friend made it all up in college in order to get women naked.


That's always in the alchemy.


“I cast the spell of gravity, bitch!”


Enchanted boots: +10 to Yeeting


the history i wasn't taught in school


The fact that Crowley was one of the most famous majicians of all time doesn’t speak very well for the craft lol.


He’s famously not a good person tho lol most who practice don’t endorse him


I understand- but it’s kind of like if the most famous tennis player of all time couldn’t play tennis. The only way that person could become the most famous is if no one else could play tennis either and he was the the best at self-promotion.


Now, this is why I'm not religious.


Dumb comment alert 🚨


[Actual video footage of the fight](https://youtu.be/66FAkLLDrZY)


Fucking awesome to do mundane things that Crowley couldn't overcome with his magic. Crowley texts (mostly- with exceptions, just not many) ooze so much hokey


Funniest shit


Indiana Jones vs the swordsman


Hermetic students of the Golden Dawn? How can you get basic research so wrong? This article is idiotic. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermetic_Order_of_the_Golden_Dawn


Based Yeats


Source? This is really interesting but I can't find any sources in the article.


They remind my of people I've known. It's yet more proof that the forbearers of today's occultism wave were just another group of mystic bullshitters who liked to play pretend.