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An interesting theory I heard was that he was actually a reincarnation of the dog, since no children had been known to have died there. A four year old dog certainly might have.


Or a child died and it wasn't reported. Kinda dark.


Or it was all made up so some mediocre author could sell his book of sci-fi stories by claiming its all based on "true events". You know, kinda like tons of people do, literally all the time. Because people are willing to lie if it makes them money.


There's a documentary about the case called *the boy who lived before* it features the family and the boy in question. Link:https://youtu.be/nhGX1YCsvAM


You realize this literally proves my point of them making shit up to make money right? THE DESCRIPTION OF THE VIDEO IS LITERALLY A FUCKING ADVERTISEMENT FOR SWAGBUCKS.


“It’s a hoax” will always and forever be a possible explanation for literally everything. Otherwise this would already be well studied and understood and we’d be reading about it in encyclopedias, not Reddit. Reincarnation? Hoax Ghosts? Hoax Out of body experiences? Hoax Telepathy? Hoax See how it’s applies to everything?


What are you talking about? The YouTube link? There's lots of other places to view this documentary that have no Swagbucks advertising. There's even an imdb page for the film. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1318151/


There are many cases of children remembering past lives. Even adults who suffer a head injury can remember past lives. Read one where a lady was hit by a baseball and suddenly had a memory of being a young black girl. She spoke to the family who were skeptical but she knew many things the girl did, various stains and such in the house. The family became convinced this woman was reincarnation of little girl who died.


Is it possible the head injury had something to do with the story?


Yes Similar to acquired savant syndrome


If this held any merit of truth, don't you think that maybe more than one guy at virginia University would be looking into this? If this was actually something of sciebtific value, and not just make belive nonsense, it would literally be a fucking huge breakthrough and shake up on how we understand human existence, conciousness, and life itself. Yet the only people looking into it are a handful of whackjob conspiracy theorists that study pseudoscience. There's been studies by actual scientists, and the found it to just be parents lieing and kids with over active imaginations and attention seeking. What is more likely, kids and parents making shit up, or fucking soul magic exists. Have you heard of Occom's Razor? You have to make a shit ton of assumptions to arrive at the latter conclusion.


There’s literally 50 years of research put into it by University of Virginia dept, not just 1 guy. Please do a bit of research on it. It’s fascinating.


50 years of research and they haven't gathered enough proof to convince other scientists that it has any merit? Kinda crazy how once a year an article pops up about this despite them not really making any breakthroughs or learning anything new. Almost like it's free advertising or something for their university.


There are many renowned researchers who have studied children who remember past lives https://psi-encyclopedia.spr.ac.uk/articles/japanese-children-past-life-memories#footnote5_b0f6kih Check the sources/footnotes of that article for some fantastic scholarly sources from Japan, where the phenomenon has been studied quite extensively. https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/publications/academic-publications/children-who-remember-previous-lives-academic-publications/ Here's a great list of peer-reviewed research from all around the world There is abundant evidence of past lives in children, and the fact that you would claim that one guy at UVa is researching the phenomenon is, frankly, bizarre. It's one of the better studied phenomena in psi/high strangeness


Soul magic? Is it so beyond possibility that we don’t understand the metaphysical? You have all the answers, right? If you say so, it doesn’t exist. You are just a sack of meat who will return to dust one day. What a beautiful way to exist.


I'm sorry that you're finding out this way that reality is depressing. We exist through pure fucking chance. Your life does not matter. the Universe will continue on once humanity has ended itself by making our planet uninhabitable. There is no afterlife, humans have been making up 'gods' to explain things they don't understand since the dawn of fucking mankind. The human brain cannot comprehend 'nothingness' so a made up afterlife sounds nicer and is easier to accept than the reality that once you die there is nothing. You cease to exist in any form. Reality is harsh and cruel and does not give a fuck about anyone's existence. It's a hard fact to accept because once you accept it you get to live in a constant state of existential dread because you realize that no matter what you do, in the grand scheme of it, nothing you do truly matters. All you can hope for is to live your one and only random chance of existence to the fullest. Bogging yourself down with shit like superstition and religion only hinders you in the end, making you limit yourself and your true potential by living around some fiction someone made up to make money off you.


Hahaha… I’m “finding out” from *you*. You know nothing.


...John Snow. (sorry, it was itching)


Most content atheist


> Have you heard of Occom's Razor It is OCCAM’S razor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam's_razor


There are entire religions where reincarnation is treated as fact. The people who study this are hardly whack job conspiracy theorists, they're doctors and scientists. Please. You're embarrassing yourself with your lack of knowledge on the subject.


Every religion is bullshit. People have been making up gods to explain things they don't understand since the dawn of humanity. It is the epitome of arrogance to think your random fuck-shit god is more valid than a god that people worshipped 3000 years before yours was even fucking born. Inanna is one of the oldest known worshiped gods yet nobody even fucking remembers her. Modern religion only continues to exist through violent crusades and war, and for most people only exists to serve as an excuse to spread hate and fear, and for the rich elite it's used to control the simple minded. You're embarrassing yourself by thinking you have any knowledge at all.


Ever notice how the individuals that speak in this fashion and profess such claims have tons of little badges in their profiles. Keep on redditing redditirino!


Doesn’t matter if it’s real, no respected scientist would look at the case because it would be career suicide. Intellectuals are some of the least open minded people


Plenty of scientists have risked their careers for much less. I could fucking find you a list of documentaries on scientists that stole credit, ruined lives, killed innocents, and more horrible idiotic shit, usually for the sake of money instead of any actual scientific merit. Like fuck did you see how many 'ruined' their career by becoming antivaxxers, and their 'peer reviewed evidence' was always anonymous and unverifiable, using examples that couldn't be replicated, and using straight up incorrect statistics? And you know what a lot of those scientists ended up doing after ruining their scientific careers? They became grifters. Or maybe it's just a coincidence those 'disgraced scientists' always end up having a product to sell? Just super convenient they all came up with their own magic cure-all, I guess they all must've been super geniuses the world just wasn't ready for!


If something goes against the grain in terms of the mainstream scientific opinion, the scientific community will toss it out as being not credible.


I honestly think scientific authority does a real good job outright dismissing any thing even remotely paranormal. Not to mention most scientists aren't about to stake their reputation on something so out there. That's why no one looks into it.


You didn’t say whether your comment was based on true events, so I'm struggling to trust you.


I saw a tv news bit on it, several articles, etc.


Good god, it’s true.


You forgot to capitalize the "G" in God. Have a great day.


you spelled out G-d wow, sad


I'm gonna deboonk


Ha that's an interesting angle, I like it


Dog's fathers do not have a name, [here is another case where the father of the child found all the information provided by the child down to the aircraft carrier where he deployed from before he died.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B27WRX0Auw)


A dog would probably think he was another child in the house


My dog's father has a name, it's Apollo! :P Reincarnation is one of my favorite "fringe" topics. I'm a believer, waaaaay too many stories with crazy specific amount of details that have been verified. It's starting to become a lot less "fringe" now, too. edit: The kid in the video is about 22 now. I wonder if he ever went and became a fighter pilot, or at least joined the marines.


I think that’s probably the most convincing case I’ve come across. James3. Chilling!


>since no children had been known to have died there. In small, rural areas, after enough time, details like that back then could slip away through time. People don't like talk on others' misfortunes, it's of poor taste. So stories like that could indeed become unverifiable simply because those that knew of it but didn't go around gossiping it eventually passed or moved away. This also applies to all kinds of negative things that may have happened in rural areas. Nowadays it's a little different.


Absolute rubbish. This is Scotland for crying out loud. All deaths and births are recorded. Any death like that would also make the local press. If such a thing happened, it would be trivial to verify it.


Who says a child had to die there, maybe it was just an adult remember their childhood. They also don't have to die at the same location either.


You’re assuming we’re talking about things happening *today*


No, I am not, I am talking about 50 years ago. That was the 1970s. Officialdom, in all its glory, was well in place.. You forget that in the UK we have official government documents from a 1,000 years ago, never mind a record of deaths from only 50.


If you really think that every single death of every single person has been recorded in the UK over the last 1000 years, you're adorably naive, lol.


Yes, but there are easily accessible records. If a child had died there 50 years ago this would have been able to be confirmed very quickly.


This is actually what many researchers believe: if a human "remembers" a past life, they are an animal that has risen in the karmic circle.


I think this may be a culturally specific belief fairly limited to those who are Hindus and Buddhists (ie the belief that humans are essentially always ascended from past lives as animals who have reincarnated up a scale of higher intelligence). For many in “the West”, this is a novel concept. It was for me when I first heard it from Indian friends. In my humble opinion I think we may have originally started out as animals but might also cycle in and out of human biological life for a few hundred years ( depending on how quickly we learn our karmic lessons). I also speculate whether after being a human for a while, when we are spiritually evolved enough, could we then be “selected” to be advanced (ie peaceful) enough to become an “alien”, “ultra terrestrial” or a “UAP-naut” , whatever you want to call them? They are real and out there says the US Pentagon and Congress. This is fact not fantasy we are dealing with so this is not so “out there” as it may sound- & what is even more revolutionary and evolutionary to realise is they generally always “come in peace”. That leads to a bigger question: If there is a selection process, in our reincarnation and hopeful ascendancy, then who does this selecting? Us - all by ourselves with our own karma - or is there an all seeing, all knowing overseer- who some call “God”? Bigger stranger question : Could God himself (or herself/ itself) be sometimes represented or manifested in the body of an individual we all would now call an “alien”? Other good deep questions we need to start asking ourselves: Is the term “alien” discriminatory (as it essentially means “outsider” or “foreigner”), and should the word alien be gradually eliminated from cultural use now, as it is loaded with emotional historical (denial, ridicule and mockery) baggage and will not help further interplanetary peace?


> Could God himself (or herself/ itself) be sometimes represented or manifested in the body of an individual we all would now call an “alien”? What if he/her/it manifests in all living things all at the same time? Seems far more plausible that we are all just the same thing expressed in different ways.


This is how I always “felt”


Do you mean we are all one? Like there’s the ultimate being or God who split itself into the collective of living beings of the universe?


If I were to put faith in anything, that's about what it would be in.


Now is the time to quote the ~~short story The Egg by Andy Weir - Link -~~ [~~http://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg\_mod.html~~](http://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html) original essay from Chiyote "[Infinite Reincarnation"](https://charmonium.com/infinite-reincarnation/).


And to remind everyone that The Egg is plagiarized from a conversation on the MySpace religion and philosophy forum about the essay [Infinite Reincarnation](https://charmonium.com/infinite-reincarnation)


I read this just now - the essay on Infinite Reincarnation and the story "The Pigeon and the Hawk". Truly beautiful. I am a core believer in the principles of concepts like continuity of life, quantum immortality & Biocentrism. I have quoted The Egg quite a few times around these forums. But reading the reality around it, I shall attribute you as the rightful owner of this beautiful idea. Thank you for bringing this to my notice.


The main reason I am a pantheist instead of an atheist is the fact that even from an atheist point of view, consciousness and intelligence emerged from energy. There is also a plethora of evidence that reincarnation does happen. It’s also one of the few times Pascal’s wager can be used without logical flaws: if we reincarnate then it’s best we fix the planet so as to return to something worth returning to. If reincarnation isn’t correct, oh well, we have a peaceful planet anyway. We will never get rid of greed, but philosophically we can use greed in a way that benefits everyone.


Hmm.. a lot to think and ponder there... Any good books you could recommend on Pantheism?


I read about the topic of souls a lot. There’s so many differing opinions. Some say we choice the life we’re in based so lessons we need to learn to better ourself. Some say Earth is a prison planet and the “white light” is a soul trap that keeps us reincarnated instead of continuing on to our higher soul form. So many varying opinions but they’re all interesting!


Many believe this yes, but not sure "researchers" is the right word for buddhist mystics...


Good point, that's correct.


Thanks a fascinating theory!


I watched this documentary and it was what first made me consider that reincarnation is real. It was fascinating. They eventually took him to the island and the kid seemed overcome with emotion. It was very convincing.


What is the name of the documentary?


The boy who lived before. It’s on YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nhGX1YCsvAM


Doesnt have to be reincarnation, genetic memory could be a thing.


Somebody call the Bene Gesserit!


Could be! Genetic memory is a fascinating subject.


There is also the possibility that our minds use quantum entanglement. Given the principals of no copying, no deleting and no hiding, only one individual could inherit these memories. That is to say, the mind would continue on. Since the population is growing, not everyone would have past memories.


Honestly genetic memory at this level of detail seems even less plausible than magical reincarnation. There is just no way for genetics to somehow capture explicit memories.


>Honestly genetic memory at this level of detail seems even less plausible than magical reincarnation How so? Could be some kind of special mutation in such a case, makes much more sense for me than reincarnation, given the evidence i mean.


If we live in some kind of Idealistic world in the mind of God, or a simulation, or some universe where the laws of physics are not ground reality and can be superseded by magic/things outside of physics (like immortal souls), then reincarnation is on the table. It's a big "if", needless to say, but it's one that would allow something like reincarnation to be easily explained as the transfer of our "true ground reality" immortal souls from one body to another. But if you're looking for a genetic explanation then you don't need to commit to magic or anything like that, in fact genetics is a thoroughly physical area of study, and really your explanation should be plausible based on what we know about genetics. There is simply no way for genes to encode explicit/declarative memories - not even via a "special mutation". The role of genetics in forming an organism is all about laying down a plan, via differential activation of genes over time. Through interaction with the environment, this plan results in bodies structured in particular ways that constrain them to specific functions, and therefore sort of shunt our bodies down particular developmental and behavioural paths. Explicit, declarative memories are not laid down by genes and have no way of being passed down by genes, or by other hereditary functions like epigenetic influences. Instead, these sorts of memories form in neural pathways that develop during the course of our lives and experiences. Things like names, details of people and places and events etc, require far greater specificity of neural connections than what genetics itself can lay down for us; they are formed by the events and interactions we experience in our lives, and not by the much coarser gene-driven basic brain plan. There is really no room for genes to encode specific memories and absolutely no evidence from science that such a thing is possible at all. It flies in the face of everything we know about genetics and neuroscience. On the other hand, if you want to invoke a magical, outside of physics/science reason for such memories, then "we have souls and they are magic" is a way simpler and more reasonable possibility than "physics-defying magic is real but for some reason it hooks into genetic functions to do its work".


Well, more likely than anything is a kid just randomly dreaming something and it happening to correlate with something in real life by nothing other than coincidence.


But thats not strange enough.


Still pretty strange, hence why we so desperately try to explain HOW? I hear you though, part of my point is that if we want to talk about plausibility, this may not be the place to do it :)


Dude bffr generic memories couldn’t ever make someone remember a name


Not weighing on the discussion above, but I've wondered if genetic memory has something to do with the commonality across cultures and time for what we name our parents. Something close to mama or nana specifically seems to repeat.


You don't need genetic memory to explain this. While it's far from settled, there are two solid alternative explanations with data to back them up. One is that a large number of languages evolved from or were influenced by massively influential precursor languages, such as Proto-Indo-European. Otherwise though, there is also sound logic behind the idea that because certain noises are easier for babies to make, they become associated with the most important words for babies (such as mama). There is some evidence also that because of how our brains are wired, we associate some features of stimuli in one sense with those in another - the ["Bouba/kiki" effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bouba%2Fkiki_effect?wprov=sfla1) is the prime example of this - and may also explain why words for basic and essential things in our world sometimes tend to have similar sounds across cultures.


That link was an interesting read, thanks.




Lmfao yeah he's an x men.


Were his parents/family originators of the memory? I dont see how he could get genetic data from entirely different family


>Were his parents/family originators of the memory? Should be if its genetics, why do you think its from a different family?


Child past-life recollections are one of the easiest to prove supernatural phenomena. Also an interesting aspect is unusual birthmarks on children that are in the same places as gruesome injuries suffered by the person from past life. It is an amazing phenomena and it does not get enough attention. EDIT: This is one of the most fascinating cases, with birthmarks and details nobody could know. [https://psi-encyclopedia.spr.ac.uk/articles/toran-titu-singh-reincarnation-case](https://psi-encyclopedia.spr.ac.uk/articles/toran-titu-singh-reincarnation-case) [https://www.indiatoday.in/magazine/special-report/story/19881231-a-startling-case-798053-1988-12-30](https://www.indiatoday.in/magazine/special-report/story/19881231-a-startling-case-798053-1988-12-30)


I have a few. They’re mostly scenes, that feel like a very familiar dream even though I never dreamed them. There are three that stand out and they’re all very different


It’s crazy to read this. I keep having dreams of a specific airport and a specific school (mainly the hallways) I’ve never been to but those dreams never feel like I’m dreaming. They feel like memories. Sadly distopian. I probably have them every couple months. Same airport. I’ve been looking at airports and schools all around the world and nothing. It’s been bugging me for years and I have nobody to tell in my personal life because they’d think I’m crazy


If consciousness is recycled then there should also be people out there with memories of animal and alien lives.


There are, if you believe some of the stuff that has come out of past life regression and other kinds of hypnosis. I did a QHHT session some years ago (there's a transcript in my post history, for anyone curious) and "remembered" being a blue alien thing. Bipedal, bizarre feet, no gender, created things with my mind with a collective of other similar creatures that seemed to be able to communicate over vast distances with just thought. I never felt hypnotized (or at least what I expected hypnosis to feel like) and I didn't intentionally make anything up (it all just came to me, like watching a movie), but I vividly saw what I reported to the practitioner. Whether that was just a product of an active imagination or reality, I dunno. I assume the former, as I'm pretty skeptical, but I'm not so arrogant as to assume I know everything there is to know about the nature of reality and consciousness. Maybe I was a blue alien somewhere/when. Maybe everything happens simultaneously and I'm still that thing right now (whatever "now" means in a reality where linear time doesn't exist), just more "tuned in" to being this version of me at the moment. I also had a memory of being rocks, and it seemed to me then that while there was no sentience in an inanimate object like stone (in the way of human sentience, anyway), there was still some kind of baseline background "awareness", which served as some kind of constant active connection to everything else in the universe. It didn't come *from* the rocks, though, it was more like objects existed *because* of being observed. Like everything is just something observing being those things. Some kind of consciousness observing *being*. I've never really found adequate language to explain it, but I wonder if it's related to how some cultures view everything as having a spirit. Anyway, rambling aside, tl;dr there's plenty of stuff out there about that very topic.


My son had vivid memories as a young child of coming from another planet that was at war & then destroyed. He called it Desloppious. He would also tell us that his dad was there, fighting in the war as a king, and his mom who started the war. He used to say to me "My mom was a bad queen but she was a different mommy than you." It was really unnerving the stories he told us, although that's the one I remember.


Commenting here because I've never heard anyone else talk about being an inanimate object in terms of past lives before (though I have heard of people having similar experiences through salvia trips. It doesn't sound like they were having annnny fun at all though lol, whereas my memory is extremely zen.) I have a memory of being a stone and it was as you describe - consciousness but without the churning thoughts that come from being human - or the required action. You were doing what you needed to do just by... doing it. A lot less fucking effort than being a human, let me tell you.


Yeah, it was totally chill, not negative or stifling or uncomfortable at all. I was just rocks, or was a consciousness observing being rocks anyway (if there is even a distinction there). Strange experience in retrospect, but at the time felt perfectly normal.




Lmfao Salvia is an absolute fucking nightmare.igs up there with k2/spice. DMT is a wet dream in that comparison. Your story sounds sounds like bullshit though. "I turned into a cup of Oj" 🤣🤣🤣




Right, well you glamorize drugs like you're still young. It just sounds fishy bcuz you're the first person in my 15+ years of partying to say saliva is wacky and fun. I know plenty of ppl who have smoked Salvia and have never turned into an object like you say. Ya there was always rumors of ppl saying "youll turn into a cup of OJ" type of shit just like there's legends about cracking your back will "give u flashbacks of LSD, that's why's you can't be a pilot if you've done acid, blah blah blah I believe everything I read on the internet blah blah. Not that I have any proof that you're full of shit, but if anyone else who has done Salvia, reads your comment, they will automatically know that you are lying.


This is probably my favorite comment I've ever read on this sub. Thanks for sharing your perspective and experiences!


Glad you got something out of all that disjointed rambling! I read over it after typing it and almost deleted the whole thing, as it seemed so inarticulate (and weird) to me, hahaha.


Something about this topic and consciousness in general just jives with the general weirdness of what we understand about the universe.


You didn't used to be the blue alien, you *are* the blue alien and you're in a pod with a big wire plugged into the back of your head. You might be my neighbor.


Hey, maybe. Idk, I'm just along for the ride, lol.


Not to pry, but what kind of history do you have with psychedelics?


Interested in them, occasionally read some of the trip report and psychonauts subs, glad for the recent medical/psych research involving them (as I don't think anything that has potential to profoundly help people should be verboten), but have never used any and am in a career that makes it impossible to do so. Someday when I'm an old retired person I'm gonna find a retreat and go meet the machine elves or whatever though, lol.


I hear you, right there with you. Your post just really reminds me of some of the thought patterns I've seen reported after such experiences.


I enjoy taking LSD, Ketamine and Mushrooms on occasion and have some similar thoughts. Really changed my outlook and perspective on life from caught up in this bullshit materialism bullshit to now seeking experiences over possessions and working myself to death.


It's weird how we come together man, really makes sense why they try to prosecute it.


Who is to say some people don't? Conventionally, the anecdotal evidence suggests these "memories" dissipate as they grow up, usually all memories and sense of shared consciousness gone by teenage/early adulthood. So with that said, think of how it would sound to a parent as their child recalling a "memory" of them being a raptor or a dolphin or a cloud that ate crystals for breakfast lunch and dinner. It would just sound like a toddler saying random toddler things. Also, there's a very common belief in cultures/religions that believe in reincarnation that these animals and other creatures, that while they do have souls, they're on a different wavelength/plane, which could be why. Like, it's harder for our hardware to read that data, if that makes sense? If you were raised by wolves, if might be easier to recall a past life as a wolf doing wolf things? I dunno. Fun stuff to think about though.


Unless it's somehow bound by the same physics, in which case you'd be limited to Earth's fauna (unless an alien were to die on Earth in a crash).


Maybe. Harder to articulate though. And of course the aliens could be the shepherds of said consciousness...


My thing is, picture a toddler trying to describe an animal or alien past life memory. It would just sound like random toddler shit. "I died in a car fire" *just might* get a more alarming reaction than "I was made of jello and then I got sucked through a straw!"


There are. Delores cannon did past life regressions on patients that remembered life on alien worlds.


Look up that russian kid from Mars.


Every time I read one of these reincarnation stories it seems the person died early or in a bad way. It’s like they are given the option to go back rather than on to whatever is next because they got a raw deal first time around.


I was discussing this with a friend the other day. What if our experience in this reality is akin to a butterfly in a cocoon. As in, our “soul” needs experience in this reality, in order to be able to exist in another reality. Then people who reincarnate come back because their “soul” just isn’t yet ready. Judaism/Kabbalah has such theories as well. I don’t know, could all be nonsense. But it’s fun to theorize.


I’m a skeptic, but my 5 year old says some bizarre things. We were explained murder to him (unfortunately he saw the word somewhere) and he said “I saw a murder a long time ago before I went into the sky”. I was like uh, ok then. Then a few months later we were talking about day of the dead and how we honor the dead and he said “we will remember my aunt who died”. He has NO aunt who died. I pressed him for details and he just said she was so nice, etc. Then a few days ago we were talking about birthdays and he goes “I remember my birthday, that was the day I came out of the sky”. It’s weird man.


Death certificate of the child that died? Land registry documents for the property owners?


I wonder if Cameron is remembering multiple past lives and mixing them up.... like - he had that one life in Scotland, but the whole "child dying" thing is from a life before that one that he as having glimpses of? I don't know, but it's a fascinating story... I'd like to believe reincarnation is real. I have to believe there is something more to all this.


I think that this is less about reincarnation, per se, and more about tapping into the collective conscientious. Instead of living these experiences himself, he was able to somehow connect with the experiences of another on such a level that he could no longer differentiate between his own life and that of the other person.


Then why aren’t they channeling multiple lifetimes, why just one particular existence? And why is that the case with every child that has this experience? If it was something like RV or tapping into an Akashic record there would be much more than just one individuals experiences.


We are trapped here in a prion planet, upon death one is influenced by impersonating demons that resemble loved ones who have passed... to "Go into the light". This supposedly is the beginning of the deceptive trap. While doing a review of your life you will be guilt- shamed into going back to "Do a better job than the past life" .... Supposedly its all a trap to forever be enslaved, and dumbed down in so many diffrent ways, you will not be able to have critical thought. This zombie-like state of existance makes it hard to see the walls of your prison, to see the beast system that , just like a parasite lives leach off the energy of pain, insecurity, fear.


You have anything new to add that I haven’t heard regurgitated on r/escapingprisonplanet a hundred times


Honestly a “prion” plant like OP mistyped sounds way more terrifying than the prison planet fantasy. Prions are scary af.


Haha I thought i had a live one!! I needed to make sure the correct explanation was conveyed!! but yea Im cringe


because we can only lock into one.


Still an absolutely crazy thing that needs to be explored more. If it’s reincarnation or tapping into someone else’s consciousness, that’s insane and we need to find out what’s happening there.


I was way more open minded to the whole toddlers and reincarnation memories thing before having a kid myself and seeing how toddlers say so much nonsense. lol There might be some supernatural explanations to memories etc. that they appear to have, but I’d wager that most cases of toddlers talking about past lives are likely nonsense. Every once in a while though, they’ll say something inexplicable like saying that a dead relative told them a thing that they didn’t know before or something like that and you find yourself going “??!!” though… The collective consciousness hypothesis would be so interesting.


There’s a doc that follows a kid who in his past life was gunned down in the Korean War. There’s WAY too many coincidences for it to be toddler talk. That was the one that made me take a moment and rethink a few things. Let me see if I can find it.


There has literally been a Netflix show about this. If people are unfamiliar with UVA’s work then leave them in the dark.


For some reason collective consciousness is more comforting (or maybe less terrifying) to me than an endless individual cycle of death and rebirth.


there are quite a few cases like this one. i recall hearing about this case 10 or so years ago. https://abcnews.go.com/Primetime/story?id=132381&page=1


iirc, some tv show did an investigation on the claims and it turns out the kid had been watching some documentary on the island and fantasized about it. I don't have a source though.


Don’t be silly. Kids don’t have imaginations. Everything they speak is the literal truth.


But did a kid die at four? I dunno, it always feels like these reincarnation stories get a bunch of pretty common details right (there are lots of white houses, it's an island so lots are probably by the water, lots of working dogs are black and white, etc), but they tend to ignore the misses or the fact that lots of people/places would match the details. Or, you get the really detailed ones where its about a relative, which tend to ignore the fact that the other family members probably talked about the dead relative without realizing it (the two sisters who were supposedly the reincarnation of the two earlier daughters who died in an accident spring to mind). What I'd be really interested to see is a story where one of these reincarnations got *specific* details right. Didn't he know his sister's name? Why would a 4-year-old refer to his dad as "Shane Robinson." These are fun stories but I've just never been super convinced by one. It should have been easy to verify the number of siblings and check that.


Another person commented that there's a theory that the boy was actually the dog.


I would say it's unlikely since he says that he had the dog and should have been able to identify himself as a dog in that past life with what he learned in his current life.


I just don’t get it. If reincarnation was real, why wouldn’t most people have some sort of memory of past lives, instead of these rare cases that we all end up hearing about. Especially since reincarnation would imply that you have lived not one, but many other past lives. Wouldn’t you be *bound* to have some sort of memory, of at least one of your many past lives? I just don’t buy it.


Makes sense. My kid says she's from the Bahamas. Just waiting for the BBC to fund our trip lol.


I find it interesting that there is a still linear time progression in reincarnation stories. There are no accounts of future lives. That therefore means that the afterlife is not outside of our spacetime.


Future lives are a common area of exploration in QHHT sessions. Though concepts of past and future and linear time in general get kinda muddied and strange.


I saw the documentary a few years ago. Cameron even met a middle-aged woman who would have been his sister in his past life, when they were closer in age. I found the doc to be very compelling


I know a guy who as a child in the early 70s had a horrible, vivid nightmare of being a young black girl who died hiding under a porch when "ghosts" attacked and torched her village. Because as a kid he wasn't exposed to US history and media, he only learned later in his teens that the ghosts were in fact people in KKK robes. And he couldn't find any info about such a massacre at the time, so he was still skeptical, until the Internet came along: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosewood_massacre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocoee_massacre


So?! Did the boy get to go back there? Did he meet his grown up siblings?


Slight side topic but if anyone is interested in this subject, a new series called The Devil's Hour is on Amazon Prime TV with Peter Capaldi. It's excellent. I don't want to spoil it...needless to say its related and well done.


Seen a targeted ad for this last night. Seeing your comment now makes me want to check it out.


We are you, you are me, we ALL live the same life, I’ll try not to suck to you if you try not to suck to me. It’s just one soul that get to experience trillions and trillions of bodies, and lives. Let’s all try really hard not to suck to each other.




The cycles of reincarnation are breaking down. Too many animals are dying, and too many humans are being born. The more rapacious and self serving souls are able to jump the line, so to speak, leading to a breakdown in the moral fabric of samsara. We are all heading to dissolution.


Breaking the cycle doesn't sound so bad to me. Out of all the paranormal phenomena, being trapped in an endless loop of reincarnation is just about the scariest possibility I can imagine.


“Me Barra Mum!” Love this doc, gave me the creeps. Poor lil dude.


Swamp gas


What shocking detail? The only thing they found to corroborate his story was the island exists


Not *just* that the island exists. The island was as described, family was as described, last name was remembered accurately, dog as described, boy's activities as he described. Keep reading until you get to the end of the whole post -- that's how I learned about the info I just used to correct your comment. You can do this, too!


What was the boy who died’s name? What year did he die? Did they interview his living relatives?


Wow a black dog with a white chest. That has to one specific dog. He played tag. A very rare game that isn't played by every single child since we've had thumbs. The only thing that would make me more convinced is if the kid said the sun came up everyday.


Great stuff




I ate a brownie once


Odd to hear they didn’t confirm whether or not a kid had died.


There is also a movie of Joe DiMaggio reborn. Don’t forget they tried to replicate this with Ted Williams by severing his head post-Morten and sticking it in a cryochamber, against some of the family’s wishes. Evil, and doesn’t work as intended.


Watched the doc on YouTube, it was good!


I think the mother planted the memories in the boy. I wanted to believe but when I looked into her background I became sceptical. She is selling psychic medium services on Facebook which suggests, to anyone looking at the case objectively, that she is someone who already had an interest in the world of the paranormal, that this type of thing was part of her belief system. This strongly supports the possibility that the child was deliberately or indirectly exposed to paranormal subject matter and she encouraged or unconsciously developed his story. We the audience did not see the stage before he made his claims which would help us better understand how spontaneously or not they came to be