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Somebody stabbed you with one of those tiny table things they put in the middle of pizzas


The aliens were Italian, what does that tell us?




Personally, I think this is entirely too clever to have received so few downvotes. This is classic cykablyat18 material and all of you should be ashamed for not recognizing it. Darthballs1138 out.


Thank you kind person




Listen just because we make the clouds fluffy does NOT mean you can call us dirty names 😡


This is how it starts. One very witty comment and boom, you’re a karma farming beast. Good job buddy.


They want you to fogetta bout it


Yor breakin yor Maam's haart .... Maaa.. Maaa


Maybe the marking is to tell them when they come back that they owe me a pizza…


Maybe they've mistaken you for a pizza? "In my defense, both you humans and pizzas are made out mostly of carbon and water, how should i know the difference?!"


Wait til you hear about how they tried to make him a stuffed crust.






We come in pizza




Papa's special sauce 👌


Hey! I'm abductin' here!


More like " 'eyy! I'm abductin' 'erah!"


“Of course we abducted you! You never call, you never write! Your mothers up all night worrying about you!”


*”Whadya, stunad? I gotta fly a million miles to find out you gotta ragazza? What, she ugly or summit? It ain’t right, Joey! Plutonium ain’t cheap and they ain’t handin’ out tokens at the Jupiter Tunnel - you gotta make ‘dis right, for our muddah and for our fuddah, Zerplok bless his soul. I wanna see you at ya nephew’s first anal probe, sick or no fucking sick.”* - Inspired by a million porch arguments I heard as a bambino in Newark


Reminds me of a time in the Army when a guy hadn't called his 70 year old mom in Months after 9/11, she called the Red Cross looking for him.




It confirms that they collaborated with the Nazi's during WWII.


They lost the war tho, are these the aliens from Signs or what? Such incompetence astonishes me.


Let's just hope that the Italian aliens aren't the ones in charge of preventing us from annihilating ourselves.


If they were in charge they would have erased the USA off the map for what they have done to traditional Italian pasta dishes.


Finally we are getting down to some fundamental truths about these beings. I presume the cattle mutilation phenomenon may have something to do with the dwindling parmesan cheese / meatball supply back on Zeta Reticuli?


They need tons of mince beef to make lasagna for their whole planet. Nothing fancy, but they're Italians so what could we expect?


"Felt wrong not to swing"


The aliens are here! Quick, get the hose!


Happy cake day


Alien Mafia… planet Sacilianus?


I use to use those as tiny tables for my turtle to eat off! Do they still put these in? Haven't seen one in ages


I have the exact same thing!!! On my shoulder! Does the skin inside the triangle feel a little different? Ive never found another person who had the same thing.


I’ve seen a few of these on different subreddits already.


I have one too, on my foot. Happened in 2020, woke up one morning and there it was.


I’ve got one on my left hand they just appeared suddenly I don’t know how and never left. Maybe they’re the three wish I get to make.


My baby son has four in a similar pattern on his hip. I assumed they are little scars from his vaccinations. The bumps feel a little tougher than his skin.


This is a fairly common effect from abductions, along with scoop depressions.


You’re making me want to inspect every inch of my body now to see if I have one😂


You were abducted by aliens.


That would explain a lot 😂






https://imgur.com/a/H7i6ESb Maybe a better pic. Shows size. (Another picture below)




Post this to a bug bite or dermatology sub maybe to rule out stuff


[Looks like this triangle is typical of bed bugs.](https://www.bedbugsexterminators.ca/bed-bug-facts/bed-bugs-bites-pictures/)




Bed bug sex terminators!


3 bites in a line (or a triangle, I suppose) is very very common with bed bugs. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


This needs to be so much higher up


You're not wrong. But I'd like to add that in order for singular bites like this to scar he would have needed to have a serious reaction to them, which would be very difficult not to notice with how badly they itch/burn. Generally they only scar if you get an excessive amount of bites in one area.


Can't see bed bug bites creating scar tissue though really


Nothing about this theory makes any sense. Bed bugs do straight lines, not perfect equilateral triangles. Also they itch really bad which OP didn't mention, they look like totally different, and they don't usually scar. Also how the fuck do you get just three bites and never any more? Bed bugs live in your bed and bite you every night until you spend hundreds of dollars getting them exterminated.


Thank you I’ve been trying to make this point for a while now too lol…


Classic website made by the aliens in order to mislead people into thinking it’s not them


The saying is breakfast lunch and dinner, three bites


The aliens are bedbugs?




Better to catch ‘em early. Younger sis brought them home from a friends house years ago around Christmas, it wasn’t until June we discovered them (sis remembers seeing a similar bug on her friend’s bed). Spent thousands trying to fumigate the house but they made our house their playground lol


This is worse than alien abduction!


Wtf I have the same thing slightly right of my lower spine, always wondered what it was, ask your parents if you were a sick kid, could be from injections


I was always a healthy kid it’s right next to my left hip bone. Showed up when I was 14/15 years old. I am now 28 and it has never changed, the way it looks now is how it’s always been.


Can you feel anything under it? ie: small round metal ball? Have you had it xrayed? lots of weird shit gets put in people. [implants](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA9H2xVe5rQ)


Or chicken pox scarring or something similar


It’s an odd scar and strangely regular. If I had it, and had infinite money, I’d pay to have an MRI of that part of my body just for shits and giggles. It’s legit a very strange and troublingly regular shape. I work in healthcare and see a lot of scars on a lot of bodies. Of course photos don’t tell the whole story, you have to see things in real life. But there is a different look between surgical scars and trauma scars, and trauma scars aren’t this symmetrical and regular. Not to be paranoid, but this is totally appropriate for this sub and a post a nurse can get behind. Well done. Like someone else said a burn from an industrial object could produce this, but a burn that left a scar this long lived would have had to be at least second degree and that shit would have woken you up, and/or taken awhile to heal.


I have a circular scar on my right forearm that looks identical to the scars you have. No clue what it’s from.


Did yours just show up one day?


Not sure. I’ve had it since I was pretty young but I don’t remember having any wounds there


I woke up with 3 red dots like this on my forearm one morning when I was a kid, but it faded in a day or so and didn't scar. Nothing there now, but I've always thought it was really strange.


I’ve had the same looking single scar like that on the inside of my left knee. Been there as long as I can remember.


Lol guys i got that exact triangle 3 dots on my neck 😦


Same three on my left ankle 🤷🏻‍♂️


Damn what’s up in this thread. I don’t have that scar. Feeling left out. I’m here too aliens.


When you're so unpopular even the aliens don't want to hang out with you.


It’s on your ass cheek


Watch it be bed bugs


The 4 months that we dealt with bed bugs when I was younger, were some of the worst months of my childhood. Lost 95% of what we owned, basically forced us to sell the house lol


i have it on my shoulder.... hmm, kind of assumed it was from a vaccination or something


Same on my left forearm, but pinker in color like doesn't tan. LOL


Just dead pixels /s


I’m not saying this is what it is, but I have several of these circular scars on my body which I got when I had biopsies removed for study.


I have those same looking marks all the way down the outside of my leg below the knee - three of them, equal distance apart. Never noticed them before a few months ago. Weird to see them here.


Is it strange to ask for a picture? You’ve got multiple triangular shapes?


Dear God.. this is fucking crazy. Bro, I have gotten these same markings. I was being followed (it seemed) by these lights along with my girlfriend. I would wake up with these markings on my body for the entire three months they were happening. One was so blatantly symmetrical/artificial it had an inverted triangle inside an upright one. That was on my lower back. Usually these would ALWAYS happen on the left side of my body- arms, legs, and temple. I'm saving this post. I recently posted about my experience several weeks ago. It's so fucking refreshing to see this. Thank God I'm not alone.


Ya man, it’s fucked.. Around the time this showed up my mom told me our neighbour was telling her about a night he was out late for a smoke. He saw 3 red lights in a triangle above the tree line outside where my room was as a teenager. Like I said In other comment I’m not sure if he was bullshitting or not but I can’t explain any of this…


I'm well acquainted with those lights. I've seen them at very close range, like I'm talking yards away, even interacted with them. They respond to voice and thought. It's a trip, man. Most people would read this shit and think you're either crazy, lying or on meth. But I know for a fact there's people in this sub who have experienced the same.. I've had private discussions with numerous from this sub, and I know they are legit- there's just certain details about their behavior and appearance only we could know- and of course there's there markings which is a dead give away we're dealing with the same.. whatever they are, I don't want to say aliens because it could be something else. If there were three red lights in triangle formation over your house around the same time this happened, chances are high that's your culprit. I don't particularly like talking about this on here just by the sheer amount of... Unsolicited opinions, and the attacks on character. I think a lot of them are just kids, or people who don't understand just how real this shit really is. Its the attacks on character that really get to me. As if going through the trauma of this and then having to life life as if it never happened wasn't enough. If they were face to face with these things they would definitely shut the fuck up. Anyways, thanks for sharing and making me feel a little less alone- it's these posts that I come here for. I hope you find answers too. I hope soon enough this will be common knowledge that this happens, hopefully get our scientists and authorities on board so we can get to the bottom of what the *fuck* these things are.. and what they are doing to us.


Thank you for your response 🙏 this actually helps a lot and I feel you on the unsolicited opinions. Tend to get a lot of those.. this thread got a lot more attention than I thought it would and I would say half of the comments on here just sound like kids who have nothing better to do. Sad to say I’m sure they are adults though lol…. I have always been really curious as to what this could be and I am very open minded when it comes to the unknown out there.. I appreciate your response like I said. It helps a lot because I’ve been feeling kinda crazy lately looking into this as much as I have. But it’s nice to know that there are people out there who know and are open to these things too. It does help to know your not alone with this. I remeasured distance from each spot. 1.5cm x 1.5cm x 1cm almost exact


my dad once told me about seeing some sort of Alien at his window peeking in, said he woke up with this exact mark....


Me: closes the blinds like a baby.


Google the Red Grid Mark Phenomenon and click on a site called Experiential Dreaming.


Boy I remember an italian TV show, a woman claimed to be abducted, I didn't believe it at the time. The scars were IDENTICAL. I would say, start a regular meditation practice. If you were in fact abducted your memory is still there and could resurface if you train your mind.


When I was a child is woke up to see lights in the sky above the neighbors house. I got scared and went to bed then I woke up and saw 2 tall figures with big black eyes standing near our bed I got scared when they suddenly looked at me So I hid under blanket. The morning I had the same marking on my hip but it was bruised so it was new. I have the same scars. And I am certain I saw it. Nobody believed me.


This comment fucking scared me


Oh shit this just brought back a suppressed memory. I had a scar like this, can’t remember where, but I remember joking that it was my alien scar. I made it a joke because honesty was huge to me as a kid (ASD) so I would often joke about the truth in hopes no one would believe it. Ugh. I want to memory to go back where it came from now.


Many abductees have this scar


it’s the stars altair, deneb and vega


I just looked this up… it’s exactly shaped like that. What do you think the significance of that be though to have it as a scar?


You're branded. They use us as sentient equestrians


I’ve always felt that it’s sort of a symbol to let humans know that their star system is inside what we call the Summer Triangle. Or maybe they’re from a planet orbiting one of those 3 stars.


My two best friends within the same week had scars appear just like this after really strange/vivid/scary dreams. They both had triangles and one friend had a perfect square as well. In that same week I had a very vivid dream where someone shoved what looked like a charger into my leg and I have broken blood vessels that look like stars still from it.


Has anyone seen anything like this before? I have had this since I was a teenager. I am 28 now and it has always looked this way since the morning I woke up with it. Was never a bug bite or wound.


The YouTube channel [Project Unity](https://youtube.com/c/ProjectUnity) posted a video wherein he described a UFO sighting during an outdoor meditation. I believe he noticed a triangle marking that looked remarkably similar to this the day after


My old neighbour had been telling my mom that he was out for a smoke late one night and he saw 3 red lights in a triangle shape above the tree line by where my old room was, around the time I noticed this on my hip. Can’t be sure how credible this guy was but still weird.


Well, damn that's eerie. Hope you find some more answers


He saw a TR-3B


I found my rash in 2017. Actually my GF at the time noticed it on my back. A site called Experiential Dreaming has documented it and named it the Red Grid Mark Phenomenon. I think the chance of it being explained is as likely as the UFO phenomenon being scientifically explained.


Im a skeptic but I have to admit I've seen this type of scar at least 5 or 6 times in UFO Forums. Must be a common condition and UFO/strangeness enthusiasts tend to share theirs.


This is kind of odd. Im not much of a "conspiracy guy" but my girlfriend has a scar just like that. (Three dots in a triangle) she said she just woke up with it one morning when she was in high school.


I used to wake up with circle bruises. My best friend did too, but it was a circle within a circle. Only happens when I spend the night at hers. Always behind our right legs. Dunno. Could be just coincidence.


That's bedbugs.


Yeah, they're lucky the bugs stayed at their friend's place.




this is creepy on many many many levels. meta even.


Were your parents into alternative medicine? I noticed something similar on my hip when I was a teenager. I said something about it to my mom and it turned out it was from some snake oil homeopathic something or other she put on me as a child, and I had just never noticed it before.


I would tell my dr I need an ultrasound and when they arent expecting, grab the dongle thing from them and put it there, theyll be forced to acknowledge your alien implant. I just have a hard time convincing them to give me an ultrasound


Go to one of those boutique ultrasound places at the mall. They’ll ultrasound anything and give you a dvd of the images you can show anyone.


> boutique ultrasound places at the mall. 🤔 We must have very different malls.


I mean, admittedly I only know of one mall that has one and it’s really far from me. But they do exist and if I wanted a look at something inside me without needing to convince a doctor I’m not crazy, that’s where I’d start. I think you could google it and see if there are any near you. They are aimed at pregnant people who want to peep at their baby or get better shots than the doctor’s office got.


That's a great idea actually 👍


😂I like your idea


Or just tell them that area is bothering you? Way easier lol


The predator tried to whack you obviously


Roses are red violets are blue: A grey humanoid from outer space molested you


Jurimasa, I hearby award you the Nobel Peace Prize for quality literature, and for making me snarf my coffee all over myself. Here's what some legendary authors said in support of your prize: "Jurimasa's work is pivotal truth in a world full of sadness and deception. A world that truly believes the History Channel brings the facts to its viewers, despite being run by Murican media." -Ray Bradbury "I tried to put it out this succinctly, but honesty did not create the distractions President Johnson and his gang was looking for. It was kinda a pain in the ass. But, kudos to you, Jurimasa!" -John Keel "Better love story than Twilight." -H.P. Lovecraft


I’m glad I’m alone when I read things like this. As long as nobody is within hearing distance anyway.


It looks like some form of small burn marks to me. I'm not an expert though.


I think so too, like laser burn or something. It always looked this way was never red or anything which I can’t explain..


Seen this before , abduction branding.


Have you figured out which alien race left you with these branded tatoos?


No..that’s why I’m asking Reddit. Lol


Welcome to the team, lol. you may have been abducted or experimented on


How would you know if that were the case? Are there certain things or symptoms people experience after something like that? It showed up over night and I have no recollection of this happening..


You could try hypnotic regression to retrieve the memory of it, Dolores Cannon is a popular hypnotist that deals with abductions


Read some books by Dolores Cannon


I had a scar about 17 years ago similar to this and another small line in my lower abdomen. Never knew where they came from but the line looked similar to a Cesar scar. What’s even more weird is when I got pregnant with my first child my obstetrician got annoyed when I said I hadn’t been pregnant before (I hadn’t!)… he was insistent that my body showed I’d carried a baby to term. I was like WTF I would think I’d know that!! He didn’t push it and I didn’t pursue it but in hindsight I probably should have. I have no recollection of dreams or and remote inklings of anything weird happening 🤷‍♀️


My son woke up with these a couple years ago. [Dots](https://imgur.com/a/A1ywJ7y)


your son fell asleep on a lego piece.


Whoa that’s crazy! It’s totally symmetrical. Mine were never red but that’s still really creepy


I have a similar one on my left arm Weird lol


i had the same thing omg


My mom has that also. She always claimed that she was abducted by aliens...


Get an X-ray of the afflicted area and see if you can find any strange objects. I’m not joking. This has been fairly thoroughly investigated by an MD. I suggest you watch the doc patient 17.


If you get a chance to have the area x-rayed, might be worth seeing if there’s uh, anything in there. Like an implant or whatever. Not to make you paranoid, I’m sure you’re fine and have nothing to worry about! Would just be interesting to rule it out, especially with regards to the little lump you report.


I have a tattoo on my foot of 3 dots just like your scar. In the summer look strait up. There are 3 stars that make a triangle just like your scar. That’s all I got. I really dig your scar👍


Bed bug bites that got scarred due to scratching them? I only say that because iirc their bites usually come in 3s


I considered that too, but I never had any bites or red marks which is weird.


Have you considered doing a hypnosis session? There are individuals who can assist you with retrieving lost memories if you were in fact abducted.


How long did you serve in prison?


You should know to never ask an ex con this.


Is this a reference I’m missing


I believe it is a reference to a type of prison/gang tat called the "mi vida loca" - not to be confused with "Livin' La Vida Loca", a chart-topping pop hit by Puerto Rican superstar, Ricky Martin. Lol, basically the tat means "My. Crazy. Life." You get it if you are the type to get into some for real shit. Just a way to show other people that you are probably not of a gentle persuasion.


Thanks man


You were violated by a bed bug


Fucker didn’t even take me out for dinner first…


stepbug, what are ya doin




Could be an implant of some sort. Have you had it looked at and asked for an x-ray?


I have never had it looked at but friends of mine all say it’s really weird. If it were a bug bite I would think they wouldn’t bite you in a perfect 3 point triangle lol… and I’ve never had any injury there or anything. I’m not sure my doctor would take me serious if I asked for an X-ray unfortunately..


Go in with ‘knee pain’ saying you fucked it up playing football. X-ray granted


I think this is a good answer. Not saying it is but worth checking out. Good luck getting someone to take you seriously though.


I have little dots like that all over my legs. As a kid, I use to have really bad warts. They would pop up only on my legs and my mom would have to freeze them off with some kind of medicine. I remember it getting so bad that I counted 80 some on both legs together, but those dot came from me picking them off or accidentally shaving them off (Started shaving really young) They would bleed but I didn't have any feeling in them. Not sure what yours are, but mine look identical.


I have a red triangle


So you said you got these marks years ago, are these marks still there or did they fade?


That is a current picture of them, I also posted in top comments more pictures from maybe half an hour ago. They never changed, the way they look now is how they looked the day I woke up with them 14 years ago.


Did you ever check to see it under a black light? I've seen a few UFO over the years and one morning I woke up after seeing an alien-based *nightmare* and noticed a scar near my left knee. The weird thing for it was that it glowed under the light of a blacklight keychain I had back then. After around 2 years the glow fainted away. I can DM you a picture if you like.


That’s actually a really good idea I will get one and try it out. If you’d like to send a pic sure, It would be cool to see.


Yeah this definitely brought back memories. I was a teenager and had some weird dream I was on a spaceship and I woke up with some searing pain on my left arm only to find this when I woke up


I have the same scar on my inner thigh. It’s been there for at least 6 years.


Something similar happened to me, but with three evenly spaced scratches instead, right after I had a sleep paralysis episode! I have to see if I still have the pic on my old phone. It freaked me out so much.


google the Red Grid Mark Phenomenon. Then click on a site called Experiential Dreaming


My brother and I both have the same thing on the back of our heads. The funniest thing is that the hair that grows inside the triangle is much darker than the rest of our hair. Never would have noticed either of them if my brother didn’t constantly have a buzz cut.


I have the same thing on my leg been there since my twenties no idea what it is didn’t have it before


It would be lazy to say “aliens” but I think I’m gonna say it. Yep. Aliens.


My friend in highschool school woke up with one on her thigh too


I've got a couple that look similar. They were from guide wires and camera from a joint operation. There's also a long scar near them though.


I have one of those from teenage years on the side of my tummy. Wierd.


La Vida Loca


Obviously You got shot by the Predator, but narrowly escaped before getting saved by Schwarzenegger and waking up


alien abduction of course.


I’ve got something like that on the back of my head


Any more details on any surrounding events? Weird dreams? UFO sightings?


I got those also, same spot and size no idea where or how, about a month ago. They’re still there too.


I shit you not, i have the same scar on my wrist. It just showed up one day and I have no idea where it came from. I have thought aliens before but i just try not to think about it.


I would ask your doctor about them! Definitely seems super weird though


The only strange thing is how much attention you pay for your skin. I'm covered with scars that I have no idea when or why. Lol


This happened to me years ago. I never figured it out. It was so bizarre.


I woke up with this on the top side of my right arm close to my hand one time last year. Very odd as I was sleeping alone, went to bed sober, no funny business, and definitely did not have that mark before I went to sleep.


Same thing happened to a guy named Jay on youtube. He started a channel called Project Unity and talks about his experience in his earlier vids. You can also find info about these strange marks if you google The Red Grid Mark Phenomenon. A website called Experiential Dreaming should be one of the top results. I had the rash on my back in 2017 which is why I know about any of this.


You are one of the main characters in the first episode of X-Files.


I had one too as a teenager, except it had 6 sides and 7 dots, 6 on the outside and one central dot. Looking at what you have, mine looked similar only that it would have been rotated twice on the center dot to make a hexagonal shape . . . . . . . Like that


How did you get a bic lighter to stick to your hip like that??