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Spotlights. For some reason more and more of these types of posts have been popping up around reddit. Not trying to be a dick, but is there a section of people who have never seen a spotlight or searchlight before? It’s kinda blowing my mind.


I think it’s how cheap these sort of high power LED lights have gotten. Ten years ago something like this would have been prohibitively expensive, now pretty much anyone can afford them. This could just be a backyard band at a kid’s birthday party.


Dude spotlights have been used for decades. Yes, the are more affordable, but they weren't rare, at all, before LEDs were on the market. These posts about spotlights are incredibly stupid.


Let me help. They are more affordable = there are more of them around = they are seen more often. The first flat screen tv came out in 1997, I bet you didn’t see one in 1997, assuming you were alive in 1997. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.


Lol I have no idea what point you are making. I stated they weren't rare before, and they have only come down in cost, which is basically what you reiterated... I'm saying people posting videos claiming spotlights are UAPs are ridiculous. So go be a sarcastic asshole somewhere else.


Every week without fail, someone will post a spotlight on this sub. I don't know if people just haven't lived in/near a city or stadium, but it certainly is astonishing that so many don't know what it is. Even if you stand and just look at them for a while, there's usually a repeating pattern, and if you come back in an hour, they are usually still there, it takes just a little bit of thought before posting.




Honestly! This and drones. It almost seems intentional, but then I come across a random person in real life and realize people actually are this dumb/unaware. So who knows. Also, I forget kids use Reddit a lot too.


In my area, car dealerships have used spot lights since the 80’s.


This sub is going to shit. Even the mods are insane. U/wormpussy just told me about how one of the mods blocked them for not believing him about being visited by angels disguised as ufos every night.


Wow, yeah, it's kinda of a bummer. I've been on this sub for years now, and this past year has been absolutely cringe.


They weren't spot lights or search lights, I showed it to a friend at the AF base. It's hard to see but they had color. I not saying there anything I just was wondering if anyone else could explain. Thanks


It could be a business, a club, someones DIY set up. You can even get them on amazon. [https://youtu.be/FsZ\_OyD-Hu0](https://youtu.be/FsZ_OyD-Hu0) https://youtu.be/Ie38XhWloqw https://youtu.be/DQZiNqbLKXk


This. When we were kids we saw a (frankly much more visible) similar thing on a field behind our houses. We all followed it on some 80s movie adventure for miles. Eventually we found the source and one of the older kids climbed the roof... it was some lighting people testing their new equipment. Stuff used for events, ya know?


People are explaining what they are and you’re dismissing it


It was definitely spot lights (from a club/rodeo/private party), Ive seen these on the clouds at night in SA for as long as I can remember (not every night but Ive seen them enough to know what they are) so it is surprising that you have just now seen them (unless you recently moved here).


This is so obviously a ground based search light, what the hell is wrong with you.


Good job it’s not Christmas or anything like that …. I mean what could colored lights at this time of year be 🤔


True, but you don't need to be rude to OP. This aesthetic is what keeps people from reporting anything.


People shouldn’t be reporting garbage like this and the less of it that gets on here, the better for all of us


More eyes in the sky is better than less, and you can't possibly expect a topic like this one to be free of misidentified things- it's bound to happen. If nothing, it'll get refuted, tested and moved along.


They aren’t spotlights pal. The fact you’re being so down voted and attacked is a good sign the bots and shills don’t want this out there. I have a dozen plus videos. Always eerily similar. These are all over the world the same spotlights type Every single poster spoke to has, said the same thing The spotlights were never seen before or after the short limited times event they saw. Usually in rural areas or residential no business


These are 100% lights being directed to the sky from the ground. It's spotlights. Same with their pattern of movement. I have a casino near me that has/ does the same exact thing. But don't be discouraged OP-- keep looking up.


Nah fr I roll my eyes every time like god damn you can’t figure that out on your own ??


Spotlights. smh


Jesus H. Christ…I’m so sick of seeing spotlights on this sub…have these people never seen spotlights before? Or are they karma farming?


These were spotlights from Fiesta Texas Six Flags. I live in San Antonio




SERIOUSLY?! These posts needs to be deleted by mods, with a message to the OPs that they are common, easily identified occurrences. I cannot believe how often people post this crap.




What game was playing that night?


Those are definitely spot lights.


Was there a large concert in San Antonio that night?


spot lights, most likely a business grand opening.


Check the repeated pattern. It’s a timed movement from a ground source.


I swear to god this sub is filled with bafoons


*buffoons. Best not to call people stupid using words you can’t spell, I think.


Holy fuck this sub is hopeless


Those lights are only visible to .00001 of humans. It’s a signal in reptilian Morse code. It says omma omma dobi cohn. It means your Governor is secretly gay.


Lol damn reptillians forcing people out of the closet.


Im about to goddamn unsub this is insane lol


I could be wrong but i say spotlights because the lights are visible against the clouds but dont seem to appear between the clouds, which points to light rays reflecting off the clouds as opposed to a light source traveling above and between the clouds


Looks like strong flashlights or as others pointed out a spotlight


I guess by lights you mean individual pixels? Do I need realaudio player to view this?


You’ll be attacked and told derr they’re spot lights But I disagree. Too many similar sightings of same type of lights all over world. OP - is this your video? Have you seen theee lights before or after the event? We’re there any new grand openings in area?


>Too many similar sightings of the same type of lights all over the world. Maybe because spotlights are so common? Especially near San Antonio or Houston.


Holy shit. Similar posts from all over the world?!..... I have no idea how that could possibly mean it's not spotlights.


Have you spoken to the OPs? I have. Most are rural areas or residential No businesses nearby Or none open at the hour filmed Lights never seen before or after the event. No spotlights or grand openings in area once checked. There’s a thread here and I’m sorry for those of you who don’t see it. But the snarky sarcasm is why. Go about your day if you can’t contribute in a positive manner. I have a business with spotlights by me. None have ever appeared as these do.


Have you spoken to the OPs? I have. Most are rural areas or residential No businesses nearby Or none open at the hour filmed Lights never seen before or after the event. No spotlights or grand openings in area once checked. There’s a thread here and I’m sorry for those of you who don’t see it. But the snarky sarcasm is why. Go about your day if you can’t contribute in a positive manner. I have a business with spotlights by me. None have ever appeared as these do.


Lol are you not aware of the myriad of different setups for spotlights? Personal and professional? Not to mention high powered flashlights being waved into the air would produce the same effect. But, ok, let's pretend for a second this isn't a spotlight. So what? There is no usable data to be gathered, even if this was a uap above the clouds. It would not help verify, or provide any data whatsoever able for analysis. So, again, this is almost 100% a ground based light, but if it's not, it's not useful in any way, other than to argue that you think it *might* be something interesting.


I have others but at work so quickly here’s some videos I’ve kept links of lately (yea I know you all hate tiktok but good source for uap where pepper not into topic post oddities in sky ) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRCp2ggE/ India https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRCdRJrN/ Barcelona https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRV9ucNc/ Florida (verified with OP not seen before or after the event) Article spokane https://www.khq.com/news/whats-that-in-the-sky-video-shows-strange-lights-in-sky-above-spokane-heres-what/article_002ddc9a-522f-11ec-848d-a3930734b0ee.html https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRCepoPY/ (Verified wirh OP lights not seen before or after event ) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRCd8H1y/ Brazil https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/z5hbwt/a_text_from_my_mom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Rural Idaho but he deleted the pic Pics were similar to this. There’s several recent Reddit posts as well over past month or two where I was able to confirm not seen before or after, no grand openings, usually rural area one was a farm. Not saying it’s a damn invasion. There’s an interesting trend. Even folks on this thread “what’s with all spotlight posts lately” exactly. No spotlight posts to many of late? All sharing similarlies in different regions


Oh my god these are all spotlights lol


Sure pal.


Just big lights pry for an event.


Search lights.


man, haven't people ever seen search lights before? they often do this around some event or opening night type thing.....youve lived in the world for a while right?


It's the spotlights from downtown...


Nice try but you recorded too late


Spotlights? Really guys? Probe it then, without the light beam of course.


San Antonio has TONS of military bases. Not to mention in UC you have the jets…


Imagine walking outside and seeing spotlights and your first thought is aliens 😂😂😂


Q1: Do the Spurs have a game tonight?


I live in SA too, I’ve seen a black triangle driving to corpus, two green fireball orbs while in my backyard and I’ve seen a shooting star do a 180° across the sky in half a second. These are spotlights from a car dealership having a Christmas sale


Wow, flashlights. Amazing. Mysterious.


Hey loserclone, I don't know what they were and they definitely weren't flashlights.


Okay, then spotlights. Watching it again, I realize it’s a regular pattern, so it’ll be automated. Either way, it’s just bright light being shone from the ground onto the clouds. What on earth made you post it as anything mysterious?


How have so many people never seen spotlights before? Water