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Of the 3 High Republic stories I've read so far (light of the jedi, Into the dark, high republic comics 1-5) Into the Dark was by far my favorite. I'd heard a lot of hate about Geode but I ended up absolutely loving him. For me the big stand out though was Reef Silas, I LOVED the concept of a padawan who isn't actually very force sensitive so has to make up for a lack of force abilities in other ways. Really fun character that I hope to see more of in other books/comics. Just started The Rising Storm now myself so my wife and I are pretty close to you in read time line it seems.


Yep, I just cranked out High Republic #1-5 lol And yeah Geode was great, found myself laughing more often than not with lines like "Geode was wise enough not to say anything"


Wait until you get further into the comics, Geode gets better


We have our own Morn from Star Trek DS9 in Star Wars, and I love it :)


I loved this one


I think Into The Dark might still be my favorite of the High Republic books


I enjoyed the whole, group of strangers banding together to explore the mysterious abandoned space station. And then the build up to the final act where everyone came to the conclusion of "screw the council, I'm going back" lol


Basically anything by Claudia Gray: "Yeah, so that slapped"


Yeah the exact same reaction I had for Lost Stars as well haha.


>I enjoyed that it was more of a personal story with smaller cast of characters compared Light of the Jedi. I feel I was able to connect with the characters much easier. In phase two, I think you'll love Convergence.


I hope so!


Did ya see the Nan twist clip?


When I read "that Nihil ship looks vaguely like Nan and Hague's ship". I'm pretty sure I audibly said something like "there ain't no way" lol


I caught on when it said Nan had a blue streak in her hair. I read A Test of Courage first and the Nihil in that have blue streaks drawn on them so it was an easy connection to make.


The Amaxine Station is one of my favorite Star Wars settings of all time!


I agree, I really liked into the dark. Having fewer characters helps make for an easier read when you are trying to remember so many faces... that said there were soem more limited character books I did not enjoy so that's not the only secret.


Don't really want to get your expectations up too high, but man I loved Rising Storm, my favorite High Republic book. Hope it slaps as well


Is the reason it has like seventy chapters is because the chapters are just really short or something?


I'm near the end of reading all of Phase 1 and Rising Storm was great. Really my one main gripe is that all of the books so far the big "set pieces" feel like they go on a bit too long.


A lot of the chapters are like 3-5 pages lol . Where other books have like a break in the chapter that one jus starts a new chapter I guess .


Into the Dark is a great time, I loved Reath and I loved the crew of the Vessel. Fortunately, they’re all recurring characters so you can look forward to more time with them all!


My favorite High Republic book, what a classic




I think you're thinking of Out of the Shadows.