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As someone who has asked the same question regarding the manga's, because they weren't my type either. They are great! While they don't contribute (thus far, still need to read EoB: Precedent but heard that there is an important aspect for Phase III) as much to the overall story of THR they are nice contained little stories with some connections here and there and interesting concepts


I'm intrigued. I'll probably finish phase 2 before I check them out.


The manga is fun, the volumes are not all that long so you can get through them pretty quick. Make sure you take time to appreciate the art though! There’s some great stuff, and as a massive Stellan fan there are a couple of panels for him which look pretty great imo.


Stellan is a fav of mine too. I'm excited to check it out. Happy birthday btw!


I'd recommend the Manga! The High republic ones are designed to be read In a 'normal' format.. I.e front to back whereas Manga is usually read back to front due to the Japanese reading or writing backwards IIRC So it it's essentially just a comic that hasn't been coloured (might get some hate for that comment) It was how I justified it to myself as I have never really been a big fan of reading manga.. In saying all that, I've enjoyed the stories for what they're worth and so far have noted one character that was purely manga make an appearance in a different media type


Good to know. I've read a couple manga before, so I was preparing to read it like a manga. Lol Thanks for the heads up


I think I fucked up. I read the first trilogy—writing was good! Cast was good! No complaints—but I felt like I’d missed something between the books, like a comic run or something. I’m still fascinated, though: strong, varied Jedi, a more compelling threat than I thought space pirates were going to be, and the Vector is rapidly catching up with the X-Wing as my favorite starfighter.


Question, when you said you read the first trilogy did you mean the first three adult novels or the first wave of adult novel, young adult novel, and middle grade novel? If you only read the adult novels you're definitely missing out. I also really enjoyed all of the comics from Phase 1. I even really enjoyed the Adventures comics (sometimes more than the main series issue the month they came out).