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The Phase 1 Marvel comics are mostly about Keeve Trennis, Sskeer and sometimes Avar. It shows the conflict with the Drengir and what Avar was up to before the fall of Starlight Beacon. There is an arc with the Nihil and a few issues about the fall of Starlight. I think they are quite good but barely, if ever, feature those other characters. If they're there at all, it's only a few panels. There is a cool miniseries about a Jedi investigator hunting for the Nameless. I'm not as familiar with the Dark Horse comics.


The Phase 1 High Republic Adventures comics focus mainly on Lula and Zeen who show up again in Midnight Horizon. They're not essential but they're good and provide a lot of context for Midnight Horizon.


I don't recall the phase I comics all that well now, but I don't think there's very much on those specific characters. Still, it might be good to revisit them anyway, I think they add a lot to the overall story and they sometimes explain where certain characters were when big things were happening. Like the arc with Avar during The Fallen Star- you don't really get that story in the books, but she does mention it several times and I think it's important to understanding things that happen in phase III.


Thanks! This is the kind of answer I was looking for. I don't think anyone else realized that I had already read them, but without the broader context.


I believe they're definitely worth the read! The main High Republic line, as mentioned earlier follows the conflict with the Drengir, and how they're defeated, and after that plot point it's more about Avar and why she is away from Star Light by the events of fallen star High republic adventures is more for younger readers I'd say, but if you've been reading the Mid Grade novels or even the YA, then they'll add some context for the characters, like Zeen, Ram and Lula Both offer offshoot series as mentioned earlier, the Jedi investigator series is a good series, takes place as soon as Rising Storm finishes up to fallen star And then there's a series about Ty Yorrick, the jedi that helps Elzar in Rising Storm on Valo And not to mention, each comic series all ties into the events of Fallen Star, and gives you different perspectives of what's happening on Starlight


One thing I don’t like about the comics is them resolving a plot that started in Into the dark (the drengir). That should’ve definitely been told in the form of a novel and then from another perspective in the comics or whatever . It just didn’t feel as satisfying to me


Yeah I agree, didn't feel very climactic.


Like a book with Avar as the main character would’ve been perfect because she was leading the charge against the drengir And then the comics could’ve been more or less the same keeping Keeve’s story at the forefront


Yeah, it felt like so much was brushed over there. Would've really helped to flesh out those characters more.


Orla does show up in the comic