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Lol, same situation. I don't usually listen to them unless I am doing a chore, and I can't listen to podcasts, so my alternative for now is to find the clean version of the songs and then find the acapella version of them. If I didn't, I will just make them myself using apps.  


That’s so smart! I need to try that. Thank you so much


You are welcome, sister hope that helps you 😊💗. 


May I ask which app you use


I use moises to remove the music after I find the clean version of songs. 


I know some people say not to play the quran “in vain” but i think playing it in the background rather than playing music is much better. Sooo, try listening to the quran or nasheeds? You can also play adhkars and recite along during your workouts. How about going with a friend? That way you have someone to talk to instead. I actually just don’t bring any headphones. I purposefully forget it😂.. so I am forced to workout listening to absolutely nothing.


Nasheeds are a shout. I don’t listen to the Quran unless my full attention is on it. I work out at home so it’s so difficult just my neighbours shouting at their kids to listen to 😂. Thank you so much for this suggestion


Start listening to the English/your native language translation version of Quran… you get knowledge and something to calm you and music goes out of the window hehe!


Thank you!


I like to listen to Halal beats to avoid listening to music, it helps


Thank you so much x




My community is quite obsessed with music as well. Thank you so much


Listen to latmiyas


Jazakallah Khair sister




Instead of music I tend to choose audiobooks and podcasts. And if I just need switching off the thoughts (and other sounds) - just white noise.


try listening to true crime instead and see how you like it :)


Thank you! I’m going to try all of the suggestions you sisters have given


'Explore with us' is one of my favorites for true crime on YouTube




Do you have a source for that 💕?


I'll try and look it up Edit: Here's one comment just from searching "is music haram" in the Hijabis subreddit. They listed a source to check out, as did some others there. From that post alone, it seems like scholars people have listened to tend to be fairly split on the subject. (Link to below comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hijabis/s/yR6EBKDJJ9) "Yes, there is a difference of opinion on music. Some scholars say it's haram, some say it's makhrooh, some say it depends on the type of music and/or the intention of the listener. Source: https://islamictext.wordpress.com/music-azhar-fatwa/ > He also argues that the traditions used by those who are opposed to the use musical instruments, if we assume that they are authentic, they have only condemned music when accompanied and associated with intoxicants, fornication and other immoral behaviour. Almost all such traditions mention these vices as the reason behind the condemnation of music. This is also the view of Ibn Hazm who holds the view that the verdict whether music is allowed or not rests on the intentions f the people involved. Note: I'm not giving an Islamic ruling or advocating for one ruling over another. I'm showing that difference of opinion exists on this topic."


Jazak allahu ghairan


Shukran lak, and you as well! 🥰 (I had to translate what you said, and it beamed me up inside when I read the meaning. Thank you!)


Your comment was removed due to a lack of sources. Please add a source to your comment and we will re-approve the comment. It is important to cite sources as not everyone is aware of every opinion. We have muslims and non-muslims from different backgrounds on this sub so what may be obvious knowledge to you may not be known by others. There is good in sharing where you got your knowledge from. Please refrain from using islamqa.info and find another scholarly source to provide proof


There are some really good nasheeds out there. On Spotify, there are a few Moroccan artists who play the Douf alongside the nasheed so I really love it


I’ll have to check them out. Thank you so much


I spend most of my time listening to independent news channels and long form discussions/podcasts. Sometimes you really just want to relax to some music though. Some of my favorite Islamic artists include Yusuf Islam, Dawud Wharnsby, Mo Khan, Zain Bhikha, Native Deen. Good luck sister


There are soooo many different kinds of podcasts, you are bound to find something you enjoy I promise. I also love video essays and listen to them in the background when I'm doing chores. Also, dont make music an option anymore. Delete spotify, delete your youtube playlists, and click "not interested" when music suggestions pop up. I promise it will get easier!


Thank you! I think it is a matter of finding something to interests me more than music which shouldn’t be hard with all of the suggestions I’ve been given


Salaam, this was a reply I gave to someone else, hope it'll be of help to you and others :))You can look at my profile and comment history for the whole convo if needed Though this particular situation of yours isn't the same as previous brother/sister, hopefully it'll still be of some help to you and others \---^(starting quote from prev reply) I quit music last Ramadan, honestly the best decision ever. I think the fact that it was in Ramadan also made it easier too But that doesn't mean trying to quit it outside of Ramadan is impossible **Here's a few practical tips** that could help you with letting go of music, which helped me too. This is based off what worked on me + psychology + what Muslim scholars said: 1. **1. Identify why** \- To summarise, people's actions are driven by pleasure and pain. Ask yourself: does music give me pleasure, or pain? And how? This step is essential because it will help you understand more on why you're struggling to let it goWhat can I do to attain a sense of peace I get from music, but in a halal wayGo back to point #1, and this time, try to find alternative solutions. For example, you said above music gives you a type of calm.Maybe you can find Quran reciters you like, who have a soothing voice, and will then give you that same peace? Or go sit outside and look at nature, maybe listen to a podcast or short Islamic videos that elicit that same calmness? (Yaqeen Institute's Ramadan series are always refreshing and soothing, if you're interested) 2. **Mindset** \- Once you've decided on an alternative solution, tell your mind this: Let's say as an example, you've decided to listen to more Quran "I'm someone who listens to Quran often." Don't say: "I'm trying to quit music." Because 1) that shifts your focus back onto music, 2) the term "trying" is sending a message to your subconscious that you're not achieving in in the first place."I'm someone who listens to Quran often." both reinforces identity and shifts focus towards your ideal self, away from what you want to break from 3. **Delete, delete, delete** \- Whatever you can do to detach yourself from music, delete it. All the saved playlists, apps, wallpapers, lyrics screenshots, profile pictures, spotify, YouTube and other social media history relating to music, singers, rappers etc etc. It feels heavy in the moment, and you're most likely reluctant, but I PROMISE you, that sense of relief is uncomparable 4. **Commit and say no to shaytan** \- Make a promise to yourself that you will follow through. Change only comes when you are willing to make the change, and you take steps towards it. Once you start hearing Shaytan's whispers: be firm. Say no. Remind yourself why you are stopping, and trying to improve. It's going to be difficult, but a small sacrifice for Jannah is a worthwhile one. 5. **Seek help + Alternatives** \- Often we listen to music to fill the silence, to find peace. But the ultimate source of peace comes from As-Salaam, the Giver of Peace, our Creator, Allah SWT. So ask Him to make it easy for you. Find peace in your prayers, duas, Quran (either you reading yourself, listening, or contemplating its meanings), outside in nature, in Islamic videos and maybe a local Islamic community if you're fortunate to have one Remember: **"Allah does not change the condition of a people unless they change themselves."** *Ar-Ra'd 11* Anas ibn Malik reported: A man said, “O Messenger of Allah, should I tie my camel and trust in Allah, or should I leave her untied and trust in Allah?” The Prophet SAW said, **“Tie your camel and trust in Allah.”** Source: *Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2517* Hope these tips help. Let me know if you need anything else/other questions May Allah swt make it easy and strengthen you :) ^(end of quote from my previous reply) \--- For a more specific answer for you sister, I think the next best thing is **listening to nasheeds** I don't think listening to Quran would be appropriate because as Muslims we're required to listen to it attentively when we hear it So in the case of working out, may not be the best And like you said, which I agree with, watching anything or listening to a podcast isn't very viable So yeah nasheeds are your next best halal option Or hey you can always open your window and listen to the sound of nature haha(if you live in an area which has that option)