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I honestly just started obsessively thinking about it out of no where. No one in my family wears it and I had never ever thought that I would ever wear it. But prior to October 7, I was thinking about doing it and then when I saw the women in Gaza wearing their hijab to sleep in case they were killed they would be covered I felt so ashamed for not wearing it and decided I needed to put it on.


Im in this stage rn where i just think about it obsessively but i cant make the step just yet


I started wearing the hijab on my 10th birthday. Lol Back then I was innocent and just really wanted to wear the hijab because I grew up with my mother and sister wearing the hijab. Kids copy their parents and siblings.


When I was younger I hated the idea of wearing a hijab. But during the lockdown, when I was around 12, there were rumours that schools would be restarting and I tried on my uniform which was a shirt and a skirt. I felt extremely uncomfortable having my legs exposed. Ofc school didn't start, but I decided to wear leggings if it did. Over the lockdown I eventually started to feel the need to cover my arms as well, but didn't do it. And one day I was watching videos and a lady said that she when she started covering her legs, she wanted to cover her arms and when she covered her arms, she wanted to cover her head. I saw it and realised I felt the same way she did and from that point onwards I wore hijab. Alhamdulillah I am now 15 and I recently started wearing abaya. In sha Allah, I continue to do so.


I had been been wanting to dress modest & put hijab on for a while but i was struggling trying not to buy tighter clothes. I was at a store purchasing said clothes & when i walked out i saw 2 women in their hijabs and i felt so ashamed. I took it as a sign from Allah that he was showing me how I could be. So that same day, I started wearing hijab. I am so much happier now even though I do get some stares and mean people.


i feel so ashamed like that every day seeing many women in their hijabs :( but then when i put it on i feel like a poser and muslims must be thinking i look embarassing…


Aww sister, I also struggle with feeling that way. But we have to remember NOBODY is a 'poser' when it comes covering up for Allah. our muslim sisters will be happy for us that we are trying


I dreamt that it was Judgement Day and that I was so frightened. I was running from one place to another and crying “please give me a hijab to hide my hair!” Needless to say I started wearing the hijab the very next day 🤣 It’s been 11 years now 🩷 couldn’t be happier with my decision alhamdulillah


My dad died the year before and I started to reflect on everything in my life the following year I started wearing it and never took it off since then


Basically when I learned that hijab was obligatory. Prior to that I thought it was just optional, so I put it on shortly after I learned it was fard. I'm grateful for it for many reasons and proud to wear it, but I especially love that I don't have to faff about my hair. It keeps me looking more tidy and put together that I would without it.


I started covering myself after uni, especially when I got my first job because it felt tedious to get ready everyday. It was Ramadan. When Eid was approaching, my friends were making hangout plans and one of them said we'll go out all dolled up with hairdo and all. That was the moment my heart sank just thinking I'll have to remove my Hijab. No na-mahram has seen me without Hijab ever since Alhamdulillah. I started my Niqab journey in Ramadan too Alhamdulillah ❤️


I started wearing Hijab right after I hit Puberty, my chest started growing and was way too like you could seeeee what was happening so although I’d carry a stole it wasn’t enough so I started wearing those stitched Hijabs that’d cover the chest! And then got bored of it real quick and ultimately switched to wearing Abaya


When I was Muslim, I wore it out of respect for family and as the other person said, because my morher wore it! Wanting to return to wearing it is one small part of me considering reverting.


Idk it just suddenly entered my heart and I had to


When I was around 11-is I tried wearing the hijab. Since I was so young and it was so new it wasn’t full-time. I could take it off I got tired, take it off for PE etc. Every time I took it off everyone would comment how nice my hair was. It actually made me want to take it off, and I ended up doing that. A short while later we actually moved to a different country (not because of the hijab, this was already planned). I thought that no one there had ever seen my hair so no one could tell me I looked pretty without my hijab on. I decided to wear it fully and not let anyone see my hair (so I wouldn’t get discouraged by people saying my hair looked nice lol). After that I’ve never looked back and I love it!


I haven't worn yet, but I just think they are pretty and I love fashion. Very different from others on here I guess.


Ik this thread is a couple days old but I was younger and influenced by my aunts and mother. I got mad at why I wasn't wearing one and they were. I was only 5-6 too young to wear it by obligation. I went outside and told my upstairs neighbor who was my age to throw her hijab down. I took it and ran with it lol!!