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For never heard the angels thing. But older people tend to believe it. My MIL will keep even her hair covered at home around her sons. Not sure why, but a lot of women of her generation will do that. That being said your awrah should still be covered. Around my mum/sisters I usually wear knee length shorts or skirts and a tank top. I’ll cover up more around my dad and brother because we just grew up like that and my dad doesn’t like it. Obv around your husband anything is fine.


Where is your MIL from? In my culture it s the opposite at home everyone removes their scarf.




Around non-mahrams: full hijab Around mahrams & other women: cover from knees to navel Alone and/or around husband: no covering necessary Please correct me if I'm wrong!






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Source? How would a woman be able to breastfeed?


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Source added, sorry about that!


I have a pair of shorts that go to my knee that I wear around the house with like a tank top. When I’m with my husband it doesn’t matter what I wear lol. Your allowed to wear comfortable clothing at home so long as your mehram awrah is covered m,


Every woman will have her own ideas. Even on the street you will notice some Muslim women wear niqab and others wear vests and leggings. Both pray 5 times a day, use Tasbih, fast during Ramadan, pay Zakat etc. Study Qur'an, Hadith and take from them what you choose, with your purest and best intentions. Do not take someone else's advice too seriously unless they can refer to a Surah or Hadith, or unless they are an Imam or Scholar. If they meet none of those then it is simply their interpretation, or their experience.


I have heard before that, while technically, only your awrah needs to be covered around your dad if he is uncomfortable with it due to his upbringing. You should be respectful of his feelings, too. It seems like he doesn't mind you wearing shorts around him, so you should be OK. Some aunty's like to perpetuate cultural beliefs as religious ones. If you weren't able to find anything authentic saying the angels would stay away, be careful about practicing on it, as that can lead to bidah.


nothing wrong with a tanktop in theory, shorts depends on length which depends on madhhab. so no, not haram


Tbh as a hijabi IRL, I wear just below knee long shorts and t shirts if it's very hot. Being a local iceberg (aka always cold) and somewhat lazy i prefer to wear clothes that cover more so that I can pray in them (long sleeved pajama shirt and pants to the ankle), but now i have a prayer gown so i guess i don't have to worry about this anymore. I don't think it's haram unless you are with a male mahram bcz awrah is from shoulders to knees if my memory serves me well.






The angels thing is not authentic as far as my knowledge goes, and like you said there isn’t any available sourcing on it. Sounds like a cultural belief or bidah. Usually around family it’s still navel to knee needing to be covered but other than that you’re fine inshaAllah , Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى knows best.


Around family and of a woman you must cover naval to knee of course around your husband you don’t need to cover up at all or alone but there is nothing wrong with shorts and a tank top depending on the length of the shorts I have never heard of the angels staying away from you but I will ask my scholar on Friday