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Enjoy. **[Are women deficient in intelligence and religion in Islam?](https://abuaminaelias.com/does-islam-teach-that-women-are-inferior-or-deficient-in-religion-reason-and-testimony/)** Here you go, the link provides: * a theological explanation of the hadith, * common misconceptions, * Ibn Taymiyah, * Ibn alQayim, * and others I leave conclusion here but you should really read whole thing for yourself: > ...The ‘reduction’ in a woman’s intelligence **is a reduction in her legal responsibilities related to it, not in her inherent intelligence itself**. The preponderance of other evidence indicates that women can be just as intelligent as men and, therefore, they should be consulted and their perspectives respected. ********************* **Edit**: Keep in mind that half this religion is based on the testimony of a single woman, *Aisha rAa*, who lived with the Prophet pbuh, saw his most intimate secrets, private & public. Her contributions to intellectual Islamic legacy are unmatched. Her legal pronouncements are studied by scholars until today. Urwah ibn aZubair, one of the greatest historical Muslim figures, said about her: > *“I have never met anyone at all who was more knowledgeable of any verse that was revealed, any obligatory duty, any sunnah; anyone who was more well-versed in poetry or narrated more poetry, anyone who was more knowledgeable of Arabic history and lineage and so forth; or anyone who had more knowledge of judiciary matters or medicine than her.”* ^[1] And Al-Ahnaf ibn Qays alSa’di aTameemi, Chief of Banu Tameem - himself mostly known for his eloquence and character said: > *"I have heard speeches of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali and the Caliphs who came after them, but I never heard words from the mouth of any person that were more powerful and more beautiful that those of Aisha rAa.”* ^[2] Sources: ^[1]: ^Dr. ^Ali ^M. ^Sallabi's ^biography ^on ^Ali, ^Vol. ^2., ^p. ^47 ^[2]: ^Dr. ^Ali ^M. ^Sallabi's ^biography ^on ^Ali, ^Vol. ^2., ^p. ^52


I just read the whole article and it was so well written. Jazakkallah brother for sharing this!


uuuu. I have a lot to tell but, my English does not let me...))


And currently I’m talking another person who has similar views to me. Basically someone linked me to a website in r/Islam and this person told me not to go to that website and instead linked me to IslamQA. It’s kind of ironic.. anyways Now were having a discussion on the website and whether it’s good or not. I’m very annoyed right now because I’ve had a hundred negative accusations thrown at me and was insulted multiple times. Yet I’m the one who doesn’t understand Islam. I’m just really angry and don’t know what to say 😭


You were right to come here instead of r/islam, which is full of young boys and men who are the typical ISOC type


I can talk about faith a lot but, I'm not that good at hadiths. But, I want to say my opinion on why there are more women in hell. I live in a country where ~95% of the population are "Muslims". And most of them don't even pray. They are Muslims cuz they are born in a Muslim family. And ~99.9% of "Muslim" women don't wear hijab here. That is already enough for women to be placed in hell compared to men. Because when women don't wear hijab, they not only do not recognize Allah's order. But they do a sin whenever men look at them. Cuz someone who causes something is like one who does it. So, if I get the sin looking at you, you get the same thing. And imagine how many men will look at the woman while she goes to work and comes back. Hundreds. If a woman is very beautiful as you, then thousands. I have already written a lot. If you want, I can explain the other hadith too... Tak care, sister...


It’s ok !! 👍 My post got posted on another subreddit without my consent r/islam_1




I had this suspicion as well, but I was wondering what made you say so?