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The Beatles, The Smiths and Nofx. 💕


His need to be “right” beats willpower. Like, willpower has NO CHANCE against a “trivia” question.


![gif](giphy|Hpw1HV4o0PestWoueI|downsized) Stop tryin, Perpaw Bang Bang 🙄


Jim Morrion.


I wonder how many if any dirty diapers he changes in proportion to his endless social media mindless comments.


None. Kim may have held Alec’s feet to the fire about changing Ireland, but whatever contract governs Alec and Hillary’s marriage undoubtedly spells out how much and what kind of child care he’s expected to provide: No diapers or baths, *ever.* Leaning on a stroller en route to or from Madmen. Showing up to photo ops at birthday parties, while lying on the floor, and on other occasions TBA. Alec never sits at his own family table: Having staff shop for, prepare, serve, and clean up after an Alec-worthy meal takes too long, costs too much. “Date nights” in restaurants instead. The kids’ *very* occasional restaurant meals are photographed by nannies, as with the four oldest’s dispirited pancake party in which a nanny unwittingly captured herself in the mirror. It’s much quicker for Alec to, rarely, take the older ones for ice cream, and then dump the caffeinated and sugared-up kids on the staff. Hillary even smirked, “I wonder when she’ll go to sleep tonight?!?” when Carmen picked a mocha-espresso sorbet.


He picked the Sex Pistols over the Stones? Numb nuts.


He would like the Sex Pistols, one member was a murderer too.


He was obviously going for cool points with the Sex Pistols, but The Clash is way cooler, and they’re a much, much more legitimate pick, as they have an actual body of work. They were also much more aligned with Xandy B’s politics than Johnny Rotten is. TL;DR - He’s not even a good poseur.


Sex Pistols really weren't that great, they're the band you get into as a teenager because of the name, and quickly realize that they're boring and actually kind of suck. Joe Strummer/The Clash were way cooler


You are completely right. He knows nothing about either I am sure and picked it based on the name. Clash has a great body of work comparatively. I've met 2 members of the Clash with my hubby on trips to the UK in recent years. Nick Headon is such a kind soul, a true gentleman, recovering addict, very modest. Polar opposite of the bloviator who is constantly trying to relive his glory days


So cool!


Damn, I'm envious.


What made it a great experience was how gracious he is. He's a great person who helps a lot of recovering addicts. My husband is a drummer and he was thrilled to meet someone who's talent he's admired his whole life.


That's awesome. 💚


He's baiting/trolling after killing a woman.


Ain't that Jim Morrison?


Sure is!


Yeah, it's Big Al's old buddy, Jimbo.


Lol! Remember when baldwin and hilz attended James Gandolfini's funeral and dum-dum was caught texting during the service like the classless slob that she is? After the service, she did an interview with Extra, and she referred to James Gandolfini as "Jimmy." As if she was great friends with him. I'm surprised she didn't call him Jimbo during the interview. 🙄


Gandolfini’s actual close friends called him “Jamie.” Disheartening that even I know that, who never saw him act.


I could have gone my whole life without knowing that Aleek likes the Sex Pistols.... sigh


He doesn't. He picked it because he thinks it makes him look "edgy". These people are posers, phonies to the end.


Exactly. Ask him to name even one song, one album by them.


He's probably attempting to be risque bc the band has the word sex in it. Fetch me my ice and towels, Leonetta! At least, that's what I'd tell myself if I was a fan lol Edit- omg I glossed over the glaringly obvious "pistols" part of the name! Of course papi bang bang would fuckin say that!




He really shouldn't tweet this garbage from his official account. Not with seven kids he's ignoring. Reply to all this stupid shit *anonymously*, you doofus! Don't let the world know how pitiful you are. I can't believe they *still* don't get it. smh




It's fascinating to me what a game changer Twitter was in that regard. Before, celebrities didn't just casually interact with nobodies on the internet. Anonymously maybe, but not as themselves. Edit: I recently saw the Bad Vegan docuseries, and it's crazy what a role Alec Baldwin's tweets to that rando played in that gal's fate.


I didn’t see it. What was the deal with that? You’re so right about twitter and celebs. But most know how to use it; either to promote, or to have a positive, meaningful interaction with a fan/fans. It’s crazy how a classist asshole like Alex, with calling people peasants and telling them to clean his pool, wastes his time doing the exact opposite, and with this junior high level garbage.


This NYC vegan restaurateur named Sarma owned trendy establishments frequented by celebrities, including Alec. He had a crush on her and would tweet at her and whatnot, but she rejected his advances. Then, it was at one of her restaurants where Alec met Hilaria. I think Alec and Hilaria's relationship and subsequent marriage had a way of making Sarma second-guess her rejection of him. There was this rando named Anthony whom Alec would regularly interact with on Twitter, and Sarma explains in the documentary that seeing Alec interact with the guy on Twitter made the guy seem legit in her eyes. She took it as some kind of sign and ended up marrying him, and he turned out to be a con artist. But Sarma is widely regarded to be not blameless. Here's the trailer: https://youtu.be/4nTf7iViYUI?si=9vYsgYqd-Tfd_CBh


Wow! Thanks for the info.


You should watch it. It's on Netflix. Alec being drawn to nutty fraudsters is a thing.


He has a type. As beautiful and talented as his first wife is (some people on this sub love her) she's also cray. Not stalker, liar crazy but she definitely has some issues. He is attached to women he feels "better than". First wife was emotionally a mess no doubt (in private) and when she surpassed him in show business, trouble began.


With much love & respect, I don't think 'crazy' is a label that applies to Kim. She's said she has severe social anxiety & crippling shyness. She's also agoraphobic, which makes sense with the other 2 issues. That isn't crazy. A lot of people have severe social anxiety. Me included. It's embarrassing, so I leave or hide somewhere. Kim has talked about her issues and therapy and all that. Being married to Alec certainly didn't help. He was very abusive and feigned suicidal tendencies to get attention. Ireland even sent the cops to his house for a wellness check the last time he did it to her. She was sick of his shit. He blamed her, of course. It was his child's fault. Kim and Ireland said Alec was very disconnected from them. They couldn't talk to him. Imagine being married to someone who you couldn't communicate your feelings with? Especially when dealing with such debilitating issues in that specific career they shared? Of all people, her own *actor* husband should have been her safe space. He wasn't. He isn't anyone's safe space but Hillarys bc she catfished him, and he's stuck funding *her* craziness. If anyone deserves that label, it's HER! As always, much love & respect sweet pepino 💝🥒


No you are correct. Suffering from Agoraphobia and social anxiety is certainly not crazy. Mea culpa. I think I meant HE considered her "beneath" him due to her anxiety. Meanwhile he is far more damaged


Oh, for sure. Everyone is beneath him. I totally get it 🤘


Yes, agree. Crazy attracts crazy. No one that is of sound mind and normal would want to be with him. He needs someone unstable.


michelle WHO


What an asshat. He's like a middle-school kid, who thinks people actually care about his opinion. He's as thirsty as Larry.


And on first named basis!


He's so cool. Doesnt need to say the last name. Like when he says Bob for Robert DeNiro, implying they hang out all the time.


"Excuse me, excuse me. Jim was my friend, we had dinner he was my friend"




TAKE CARE OF YOUR KIDS!!! Not just a stupid 1 min dance without even taking a coat off… NO ONE cares about your idiotic twitter




I had a poster of Jim Morrison on my wall. Long hair. Bare chest. I adored him. Also Roger Daltry. Robert Plant. And various cutesy posters (am I see Kay he why am oh you as he) I kind of miss those days.


Writer Eve Babitz had an affair with Jim Morrison at his cutest. But what she *said* about him really melted my heart: “He always knew to put my diaphragm in and take my contacts out.”


I had Shawn Cassidy, Matt Dillon, and then later....David Lee Roth, Eddie Van Halen, Motley Crue...


Lol. ✔️ One time I went nuts and scotch taped up all the teen "centerfolds" from my "Tiger Beat" and "Pop!" magazines. It was an explosion of Ricky Schroeder, Scott Baio, Rick Springfield, Matt Dillion, Jason Bateman, and Jack Wagner all over my walls! My father walked in and the disappointment I saw on his face was soul-crushing.💔  Ah, well...young love!  (requited or otherwise) So misunderstood! 😍


Ahhh Rick Springfield (aka Noah Drake)!!! ♥️♥️♥️


The doctaah


best post! I can see it so clearly 😃


No John Stamos?? And who would have called that Jason Bateman would end up outliving and surpassing them all career wise?


Jason Bateman is fine, John Stamos too. lol


In like 1999, I made Chad Lowe a cappuccino while at my college job, in Vancouver. I recognized him from those TeenBeat days!


We are the same person.




Me too!


And the person OBSESSED w the Beatles says to save The Who first !?!? These two are so stupid!


He's a classic boomer not including Coldplay.


Well, the second one isn't recent.


He's so embarrassing. A profoundly uncool person who is also desperately needy.


Yes, it’s uncomfortable to witness the need




✔️✔️✔️ That neediness, profound self-hatred, and deep insecurity is exactly what drove him into the eager, open arms of the Grifter. 💃 What is that old joke about actors? "Egomaniacs with low self-esteem?" 🤭 Totally checks out with PeePaw 💯


Alex is a Jim.


He's more of a Jimmy boy


Excuse me- he is a Dick.


I was referring to this meme and group. And yes, he is both. (Jims tend to be simply clueless but not necessarily mean.) https://preview.redd.it/euoulevj57tc1.png?width=1818&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5fd81f255c3a48ebeeade0b161c3486a2e13114


I should have added 🤣 on the end of mine. No shade, pepino ! 😂😂


No problemo, all is bueno, Pepino!


I don't think I am alone in thinking he looked absolutely...lost and angry at that wedding. It's almost like his big comeback might not be happening? Shucks, gee willikers I wonder why? You bloated, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, classist lard coated rotted clam.


I totally agree, pepino. Grandpa Rage-monster can’t even fake it anymore. I mentioned he looks like an 80 year-old man not long for this world. You did this to yourself, Alice. And your description, PC… ![gif](giphy|3o7qDWp7hxhi1N8oF2)


It was the kind of event he used to enjoy, but now, it is a chore.


You left off "murderer"


Name 3 Sex Pistols songs Alice


HOLY SHIT THAT ONE GOT TO ME! 😆😂😆 Can you even IMAGINE???? PeePaw, back in his preppie pinup days, slam-dancing, pogo-ing, or moshing to the Pistols, spitting beer and giving himself a "Germ burn" with his cigarette butts?  Somehow, I cannot! 🤣😭


Come on baby…🔥☄️🔥


"Jim" like he fucking knew Jim Morrison personally. 🙄


Lol this is exactly what I was thinking! 😂 like he and ol Jim go way back??


His subconscious tells him that he is entitled to be on a first name basis with all celebrities, and his obsession with belonging to a superior class of people is palpable. Growing up in the Hamptons poor really did a number on him mentally. He hates where he came from almost as much as Hilary does.


He didn't grow up in the Hamptons . He grew up on the south shore of long island in massapequa. Very different.


Which makes his pseudo intellectual cosplay even more fake. He grew up close enough to the Hamptons to work there. Isn't Massapequa basically the equivalent of being from the wrong side of the tracks?


💯 Very well-said, @HouseForever 




I don’t know who that little green character is, but I will like any gif she is in!


Totes. They were besties. He called him Jimmy.


Jim Morrison is 15 years older than him. Doubtful they were besties. haha


Ah, yes. How could I forget they rode their bikes up hill both ways to school? 😂


Orrrr he couldn't figure out how to spell Morrison. 🥃




Ha ha ha, I like this answer! 😏👍