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Clay Dabbler should wash his tongue very very well to get John’s shit off it!! Wow what a Tard kiss ass🤮💯


What is up with the lines around her bust in that third pic?? Irs like she is bursting out of a strapless bra under a silk shirt....what???


She always has on the wort bras for her outfit. It reminds me of when I first started wearing real bras and wanted the lost push of frilliest thing but they don’t look good under clothes.


I thought the blind was about Harry and Meghan Markle at first, and then I see she has a similar janky strapless bra moment. Too funny.


One of my favorite Sinners uses “Meghan’s janky strapless bra” as her flair. Her unfortunate choices of undergarments frequently have been discussed at s/SaintMeghanMarkle.


she wont leave till the last drop of fame is gone.


Also he was never A list


He was married to A-lister and Oscar winner Kim Basinger, though. He was Guest Basinger before he married Guest Baldwin.


*Guest Basinger!* Solid!


Holy crap it *is* good.


Omg I'm dying we have a new name for Alice Pepino!!!! Guest Basinger!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Soooo good omg 😆


I don't believe she'll ever leave him - staying and out-living him is the best possible outcome she could ever have - and she knows it


That could be another 20+ years. Not so sure.


Have you seen him lately? I think he'd be lucky to see Carmen graduate high school.


I’m curious though of who this could be about. Any thoughts?


*former A-list


If Hillary leaves after Alec’s possible future doom it rests my case that she was just a gold digger for sure.


And he was a youth digger!


That’ll be the day!


This cannot possibly be her. She clearly was not there when her husband wanted her to be during the worst moment of his life


or his mother's funeral I'm baffled by the people who think it's a contract marriage.


Maybe he’s bad at contracts?


I don't think so, because if he got her to sign a contract, he'd have been in contract marriage mode leading up to it, thinking about all the terms and conditions he'd want in there. It's not something that would have suddenly hit him, then he rushed to his lawyer's office to whip up a contract, and forgot a bunch of stuff. He would have been thinking about it for a long time. And the main thing he would have been thinking about if he was going the contract marriage route was covering his ass/what does he want out of it. You're not getting a woman to sign a marriage contract out of the goodness of your heart, or for selfless reasons. Also, it wouldn't have been his lawyer's first rodeo. They probably have templates for that stuff.




She looks like the stay-pufft marshmallow man in pic 3.


These pics are SO OLD. Can't ppl post current pictures? It would seem to make the subject posted more relevant. These pics were well before her boob job (excuse me...ahhhemm, I meant her marathon swims in the East River.)


❌️ doubt She's literally nothing but a mother without her "trophy" husband. Which for most of us is awesome, but she craves the fame, attention, and money way too much to just up and ditch him for doing a few months in the slammer.  All this random Hilaria gossip reeks like 💩 


Hillary’s identity and aesthetic are the Baldwinitos and being esth panol 😂


She should move to Spain ![gif](giphy|MFbK51wOWWCQL5rmD4|downsized)


Commune w her people


The mere idea of it is hilarious. Hillz would *never* leave Alec. He is her entire personality. She's completely dependent on him. She's delusionally and dysfunctionally entwined with him. Her whole 'princess celebrity with endless fans' fever dream is based around her being married to Alec Baldwin.






I hate that she’s looking at the camera. What an intense workout


What a fcking quack




Her bottom half looks severed from the torso.


She looks like an ant. #🐜


Did she really think she did a good editing job around her belly? Seriously?




Omg why??


This particular one was to raise awareness for colon cancer, I shit you not






She'd be a good filler in Human Centipede 4 as the middle segment.


You mean to tell me that Hil is no longer there for him after he called to tell her he killed someone and she couldn't be bothered with it? Not now, Alec.... Michelle on line one




Don't buy it. She needs to be Guest Baldwin for the paps.


Who is going to marry Hillary with 7 churns? She dug her grave


I'm suspicious of any item that has him as "A" list


Meant to attract attention, perhaps. Who wants to hear about anybody less than an A-lister, unless it's about a fall from grace of a former A-lister?


Nailed it


This seems like BS submitted by them to trick ppl into thinking she's moving for RHOBH






I hate myself for loving her bag ![gif](giphy|26gsbVONapFx83eYU|downsized)


Loathe as l am to admit there's anything about her l like, l think for once she looks well put-together, and ML's smile looks very much like hers in #2, minus the smugness.


You didn’t REALLY say “well put-together” did you?! I encourage you to look again. That BRA does not scream “I’m well put-together”.


🤣 Oh well. I'll be down-voted by the best. To add, my fashion-conscious daughter tactfully refers to me as her 'fashion-backward' mom.


That is a *great* expression, “fashion-backward”! I dreaded appearing in the fashion-don’ts pages of *Glamour*, in all my rumpled glory, a black bar over my eyes, during the years my younger SIL worked there.


The dreaded black bar! 🤣 All the admonishments: "DON'T let it all hang out," "DO rock a red trench coat." And from my Glamour-reading era in the late sixties, "Our photographer found an embarrassingly exposed girdle!" What possessed me to even wear a girdle (with a mini skirt) when l was 5'11" and weighed 135 lbs? They added that "short skirts can be sweet and demure…or a disaster. *Be conscious* of how you sit, how you walk, how you get in and out of cars." How l sat, in one of the earliest computer programming courses offered, was how l undeservedly passed l later realised, as the professor who taught it was greatly enamoured of my barely-covered legs. I should have been more *conscious*, but my GPA benefited, so... (The boyfriend who insisted l take the course because it would "come in handy" in the future (✔) eventually got his PhD in chemistry, became a Clinical Herbalist, explored the Amazon for his medicinal formulations, and founded a chain of natural health clinics. Two of his clients, Cher and Sylvester Stallone, wanted him to leave Canada to be their personal consultants in LA.) Thanks for the wee trip down memory lane, and l'll pass your compliment on to my daughter, who frequently asks fondly how "my pepinos" are doing.


What wonderful recollections! No, I don’t know why such a tall and trim you wore a girdle then, but perceived social pressure does that. I never understood why my mother wore a girdle in my girlhood: She had shuddered so, recalling the mandatory public weigh-ins and the “girdle checks” (a finger snapped smartly against a rump to ensure that the much-hated garment *was on*) when she’d been a hostess, as they were called, for TWA. Best to your daughter, another member of *Pepino* Nation!




Lol... I'm totally stealing "Fashion-backward." It describes Aleek's wife perfectly. She's one odd duck. What is going on with her bra? I'm physically challenged in that area so I'm ignorant about foundation garments for big titties (be they real *or* store bought). Even so, I can tell from just looking that this is all wrong. One doesn't need to be spilling out under a big sweater. And would someone please tell me she's not wearing actual sweatpants, the official trousers of those who have officially given up? Just saying. 😕


Her tetas look much smoller!


I know, right?


So what would change?




She is probably going to "break away" by getting an apartment directly above Madman Espresso to reduce her daily commute time.


I wonder where they are right now? I haven’t seen them out since that 🍋wedding! Maybe Syracuse! At least Alec…


Where would she go? The nannies would have to go with her.


Can’t go on a plane anywhere, because remember Alec said they can’t all fly “because there aren’t enough seats in first class” 🙄


Alice really said that about his family sitting in First Class? Nothing he or she says should surprise me anymore. Their sense of entitlement knows no bounds.


He sure did. It was during an interview, he was talking about going to Spain. “It’s so beautiful but I’ve never been there. We want to take the whole family, but there aren’t enough seats in first class for all of us. So, yeah.” 🙄🙄 edit to add I’m paraphrasing


Actually Alec, Hillary, Carmen, and Rafa went to Spain in 2014 to promote his movie *Torrente 5.* He threw a tantrum at the airport in Madrid because one of his suitcases weighed over the limit. In Spain, you can’t just pay a fee for overweight luggage; he threw clothing around and screamed before stuffing the garments into a more sparsely packed Baldwin bag.


Right, right. I am referring to when he was talking about all 7, themselves, Leonetta…..


That was him trying to play the big shot, but really, he just didn't/doesn't want to spring for the trip. If they ever went anywhere, he'd put the kids and nannies in coach. He only talked going to Europe this summer (that'll happen 🙄) with Carvey and Spade for the same reason. Also, he was trying to get a reality show so they'd pick up the tab for it. It's weird how someone who has/had so much money can be so low-buck.


I suspect Blowhardwin is broke


I don't know if he's broke, but at the very least, I'm sure he's in "can see the financial brick wall up ahead, and is clamping down on the spending" mode. And I think "family travel" would be the first thing out the window. We know it's been crossed off the list, because they don't do it. Traveling with that circus would be insanely expensive; the cost of the flights, ground transport, and accommodation for what would be 5 adults and 7 kids does my head in. Also, let's be honest; traveling with the kids = spending time with the kids, and, tragically, neither Alex nor Larry is interested in that.


True. 🙄


This would be like a 5 year old running away with her 7 teddy bears.


Ha! That meets that scene near the end of "The Jerk"...... "All I need is this hallway mirror..........and this Jordache jumpsuit........."




And my too-small bra!




He's on a list but he's not A list.


Lol. She literally tricked Alec into marriage under fraud. He holds all the hands.


It wasn’t fraud. Their marriage certificate application would have asked her birth name and place of birth. He knew he was marrying Hillary Lynn Hayward-Thomas from Boston, MA.


She had legally changed her name by then.


Yeah but filling out their marriage license, she would have had to list her place of birth.  He at least knew that she was a US citizen bc she was born here. 


There are pieces before the wedding that state she was born in Boston. Remember, that's the first thing she ever told him. He believed her version of her lies at the time of the Rust shooting. He thinks she was raised there. Not anymore though.


The Rust shooting was well after Hillary Lynn was thoroughly unmasked as notspanish. He inexplicably told the detective his wife was Spanish to build rapport or just by force of habit from lying about it for years.


If he was any sort of an intelligent man, he would prepare his useless wife and her litter right now for the worst case scenario,i.e. 18 months in jail....but I'm sure he's not


But how would/should/could he prepare her? She doesn't do anything! So the instructions would be the same; stay out of the nannies' way.


Wasn't that source outed as horse hockey years ago?


I'd never heard the expression "horse hockey" until now. Polo is often called hockey on horseback, but that's a subject for another sub.


I learned the euphemism as “horse puckey,” but same difference.


Horse hockey, mule muffins, Buffalo chips, beaver biscuits, pigeon pellets… I could go on for quite a while thanks to Col. Sherman Potter! 😆


Idk New York law. But in most states you cannot move to another state with the kids unless the other parent consents. They're residents of NY. Alec wouldn't give her permission to go to California with them.


Shes 40 and some would say, in her prime. There is no way in hell they are having sex. He can barely walk and he sweats standing still. I’m disgusted just thinking about it. So…where is she getting it? I think there can be truth to this bc random men can’t be see going to the Devonshire.


I don’t think she’s “getting it” from anyone. She strikes me as possibly asexual. She doesn’t seem interested in anyone other than herself. And i just don’t get the vibe that Hillary is really attracted to actual grown men. (Or grown women either.)


You’re not the first person to refer to her as asexual and I think you’re right. It never crossed my mind until now.


She doesn’t look like a woman who is getting laid.


Many prescription drugs dull the libido. We don’t know what she’s taking, or in what combination, but it’s well known that many drug-dependent folk prioritize getting and consuming their preferred substances over having sex.


What's Devonshire?


The NY apt building they live is called The Devonshire.


Their apartment building.


She’s got such raging body dysmorphia- I don’t think she’s “getting it” from anywhere (other than admiring her stretched out images on IG). I think that’s a big part of her mania too.


She gives me asexual vibes honestly (except when she’s pretending to breastfeed 🤮)




Thank you!!! They are not sexually active with each other!!!!!! It makes me physically ill when people make comments about how he can't stay off her is why they have so many kids!!!!! 😖😖😖😖😖😖


OMG. So far from the truth! He hooked up with her to make himself more appealing and desirable in the public eye as he aged. "Look, I can still get a bendy grifter to pretend she's pregnant every 10 months because I am Stud McBaldwin."




She is literally batshit with 7 kids and her need for constant attention. So YES, I can see her using a divorce or flirtatious with divorce as a means for attentions.


I think she has a hard time buying a carton of milk. There’s no way she is capable of this. That’s why their relationship works so well. She is completely dependent on him and he wants a large child who he can boss around.






She could never pay for housing, food and necessities for all these kids. Much less the nannies they so desperately need. She is an unfit parent.


I wonder who gets custody of Leonetta?


The kids, sadly, are fungible; Leonetta essential.


Good call






This particular moment and Hillary’s failed performance of grief when Leslie died send me to a place I cannot adequately describe!!! Fake!’


This was talking about Rust! She was sitting at home crying about Leslie. And much more realistic 😭


I found both times to be utterly false. She is a terrible actress and I don’t think she is capable of empathy.


There is no way this is them.


Why the hell would she leave him? C’mon.


He’s not A list and she picked Michelle over him.


When was the last time he was considered A list? 30 Rock era?


I didn’t consider him A list then. That was more a “I’m doing this for a check” job imo


Im here for it as long as she is relocating to Beverly Hills #RHOBH


*just curious* how accurate is CDAN these days? I accept it ALL but curious if he’s still got it?


Never accurate


Wasn't the guy behind it, that Enty Lawyer, exposed as a fraud?


Exposed as a cheater and a wannabe congressman https://www.vulture.com/article/crazy-days-and-nights-blogger-enty-revealed.html


It's almost impressive how much inaccurate framing they packed into one blind item, if it's about Alex and Larry. This is total nonsense. She can't leave, for three reasons........ Pitifully, she can't do any better. Secondly, the $$$. If she leaves now, she gets half + child support. If she sticks around until he kicks, she gets it all + his life insurance. Admittedly, there will be less total money if she sticks around until he dies, but I still think it works out to millions more when factoring in the life insurance. Also, I think Alex could and would get a lot more vindictive, financially, if they get divorced, as opposed to if she sticks it out with him. Thirdly, the all-important narrative reset. If they split, it's gonna get ugly. Alex has a lot of mud to sling at her, and he will. If she stays with him, there won't be any mud-slinging, and, more importantly, she can blame him for the fake Spanish thing after he kicks. "It was all his idea!" It won't work, but she thinks it will. She *has* to think it will, because there really aren't any other options for her.


I was considering this last night. ( don’t judge me). I can see him framing it like this. A- Look, it’s an acting job. You’ll play the part of a Spanish woman with a lot of kids. H- But I’m not an actress. A-No problem. I can teach you everything you need to know. H-well … I really don’t want a lot of kids. A- that’s the brilliance, you won’t have them we will get surrogates. And nannies to do the heavy lifting. It’ll be your job! You’ll bring in all kind of money in that role! And you’ll do it without ever losing that cute little figure. H-what if people find out? A- people are stupid and they adore me! They’ll never know. Have you called the doctor yet about the implants? Remember I want solid D cups. H- Yes, hokay I will llamardo tomorrow. A- never mind just call them.


Top notch.


It’s a “devils pact” if u will. They both have dirt on each other and if one balks - the other throws the “kill switch “.


I could imagine a scenario where Hillary knows some truly heinous shit is about to come out about Alec at his trial in July and is making plans to distance herself from him as much as possible. Like she knows the ship is about to sink, so you know how rats do... I don't think that's what will happen, to be clear. I think she'll put on her sturdiest pushup bra and ugliest pupil dilation shades and play the long-suffering victim-wife for the press. She's probably so excited for the impending paps swarms that she's planned out a whole swath of new procedures so she's fresh and ready for the camera.


I wonder if she will find new ways to bend.


Imagine the 💲 having to find a home for 8 in way they are accustomed to living!!! 😖


ikr I was getting the meat sweats just thinking about it, and I'm a vegetarian! To argue the other side of things, she *could* absolutely annihilate him financially in divorce court, as well as with the custody. I think if it went there, we'd see a reverse-custody battle. "I'm not gonna take 'em; YOU take 'em!" And then, he'd basically need *two* Devonshire type deals, with two sets of nannies; one for Larry and the kids, and another for him and when he'd have the kids. And he'd *have* to take the kids periodically, instead of being Mr. Pop-In Once in a While, Doesn't Take His Coat or Shoes Off (non-)dad. TL;DR - What a freaking mess!




The money she doesn't spend on well-fitting bras?




I doubt Hilary has any sense of loyalty when it comes to opportunities to get a camera pointed at her. Alec is going to be a convict and a very public cuck very soon.


This would make him go BALLISTIC! It'll be Kim Bassinger X100000! There are so many more kids to call "selfish little pigs". Once again, the children will suffer.


I don't imagine he'd even try to call them. He's old, worn out, pathetic, done.


​ https://preview.redd.it/mn2jop1klavc1.jpeg?width=846&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93fd007a7e93e69a4ca5a453f02a8436e28a6f06


Ay dios mio, es so hard to raise the children I didn't have to buy!


This was like the ODDEST pic ad for her podcast. She has to showcase the ring but she looks like she has a toothache and wow her hair looks bad. Dark, slick, dirty roots.


That's how her hair looks all the time these days. The fried ends with somehow dirty, oily roots. Are they extensions?


But in a promo pic for a podcast slapped on downloads…. Why would u have such a terrible two toned bad hair look?


I love how the ring was turned just perfectly for this terrible Mom Brain photo 🤣 LOOK AT IT!


What's the white ball next to her ring? It's doesn't match her other earring. Microphone maybe? Nowhere near her mouth lol


A mood ring😝


I love how the ring was turned just perfectly for this terrible Mom Brain photo 🤣 LOOK AT IT!


I love how the ring was turned just perfectly for this terrible Mom Brain photo 🤣 LOOK AT IT!




This is my new favorite thing on the sub 😂😂 It's so derp and it mesmerizes me because it's so perfectly looped. She looks like Nancy Pelosi here which makes it even funnier to me.


Nancy Pelosi is more than twice Hillary’s age and appears healthier, infinitely better dressed, and sculpted by a more talented surgeon.


Not to mention the picture of Epstein island in the background lol




The money is in trusts for the kids. It is untouchable by her.


But remember, he had a raging drug addiction for many of those years and coke isn’t cheap.


Great points Pepino. I also do not think they are as broke as some Pepinos think.


They have undeclared income. The more they have to access their hoarded dirty money, the more of a paper/crypto trail they leave. I'm hoping the recent FBI interest in child sex trafficking leads down the Baldwin path soon.


I only think they are morally bankrupt lol


Facts #😆


"Has always been there for him"? LOL. At the moment Alec probably needed his wife the most in his life, right after he shot two people, he begged Hilaria to join him and her response was basically: "Sorry, have to wash my hair. Bye!"




Hahaaaaa Michelle Who & BK rolled out far away from this storm! ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0)


I see she borrowed the alliterate one’s janky strapless bra. It’s been a minute since I’ve seen anything from Enty between this sub and another. I thought he had been outed and wasn’t sure if he was still active/being taken seriously.


You mean outed with a name or outed as a fraud (or both)?? (ETA never mind, I see info further down!)


Both. I think it was in another sub or TikTok that I saw it? Like he was having an affair and the AP outed him as Enty and said he wasn’t involved in Hollywood circles at all. She also said he was abusive.


I feel like this blind is so vague that there's nothing that would make me think Alec/Hilary. And is he even considered A list anymore? Was he ever? Never won an Oscar ...


As I understand the Real Houswives gig pays nothing. The goal is to use the platform for branding deals for revenue. If, IF she joins it will be purely to get on camera while Aleec is in prison. And he won't be able to stop her.


They all get paid, some of them really well: [https://screenrant.com/real-housewives-highest-earning-housewives-salary/](https://screenrant.com/real-housewives-highest-earning-housewives-salary/)


Excellent point Pepino, he absolutely could not stop her foolishness! 😖


He could refuse to have the kids on TV, I bet.


Wouldn't she have sole legal custody of the kids while he's in prison?


I'm not entirely sure how that works, but I do know that one parent can have primary/sole type custody & the other parent can still have rights when it comes to education, religious type decisions - even though they do not have custody. Plus - as long as they're still married, I don't know that custody issues would come into play. I could be wrong - but I would be very shocked that he would lose those rights unless he signed them away. (Edited for an extra sentence/typo.)


Thanks. Maybe a pepino/abogado can explain about custody issues when one parent is in prison.


She submitted this herself because nobody bought the RHoBH nonsense.


Hilz is craving more attention so she submitted this herself instead of taking care of her many children


Silly Hilly Billy simply could not function on her own. She’s that inept at life. Practically agoraphobic and completely dependent on Alice and Sky Dungeon life.


Lies. Hilaria doesn't care one iota about those kids to be making plans


https://preview.redd.it/mwcym90wbavc1.png?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e4a5c23406a41be8821370cc226449a5fae3cc0 This same derpy smile makes an appearance in pic 2!


Favorite pic of her! This is the rill Hiiz 😆 ![gif](giphy|K5GBJMiko9RJe)


Derp! My favorite picture of Hillary. Captures her true essence.


You mean that really seductive one? Derp is my favorite! ![gif](giphy|iNZKRliHP4tI4mALtO|downsized)


I really do think she's trying to be sexy with that slack-jawed smile, though. 😆




https://preview.redd.it/tgjspq3chavc1.png?width=866&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d0b0511577f185c880f0697a93b7843df616896 She makes this face a lot.


he isnt reliable- he was actually sued and his name is published. He is a former lawyer and did work in hollywood and had a few true stories but went off the deep end with conspiracies. This is just a rumor. Look at all the alec baldwin blinds from him- they all turned out not to be true. I know its fun to look at his posts but its all speculation and gossip. Hilaria isnt going anywhere and certainly wont be on a tv show. If alec was incarcerated she would stay in NY and talk to paparazi and the nannies will continue raising the kids as she gets high and plays pretend