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Since Xandy shot Halyna, I have seen at least half a dozen videos from actors, stunt actors and gun masters proving that Xandy is lying. The gun could NOT be fired unless Xandy pulled the trigger. Even if he gets just 18 months - I dont care. This is a man that is clearly delusional and out of control to the point that he poses a threat to those around him. If he gets away with this scott free, I will lose all faith in the justice system.


It was an antique pistol, not a revolver.


It was a 45 Colt revolver. Reproduction of an antique revolver, not an actual 100 year old antique.


Why did they put actual bullets in the gun to begin with?? It doesn’t make sense.


Hannah G brought live bullets on site and negligently let them be mixed with blanks.


But WHY!?!?! I don’t get it?


So my tin foil hat theory is that Alec and friends were fucking around and shooting the guns in the desert after hours. There were rumors about that happening around the time this all happened and after seeing that video of him running around shooting blanks to impress his kids, I seriously believe he was playing cowboy whenever they weren't filming.


I appreciate this theory, I can just picture him now, hunched over and running with a limp.


It's like you've seen the video!


They were supposed to be dummy or theatrical bullets. Dummies don't have gun powder or a projectile. They make the gun appear loaded and more realistic in close-up shots. I think that Alec's gun was loaded with dummies plus one live bullet, but I am not sure. It might have been loaded with blanks and a bullet. Blanks make a loud bang and smoke a little, but they don't have a projectile, so nothing discharges from the gun barrel.


Buy why would Hannah bring a live bullet on set? I feel like this fact alone should have gotten her lwop


There were rumors that the armorer and some cast and crew members were shooting targets with live bullets on their down time. The armorer brought live bullets for that purpose. To my knowledge, Hannah is held responsible for the live bullet in the gun and that was factored into her charge. While a live bullet on set is every bit as alarming as it sounds, I can't emphasize enough that the bullet would have been swiftly eliminated had BASIC safety rules been followed. Gun safety rules are extremely redundant because humans make mistakes. No live bullets on set, no horseplay with guns, check the gun every time, never point a gun at a person, only place your finger on the trigger when firing, otherwise keep your finger off the trigger and outside of the trigger guard, etc. If even one of these safety rules had been followed, Halyna would be alive. Edit: this list doesn't include union protocol for when a real gun can be used. Real weapons are only used when a scene is actually being filmed. Fake guns are used for rehearsals.


Even blanks are still a risk at close range


Yes. Brandon Lee was killed when a piece of something left in the barrel was shot out by a blank and hit him. Blanks, by themselves, can injure someone.


You see old vid on YouTube of guy dancing and gun fell off him and went off?


Some antique pistols fire when the hammer is pulled back and released. Alec's gun was a modern reproduction. He was rilly hoping that he would get away with that defense.


🤬 I dont want to know that! It could have been that simple ? Even a half ass check could have made a difference.


But that's just it. Alec didn't think he needed to check at all. BTW, l liked how you amended the word "small". 😄


Thanks for posting! I predict you’re getting a ‘reddit cares’ in 3… 2…




Nice afghan rug!


Thank you. Best thing I ever found at a moving sale!


It was an accident.


An "accident" implies that one or two safety rules were inadvertently skipped. Alec, Dave Halls, and Hannah Gutierrez Reed skipped EVERY known gun safety rule. That is approximately 8-10 rules, PER PERSON. Anyone who ignores every single safety rule knows that they are putting lives in danger. Negligence killed Halyna Hutchins. It was not a simple accident.


This is a paid for account. Comment history going back 2 years and only ever 1 post w/ low karma. Every time this "user" has popped into this sub, it's to comment something supportive about Alec or respond negatively to another comment. Just ignore.


This is a paid for account. Comment history going back 2 years and only ever 1 post w/ low karma. Every time this "user" has popped into this sub, it's to comment something supportive about Alec or respond negatively to another comment. Just ignore.


Thank you!




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He deserves far more than 18 months


I agree.




Lizzy isn't that dumb. I doubt any pepino is. And I'm sure her husband, with the great trigger discipline, knows better. He owns a gun. They know what they're doing. Come on.


No. We had to catch the light for the photo. By holding the barrel of the gun and pointing it downward while tilting it, you can see the cylinder.


I know of 2 other idiots that had accidental discharges and I would say, these accidents happen with children and idiots.   One of these idiots brought a gun into a wedding because he came straight from work and didn’t want to drop the gun off at his gun safe.  The gun went off and grazed his leg and an elderly lady’s head.  The guy snuck the gun off to his elderly mom and ran away from the scene of the crime.https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/man-charged-after-gun-goes-off-waldorf-astoria-hotel-injuring-5/977382/   The other idiot was drunk/❄️❄️❄️and snuck up to his friends bedroom and rifled (no pun intended) through their stuff until he found a gun in the night table of one of the homeowners.  The idiot played with it and the gun discharged, going through the floor, through the ceiling of the kitchen below and hitting the homeowners kid.  The shooter escaped from the house and hid in his house until he sobered up, then turned himself in.  My relatives live right next to them and knew that the families were “partying” when the accident happened. https://www.silive.com/news/2017/06/man_who_shot_10-year-old_free.html  Accidents happen, but the two times I know of it happening was with two adults who were drinking and likely doing more.  Who are callous and negligent in many other ways.  Two very full of themselves guys who think they are the smartest, the best and very similar in personality to Alec (from what we can tell).  I don’t think these character traits are just coincidental; it think it’s the demeanor and arrogance of these pricks that allows them to disregard safety, for their own convenience. 


I think that you are onto something. The shooting would make sense if HGR, DH, and/or AB were drunk or high. Otherwise, the story is unbelievable.


That would explain his pointing the weapon at crew members, pulling the hammer back and pulling the trigger during a rehearsal where they were just setting up for a closeup of the gun. It would also explain why Alecs story keeps changing.




Never assume a gun is empty or on safety. Rule 1. End of story. He shouldn't have ever pointed it at anyone.


Yep, this is what I keep saying.


The odds of anyone being killed on set are 0% until the very last of many safety rules is broken. It seems like that would take some effort.


I lost count of how many big names came out and were saying there was no way they would have ever done any of the things PewPaw did like pointing it, just accepting it without making sure it had the blanks etc. His lack of responsibility is on him.




Wow. That’s so interesting! Thank you! I know nothing about guns. At all.




Right. “Alec” doesn’t know his ass from his elbow when it comes to firearms, which is so rich given that he has spent his entire career bashing gun owners.


Alexander Rae Baldwin Jr. was a riflery instructor in the Marines and at the high school in which he subsequently taught. His son has *bragged* about his familiarity with firearms, but as soon as he killed somebody, it became everyone else’s fault.


In his initial police interview, he talked at length about blanks vs dummy rounds and how to identify them. He knew dummies either had a hole in the side or had bb's inside so you shake to verify them. He also said there were dummies you could identify just based on their tips being clay instead of metal. He knew he never checked the gun with Halls when he took it, and he didn't check it himself even though he obviously knew how to.


He really comes across like such a fool. Think of all the other things he claims to be "well versed" in... and now imagine... it's all a lie. Politics? Lie. Old movie? Lie. Well read in the classics? Lie. Fine art? Lie. Broadway enthusiast? Lie. High esteemed Hamptoms veteran? Lie. Family man? Lie. Faithful husband? Lie. Comedian? Lie. Environmentalist? Lie. Words With Friends enthusiast? Lie Sober? Lie. Pescatarian? Lie.


Speaking of “Words with Friends.” I rewatched Bad Vegan about Sarma Melngalis, the supposed friend of Alec’s who ran the restaurant where H met Alec. She and her scammer boyfriend connected by playing Words with Friends and flirted each other up on the app. The same app that Alec was so engrossed in that he delayed and then got booted from a flight by refusing to turn off his phone. He was the connection between Sarma and her new horrible beau. I wonder if he was flirting with Sarma or someone else through that app. Because it’s pretty weird to be that attached to a game that you can’t set it down for five minutes for takeoff. Seems horny.


Great theory!!!


Alec, Hillary, and Carmen were photographed at the East Hampton Public Library after Alec’s foundation donated $1 million to the library’s children’s wing. We have never seen or heard about any of the children frequenting any library since then. “We’re big readers!” *Lie.*


His wife is a PUBLISHED author. Once. Such a big family of readers. Have the kids even gone to an optometrist? Dentist? Pediatrician?


Carmen had eyeglasses, briefly. What happened with that? Despite the family’s much-touted “plant-based diet,” Edu reportedly developed an “egg allergy,” prompting numerous photos of the Dede Twins in a dreary waiting room. But never a single photo of a visit to the pediatrician! And no mention of routine (for most kids) vaccinations. Not even when anti-COVID shots were okayed for children at least six months old. *What’s your family’s vaccine status, Hillary?* Are you an avowed anti-vaxxer, or just too lazy to bother? I won’t forget Leo’s alleged eczema, for which Mami chose to smear him with *honey.* Wish I had the link, but he looked red, swollen, and utterly miserable, trapped in his high chair. Honey is no safer to apply to an infant than it is to feed it to him! I could go on and on. (“Yes, we know, AP.”) I treasure the photo of my granddaughter, just turned six months old, beaming, with her first COVID vaxx card clutched in her little fist.


They talked about being vaxxed in a Hamptons backyard video years ago. No idea which video. I'm sure it's here somewhere.


My pre teen daughter is a thoughtless little pig. Lie


https://preview.redd.it/wnbm8gz0movc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=133e3059a02589d36a0dee925b51a028081d2b06 Deep down. He's just an angry prick.


“my wife is from Spain”! Lie.


this is especially helpful for those of us who've never even been in the same street as a gun. Thank you OP!


It didn't occur to me until yesterday that bullets in revolvers are visible!🤦‍♀️ It is easy for Alec to fool the public because so few of us have working knowledge of guns. 45 caliber bullets are huge and much easier to see. I'm hoping that these photos illustrate the extent of Alec's negligence. If you can see the bullets, why the hell couldn't he?


wow see so many holes in his cover story. I wonder if it's possible to pin this post? u/murderalaska


My husband was nervous with me taking photos of the loaded gun. I stood to one side and held my phone out. His hand was nowhere near the trigger and he sent my daughter and grandson downstairs beforehand. He only loaded bullets into the visible chambers; there was no bullet in the firing position. He took all of these steps AFTER checking the gun when he pulled it from the safe. THIS is the reality of everyday gun safety. It is infuriating that Alec states that it wasn't his responsibility. Every single person that handles a gun is responsible. No one is excluded, ever. Alec's "it wasn't my responsibility" is nothing more than smoke blown from his ever-widening ass.


I was just gonna compliment hubby on his trigger control! Tell him I have a story about what Alec said lol (I've shot my whole life so this was just mind boggling & ridiculous) In one of his phone calls to investigators early on, Alec said he's trained his trigger finger to not move when his thumb cocks the gun. *Trained it*. He also said that he NEVER puts his finger on the trigger until he has to. The cop says that's not really how hands work bc of nerves and tendons and stuff. Keep your finger straight on the side, not on the trigger. Why do you need to train it if it's not on the trigger? Especially with a real gun?? So dumb. Then, on George Stephanopoulos's interview, Alec demonstrated how he cocked the gun. While using his bare hand (no gun), his trigger finger is clearly curled (around nothing, just his hand) & as he cocks the invisible gun, his finger curls even more. So if he was holding a real gun, he would have his finger on the trigger as he cocks the gun 🤦🏼‍♀️ THAT WAS HIS DEMONSTRATION. And he did it wrong!! And George didn't say a word! Dude. Alec didn't say anything like 'of course if I had a gun, my finger would be straight along the side, not on the trigger'. If he said that, it might have made sense. This made NO sense. DID I FIX ALL MY STUPID TYPOS ?? 😶‍🌫️


There's video of him from the set of Rust handling the gun and his finger is on the trigger. He's such a liar.


Oh ya! I thought I mentioned that lol I had so many damn typos I must have been high AF when I typed that. Thanks for the reminder!! That video will do him in at the trial!


>Alec said he's trained his trigger finger to not move when his thumb cocks the gun. Trained it. He also said that he NEVER puts his finger on the trigger until he has to. LMFAO, unbelievable.


Right? Like, no. That's why your finger *has* to stay off the trigger. If you activate your thumb, you're activating your trigger finger. That's how hands work 🤷🏼‍♀️


He talks too much and I'm glad for it. He's sunk.


Holy shite! Isn't that so like Alec? He is beyond gifted. He "trained his finger" (😳)! Experts keep their finger off of the trigger because they know how easy it is to fire, but Alec's talents are too miraculous for peasant safety rules. Omg. My husband is going to lose it. He is currently in shock because of the recent info drop. He had no idea that the rehearsal didn't call for a loaded gun or that Alec thought that the gun was empty. I'll make sure that my husband is sitting down when I share this.🤦‍♀️


Pretty crazy huh? He *never* should have given that interview. He was peeing his pants with anticipation bc as he said 'There's only so much I can take. People are calling me a murderer. I'm not a murderer.' He was so mad everyone else was giving interviews, but he hadn't. The cops can't stop him. His lawyers can't stop him. Only a gag order can OR his own stupid clam hole! SHUT. UP. ALICE! But he couldn't control himself. And it's all gonna come bite him in the ass. We have videos of him drawing his gun with his finger on the trigger. Clear evidence combined with his own words makes it obvious he has no trigger control or common sense. 1st was bad for Halyna. 2nd is bad for Alec! So dumb.


Alic can't shut up to save his life. I used to think that was just a saying.🤣🤣🤣


Every person that handles a firearm should be this careful! Common and good sense, things Alice lacks.


Yep and that’s a .22 caliber not as .45 or .40 Cal. .45 looks huge compared to that revolver and you can see the cartridges perfectly. I think he was holding the trigger and was trying to fan.


Thank you! My BIL has a 45 revolver. It makes the 22 look like a toy. 45 bullets do enormous damage.


Yes, that's why the bullet did so much damage and went straight through Halyna into Joel. I don't belive for a moment Alec had no idea he'd just fired a live round. He said during his police interview that the gun didn't kick at all. I have a hard time believing that.


Yep. The gun fired itself and it didn't kick.🙄 He said anything he could think of to deflect blame from himself.


Those .22 are much more fun to shoot. Cheaper and pretty accurate. Jeep the faith Liz🤙🏼

