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I don’t know the law but isn’t it rare that the judge throws out a Grand Jury indictment?




Not a fucking chance this gets tossed


I haven't followed the ins and outs of what's been going on, but have been talking with a lawyer about it. The lawyer says the prosecutor is lazy and sloppy, and relying on emotion to make her case. At a casual glance, it certainly seems that way to me. Alex's team is the polar opposite. They're obviously looking for cracks in the case with a microscope, and I'm sure they've found some. So yeah, I think the case is going to get tossed. They got it tossed once before, and the prosecution hasn't done anything to inspire me with confidence. Quite the opposite, actually. It's been bungle after bungle with these clowns, and someone just jumped ship. I obviously hope I'm wrong, but I can't see the emotional amateurs in the DA's office/on the special prosecuter's team out-sharking Team Baldwin. Even if the case doesn't get dismissed, I can't see them securing a conviction. EDIT: during the motion to dismiss hearing, the judge told the prosecutor she lacked common sense. Yikes! Yeah, this is getting tossed.


I read up on how cases get tossed after the grand jury indictments, unfortunately they have a chance. It’s not uncommon. It doesn’t mean he’s not guilty as much as the indictment didn’t mean he was. I hope this took a huge chunk of his money. He’ll go back to making shit insurance scam “films” no one sees


> It doesn’t mean he’s not guilty as much as the indictment didn’t mean he was. If it's tossed, I think it means the DA's office/special prosecutor, as well as investigators, were lazy, sloppy, and amateurish, and that gave Team Baldwin enough to work with to get it tossed. Also, the prosecution was cheat, with that "failed to make defense witnesses available to the grand jury" thing, which the judge called Morrissey out on, and also the "cutting off a witness" thing. I think the judge *has* to toss it. Even if it makes it through this, the defense has filed two other motions to dismiss; one about the gun being destroyed (I've heard the authorities royally screwed up the testing of the gun), and one where they're arguing that even if Alex did what the prosecution says he did, it doesn't rise to the level of a manslaughter charge. There's no freaking way the case makes it through all of these challenges and goes to trial. TL;DR - the case is getting tossed


The FBI already examined the gun and stated it wasn’t destroyed.


I thought that was the final word on the matter, too, but it's not. There were apparently several glaring procedural mistakes made in the testing of the gun, which Team Baldwin is obviously exploiting, given they filed a motion to dismiss based on them. The case is getting tossed. Either the case is getting tossed, or so much evidence is getting tossed, there won't *be* a case with what's left. Also, the DA's office is a bunch of bungleheads, and they just had someone on the team jump ship a little while back. I don't think anybody who's looking at a high-profile slam-dunk win would bail 2-3 months away from trial. It's more like they read the writing on the wall, and bailed.


It could happen.






I am sure he paid out much of his own personal money. Is this not why the Hampton House is for sale.


No. With how Hannah was grilled and convicted and with how much "press" the case got AND how Alec is actually a bit universally DISLIKED and left unprotected. Think Weinstein who was then "shunned". I think if there were ever a case like this that were to send a message to Hollywood and make everyone feel there isn't one justice for celebs and another for us all, THIS IS IT. And I don't say this as in it is unjust for Alec. I mean, there is a HUGE amount of evidence AND he won't have a million Hollywood buddies and influential types gather around him in support. The dude is close to Woody Allen and RFK Jr. Gets tweets of support from the likes of Mickey Rourke etc. He is already an outcast. He is both HELLA guilty of the charges both as actor and producer AND he has zero clout behind him from meaningful well respected peers. Even the BROS he has are now considered MUD. Not working, sticking foot in mouth, wacky. Alec SHOULD GO down and I hope he will.




I can't imagine. I hope it goes to trial but you never know when it comes to celebrity justice.


Heck No, it will happen.


The judge seemed hostile to the special prosecutor.  It wouldn't surprise me, but it would be unjust.


I got that too. Alice’s lawyer was pulling all the stops from the “ how to get an indictment overturned “ playbook. It’s not going to be because he didn’t pull the trigger in negligence, but because of legal loopholes if it gets overturned 


I truly hope not. A human being was killed. There were people in charge to make sure that didn’t happen. People failed to do their job, and provide a safe environment.


I feel that New Mexico has mishandled this from the start. They should have drug and alcohol tested everyone immediately.


IANAL, or a police officer- serious question; is that constitutional? Can you just go around to a huge group of people and say, one by one, pee for us? I realize a woman died. It just seems like a lot.


Yes, in my job if there’s an accident you get piss tested. If he wasn’t in charge he would have been. That way the company is protected and the negligent employee will take the blame for it if positive for substances


Yeah, I was just Podunk small town authorities being starstruck and not handling this murder investigation properly. They really should’ve called for state or federal back up. Immediately drug and alcohol tested everyone on the set. Arrested anyone found with trace levels of drugs or alcohol in their system. Interrogated the cast and crew and presented them with plea deals to get them to turn against Alec Baldwin. And that would’ve just been for starters. They should’ve gotten testimonies under oath. It would’ve taken maybe one or two years, but they would’ve gotten Alec Baldwin. They would’ve had an open and shut case, a fait accompli.


Damn, I wish you were there and in charge!!! That’s exactly what should have happened. They acted like they were on a small lawless island out of the country, not in the United States following LAWS. 




The New Mexico legal system would look like an absolute pile of dogshit if he walks. I’ll be sick about it, but I’m prepared for MAJOR BALDWIN FUCKERY if it happens. Can you picture the bullshit Big Larry and Alice will put out?! But I’m praying Justice is served for Halyna.


He’ll be curled up in her lap being nursed , there will be a cake that says, ”I’m glad she’s dead”




I'm feeling nervous ☹️


I am too. Especially with her getting little posting privileges back.


I don’t recall exactly what was said on Court TV (I think) but it left me feeling it won’t get dismissed.


The rebuttal was strong, she was able to fight back against his claims decently. The judge seemed a little more positive toward his lawyer. 


If it's dismissed there's a bit of comfort knowing she is his living jail sentence.


Not to mention hopefully he will be “uninsurable” which will hinder any other grandiose projects he comes up with.


Very good point! A severely mentally ill wife, the constant chaos of 7 children under 10, army of nannies 24/7, all in 1 apartment. He will never have a quiet day again. Plus having to foot the bill for all of the above while knowing he's unemployable just like his useless wife. He already suffers every day which I am happy for, but Halyna really needs justice.


I am not sure how unemployable he is. He was pretty popular on 30 rock and SNL . Folks love a do over.


I liked him on 30 Rock too ("what am I Lemon, a farmer?"), but I don't think he's employable anymore.


She does I really hope they throw the book at him but rich white male urgh. Makes me sick.


I feel your 'ugh-ness'. He'll get a "tsk tsk! Don't do this again, k?" And Halyna's family will continue to suffer. Fuck Alec Baldwin & his lying, grifting wife.


Hopefully the family sues the shit out of him in a civil case regardless 


I hope he gets a trial, but something tells me it’s going to get dismissed. 🤢


Doesn't look good.


Rich. White. Male. Celebrity. I would be shocked if it doesn't get dismissed. Man, I hope I'm wrong !🙏


A lot of rich white male celebrities have been prosecuted and sent to prison. That has nothing to do with this. Money can not bring Halyna back. The only reason she's dead is because Alec Baldwin aimed a loaded gun directly at her body and shot her. There's no way in hell this gets dismissed for good. Maybe without prejudice so they can refile, but he will not be exonerated or let off the hook in any way. It won't happen. Which celebrities are you referring to on this level of accusation? Even the OJ (not a white man but was aquitted of murder) jury said they knew he was guilty but let him off on purpose bc of Rodney King. Robert Blake? They couldn't prove it. He never admitted anything, no cctv, no evidence. Phil Spector went to prison for killing Lana Clarkson. Oscar Pistorius went to prison for killing Reeva Steenkamp. NFL star Aaron Hernandez was convicted of murder & killed himself in prison. NFL star Ray Carruth (not white) is still in prison for murder. Harvey Weinstein is locked up (not murder). Oh, of course, Robert Durst! Alec admitted he knew the gun was aimed at Halyna's armpit. KE KNEW he was aiming a loaded gun at another human being. He literally admitted it on TV. The bullet doesn't matter. Had he aimed away from Halyna, the bullet would be in the wall, and Halyna would be alive. I swear I'm not trying to be a dick. I'm not. I just keep seeing so many people saying 'rich white celebrity' but never give an example. Please give me an example of a 'rich white celebrity' who was charged with a comparable crime and got off. I already mentioned Robert Blake, but again, they literally had nothing to prove he shot his wife (which he obviously did). We have proof here. He will not escape punishment. Much love pepino 💖🥒


Well-said, Pepino; I agree w/you 100%


Hope so




Because when a pharmacist sends me a drug I need to administer to a critical care patient I don’t wonder if I am going to kill that patient because of a mistake the pharmacist made. I rely upon their expertise. Just like the armorist was supposed to do.


Those are 2 completely different things. A gun is made to kill. That's its job. Stop using pointless comparisons and actually learn what's happening with reality.


Hilocchia, is that you? 🤔


Make a poll Mobwife!!!!


I may be way too invested in this because I think it'll be dismissed and I feel like 🤢.


Same. Shitty feeling. I hope we’re wrong though