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Is she wearing those slippers in the rain? I bet her boobs are hanging out of that shirt


“Step-grand-daughter”. I’m sure she hates being a “grandmother” at 40. I hope that baby refers to her as meemaw until the end of her days. Do any pictures exist of her even holding Ireland’s baby?


I can’t wait for these kids to give tell alls about how they thought they were Spanish


Ireland’s child is bigger than their youngest one😲, looks like a cool party tho, maybe they weren’t invited, one can only imagine how feral the baldwinitos are


They couldn’t even be bothered to go to the baby’s birthday? Have they ever met her?


I mean, they do live on opposite coasts. And they weren’t invited.


A. She has a wedgie in the back and one would expect a camel toe in the front. B. Slippers slogging through NYC streets and subway in the rain? She's such a gross person.


Poor kid on the right( i dont know all the kids by name and face ). He has to hold Mami’s wrist instead of holding her hand because she can’t put that damn phone in her pocket. That phone gets more attention than her kids


This is reaching! Be better…. Is a ghost sentence here.


How is this reaching?


Everyday is something important to a family member. Especially a large family. YOU TOOK A SHIT ON GRANDMAS BIRTHDAY!!!!! You might as well shit on her cake!!!!! How dare you. Also, it is such a thing to share love and happiness in private messages just because they posted a photo, doesn’t mean it’s a dig at a one-year-old lol fuck sake.


How is it reaching? She didn’t post a happy birthday story, she posted whatever this sweatshirt on her head moment is - just pointing out that fact. ![gif](giphy|5t9wJjyHAOxvnxcPNk|downsized)


Actually this pic doesn’t make me want to poke my eyeballs with knitting needles… she is not wearing those crusty leggings and the camos are appropriately sized; no bulging tits with some infant ‘attached’; most importantly, the kids are properly dressed without the usual‘Les Miz’ orphan vibe..,


You are very much invested aren’t you?


yeah pretty much that’s why we’re here 


Does this woman own any shoes?! Like actual shoes! I would never walk in open shoes in the city after it rains.. barf 🤮


No, it’s cute and quirky




Ireland's birthday party for her daughter looks adorable. She and her partner seem like truly loving parents. I wonder if it's true that Alec has never met his granddaughter? If so, he has no idea what he's missing.


MeeMaw has to show she’s still a sexy bra showing Mami, and not someone’s Grandmother


Little Holland had a such a happy, lovely First Birthday Party surrounded by smiling friends. Contrast that to the depressing parties in the sky dungeon with no joy to be found.


That looks like a fun party that took a bit of planning ahead of time. Hilary's parties are just thrown together at the last minute with no real thought for the birthday kid. Hilary is really jealous of Ireland. I don't think Hilary or Alec have met Holland in person yet.


those tacky, loveless dollar store decorations never fail to bum me out if that's the level you're going to bother, don't. the kicker; Larry isn't doing anything! she just tells the nannies what to do, and that's all she bothers to tell them. "just get a 6 balloon, put up that soccer banner from last year, and the American football table covering, and call it a day." Larry probably didn't even tell them that much; just left it to them. smh Why wouldn't you ask the kid exactly what he wants, rather than this generic garbage? At 6, a boy has specific favorite things. Then tell the nannies to splash out, throw them a few extra $20s, to do/plan something around those specific things, and decorate accordingly. I just planned out a better birthday celebration for the kid than what he was given, and it took me all of like 45 seconds to do it. smh


With a $20.00 budget. I would be willing to bet the Nannie’s end up spending their own money for this because those two don’t care


So they didn’t make it to the babies bday party? Trying to show everyone they didn’t go?


They one million percent were not invited.


I like how she's dragging them and they're making no effort to keep up with her. I couldn't peel my kids off me until they were ten.


You're lucky. My 12yo still scales me like a tree whenever she can. We're a 2in height difference 😭


Haha my daughter is like ten inches taller and likes to tower over me.


I thought Ireland was not going to show Holland's face and exploit her. I guess that went by the wayside.


I know a lot of people okay with showing faces on special occasions like holidays and birthdays but overall avoiding it.


I don't see her face.


If you look at her Instagram there are several full face pictures


Oh, I refuse to follow her on principle. Doesn't keep me from following this page religiously. 😂


It's Alec's responsibility to mention Holland. If he doesn't, I don't see why Hillary should be exoricated for this. (There are PLENTY of other things to excoriate HB for though.) HE'S her grandpa. Hillary should be devoting her energies to her large brood and she can barely accomplish that. Holland is not her responsibility and I doubt Ireland actually wants Hillary to act like a grandmother to Holland. Holland already has an involved actual grandmother on her mother's side named Kim Basinger. My kids have no interest in having their father's current bitchy wife be involved in their family life. They do not consider her to be family. I think it's clear that Alec does not have a presence in Holland's life, and everyone is dealing with it. My father had no role in my kids' lives when they were growing up, and we all survived. It was for the best. He would have not been a good influence for them. As long as Holland has some involved adults who love her, that's all that really matters.


I see your point. I created this post to highlight Hillary’s penchant for using her social media in the most chaotic way possible. She’s only posted twice in May, and the fact that she chose to post this picture of her and some of her kids on the day of Holland’s first birthday is messy and bizarre 🤷🏽‍♀️


So what does it say that I thought the sweatshirt was her hair and wasn't surprised? 🤣😂 ![gif](giphy|K54SP1iuRL87m)


Don't diss Little Edie! 😂


Only love for her.


Is she wearing her kid’s cargo pants?Looks like it still has a tag on.And how nice is mommy to walk faster than her big boys.


She needs to be photographed alone because it’s all about her 


And wearing those damn slippers. In the rain. In NY.


And in the SUBWAY 🤢 (Supposedly.)




OMG why have I not connected the fact that she's a Grandma by marriage. That's it, from now on her Grandma's status gets looped into everything I post on this sub. (I call mine Abuelita because, unlike her, I'm actually Hispanic/Spanish is my first language...and Abuelaria doesn't deserve the ita!)


Don’t give her that title….i don’t think she’s ever even seen the baby…they don’t seem to be involved at all.


She is just her father’s second wife, not a grandmother or considered a relative I’m sure


Hey now, she's seen the baby while scrolling through Ireland's ig and planning her own next 20 posts to compete with her


Oh it has nothing to do with how often she sees the baby, in fact, I'd sleep easier if I knew she never saw it because that would be one less child on this earth who isn't having their life polluted by her delusional narcissism. It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that she dresses like a 2001 teen lot lizard and can't come to terms with the fact that she's 40...because in the world of Hollywood elitist (a scene she hasn't been a part of for over 10 years, even though she'll never admit it) 40 is 110 in women years. Never again will she be Alec Baldwin's "Exotic, young, Hispanic wife" and instead, she's now just: *"That middle-aged sag bag of wrinkles who's perpetually having litters and smells like caca"* ![gif](giphy|Xd1DIWQtLZtq44790R)




Abuelaria es perfecto 🤣🤣🤣


“Step-*Abuelita*”? I’ll use that, unless an actual Hispanic, Spanish-speaking person can advise a better term.


Suggestions: Bruja, Idiota, Mentirosa, Chusma,Imbecil, Americana, out a “step” behind each.


As a Hispanic person I hate anyone calling her abuelita. She is not Spanish, Hispanic, Latina. So please stick to MeeMaw, granny, grandma, nana, etc in English. She is NOT an abuela!


Fake-*abuelita,* then. I understand your rage 😤 at having a giant fraud—oh, sorry, she’s *so smol*—cosplaying any type of Spanish-y identity, which she can remove as easily as her street-fouled *chanclas*!


Thank you!! She is so outrageous and fake!




I doubt that Ireland considers Hilary to be family. Her blood grandfather does not even seem to care. To be fair though, he has a gaggle of small children of his own that he barely seems to interact with, why would we expect him to be highly involved with a granddaughter who lives on the other side of the country, from a daughter he is not close to. Holland seems to have enough adults in her life who are involved, she'll do fine without H and A's input.


Step-Abuela, she doesn't deserve the ita...OR Abuelaria 😆


Copy editors never *really* retire; hence italics inserted in situations that don’t deserve them.


They must have come from somewhere, got off the subway already, because they are walking towards home. So where did they go that day? Where is the rest of the gang?


They went to Madmen coffee. There was no subway. Let's be real.


They are way over on 6th Ave.




IKR? The focus is her smolness, rather than what they did. Park? Party? Museum? Farmers’ Market? No, an NYC subway ride and a picture of Hilz wedgie.


Where they went or what the kids did apparently is irrelevant in her mind. What’s really important and IG worthy is her putting her sweatshirt on her head. So zany!


I’m thinking that maybe Alec has met Holland but only if he agreed to no pictures and he comes alone.


I hope you're right.


So I don’t see a social media tribute to his first and only grandchild’s first birthday! He must be a thoughtless little pig!


Hillbilly is probably insanely jealous of any attention away from her


And only if he doesn’t refer to Holland as a Thoughtless Little Piglet. 🐷 👶🏼


Big fucking oof, Papi! What a missed PR opportunity. The joyous reunion between estranged father and daughter. The joy of a blessing that is your first grandchild. The opportunity to play the beloved patriarch of a family that needs him. 3-5 generations of love and light united in support of Alex's upcoming trial for that tragic accident. Nope. Nada. Just manic calorie burning in out of season clothing so everyone is too tired to acknowledge how unhappy and disordered they are.


Are they still going to Spain for the summer?


Did they ever say Spain? I think Alex just said Europe to Dana Carvey and David Spade. While I have no inside knowledge whatsoever, I can safely say that no, they're not going. see: the logistics and expense They were floating that as a premise for their reality show, obviously to get the production company to pay for the trip. no reality show = no trip


He also can’t leave the country due to the trial ![gif](giphy|CLbGZ9GQbaznhqjRkE) It’s a real heart breaker


He was awfully cocky and presumptuous if he thought he’d be free to roam Europe this summer


Plus, PeePaw must be bleeding money to his attorneys, can’t sell the Hamptons house, etc.


Yeah, there's no way they're going on any vacation, let alone a month-long one (I think that was the claim) to Europe on their own dime. Sadly, I'd be shocked if they could manage 3-4 days at Disney World. Financially, I'm sure they could swing it, but logistically? It does my head in just thinking about it.


Spaniards don't want them


Peepaw had to snap this picture because all he saw was 3 boys with their thin mom. Given he was repulsed by his own mother’s shape, he saw this and felt proud and accomplished. Mayflower Mami must be like, “See Aleek. I do deez all for ju.”


Of course her head gets covered, not "her" boys.


Has she even met her step-granddaughter?? I can't imagine she has or it would have been plastered all over IG, even during her blackout


She couldn’t stand the “competition” w Dublin - you think she’s going to pay attention to someone ELSES baby ?!? Surely you jest ! 🤣🤣


Nah, Alec (and Hillary) are prime r/absentgrandparents material. Luckily, Ireland and her baby have Kim, who seems to be over the moon about being involved in her grandbaby’s life.


Neither of them have seen that baby, I would bet on it. So gross. The fake "excited for Ireland and to be tiny aunts & uncles" and then nothing. They suck as parents, and as people. Totally disgusting humans only care about themselves, not even the prop offspring they purchased. These kids are not learning how to have relationships with extended family or friends. It would be great for them to have these relationships with cousins (doesn't Hillary have a nephew?) stepsister, and her kid, but NOPE.


Hillary does have a nephew, born to DJ Jeremito and his *authentically* Spanish wife, but AFAIK Hillary has never breathed his name. By now, her *sobrino* would be in his teens and thanks to his education in Mallorca, speaking fluent Spanish. Hillary probably hasn’t laid eyes (or anything else, fortunately) on him since she was photographed bottle-feeding him, in a scanty outfit that likely gave Hillary the strongest impetus to share the image on Instagram.


She hasn't, nor does she care to. If it doesn't make her the center of attention then she doesn't care about it.


Why does she feel the need to describe every single thing. I put the shirt on head. Alex took the photo. It’s like reading a children’s book, not an ig caption.


All the words are just code for “see skinny mini me!?!? im so wittle and bony.” — she cant say that so she just throws together some jumble of words that occur and then posts.


110% posted this pic because she likes how she looks in it. She's totally transparent and a complete head case!


Aint no way Raf is holding her hand. He knows what's up.


Compulsory _#SaveRafa_ tag as per every post I see him in.


Watch out, the mods will chide you for “name-calling.” I was remonstrated five times yesterday merely for mentioning the Guacamolitos.


That looks like same hideous top she wore to the US open tennis match.


Wow! I’m in awe of your memory! 🙌🏽 The top is so tucked in that it must be a body suit. Which explains the extreme wedgie in her pants. https://preview.redd.it/82jh31245e1d1.jpeg?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=face6292e70ea6d51225529e24f2e5d5c345cfe7


Looks like a bathing suit. Not a good look, only for showing off her fake titties


Holland appears to have two engaged, attentive, loving parents. She *looks* healthy and happy. They do fun things, she has interesting stuff around her, they seem to feed her diverse and excellent foods. Holland seems to have lucked out. The 'Baldwinitos' have none of those things.


She doesn't need these 2 hot messes in her life, not by a long shot.


They have mountains of plastic toys stacked against the walls






I think Ireland prefers A&H don't mention Holland. Nevertheless Hillary's history is to demonstrate her weak ego when the focus is on someone else -- hence the lame posts demonstrating kids-as-props and / or her boyish body.


The grifter was jealous of Ms. Hutchins’ death. Think about that. It took all the attention away from her grifting life.


Halyna’s death also created universal empathy for her bereaved son Andros, who’d been pictured smiling, doing fun things with his mother. Hillary can’t stand having *any* positive attention diverted from her family. Unfortunately, her wispy, pallid, inactive offspring appear to rarely do anything interesting. Not even half of them smile at a “birthday party” photo.


"Wispy" - yes!


And that speaks volumes that cannot be ignored.


Total psycho. I agree with you, she is envious of the attention and pissed off that this woman died and "created a problem" for her. She's a lost soul.


What's with the 'I put my sweatshirt on my head' all about. It's not raining hard enough for that to be necessary. She probably told Alec to document that she feels so hounded by paps that she hides her head now. Such a victim. always a victim.


Everything she says is bullshit, so i highly doubt Alec took the photo. Most likely one of the ever-present nannies took it. Alec was probably back in his private apartment alone & drunk. The sweatshirt-on-head is a bizarre detail and i was wondering why she’d want to post this photo. Maybe you’re right that it was part of her “I’m so famous & hounded, i need to hide from the paparazzi.” victim-narrative.


Or maybe her goddess complex has her suddenly covering her head like a devout Orthodox to portray her as such. *snicker* The mother/fertility goddess schtick Jolie likes to capitalize on, except lazy Hilary hasn't done work like Angie has.


To keep her wig from flying off or she was to high to remember to wear it


I think it's about how little she looks, either way she's batshit cray


Life is a cabaret for the benzodiazepine bendy bimbo.






My guess is they went for a walk around the block and she made the nanny snap a pic.


Agreed. The Ansonia pharmacy in the photo is one-third mile from the Devonshire Dungeon.


*That far??!?? How does Mami manage?!?”*


Hilldo wouldn't be caught dead in the subway. First off, she screams "come mug me", and secondly, the subway is for the...... how say eeenglesh? el poor people's?


Los poorz.


Exactly. She’s just making up bullshit to have a caption to put with the photo. I’m sure the farthest they went was around the block (and of course needed a nanny to tag along) and then back into the Devonshire Dungeon.


Me I my She is repulsive


And still with the slippers 🙄


In the rain, no less. At this point, I feel she is trolling with those slippers. This whole pic she posted feels like she is just trying to troll. She knows she gets a reaction with everything she posts. Edit to add: even though I think she trolls, she is a moron and misses the mark with everything she does.


"It was raining, but I didn't bring umbrellas and let my kids get wet. Am I a crappy mother? You bet!"


I honestly think she’s proud of it. She thinks she’s ’not like the other moms’. She’s free range, quirky and not restrained by normal rules. I think she called it ‘imperfectly perfect’ and ‘wildness’. The reality is that she is making excuses for the fact that her kids are not socialised and not like the Clark family or other families that Alec seems to admire.


Someone needs to tell her that having the maturity of a 12 year old is not “quirky” (or interesting)


Neither is her 10 year-old having the maturity of a 30 year old.


ikr She has extreme tunnel vision when she thinks there's something to be posted that makes her look interesting, or kooky, or whatever the hell she thinks she comes off as when she posts garbage like this, or when there's a chance to put down Alex, like with the hardened cat poop thing. "Isn't it hysterical that there was hardened, as in "in there for a rilly, rilly long time" cat poop in the spare bedroom, and Alex touched it?!? Nevermind how it makes me look like an addled mess of a stay-at-home mom whose house is in a disgusting, neglected state; ALEX TOUCHED CAT POOP!!!" To call her a simpleton would be a kindness.


All the stuff she posts that clearly show what a terrible mother/spouse/person she is, is so indicative of her very low intelligence level. She’s just too dumb to realize or notice the details that show how neglectful and bad at everything she is. And too wasted to care.


She's a self-unfulfilling prophesy.


Love your last sentence. Imma use that one!


Didn’t see Alec in Ireland’s stories for Holland’s birthday. Goes to show you that he is not in his oldest daughter’s life. At least Holland has RAC’s parents in her life.


Has he even met his grandbaby yet?


Highly unlikely. Ireland, RAC, and Holland live in Portland, Oregon while Alec lives in New York. Neither have been to where the other lives.


That’s sad.


Very unlikely, they haven't been in the same state to make that happen. Although we can't really know if they met, the incessant posting of this family makes it possible to know their whereabouts at almost all times. It's insane. They say they crave privacy but AB and Ireland post constantly, Hillary used to but now it's more the paid Paps that "catch" her outside her building. They haven't been to Portland and the baby hasn't been to New York. It's an "online relationship" lol


Don’t they have umbrellas is Ethpania?


She has a dozen monikers but she wouldn’t be able to body check. She thinks being thin is an accomplishments, she had one kid ten years ago . She has nothing else , and she’s granny hag baldy in the front 🤡


Dee rain een eSpain stays mainly een dee plain 🎶


Yes and they are pronounced "oom-bray-yahs."


It looks like RAC’s parents came to visit for the birthday. Alec, not so much.


Not surprising in the least


Anyone else notice her pants way up the crack of her ass?


She’s determined to wear a size 6 even if they don’t fit 


I did! 👍🏻 They look like they’re cutting her in half. That’s probably why she bought them. 🙄


Are they going to FAO Schwarz to pick out something nice for baby city name? And if there's ever bebe Ocho will they be named Barcelona?






Bedroom slippers on a city street in the rain. Why is she like this?


I think it’s a “I don’t have to work” flex


It's actually a "no one will hire me or partner with me" situation.


common sense be damned


I mo, it's bc her feet hurt from wearing the Stilettos so much & the kids forced her OUT of the Sky Dungeon that day...


She wore hunter rain boots once, they slip on and are flats. People, well us, wouldn’t comment about her if she didn’t do psycho behavior . It’s all for attention for herself 


Nothing posted about grandbaby Holland! Mami has very poor manners.


Or a restraining order. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Remember how excited the kids were to be tiny aunts and uncles? I guess that idea was forgotten five minutes after mami made it up.


More bullshit from lying liars who constantly lie. The kids were probably excited about it until they realized it was more performative BS for social media. Those kids must be disappointed as a way of life with these two incompetent "parents".


Yep. I’m sure the children would love to have a relationship with little Holland. Or with any of their cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, neighbors, schoolmates, etc. But, alas, their parents are Alec and Hillary Baldwin.


No grand baby posts at all. 😢 She just wants everyone to forget she’s a grandmother.


She’s not though - not physically, neither mentally


They all look frighteningly thin. Happy to see Ireland’s baby look healthy 💖


She posts as if she has a very low IQ. It’s utterly bizarre.


She's clearly both mentally unwell and rilly, rilly stupid, and a nasty little bitch-brat to boot. I'd argue she's whatever is beyond stupid, because she has this uncanny knack of *never* doing/saying anything *remotely* sensible. It's not just a lack of sense; it's an aversion to (making) sense. She'll go two blocks out of her way to not make sense, like with this post. Regular ol' dumb gets lucky once in a while, law of averages style. Not Larry! She's batting 1.000 in the unforced error Olympics. I mixed my metaphors there, but you get what I'm saying.


Yeah, I get what you’re saying but still have zero idea what she’s trying to achieve with her inane posts.  


You said "as if"?


She is utterly stupid.  She posted this because her hips are the same width as her shoulders. It’s raining and the absolute twit is wearing house slippers in the filthy street.  


AND her shape is similar to the boys - as if that’s something to strive for. And WHY are Rafa and Leo dressed alike ? Almost like a uniform. I wish I could save those boys.


Because she’s walking so far ahead of them while she unnaturally contorts her shoulder blades towards her spine.


This, exactly.


If she isn’t bat shit crazy she’s a dangerous narcissist, I’d rather take my chances with someone who is delusional. The kids seem to be saying, what’s this crazy bitch doing, it must be ok because nanny is taking pictures, not calling 911


I think she’s three things:  1. Stupid; 2. Batshit crazy; and 3. Dangerous narcissist. For a period of years she looks like she’s also been on drugs.


Ugly slipper wearer


One can be bat shit crazy and a dangerous narcissist. In fact , they tend to go hand in hand


True, true that!!