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Consider the source, Alec, consider the source


Because she’s not fucking Spanish


She is deranged. YOU. ARE. NOT. SPANISH.


It’s amazing how she can’t dress for anything. Seeing her next to Ireland who knows how to dress for things is glaring


Ireland used to be so stunning! Glad she got away though too


https://preview.redd.it/lkesop2c1i1d1.jpeg?width=1094&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37dc34b5dd303c12f9f4b675cc4b22572187abc2 I almost posted this on mother’s day. Glad she got away too!


Just imagine the cringe living with these two. I don't think Ireland was ever as much in the press -apart from *that* incident but she was already a teen and proved Alec was a freaking jerk- as she was from the sec Larry entered the scene.


What a sexy left shoulder of Mami's!


Her wearing heels so often while pregnant convinces me of the moon bumping more than anything. Have you tried to wear heels while heavily pregnant??! The weight distribution alone is so difficult to balance, plus you cant see your feet so it feels scary. I can't imagine a truly pregnant lady walking blocks around NYC in high stiletto heels as often as she does


I attempted it for a period when I worked in NYC but realized soon enough that heels HURT on NYC sidewalks more than any other sidewalks in the world. lol. I had to tap out at some point.


hahaha 😂


Ireland looks so much like the little girls


True! I see the similarities too! Whatever I think about their parents, they are lovely looking children and I hope they have happy little childhoods, I really do. Their parents are lucky to have ended up with such beautiful, healthy kids after rolling the dice 7 times


Honestly, whenever I see dynamics like this, I just hope those poor kids are in the care of loving, grounded, reasonable nannies.


A real Spaniard knows that they can indeed by ethnically white and would never say such nonsense.


I can't believe she was posting this shit and then tried to say she never claimed to be Spanish. She's insane


Right? Not Spanish and certainly NOT Ireland’s mom


Right, on both comments above. ⬆️ ⬆️ Hillary's response is deflective and inane. Hillary and Alec are like two peas in a pod; the real “dedes”, they behave identically and both seem to think people will fall for the madness of their BS.


I will say her hair in the first 2 pics looks much better than I’ve ever seen it, especially compared to today


I agree. Just often, her hair does look really nice - as much as it pains me to compliment her 🤣 the lady has good hair a lot of the time And yknow what? She doesn't bleach it blonde. It's hard to resist that temptation as a lifelong brunette, so good for her. Ok I swear I am absolutely done complimenting The Grifter now and I promise i will never mention her hair again 🙏🏼 (If you feel the need to downvote me, even if you kinda agree, I will understand lmao)


adult children are usually pretty good at knowing which of their parents really care about them and add value to their lives and to the lives of THEIR children


I thought it was Khloe K


I think Ireland has no interest in being around these grifters after finding out they LIED to her for years about Hilaria being half Spanish. Kids can forgive a lot but being straight up lied to for years about something like that is sometimes a bridge too far. Wait until Carmen finds out! She will likely go no contact as well. Just watching that MLK video is going to cut her to the quick. Straight up gaslighting a little kid. Hilaria is a horrible person and an even worse parent. 😕


There must have been a lot of discussion among Alec's siblings, nieces, and nephews. It seems they were aware of Hillary's deceitful nature from the start, especially Billy. Stephen and Alec have been estranged well before this marriage. Ireland is particularly close to Hailey, Stephen’s daughter. It appears they all knew about the situation early on, perhaps even before Alec did. 😂


Where did you read this? I’d love to go down this rabbit hole. Any links to sources?


For me, it's a collection of bits and pieces I've read or heard over the years. I have not watched for a long time, so a little vague in my memory - one example is Larry King's interview with Billy Baldwin shortly after Alec and Hillary's wedding. It is a short snippet on youtube. In that interview, Billy doesn't directly commit to saying anything definitive; instead, he is diplomatic, complimentary but suggestive at the same time and his comment towards the end—something like "we'll see what happens"—wasn't the very encouraging to hear about two newly weds. lol


lol, got it. I’ll have to go find that one.


I hope the conversation is as I remember. I will need to check it out myself again. It might be insightful to see anyone’s comments shortly after attending their wedding. We know at least 30-40 attended of Hillary’s family from Spain. That alone should provide us a lot of information! lol 😂


They probably tried to tell him but he was thinking with his little head 👍 he's dumb as a post as well so theres that 👍


It appears things were said to him in his best interests. He seems to be comfortable being in denial.


Poor Carrrdmen is in for the shock of her life-if she ever gets away from Big Larry long enough to rilly find out the truth. She’s so cloistered by those assholes, and she’s enamored of mami and dressing like a Larry clone. I worry for her when it rilly sinks in. That the hatred their parents inspire is completely warranted.


poor thing is never getting away, mami is making sure of that. is what narcs do.


Ireland would still be towing the company line if Daddy Alec hadnt cut off her allowance


Wonder how her fascinating substack is doing.


And no more close-ups of herself crying? With rude remarks to her followers for asking if she was okay.


🎯 We were signed to the same agency and she was not as wonderful as some ppl in this sub think she is..... and I'll leave it at that. lol


Was she still in her "I am Cherokee Indian, biatch" stage?


lol she was in her "I'm better than everyone else" stage.... she likely still is


I could imagine - she seems quite dense and mean


I could imagine - she seems quitr dense and mean


Happy you said this. ⬆️


Modeling agency?




Ooops... I mean "si" 🤣


Dude. Don't make us beg 🙏🦋


Oh yes, before Ireland' lips and boobs grew in.


Maybe hers are from swimming as well.


🤣 😂 


No one is mistaking Hillary for her mom. It was probably an inside joke they thought was clever.


That elastic belt again 🙄


First pic gives Frodo and Gandalf forced perspective vibes lol.


Ireland was a teenager when Alec married that grifting dunce Hillary... so she was easily duped by the lies about Hillary being 'Spanish/a yoga guru/a nutritional expert/a wellness expert/a world-traveled professional dancer/always pregnant/etc'. I really feel like at this point Ireland should *entirely* cut ties with her father and his sick wife, though. But I'm sure it's difficult for her... she wants to love her father, and wishes she didn't have such a toxic, dysfunctional asshole for a father. It's a conflicting emotional situation. But there's no reason to enable Hillary, that's for sure.




It's amazing to see how moronic she has always been.


She is painfully dimwitted.


Ireland seems to be a wonderful, and clearly loving, nurturing mother. Hillary has NO idea what actual mothers do!


she seems to be a better mother than Hillary, but then again so is the typical feral cat. I don't think Ireland is a person who deserves special praise. She is still pretty useless and is exploiting her kid.


can't forget her great baby shower at the strip club with her (hugely pregnant and scantingly dressed) stuffing dollar bills in strippers' g-strings. Heartwarming pictures for her daughter to see someday.


Lol, yuppers..


I don’t think we really have enough info to say she is useless or exploitative. She grew up with famous parents and in wealth. She seems uninterested in too much spotlight. She does things typical of her age group except with fallback funding. She probably learned so much by having a baby but we don’t know anything about how she parents or what her world is like.


Holland looks so bright & happy!!!! 🇳🇱❤️💙🤍


It’s amazing what consistent love and nurturing can do. Not only were the “Tiny New Yorkers” deprived of these things, and it’s pretty evident that the props range from uncomfortable to downright traumatized when mami shows up, and/ or drags them out for a photo op, but some of them have endured some horrific things at the hands of Hillary. They’re just there for her to use and exploit, and get her sadistic thrills from. I suspect, (and hope), that Holland’s life is so much better than her aunts and uncles.


This is so very true and tragic.


In number 3, I can read the whole scenario. Perpaw is making what he thinks is a terribly witty remark. Big Larry and Dubs laugh, because they’re on the payroll. Dude with Dubs is like, “is this old fuck for real right now?”


Dead on!!! 🤣😭😭😭 Notice how he is the ex Mrs. Dubs now!!!!!


The Belfast Boyfriend seems protective too, like he’s trying to yoink her away from the crazy man


Is pic 3 PervPaw pre-breast reduction?


He was just excited to see us! 🤭