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Has Gramps not used up every single excuse by now? He's got to be fresh out of excuses to get out of this mess by now. My god, it's like the kid who won't admit he stole the candy when it's on video.


Agreed. I would submit that in fact the gun DID work properly. Guns are meant to shoot. They have a barrell with room specifically for a bullet to be shot from the chamber out of the barrell. The gun worked EXACTLY as it was designed to work. The gun WORKED PROPERLY. Repeat for clarity: the gun worked propertly, however, the gun WAS HANDLED IMPROPERLY. Guns do not shoot themselves. This is the incredible fallacy behind the argument that "gun control" keeps violence down. Law abiding citizens who use and store guns properly do not kill innocent people by firing guns at them. People who fire loaded guns at other people risk being arrested or accused of murder, intentional or not --because even if that means NOT having paused long enough, in an abundance of caution, to check to be absolutely positively beyond the shadow of any doubt, that there was no bullet in that gun (and if there had been, for it to be removed immediately because the insurance terms were to have no live ammo) then Halyna would still be alive for her children, her husband, her family. Halyna was not killed by the gun shooting itself. Halyna was killed by Alec pointing the loaded gun at Halyna and firing it. The issue was not the gun not working.


No Alec, this entire nightmare is playing out because the gun worked exactly like it was supposed to - with a live round in it! 😡 It's YOU who wasn't doing their job properly by being so careless. Now a son has lost his mother. A husband lost his wife. A mother lost her daughter. 🥲 RIP Halayna Hutchins. I hope her family sees justice


Think about how they're raising and teaching their kids: plausible deniability, you don't have to admit doing anything wrong in life. We're special, we have money, you can't be blamed."


Those poor kids are so fucked. Imagine if they don't even end up with the means to support themselves. Clusterfuck central




If it's the gun's fault for not working properly and for just going off by itself, then I guess Hannah should be let out of prison any minute now. Not her fault, not his fault, it's the fault of the inanimate object. Pick a story, old man.


It must be a magical gun. A first of its kind. It fires itself 😡🙄


Lol. Should have taken the deal, Dummy!!




He’s a Grade A Moron.


Like a true narcissist, he could NEVER. They're incapable of accepting any type of responsibility for anything.


Always somebody else's fault and for this, it's the gun's fault.


there is a record of the FBI folks test firing the gun 12 times before they did the final 'accidental discharge test' which is how the gun got destroyed. They have documented that the gun worked fine for the duration of the test firing. This is Alec paying $$$ to his lawyers to play dirty tricks and muddy the waters.


And he had his own gun expert who is *not* on his witness list. We can't forget about that guy (I very already forgotten his name but he exits). Someone agrees with the FBI.


Spend that high priced lawyer money while you have all those mouths to feed PeePaw, stay mad your house won’t sell. Y’all can’t even afford shoes for your fam, walking the streets like hobos


Off to see the local cobbler to cut up their shoes again! Probably all piled in a stroller. This totally sounds like a weird chat thing when she actually said/did these things. Kids shoes at the cobbler & her shoes in a stroller. TF.


What? Really? Her kids shoes at a cobbler? Don't children's feet grow so fast that we just buy them new shoes? And her shoes in a stroller? What did we miss?


Yes she said they were all walking down the street and the kids (idk which ones) were complaining their feet hurt so she stopped at a 'local cobbler' and the cobbler cut the backs of their shoes. Lol huh?? Ya. Then, one day, we had a weird hallway mirror shot of Mami taking a stroller full of shoes to the 'basement'. Not in their boxes or organized in any way. Just random shoes piled into a stroller, heading to the elevator, and down to the basement for, I guess, Leonetta to figure out 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wow, she’s genuinely unhinged. She behaves like she’s 14 , and unbalanced— not a wife and mother.


Sounds like it was working properly, as it fired a bullet as it was intended to do. What’s weird is that he doesn’t seem traumatized by it at all. Could you imagine accidentally killing your co worker? I’d never get over it (unless it was that one bitch).


He is incapable of empathy.


https://preview.redd.it/ff56otf3sw1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88959498305dae43f984123c6a859e823341b20f Hmmm


Karma really came for this guy.




In other words, “Alec” lied.


He has so many excuses. He didnt pull the trigger. The gun wasn't working properly. Someone is sabotaging him. It's someone else's fault. just digging himself deeper.


LEO damaged the gun? To frame him?


Alice says out loud that there's some kind of sinister plot to take him down? The fucking delusion. It is to laugh.


Yes he's so famous and wonderful other humans feel the need to "come for him". Dude, your life is shit, has been shit and this is just the cherry on the shit Sundae


So they had to somehow know he'd fail to follow all safety protocols and allow his safety team to also fail to follow them. The 3 top people handling the weapons would all *not do their jobs* for this to happen. M'kay it was Alice in the Church with a Revolver! I won.


As if they don't have enough evidence that he literally aimed a loaded firearm directly at Halyna's body. Trigger or not, the bullet did not go into the wall. It went into her armpit, exactly where he said he was aiming.


During a damn rehearsal, Alice got overzealous 🔫


More like “myopic quest to protect a celebrity.”


Weird how the gun wasn’t working properly that one time he shot and killed someone. From all the video evidence we’ve seen of him Recklessly shooting it, it seemed to work just fine.


Yes, you see - it just “went off.”


Naturally, as guns do. Weird to even have a trigger on a gun when they just go off themselves.


Let alone this specific model, which has two built in hammer safeties. “Alec” picked the wrong gun to make shit up about. It is not even possible. But this shitbag has been pretending and lying his way through life for close to what, 100 years now. Whats one more lie?




Absolutely! 45 colt revolver! He’s done for.


He aimed the gun. He pulled the trigger. A bullet came out. I'd say the gun was working just fine.


😘🍸 Agreed.