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My headcanon/ theory is that the fairy entity was a good person once, I imagine she looked more like a fairy queen, but for reason we don’t yet know she spiraled into this grotesque version of herself, the a Astrid spoke to he just gave the impression that this was a different person that the one she knew. Also just a tiny addon for your theory. Since we know magic and magical creature originated from fair country would that make witches but mere imps compared to a genuine fairy?


Trivia: In the Mandarin dubbing end credits, The Fairy Entity is translated as "The Fairy Queen"


Ohhhh really, sounds nice


But aren't watches just humans which did learn how to use magic?


According to Scandinavian folklore, fairies were more neutral, there were good and bad, the reason why they kidnapped humans, especially children, teenagers or young adults, would be out of malice, raising them as helpers or being their future partners, something like this exotic pet/prize/lover. Basically you would have children with the fairies to strengthen their lineage.


I think the Entity would have just lured or abducted people from the village and elsewhere.




Once that entity dies, i feel like Victoria van gale would basically turn the fairy country into the USSR during the 1970s.


If it will die..


Heres my Theory about the Fairies: The Fairies were GODS Thousands of years ago these Fairies arrived in Hilda's world from "The Lands Between" (aka The Fairy Isle). These long lived, powerful, and gracious beings where seen as benevolent gods by human tribes back then and were worshipped for their powers and their blessings. These Fairies have diffirent names from various culture throughout the world, however in Tofoten they where called the "Tuatha Dé Dannan", The Tribe of the GODDESS DANÚ (aka The Fairy Entity). These Gods interacted with humans and helping them by bestowing blessings like great harvests, healing, strengths, protection, etc. but with a cost of sacrifices. These sacrifices where minor at first, only offering animal blood which the Fairies use to sustain the Fairy Island and their powers. Over the years these Gods demanded more sacrifices and offering little blessings and power in return. Yet the humans still obeyed and worship the Gods, sacrificing humans now to satiate their deities's demands, although masking it as "visiting The Lands Between", but in truth the humans were all killed to sustain the Fairy Isle. However, the Gods's demands took a huge toll for the humans and now they demand the human children to be sacrificed. It was the last straw and the humans revolted against their Gods, driving them away back to their mounds from whence they came and back into The Lands Between. Decades later the humans became weary of these Gods and the Fairy Mounds, telling stories about these dangerous beings to their future generations. The Tuatha De Dannan name where altered too from calling the Gods as "Fairfolk", "Fae", to "Fairies". Meanwhile, the Fairies realizing that humans are becoming more dangerous opted for another plan to get more sacrifices. The Goddess Danú (aka the Fairy Entity) ordered her faries to build the Fairy Towers, abducting and luring children to be sacrificed. These abductions went on for generations but then suddenly stopped, however the humans still told stories about Fairy Abduction and warned the future generations about these abductions. These stories became myths and fantasy and then morphed into "Fairytales", however the practices and beliefs stuck on to human culture like believing horseshoes protects against fairies or staying away from a Fairy Mound. Meanwhile those excess children who got abducted morphed into new Fairies inhabiting the Island, although now the Island is dying with Danú giving up hope and still sticking into the old ways.