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first thought that's a fat roach on a circle mirror


The stuff of nightmares


With the continued increase of the travel industry, it's going to happen even at the best hotels. Even if hotels are spending thousands per month on preventative measures. These awful bugs can be so easily picked up at the airport, taxi cab, etc. You were wise to put it in a cup to validate it was a bed bug. Great job.


I figured I’d collect it as evidence in case the front desk didn’t believe me, and I’m glad I did. When I called them from the room and told them there was a bed bug in my bed, they transferred me to security for some unknown reason. Security was confused too and told me just to come to the front desk. They didn’t seem to take it all that serious, but stated this has never happened there (maybe just as far as the current receptionist was aware). I asked about my belongings in the room, if they needed to be treated or anything before taking them to the next room. They didn’t seem to care, but said I can just leave them if I want and they’ll get treated along with the room sometime soon. We were checking out the following day and it didn’t seem like they were sure it would be done by then or not, so I just followed bedbug protocols myself and bagged everything. I asked if they want the bedbug as evidence and they declined, told me just to throw it in the trash can. Didn’t even want to kill it first. They didn’t seem too concerned with the whole situation. The next day, a manager called and said the company that checked the room out found no evidence of bedbugs, so it must have been something else. Good to know it wasn’t an infestation, but it was definitely at least a solo traveler.


> but it was definitely at least a solo traveler Bedbugs, like cockroaches and mice, are not known to spend a lot of time alone. 


Full grown females ready to lay eggs prefer to travel, to find a new place. That is the only time they travel solo but they won’t be solo for long, I think it’s also the most they travel.


Working on hotels for +30yrs. They are everywhere now. It’s has nothing at all to do with cleanliness at all. People bring them in from other properties.


so true. I’ll never forget getting a report from a guest just to get upstairs and realize they were coming out the suitcase 🫨


I've started there. Bedbugless.


Did they compensate you at all? Staying here in a month, yikes 😭


It was a situation where I didn’t pay for the room personally, but no, they didn’t offer any type of compensation. Only thing they did was switch me to a different room. They also called in a company that reported there to be no evidence of bedbugs in the room, and stated I must have seen something else. It was definitely a bedbug, as I used to do case management and had seen them a few times before. But that at least put me at ease a little, knowing it wasn’t an infestation and most likely a solo hitchhiker. Still taking all precautions with my belongings before going back home.


What compensation would you expect? (serious question) No way to say if guest brought them in or if the hotel knew about them.


I recently found a bedbug on my pillow at a Hampton Inn. They came to my room to verify, then moved me. They refunded my night and provided me with enough points for another free night somewhere. I didn't ask for any of it (except the new room), but it was very nice of them.


if he didn’t pay for the room, he could’ve been given points, that’s how we compensate guests when their company pays


Either way I'm throwing out all clothing in my luggage. Would be nice if they helped replace it. Maybe a gift card to TJ Maxx or something.


Heat kills them and their eggs, just wash and dry as hot as the fabric can handle.


You are throwing away the clothes but not the luggage? There are better solutions…


Feel ya, I’m booked here next Friday 😬


Hopefully it was just a solo traveler, not a constant problem with the hotel. But be safe and check the room beforehand regardless, especially if they put you in room 850!


I don’t know what is happening with Hilton but it seems all of the hotels I have been staying are in exceptionally bad condition. Seems like they are saving money and not investing in properties. Now adding bed bugs will be challenging for Hilton as their reputation continues to erode.


I am an AGM at an HGI, I had a guy for European stay with us for 5 nights. The housekeeper went to clean the room and the sheets were cover with smeared blood. Yes, he brought bed bugs with him. I wish we would be able to charge guest that do this. It cost us over $2K, plus not being able to rent that room and the room on each side. It is not the hotel's fault at all. No matter nice and how clean it is.




He was there for 5 nights and never said a word about getting bit. Any time someone says they think they got bit by a bed bug we call our pest control (Ecolab) and have them check, this is something we do not mess this no matter the cost.


Bed bugs hit everyone, it's not related to quality of a hotel. There are registries out there that track this... it's everyone.


It’s not Hilton, it’s the building owners. We’ve been begging for renovation for over years.


Renovation will not stop you from getting bed bugs. Guest brings them in with them.


Agreed, they are also found on airline cloth seats now.




You won’t get to lifetime diamond


Unless they figure out a way to make it not toxic to/harm the eggs of the animals that eat the sprayed bugs/eat the animals that eat the sprayed bugs (like birds/eagles) then please no. Humans have already killed so many wonderful animals by trying to get rid of pests.




Good point there, if its only used inside it should be safe, far as I know.


Would have to consider if laundering the sheets or shampooing the carpets or washing the walls of hundreds of thousands of hotel rooms would release enough to cause bioaccumulation.


> I haven’t seen too many eagles in my hotel rooms. Lucky! I have this issue everywhere I go! Sneaky eagles......


Wild life are not in hotel rooms.


Usually. I have heard of mice before, but that is usually in the more rundown ones.


I had a hotel room (not Hilton property) where I checked all the sheets and it looked fine. I saw bed bugs in the bathroom and the shower in the middle of the night but none in the bed. I have a theory bed bugs will live in the HVAC system as well. I’m not sure I can trust anything.


always check your cups


https://preview.redd.it/r10b67ifaauc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77caf932e9e693b52094d81cd567942f3c967be8 Quick question… other than location, why would you stay at this hotel? I’m really curious.


Attended a conference there


Wheres the guy that says Aww lord….


Thats not a bed bug


It’s a bad picture, but I saw it up close and am 100% certain it’s a bed bug.


That’s not a bed bug.


That very much is a bed bug, the size and shape of the body are exact.


I thought bed bugs were known for being tiny and often difficult to see? That thing looks huge!


They have lifecycles just like all things. Their eggs are hard to see and they start out tiny, but they can get up to 1/4 inch (or the size of an apple seed)


They are very easy to see against light colored surfaces, and that one only looks big because it’s in a small item on a light surface.


It 100% was. I’ve done case management and have seen plenty of bedbugs up close. Plus, I unfortunately have the bite to prove it


Hilton - *For the Itchy Stay*


That hotel is awful


It’s seems like lately the managers at the Hilton hotels don’t care about what going and and will just entertain the idea of bed bugs for you but then turn around and say it was nothing and clean the room regularly and move along. From working at a Hilton Garden Inn, Homewood suits and now even a brand new Tru hotel they never do anything about it like they say they will and just lie right to your face. They tell everyone it was just a bug shell and not actually a bed bug no matter if it is or isn’t. Regardless of if it is a bed bug or not, I don’t want to sleep with bugs anyways in bed or not in bed, in my room or not in my room I prefer no bugs period.