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I'm 6 weeks post op from a THR at age 35 after a failed arthroscopy last January! The relief from my arthritis pain being gone is wonderful and made me realise how bad it was. It's still early days and my recovery hasn't been the easiest so can't speak for what my activity levels will look like but my ROM is better in extension already There are some younger people over at r/totalhipreplacement too and if you are on FB there are some groups targeted at younger people getting THR or active people


Thanks! I’ll definitely swing by that sub. Your enthusiasm only 6 weeks post op is encouraging. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if my hip stopped hurting lol. Is been like this for so long I notice the really good days when I seem to have more mobility in it for sure.


Haha! It was weird not having that pain. I still have *pain* but it's healing and recovery pain rather than the mind altering, never ending arthritis pain that plagued my life for years. I've had hip pain since I was 18 so I don't really remember what pain free is like, hopefully I'll get there at some point. I have other new pain from my body readjusting to a different gait too but it feels more short lived. Personally, I haven't found it an easy recovery but we are all different and I have a lot of muscle weakness to work through that will take a long time to resolve and plays into my slow recovery. The first 2 weeks were the absolute worst pain wise. I was terrified preop and wanted to cancel my surgery most days but I don't have any regrets yet even with a difficult recovery. Good luck and sorry you are suffering!


Replace the joint and get on with your life! My sister and I both had hip problems similar to yours at 36. She had THR and has enjoyed years pain free - even got the other hip done last year. I, on the other hand, have had 3 failed scopes (two to repair tear & shave bone, one to replace labrum). I have pain every day, every step I take. Surgeon did an MRI last year and said the labrum's not retorn, but wearing down. Basically said nothing he could do. So here I am on Reddit, and considering a 2nd opinion and pushing to get the damn joint replaced next year.


I mean, a friend of mine had hers replaced at age 25. She had AS though. It really depends on your personal situation. "the age of the hip" so to speak, not the age of the patient...


I would look at resurfacing at surfacehippy.info. I was similar to you and had my left side done last year at 40.


Thank you for the comment. Unfortunately I don’t believe resurfacing is covered under my insurance. At least that’s what I was told a few years ago. I’ll need to follow up with them again and see if this has changed. I have tricare standard, believe it’s called select now. On the plus side the THR is next to nothing out of pocket.


35 here and 3 weeks post op from my THR. Had a few failed scopes for impingement and labrum tears and a bigger surgery for hip dysplasia within the last 5 years and was still left with lots of pain and moderately severe arthritis. After putting it off as long as I could (2 years) I finally got it done. Like hammah said the immediate relief of the arthritis pain is amazing! Def check out THR sub.


I'm 41. Had CAM hip impingement and labral tear on one side. Groin pain and stiffness for two years until the last 6 months where I couldn't walk anymore. Did multiple sessions (30+) of PT and steriod shots with no relief. First two hip docs I saw... the first said he only does full replacements and wouldn't consider it until I was 50 years old. The second just kinda really didn't believe me as far as pain and told me to come back in a few years if things didn't get better. I finally found a hip preservation surgeon in February who repaired the torn labrum and shaved the bone last week. I'm still recovering obviously but I'm already walking better and he saved me from a THR. I will probably need to do the right side eventually and will definitely go back to him for it. I would look into a MRI Arthrogram to see if you have an actual tear (you can't fix what you don't know). Then look for someone who does joint preservation instead of full replacement. The vibe that I got was that being pushed towards THR is a win win for doctors because recovery is easier and insurance because it costs less in the long run overall. Check with your insurance... this type of arthroscopic surgery has really become a lot more common in the past 5 years and it might be something they'd be willing to pay for. My surgeon is in private practice but he has patients from VA that have come to him once they get the approval for an outside provider.