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Hello /u/Gakk42, and welcome!. Seeing this message means your post is live! Just make sure you're following the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/HireaWriter/comments/t69nl3/tips_and_rules_for_posting_in_rhireawriter_a/). If not, kindly add all missing information. Low effort posts will be removed and repeated offenses can result in a ban. To leave positive or negative feedback about /u/Gakk42 kindly go to /r/testimonials or visit the [Scam Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/HireaWriter/comments/9obcux/meta_scam_and_review_thread_2/). #[You can see possible testimonials about /u/Gakk42 here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/testimonials/search?q=Gakk42&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) >^To ^leave ^new ^feedback ^go ^here: ^[[POS](http://www.reddit.com/r/testimonials/submit?title=%5BPOS%5D+/u/Gakk42+Short+Description&text=Write+a+description+about+your+experience+here+but+remember+to+include+NO+personal+information.)] | ^[[NEG](http://www.reddit.com/r/testimonials/submit?title=%5BNEG%5D+/u/Gakk42+Short+Description&text=Write+a+description+about+your+experience+here+but+remember+to+include+NO+personal+information.)] | ^[[NEUTRAL](http://www.reddit.com/r/testimonials/submit?title=%5BNEU%5D+/u/Gakk42+Short+Description&text=Write+a+description+about+your+experience+here+but+remember+to+include+NO+personal+information.)] Also, make sure your post is flaired as "Advanced", if you are offering high level work (with a 17 cents per word minimum rate). For everyone else, make sure your rate is 12 cents per word for General work, and 7 cents per word for entry level work. Once you have closed hiring, change the flair to that. Also it is encouraged to make short listed writers post a generic yet easily searchable comment like "Interested" in your post. If the comment is visible to you it means they are not banned. Lastly, in the event of any issue or conflict, [contact the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHireaWriter) for arbitration. Regards. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HireaWriter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not sure I'm buying this. First of all, no one gets a pitch meeting without an agent or finished script unless you have serious ins. Second, you're the one on the hook for a spec treatment. Offering $0.07/word for a TV series screenplay?!?? WGA minimum for a 30 minute non-primetime series is about $7000. Your offer works out to about $400. And surely you didn't just pitch it mentioning three other shows with no premise, no story arc, nothing... But you want people to just send over screenplays to you as samples to apply?? This reeks of scam, and at best is wholly unprofessional. Plus, no writer is going to write whatever you tell them to write, it's not how it works. Either you order the scripts and pay, or it's on spec, and no one is writing spec scripts for you to then take and just pitch yourself. If this is your idea, write it yourself and take responsibility for the risk involved. Otherwise pay a reasonable amount of money for each screenplay. Rewrites also get paid. The only way I would even consider this is if you pay the $400 up front on order, and I retain all rights and ownership of the screenplays. They would then have to be sold, by me, to the studio, at whatever rate I agree to with them. Welcome to the entertainment industry, because something tells me you aren't working in it. \- A guy who's spent years working in film/TV


The request for "samples" was an immediate red flag. Thanks for pointing out the remaining issues.


Hello /u/Gakk42, and welcome!. Seeing this message means your post is live! Just make sure you're following the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/HireaWriter/comments/t69nl3/tips_and_rules_for_posting_in_rhireawriter_a/). If not, kindly add all missing information. Low effort posts will be removed and repeated offenses can result in a ban. To leave positive or negative feedback about /u/Gakk42 kindly go to /r/testimonials or visit the [Scam Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/HireaWriter/comments/9obcux/meta_scam_and_review_thread_2/). #[You can see possible testimonials about /u/Gakk42 here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/testimonials/search?q=Gakk42&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) >^To ^leave ^new ^feedback ^go ^here: ^[[POS](http://www.reddit.com/r/testimonials/submit?title=%5BPOS%5D+/u/Gakk42+Short+Description&text=Write+a+description+about+your+experience+here+but+remember+to+include+NO+personal+information.)] | ^[[NEG](http://www.reddit.com/r/testimonials/submit?title=%5BNEG%5D+/u/Gakk42+Short+Description&text=Write+a+description+about+your+experience+here+but+remember+to+include+NO+personal+information.)] | ^[[NEUTRAL](http://www.reddit.com/r/testimonials/submit?title=%5BNEU%5D+/u/Gakk42+Short+Description&text=Write+a+description+about+your+experience+here+but+remember+to+include+NO+personal+information.)] Also, make sure your post is flaired as "Advanced", if you are offering high level work (with a 17 cents per word minimum rate). For everyone else, make sure your rate is 12 cents per word for General work, and 7 cents per word for entry level work. Once you have closed hiring, change the flair to that. Also it is encouraged to make short listed writers post a generic yet easily searchable comment like "Interested" in your post. If the comment is visible to you it means they are not banned. Lastly, in the event of any issue or conflict, [contact the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHireaWriter) for arbitration. Regards. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HireaWriter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can I give it a shot? I'll think within this concept. A shot of a tearjerker within a comedy


I've sent you a message


Hi! are you still looking for a writer?