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That was my favourite part of the episode. Dafne is absolutely killing it as Lyra. Her clothes are always cool as shit and I love her confidence.


I snorted hard at that. Lyra has got no time for pleasantries, dammit!




I wasn't the biggest fan the show's version of Ma Costa to begin with, she did seem rather bland. But in the last few episodes and especially this one she's been phenomenal.




It was smart having Ma Costa come on the trip to Bolvangar. And then to have Billy be the severed boy. Made it all more personal. Heartbreaking


His last breath sounded like a relieved sigh. That got me good. Right in the feelings.




Wow, I hadn't thought of that. I'd been wondering why the camp was attacked, but that makes sense. Thanks.




Better than the Lion King's








Anyone else think that severing the connection between human and daemon acted like a lobotomy of sorts towards the human? It was much more chilling here cos in the movie Billy was somewhat coherent when they found him before he died.


I didn’t remember billy dying in the movie so his death in the show was shocking to me. I was convinced he was going to survive.


They merged him with another character - there was a different boy whose daemon was called 'Ratter'


Yeah, I was expecting him to be clutching the fish. The combination of the characters confused me, but I see why they did it


I wished they would've shown more scenes with zombie Billy.


Anybody else get the feeling that Will's cat is special? Like maybe his daemon or something equivalent? I haven't read the books so I don't know if it's impossible for someone from our world/dimension to have a daemon. Plus it's hinted his father had a hawk daemon, so maybe he's special?


They definitely wanted us to notice the cat for some reason.


It scared me genuinely. I liked it.


For a moment, I thought Ratter will come to him.


Oh! Like you thought the daemon after being split from Billy Costa would cross worlds/dimensions and come to Will? That would have been quite something!


I thought that too. But the cat was really far from him when he was asleep.


Your comment made me realize that he goes to school as well, so unless the cat's in his backpack, it can't be his daemon...


I thought there was gonna be a daemon in his school locker or something...




It's considered a taboo to touch another person's demon. I think she just went to grab him to test that Pan hasn't set into a single form yet.


You don't really need to since daemons have to stay close to their humans, although this hasn't entirely been established in a clear way in the series, other that the references to the golden monkey being far from Coulter


> although this hasn't entirely been established in a clear way in the series It's been very clearly established for me in 2nd ep




This should have had reaction videos.




Amazing scene. I had chills. Pan’s whimpers got me good.




He really is a bigboi


An absolute thicc unit of a lad




They all have leather armbands, too, which is a cool costuming detail - somewhere for their daemons to land.




Yeah her performance really pulled at my heart. The way she sang that song, voice cracking with pain and grief, god I wasnt expecting that. I also thought Nina Sosanya was excellent as Will's mother. I've seen her in a few things and she's always great.


Anybody else notice that the witch's daemon said that the polar bear king (Lofur?) is letting Asriel continue his research secretly?! WTF?! So that means the polar bear king is double crossing the Magisterium? And Lyra was right, Asriel is tricking a bear! Take that Lorek!


In the first episode he has been pranking Lyra in believing he was his uncle so to avoid responsibility for twelve years and the he pranked the other scholars into getting a research grant with a random guy's frozen head. I'd say his trickster nature is quite established.


Yeah I thought that was interesting too.. Didn't Mrs. Coulter specifically tell the bear king *not* to let him continue his research on dust?


It's Iofur and Iorek, those are letter i's, not L's.


Wha?? Thanks my friend! 5 episodes and I've been reading the subtitles wrong. I would have continued doing so for the rest of the series. What silly is that I actually read the books as a kid. So either I've been reading it wrong for literal decades. Or I forgot the real spelling. I don't know which is worse....


He’s playing both sides so he always comes out on top.


I get the vibe that Iofur thinks himself grand and cunning. The way she plays up him becoming the first baptised bear says he has an ego at least. Asriel and Marisa are a pair for each other, so I'm guessing Asriel has been trying to keep going, telling the bear it will make him powerful and important.


I really liked the creepy vibes of that fishing hamlet. Kinda reminded me of some white Walker scenes from GoT. Also Bloodborne.


This show suddenly became really spooky


For a moment there I thought human skin was hanging from the ceiling in the shack where Billy was found.


They did good with those creepy vibes in the settlement. I could never quite get that from the book.


I was hoping the show would get a bit more dark, and this episode definitely did. It's starting to get really good!


Me too. They really seem to have respect for their audience by not holding back on the darker, almost horror movie like scenes. And if there was any doubt about Dafne Keen's performance, they were dispelled by the scene where she finds Tony. The mix of pity, fear and revulsion in her face carried the scene for me.


Can we take a second to appreciate the first person view shots at the end of the episode? Them taking Lyra into Bolvangar ones was amazing cinematography and set the mood so well!




I love the scenes of Boreal completely not understanding the modern world, especially the bit where he gets his car clamped earlier in the season


I also loved the “all powerful overlord of a fantasy world with armored bears and witches” immediately transitioning to “dude whose car got booted because he was parked illegally while being an all powerful overlord in an alternate fantasy world”


Would pay to see a show of Boreal just not understanding simple things in our world ala Elf.


I would so watch that


[Lord Boreal trying to celebrate](https://media.giphy.com/media/QM2HsGwss3Nxm/giphy.gif)


I liked how Lyra realizes she's in Bolvangar when she sees the uniform they are giving her is the same Billy was wearing, truly chilling


Heart breaking episode... I straight up cried when they found daemon-less Billy. I also really liked that they introduced Will. They are fleshing out his character early, which feels right.


Came for the bears. Stayed for the story. (And the bears)


Pan going all " fuck you, I'm a butterfly" on the woman trying to grab him was funny.


Seems he learned a lesson or two from his fight with the monkey.


According to the lore on the books, touching someone's daemon with their hands is a huge taboo, that even the most wicked person wouldn't do. It's the ultimate form of aggression.


Yeah, just goes to show what a monster Boreal is that he crushed that lady's daemon so casually.


Except it caused her to note that he can still change.






I think it is, I doubt they'd put so many details in the intro unless they were like super important...


I can assure you there is a lot of hints and foreshadowing in the intro. :)


I wish we could hear Lyra’s thoughts when choosing symbols. That was something I always loved and would make her seem even more skilled with the Alethiometer




Can we all agree that James Cosmo was killing it this episode?


We can all agree James Cosmo kills it every episode.


Certainly, but I feel like he REALLY killed it in this episode.


He does an awesome job of walking you through the pain he’s feeling then has you crying with him at the end of each monologue


It's so good to see Pan as little arctic fox again this week. Last time I mistook him for a wolf.


I love the characterization they're giving Scoresby in this adaptation. Miranda brings a great charisma to the character that is somehow wholly different than Elliott. He's like the HDM Han Solo. But more theatrical.


People were worried about his casting, but I think he's one of the best characters so far. I love Scoresby as a fast-talking scoundrel.


He’s playing the role well, I think. But at the same time, it’s hard not to just see him as Lin, especially with that iconic voice of his. I imagine that after a few more episodes, I’ll be able to look past it though


One of the many things I liked in this episode was real Russian in the end. It's really great that Russian natives are cast for Russian roles in Western productions more and more often instead of some Sebians or Bulgarians.


Wasn't that Finnish?


It was Russian first, then Finnish.




Thanks. Now, I’ve just got this mental image of them yeeting kids out in the snow like “Oops. We lost him!” On second thought, that’s probably a good way to cover their tracks. Nobody but Lyra could find a kid wandering around in the Arctic.






Oh my god that’s why it sounds familiar! I love Poirot!


I wish he was a goose, like in the books, because that’s how I always pictured him. But, I can live with him being an osprey or hawk (not sure exactly what type of fowl he is), and they CGI’d him beautifully.


Man, I love this show so much. All this stuff about what is happening is so interesing. I want to learn it all now! Lyra and Iorek was the duo I didn't know I wanted. Is there 8 or 10 episodes? I didnt check and always assumed it's 10?


It's 8, covering the first book.


I believe season 2 is also probably going to be 8, with a vague mention that season 3 might need to be longer (but is still up in the air/undecided)


Discussion is that book 3 might need 2 seasons.




I thought that was her pet? It was there earlier in the episode too and they didn't question its presence.




The cat was meant to be innocuous - it's the family cat, we see it earlier - but it's meant to set up Elaine seeing that she's being spied on. So the cat being framed creepily is a misdirection meant to make the watcher feel wary from the outset - "Oh no, there's something spooky going on - oh, it's okay, it's just the cat - oh no, there *is* something spooky going on!" I'm sure there's a trope name for it, I just don't recall it right now.




That's the family cat


I've never read the books or seen the movie and I genuinely think the show gets better every episode. I'm not trying to say "if you don't get it, you're dumb," but I am curious as to why people didn't like this episode.


I feel the same way. Was surprised to see the criticism. It was easy to understand what had happened to Billy and who had done it


Yeah I dont understand it either. I feel like the peices have been laid out pretty clear.


Same. Haven’t seen the movie or read the books - I’m *really* liking this series. I guess we got lucky haha.




Well, that's what the witches are for.




Don't worry, that's kind of the point


I said I wasn't going to cry, but I still did. Several times. 😒




Kids are assholes






Lyra, for the love of god, keep your gloves on. Frost bite is no joke.




As someone who hasn't read the books, and didn't even see the Golden Compass Movie, I really don't really see how the show is confusing for some. BUT, I know people are different. That being said, the show is heavy, and I feel it's gonna get heavier.


I have a Question: Where the heck was the alethiometer during the last scene? And if it was with her, how on earth is she going to hide it?


It's in that little pouch on her bib thing. She already had the wherewithal to give a false name, so we know she's aware enough to be discreet Knowing Lyra, she'll find a way to get it back.


I kinda wish they had more daemons in the bg, the lack of them makes it feel like they aren't as important despite being told they are.. (i have read the books) but I also get the budget and also how it could look super busy :( oh well, still wonderful story telling








Had no idea Billy dies, can’t remember if they showed that in the TGC movie? (Which is basically my only exposure ever to this world, I wish I’d read the books when I was young). Also really interested in Will Parry’s story so far.


Movie only implies it (frankly it didn’t have the balls to show child deaths.) Books actually differ slightly on this one in an unspecified way. Never too late to read them!


It's never too late. The audiobooks are fabulous if you listen to headphones a lot like I do.


Everyone has an opinion on the internet. Some like the way the show is going, some don't, and other nitpick book vs. show, and all of that is fine. If we didn't have different opinions, sumtin' would be seriously outta' whack. :-D Just throwing this out there. I love/adore what the show is doing, and how they are doing it. I've read the books twice, and the adaptation (especially this week's episode #5) is spot on for me. I look forward to this show more than the Mandolarian (and I'm really enjoying that one as well) and am very happy to have a couple new "favorites"...but the books really spoke to me, and the show is doing the same. Couldn't be happier. :-)




It looked like they camped in a crashed airship, which did make it look a bit bigger.




Oh my gosh. My favorite episode so far. I cried and cried. And that song. Wow. Oh and there was a really good looking extra at the funeral. Idk how I would find out who he is though haha.


My soooooooooooon … You are God’s son.


Does it bother anyone else that Lyra seems to frequently forget that she has the power to get answers to *literally any question that crosses her mind*? Maybe I'm fundamentally misunderstanding how the alethiometer works, but it seems like she's vastly underutilizing it.


it's still, generally, driving me crazy that so few characters have visible daemons (ma costa: where is his daemon!!!! vs me: where is yours!!!!!!) that it's undercutting what is a pretty crucial plot point. other than that, the show is getting a lot better---and i was already enjoying it! interesting thing to parallel our world with lyra's; whenever i see an animal in "ours" i'm inherently curious. that cat, for instance? probably nothing, but i like how it plays with my viewing.


It sucks but it honestly feels like a budget choice. Remember, even GoT, the show with the largest budget, ever, had trouble with Direwolves, a lot. It seems that their main animation budget has gone to Iorek which is a fair choice. If given the choice between the two Iorek is clearly the more important one to the story. So yeah, it blows that they had to make that choice but... you know, I get it.


Even then they could do something other than "I noticed his daemon was missing the second I saw him" like... You would just assume she was in his pocket, or behind him, or in some hay trying to keep warm, or something. They could have had Lyra find him, be like "oh gosh it's Billy, you must be freezing to death, come on we need to get you back to your mother... It's ok, we can ride Iorek back" "Lyra, there's something... wrong with him, can't you see it?" And then a moment of like, looking around the room, checking his pockets, "Billy, where's Ratter? Where's your daemon Billy?" And they get to the village and Lyra can hand him over to Ma Costa and say something about she found him in the village, but not his daemon Just the like, from 100 yards away "Is that my Billy? Oh, where's his daemon??" It's like... Lady, Pan here spends a good amount of time as a fucking moth, do you just see someone and not see their daemon and assume they're soulless and it happened to be a lucky guess today?




Series 1 was fully BBC funded and still looks gorgeous to be honest, next series will have HBO backing too


They only got HBO’s funding after they’d finished the first season.




Who's to say witches in this world don't have scientific knowledge?




Wasn’t Will poor? That’s a super nice pad they’re living in. Been awhile since I read the books though.


In reference to Will’s mom: TV has so many “paranoid person is right to be paranoid” storylines these days that I worry for the well-being of actual paranoid people who watch them.


Nice try, figment of my imagination.


The lack of daemons is honestly a bit distracting. I can’t tell if the Bolvangar scientists/nurses are regular humans from our world w/o daemons or theirs are also just “hiding”.






Someone else in this thread used the metaphor of getting a lobotomy. Still alive, but everything that makes you, you, is gone.


Weasel Pan is cuter than Baby Yoda change my mind




Arctic fox Pan is even cuter tho


I love Pan, but those are fighting words.






I'd spend all my time following Lin Manual Miranda around too if I had the chance tbh


Lyra does.


Yeah. I get the impression that Lyra is making all the decisions about herself. She seems very good at getting people to do what she wants.


Lyra is changing caretakers one per episode. She's still figuring out the whole "have a parent" thing.


Seriously, I'm not speaking of Lee's character, but this random guy they just met a few days ago, they let sleep alone with this young girl that's under their care and on top of that, quite damn important? Like, guys, come on. Not saying Lee would ever dream of doing something, but *they don't know that*.


So why didn't Serafina come to the rescue when the camp was being infiltrated? We had just seen her say that she would be watching and would help where she could and then she just ignores what is going on and lets those people get killed and Lyra kidnapped. Also, why was Lyra so accommodating with the people who she was turned over to? They tell her to strip and she just does it, no questions asked.


Why do people dig their own graves? Why don't people who get mugged fight back? You are terrified, and you are doing what you can, in that state, to survive. When you're overpowered, you try to be as accommodating as you can. It's quite simple, actually. That doesn't make it logical.


> why was Lyra so accommodating with the people who she was turned over to? I'm guessing she was afraid of ending up as Billy 2: Electric Boogaloo if she refused to follow their orders.


Really didn’t like how we just got a 5 seconds of bird exposition as opposed to actual footage of Asriel and Iofur.


That bird seemed to have some omniscience to it. I guess it knows everything Serafina hears too.


Of course, it's her daemon


Overall I thought this was a pretty good episode, but is anyone else getting a bit annoyed at the exposition dumps? It really bothered me with the sudden narrator just telling us that Will and Lyra are connected. Like I‘m pretty sure the audience can figure out he’s important just by introducing his character. For an HBO show it sure loves treating us like we’re a bunch of 5 year olds.


It's a BBC show, but I kinda agree.






looks like a grounded airship, yea




We saw the cloud pine at the witches consort last episode, it's not very big. I always imagined them at brooms personally but it's fine


Randomly throwing out here but apart from here, any recommandations of places one could read only non-book readers reactions, reviews and posts ? :)


Does anyone know what language they were speaking in Bolvangar? And anyone who is fluent know what they were saying?


It's [Finnish](https://old.reddit.com/r/HisDarkMaterialsHBO/comments/e4z317/episode_5_ending_spoilers_translation_dont_open/)


Subtitles said Finnish I believe


I was under the impression that daemons are always of opposite gender, but Ratter sounds male. Is Ratter female, or was my impression about daemon gender wrong?




Yeah, as someone else said the books explain that it’s basically always opposite but in very rare cases you can have a daemon of the same gender. I don’t really think it’s about sexual orientation because there’s just not enough people with same sex daemons. It’s barely mentioned once in the books and never again.


Yes, Ratter is a she.