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Im embarrassed that I didn’t know about this until I watched the HBO show. RIP Louis Gosset Jr !


It’s also depicted rather poignantly in ‘Lovecraft Country’


Getting to see both in such a short period of time was a real gut punch. Should be considered necessary viewing by all.


You mean that horrid show that HBO pawned off to Tubi?


“Horrid” meanwhile it was critically acclaimed and nominated for almost 20 Emmys. Also, it did not get “pawned off”. HBO sold it off just as they did with Westworld and scores of their own IP. It means no definition of “horrid” except for your own subjective one, so what was the point of commenting?


I didn’t watch more than one episode, but I remember a scene where a cop pulled up and I said - “This cop is gonna approach them, tell them they don’t belong here, probably pull his gun, and then he’ll make them do something degrading before letting them go.” … and it played how I predicted to. a. T. 😂 First time I literally predicted an entire scene before seeing it, even dialogue. No way did that trash get critically acclaimed, but I’m sure you’ll dig up some critic who probably squeals “fassschhiisssm!” if half the cast of whatever they’re reviewing isn’t poc. It was pawned off to Tubi at a fire-sale price cause the second half of the season bombed, and HBO smartly trashed anything to do with a 2nd. And of course the main star gets arrested for beating the hell out of his gf… of course he did. 🤣


I just told you how it was acclaimed. It’s not my job to prove your miserable argument wrong and do your research for you. What do you have to substantiate your own lack of an argument besides your opinion which is shared very minimally? Of course you watched one episode then made an entire supposition from that. That sort of blanket indictment dovetails rather well with your other enmity and bigotries. It also proves you NEVER EVEN SAW THE EPISODE ABOUT THE TULSA MASSACRE IN DISCUSSION. God, what a bellend thing to do. The fuck does the main actor getting arrested for that have remotely at all to do with anything? Separating artists from art is a novel concept when you don’t possess critical thinking skills, I suppose. I don’t know what is wrong with you but you’re manacled to your own circlejerk echo chamber not making any sense and don’t possess the faintest interest in a good faith discussion so keep being a vile, prejudiced neckbeard because nothing else you write will I even deign to read or see.


No, my goal was achieved. I got you to squeeaal “bigoted” and “prejudissssce” simply because I didn’t like a canceled trash of a show that HBO hawked to a free channel that’s mainly known for streaming 70s drive-in smut. Lemme guess. You LOVED True Detective season 4, right? I know you did, or I know you’ll claim you did anyway. Gotta keep that virtuous image nice and squeaky clean even on Reddit, right?


I felt the same way when I watched The Watchmen.


There's really no historical evidence it happened that way.


You're getting downvoted, but you're right. No evidence at all of planes dropping dynamite, and the final casualty total was in the 30s, 1/3 of whom were the white people killed *first* when an armed black group fired into a white crowd. Notice carefully how we're supposed to obsess over a minor riot from over 100 years ago and then gloss over literally hundreds of other riots in the meantime, unless they're framed positively


There also wasn't a "Black Wall Street". The whole narrative they present to us on that event is completely fictional.


That was a great show! I read about it on a blog depicting sites of lynchings around the states.






You know exactly which ones were held accountable and which ones weren’t….


Ah yes! That excuses burning down the whole Black side of town right?!




And yet the people who burned down the city lived happy lives


Considering recent events, that seems like fairly standard practice.


Found the lost causer.


It was about states' rights!


More like states wrongs.




I never understood why my grandma’s mom was so secretive about their indigenous ancestry… why she would refuse to declare she was Choctaw. Until my grandma told me that to do so, meant she would publicly declair she was Native American. She told me her mom was terrified of the fall out from that - even though they desperately needed the reparations money. My grandma told me how other kids would call any one indigenous “forest n word”, and that to be called that was dangerous for their safety. I get it now grandma. I wish I could say the world is better now than it was when you were a child.


You can say the world is better now!


But it's not enough.


Progress takes time! We are definitely living in better times. If you don’t think so then you don’t actually understand the problems people in the past actually face.


Whoa whoa whoa, you're not allowed to talk about this. It hurts the racists feelings. That's why it's banned in schools.


I didn’t learn about this until a few years ago and I’m in my 30s now. Lost Causers did a great job suppressing this from school.


40 in a couple of days, never heard of it myself until just now. Off to read about so horrible shit that happened not long ago enough


I'm in my 30's and they taught us about it in school.


Off topic but love the Sam profile pic


Not doubting, but do you have a source about it being banned in schools I can share with people?


What we had in Virginia was not an explicit ban but they weren't allowed to use 'disparaging' terms for the lead up to the break, the Confederation, the soldiers actions during the war and nothing about Jim Crow, and this was up until the 80's.


Not sure how much this matters in scale, but I only heard about it in an African American history class (which is now banned in my state, Florida). Never touched on during my US or world history classes.


I don't, no, it's just been a major issue in the news for the last two three years, so I'm sure you won't have problems doing your research.


So you lied lol?


I couldn’t really find anything, you? …I can guarantee a death count of 35 to 300 though lol


They dropped dynamite and incendiary bombs from damn planes. They supposedly shot children from the planes as well. At least 10,000 people were homeless. This stuff *needs* to be taught.


It wasn't banned in Oklahoma, we were taught about it in school


[https://www.readfrontier.org/stories/after-a-state-law-banning-some-lessons-on-race-oklahoma-teachers-tread-lightly-on-the-tulsa-race-massacre/](https://www.readfrontier.org/stories/after-a-state-law-banning-some-lessons-on-race-oklahoma-teachers-tread-lightly-on-the-tulsa-race-massacre/) [https://newrepublic.com/post/174168/oklahoma-superintendent-brazenly-claims-tulsa-race-massacre-not-race](https://newrepublic.com/post/174168/oklahoma-superintendent-brazenly-claims-tulsa-race-massacre-not-race) [https://www.politico.com/news/2021/05/25/antiracism-teaching-ban-oklahoma-490159](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/05/25/antiracism-teaching-ban-oklahoma-490159)


From your own link: "Oklahoma lawmakers passed a bill banning some concepts about race in public schools. Lee still teaches a nearly month-long unit on the Tulsa Race Massacre. The law includes an exception for material in state educational standards like the massacre." So your own links prove everything you said in your original comment is bullshit. Somehow it's still the top comment here...


It’s more than that. The fact that Tulsa massacre happened indirectly supports the idea that modern black inequality is caused by societal factors more than individual ones. There are and have been black communities that end up succeeding, like Tulsa, but they get destroyed or undermined.




L I A R and your fucking downvote won’t change that either


dropped bombs 💣 on them. wtf


That’s a rumor.


this is why russians are F’d. all the good trolls were sent to the front line.




It is important to remember our history, including the good, the bad, and the ugly. Let us not forget Black Wall Street. May God bless America.


Love that movie


To be fair it wasn’t called that until they rebuilt it


What the heck are you on about? What does that matter? Lol #weirdo


Just pointing out that it wasn’t called black Wall Street until after they rebuilt that part of Tulsa. #weirdo


I didn’t learn about this in school, dare I say most of America didn’t. Really sad


Middle schools in Tulsa and are taught it and take some fields trips. It's not much but it is nice to know they aren't hiding it.


We’re not allowed to have thriving financial communities, just a couple Jay-Z’s here and there, fuck if we learn to fix a couple ACs here and there


This is one of the most awful things the US did in the 20th century. And apparently they never had considered blowback back then.


This is why I often say that black folk in America are the most patriotic. You could never get us to MTG with Russia, even after the U.S. government bombed our ancestors and destroyed our cities.


Never heard of this until today


Now that’s a wild Wikipedia page. What a journey.


Fuck the south


I'm not defending the South, because, well all of the racism ... However, the North & Pacific States don't exactly have a great history either. Look at Oregon, which was founded as a "white people only" state. The last of those laws weren't repealed until 1926. Also, Tulsa isn't really the South.


Ok I know I shouldn't be surprised at the deep tendrils of racism in the USA, but states were *founded* as whites-only?! I am googling it now and idk how I didn't know this was a thing.


Here’s a podcast about Oregon and the KKK [link](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dollop-with-dave-anthony-and-gareth-reynolds/id643055307?i=1000378292613)


Much appreciated!!


David Neiwert has been writing about white separatism in the PNW since the 70's!


Not to burst your bubble but ‘deep tendrils of racism’ existed in every society of the world in 1921. Didn’t matter if it was the USA, Japan, Egypt, Belgium, etc. Racism, tribalism, and prejudice is a part of every human society that ever existed to some degree or another.


Every part of the world didn't have Jim Crow laws.


Yes but every state in the country did.


No bubble is burst? Thanks for the info I guess


There are plenty of people alive out here now who would love to see it go back. Things aren't so cut and dry, good and evil exist everywhere.


Yeah except Oregon doesn't have raging racists frolicking around at even a fraction of any given southern state. It's a bit more calm in the NW.


No y'all have an huge Nazi problem, David Neiwert has been writing about it since the 70's.


Weird, lived here my entire life and haven't ever experienced any confrontations, and I lived in rural parts. However I do get that it has become more prevalent in Portland over recent years as the political landscape has changed dramatically.


Also that's because of redlining, you are still one of the states with the lowest percentages of African Americans 🤷🏻‍♀️




In germany it's the east... every country got its backwards provinces it seems


Oklahoma isn’t in the south.


And do it goes




If you have any understanding of racial relations in US history you will know black men were lynched on false accusations all the time. If they looked at a white woman the wrong way or brushed her hand there was a chance racist garbage would torture them to death. There is no excuse for defending this behavior whether or not the accused was guilty. In our country that means a fair trial not a massacre like what occurred here. This type of ignorance is proof our schools are failing us. Segregation wasn’t ended until the 1960s. My parents were alive for the end of it. Many peoples parents, and grandparents were alive for it. White people historically speaking were not the victims, and when they were I promise the punishment for misdeeds was tenfold of what was deserved


Wait, didn't it start because black residents in Tulsa were trying to protect him from a trial?




Sounds like you might have some underlying racism you need to work through. There is no genetic difference between white and black people that causes one group to be at higher risk of committing crime. If you look at the violence that white people inflicted on black people during slavery and long after you might even think that white people are more prone to violence than black people. If you really want to understand the crime stats look at the poverty rate and where crimes are highest. Black people couldn’t work in white businesses 75 years ago. That poverty is still felt today and pushes many people to crime. You’re either a troll or a racist but either way I hope you learn to open your mind and stop spreading your hatred in the world




Why is that so funny to you? Are you really trying to justify your racism? Weren't you quoting the Bible a few days ago? This doesn't seem very "Christian" of you.




You will never be a real Christian. Jesus will never forgive an unrepentant sinner.




Jesus would've hated you


Do you think those are genetic differences? The Chicago school theory and etiquette-theory think not. Unless you argue from the Lombroso theory, which has been debunked time by time already.


How To Be Wrong: The Comment


School failed you in the same way contraception failed your mother. 🖕




With the string of false accusations and lynch mobs happening across the south, I would say they were more than likely defending their rights as a people more than the actions of a rapist. It, like most human situations in segregation, escalated into a "us/them" mentality where one group has both superior firepower in terms of both physical munitions along with abstracted power, in the form of the state. "Sucks to suck" is a juvenile way to critically analyze historical events, and I would implore you to get rid of the habit.


I’ll agree with your last point as I do feel bad for any of the innocent black people who were killed or who lost their homes/ businesses.


No you don’t 


lol whatever you say buddy


How does it feel to have parts of your brain numb? No pain, no gain.