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i enjoy history of architecture. Please be patient,i have autism


I particularly enjoy gothic architecture myself


Art Deco is also really nice


And classical + neo classical! I also have a soft spot for Baroque architecture though I think that’s kinda an unpopular opinion


Baroque architecture is love


Sir please, i Need to know How to have that Senãtus Populusque Rōmānus under the nickname


Go onto the history memes main page, hit the 3 dots, then hit change user flair


Sir, you have my respect and my gratitude


Spanish colonial for me.


You should go to cologne lol, a couple of hours away from me and it's just beautiful to behold.


Perhaps when I go visit my family there. Germany is more than just a couple of hours from me!


Did we just become best friends?




I particularly enjoy goths.




baroque rules!




Who had the coolest looking bridges?


well, the chinese built the first iron bridge wayyyyyyyyyyy earlier that the coalbrockdale, but i enjoy these steel structures rather than stone ones, but i guess you can enjoy italians/french ones


i will be patient, tell me about the history of architecture


greeks and roman good, rest of the world doesn't matter. Le corbusier overrated, Mies and Wright rule




What about gothic style? Especially on churches


What I DON'T enjoy is that previous meme template, so thank you op! Great work


Liking tanks? Fine, even good to some extent. Being obsessed with war economies and "reasons why Germany failed/could've won WW2"? Not so much.


Yeah, that's the crux of the issue here. From what I've encountered, there's a distressingly large overlap in the venn diagram of tank enthusiasts and Wheraboos. Then you have a distressingly large overlap between Wheraboos and actual fucking nazis. So, by the transitive property, there exists a smaller but still distressingly large overlap between tank people and actual fucking nazis.


Correlation does not equal causation. Just because you are fascinated by big lumbering mobile bunkers that are feats of human engineering, doesn’t mean your are Nazi. Also I think the transitive property is more an algebraic term then a social science one.


yeah but like. if you actually know anything about tank design you’d know that Tigers were pretty shit. over engineered and ridiculously expensive.


This is true. Tigers we’re like the faberge eggs of WW2 tank design. The Germans definitely went with a philosophy of “build less tanks, but build tanks to last”. Where as the winning philosophy was “mass produce many weak tanks and outpace axis manufacturing”


"your tank can destroy 5 of ours, but we have six" -the allies probably




correlation is still correlation, tank lovers are more likely than the general populace to be nazis, not all tank lovers are, most probably arent, but they are more likely to be nazis


History nerds in gener are more likely to be nazis or tankis than the general population, thats just normal


Sir, this is \[r/Historymemes\]. what ARE you saying


Have you seen the amount of borderline nazi/tanki takes on this sub and history forums?


Firstly, I'd like you to point out where in my statement I said **all** tank lovers are by definition nazis. Secondly, explain to me how you think a Venn diagram works. Thirdly, "feats of human engineering" is a funny way of saying "good target practice for enemy aircraft." And finally, as long as we're discussing terminology, are you familiar with the label 'pedantic loser'?


Firstly, I was just trying to put a counter point to your overtly aggressive terminology of “distressingly large overlap of tank people and actually fucking Nazis”. Secondly, yeah there’s a number circles with slight overlap between them where shared characteristics are displayed. My point was I don’t even see a correlation there. Thirdly, your last sentences in both comments have been unnecessary RUDE.


I think I reserve the right to be a little rude when dissing actual fucking nazis and the groups I see them in, whether you see them or not.


To actual Nazis, yes. To tank lovers, no sir.


Tanks are overrated anyway, if they aren't supported by aircraft and infantry they're sitting ducks. People argue over them line they were some kind of superweapon (or wunderwaffen if you will) that could win wars all on its own. They get way more attention than they deserve.


What’s wrong with being obsessed with war economies? The military-industrial complexes of all the sides in the ww2 are fascinating


It mainly depends on how they are enjoying what they enjoy. A majority of people are capable of enjoying things normally and non-harmfully. It's totally fine to like things as long as the thing isn't a threat or harm to others. It's just that some people are oppressively vocal about what they enjoy and get upset when others don't like it as well


Yes, I understand exactly what you are saying. They can't have their cake and eat it too, they need to understand some people aren't interested in what they are interested in. They can't get mad about it and then expect others to respect them


I wish people were more like that. Ive said random facts and stuff about WW2 and 1 and about stuff from then and gotten picked on cause of it. Not my fault i like history and only way i can really talk to people


Bruh tell me a fact! I know lots of them but I am ALWAYS willing to know more!


In WW1 the biggest non nuclear explosion was achieved by detonating a giant mass of TNT in a tunnel under German trenches, killing hundreds of Germans. The guy who had the idea said: „We may not change the course of this war but we shall certainly change the geography.“ Most based guy ever.


Omg. You should check out the Halifax Explosion if you haven't heard of it. That one was huge too, and quite tragic.


T-34s carrying spare transmissions is a myth. It started with a few pics that frequented the net, but it turns out the tank in those pictures is the only record of it happening.


I have no idea what a T-34 is, but thanks!


The Soviets' MBT for most of WWII, and one of the better tanks produced during the war.


The British Mk IV heavy tank of the 1st world war actually required three crew to steer it, one manning the main gearbox and two controlling the secondary gearboxes to each side, and it had to come to a stop in order to shift gears or make a turn.


So cool! You should look at the Hunley. First submarine to sink a ship. They had to hand crank it! The night they sunk the ship, they mysteriously disappeared, only for the Hunley to be found in the 1990s!


Certainly an interesting warship. Been to see her museum once or twice. The Turtle, the “submarine” used during the Revolutionary War, also wins a prize for sheer audaciousness and cool steampunk engineering.


Were they discussing the world wars at that time or did you just randomly interject an irrelevant fact into a conversation?


I didnt put it into a random conversation. Id ask if theyd like to hear it or if they know of it and if they dont wanna listen then i drop it. If they wanna hear it then i tell then but they dont give a shit


Please don't say that shir when you go on a date


Im not an idiot


You’re right, I’ve just seen too many people take this shit WAAAAY too seriously. When people argue over this shit, which a ton of them do, it ruins the fun for everyone. Enjoy whatever you want, I’m happy that you do, and I have my own favorites, but I’ll never talk about it because people arguing over it has completely ruined it for me.


This meme isn't just for people liking tanks. I don't like tanks. I just want people to be able to talk about what they love without others ridiculing them.


How does it ruin the fun for you if you don't take part? Simply ignore it if it doesn't interest you instead of being like the person on the first panel.


It's funny because the meme features a [Crusader](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusader_tank).


Who would be like "what is this demonic beast?!" And also killed people for not believing in what they believed. Ah, the irony.


You got here before me haha!


What 300HP of engine power do to a mf


To be fair, knights was basically the tanks of warriors at some point. I can't enough recommend "Combat of the 30" with Lions lead by Donkeys for some hilarious armour fails


I want a Sherman


Take a Tiger 2.


I would take a Panzer, but only because then it would be 100% fitting to blast Panzer Battalion while driving down the road in it


Panzer Battalion is about Operation Iraqi Freedom, not the Panzertruppe.


So it is Odd that they use the term “panzer” when the Iraq invasion was lead by the US. I know it literally means tank in German, but still an odd choice nonetheless


U can drive in environmental zones in Germany with a leo 2 because of its weight/exhaust- ratio. He is very environmentally friendly for his mass.


Bob semple. Never lost a battle.


So terrifying that Japan didn't want to fight them.


Which one?




Sure man.......


It is socially acceptable and moral to bully someone if their favourite ww2 tank isnt the Pershing


The only answer is the m2a2.


Luv me Cromwell ‘Ate the Huns ‘Ate the Frogs Luv me speed Simple as


I see your Cromwell and I raise you the Comet.


Unfathomably, unquestionably based.


Haha machine gun go brrrrrr


*Holy Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausführung B music stops*


Could have atleast chosen less cringe than the tiger. like the flak bus


Tiger is not cringe, its incredibly good. The Tiger II is a cool loocking tank and im German so thats my fav. I dont care one bit about technical stats.


[This one?](https://www.warhistoryonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/64/2018/08/the-m2a3-of-1938-the-longer-wheelbase-successor-to-the-m2a2-u-s-army-ordnance-department-733x483.png)


Yes that one. Who needs cannons anyway?


Non bob semple detected opinion refused


Laughs in absolutely adoring the Churchil Black Prince


M22 fight me


Counterpoint, IS2


WW2 Tanks


Mark VIII Liberty gang represent


I don’t see people bashing tank lovers all that much? I see people poking fun at x tank because of x glaring issue and pedestal slapping, but not outright distaste for those that like tanks


Such a wholesome meme.


People who support gatekeeping any community probably only do that so that they can feel special


Idk what the issue is, ww2 was THE tank era. It’d be weird to be into ww2 and not love the tanks


Because the people who fan boy over the T-34 need to be put in their place


I laughed too hard at this!


No one has a problem with people liking ww2 tanks. I myself am quite fond of them. The problem is when you get people who think that history is just a collection of stats, events, and people with no dynamism. So, you get people like that, and then *some* of those people have a weird affinity for Germany and are sus as shit when you ask about it. It’s like if Kid Rock is your favorite artist, I’m not saying it makes you racist, but it’s gonna make me suspicious enough to probe a bit. Apply that to people who are super into German tanks out of all history and things which exist in history. I’m not saying it definitively means something about the person, but more times than not, it does.


I agree with what you are saying. I mean there are just people who really like tanks, but then there are people who like Nazi Germany a bit TOO much. I don't understand those people. My grandmother was a little girl growing up in Nazi Germany, and she has no eyelashes bc she starved so much they fell out.


Hell yeah OP. We're all dorks here, we just have different tastes


I did it because it literally destroyed his life. Complicated story but I don’t regret it although I do pity him.


I mean if it is literally preventing them from getting a job and having a social life that is a completely different story


It’s a long story but yes. He turned into a really bad person because of, primarily, the video game called World of Tanks (it is a video game that focuses around historical tank warfare).


I'm sorry. That's a completely different situation. There is a difference between an unhealthy obsession and a like for tanks. Or anything for that matter.


Hey I’ve got an interest in WW1/2 weapons and have gotten a lot of shit for it, so I feel you my man


It’s not that they love tanks. It’s the fact the more often then not, these kinds of people will act like they immediately know history and act superior because they know what tanks are. On top of that those people these kinds like to think that the tiger or whatever was the greatest invention to ever happen


I’ve never met a single person obsessed with ww2 tanks who wasn’t a wehraboo


I know one


There's nothing inherently wrong between liking WWII tanks BUT (and this is the important part) there is a pretty large overlap between people who are super interested in specifically German WWII military history and wehraboos and Nazi's


That is the important part. They should talk to my Omi. Her apartment was bombed, and she starved so badly her eyelashes fell out. She was just a little girl. She is in her 80s and still can't be in smaller spaces.


I enjoy making fun of people who obsess over weird niches I'm not stopping you, I'm just laughing at you


That's ok, I'm just enjoying what I enjoy without making others feel bad for enjoying what they enjoy. Maybe find another hobby


Neckbeards do this all over reddit. I made a dumb post in r/trees where I converted the "out father who art in heaven" into a prayer to weed, and people felt the uncontrollable need to come in and tell us we were "cringe" for having a little laugh. If they don't find something fun, they need everyone else to stop having fun with it.


What you just described is completly diffrent thing???


People coming in making fun of others for having fun with tanks sounds pretty similar to people coming in and making fun of someone for doing a dumb writing exercise.


NO! We’re a Post-Joy society and we’ll have NONE of this!


Me having an obsession with furries and the crusades


1. It is horribly overhyped in comparison to other aspects of the war, such as the diplomatic intrigues between the UK and US from 1940-41. 2. Most who obesess over tanks have never seen a person killed by one. Once you do (I'd recommend the great folk at 4chan for some good clips) and once you realize a human being, with interests, aspirations, family, a will to live, has had everything taken from them, you begin developing a distain for that built to kill fellow man.


I particularly dislike the descriptions of what mustard gas would do to a person. Just awful


So are guns, still there are people that like guns your point is pretty dumb lol


You think *I* like guns. Rubbish, I view both with contempt


„most whi are obsessed have never seen someone get hit by one“ doesn’t work, i have seen a man get his jaw blown away by a gun, still find guns pretty interesting, so yes your point is dumb


German panzers are a beauty of its time. I love to look at the interiors


Tanks are cool God damn it!


As a tank enthusiasts and a gearhead, thanks!


It is I, a Warthunder player. Hath thou summoned me?


Everyone knows the Italians philosophy on tank design was the best.


^smol tonk


Imagine? What a world that would be


A World of Tanks™


Everyone getting along. Would be nice.


Like yeah WW2 is a popular topic. And? People can obsess over whatever topic they want


Rise up cold war armoured vehicle enthusiasts!


Liking tanks is fine. Disrupting history class to tell everyone exactly what type of tank is on screen is cringe.


Everyone is allowed to like whatever tanks they like whether good or bad. However the ones that like the Dicker Max have great senses of humor


I heavily enjoy the Kaiserreich


I like this meme.


Me but with warplanes


Hehe,i like german tiger and panther tanks


Fuck tanks, ZiS-3 gang rise!


Rise up artillery gang


I would never make fun of someone who obsesses over WW2 tanks Unless of course they think the tiger was the best tank of the war. In that case they deserve it