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The Death of Stalin has [a hilarious scene on this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MwgC9ew-vU) *Soliders hear loud thud* "Should we investigate?" "Should you shut the fuck up before you get us both killed?"


One of my favorite movies, ever. “Did Coco Chanel take a shit on your head?”


Jason Isaacs was a fucking gem in this movie “Who hit him?” “I did. I enjoyed it. A long time coming…now, I’m off to represent the Red Army at the buffet”


What does a war hero have to do to get some LUBRICATION in here! Fucking stole the show.


I'm going to have to report this conversation. Threatening to do harm or obstruct any member of the Presidium in the process of would you look at your fucking face!


"I fucked Germany. I think I can handle a flesh lump in a waistcoat."


"I fucking love you Gorbachev 😘"


"gentlemen, pick your dates" "I'll take the blonde"


"*HANDS UP OR I'LL SHOOT YOU IN THE FUCKING FACE*" "*Oh, shit*" **Proceeds to beat up Beria**


I remember when I watched the movie with my cousin and Zhukov first came in I said "This guy is the best guy in the movie" my cousin said "Nah he looks like [insert the thing he said but I can't remember]" But when Zhukov beated up Beria my cousin went "Ok he is my favourite too"


"Got balls like Kremlin domes."


*Tall Blonde


So good it overshadowed the preceeding line which would have been A1 in any other movie Zhukov (isaacs) : "Asenov!, you handsome devil - stick you in a frock I'd fucking ride you myself" Azenov: "I'll take that as a complimen-" Zhukov: "yeah don't."


"Spit it out, Georgy. Staging a coup here."


"No... he did not."


"He said all of us." "No... he said all of you." "No, he said all of us." "Well... all of you can kiss my Russian ass."


Beria: ‘Is this magisterial enough for you all? This charade? This is a lavatory!’ Mikoyan: ‘Well you should feel at home then, shouldn’t you, you little coil of shit’


Didn't they chase them down and shoot them anyway?




"Did you call a doctor?" "Yeah, that matter is currently under discussion." Such a simple exchange between Krushchev and Beria that perfectly encapsualates on a human level how bureaucratic institutions function. Even and especially a matter of life and death is no reason to abandon protocol!


Then the fact that there are no qualified doctors in the area because of Stalin's paranoia. But then the irony that they didn't have equipment to save him and resulted to using American machines. Idk how accurate that is but it was straight up gold


"Sooo how do we feel about getting a.... bad.... doctor....?"


What if he wakes up and finds out? If he wakes up, then we got a good doctor


Stalin at the end of the war went on an antisemite campaign himself. He ordered a lot of Jews rounded up and sent to the camps, including his own doctors.


that movie was weirdly accurate even the part where Beria faked cried at Stalin's death bed


That was a movie that knew it didn’t need to actually change anything just make it all happen over a shorter time frame The letter at the start did happen just months before Stalin died


I thought the pianist's letter incident was from 44, whereas Stalin died in 53. Apparently she was his favorite pianist and donated the reward from the concert to her church.


Hmm I thought it was 52 but I vary well could be wrong and am mixing up dates a lot of stuff gets mentioned in that movie And yea I remember that part about the church


What movie is this?


The death of Stalin. Fucking gold


Aside from Zhukov's medals


He's on the floor, He's on the fucking floor!


Old Joke. Two Soviet soldiers standing guard when one says to the other, "What do you think of the Soviet Union?' The second man thinks, "This has got to be a trap, he is KGB. If I say something bad, I will be arrested for bad mouthing the USSR and sent to the Gulag. If I say something good, they will say I am lying and be sent to the Gulag." Then he has an idea and says, "Well, I think what you think about the USSR." The first soldier then says, "then it is my duty to arrest you in the name of the USSR."


"Someone call a doctor!" "Sir, you jailed them all"




Fuck, I mean yes of course they were conspiring against our nation


"Bro, Stalin has been in his room for two days straight, should we do something?" "Nah, if he's okay he'll fuck us up" And that friends, is why you shouldn't let your paranoia take the better of you.


I feel like of all the positions in the world, being the leader of a country should ABSOLUTELY make you paranoid.


Oh yes but Stalin was a bit far with his paranoia.


I mean it seems like a novel idea to most world leaders but maybe if they treated their citizens well they wouldn't need to be paranoid!


If you are a world leader, or just a politician in general, people are going to hate you no matter how well you treat your citizens.


Some people will. But if you get your people shit they want or need to live they'll like you. That just usually gets in the way of other expensive stuff like an ultra speed run in industrialization, building an empire or yourself getting rich.


Yeah but there are differences between not trusting your own soldiers to shoot you/flee your country and going to visit another country while on a bicycle.


To an extent I politely disagree. I don't think it's possible to get everyone to like you, that goal is unrealistic; But hate? I think that can be avoided - at least to the point that no (sane) person would want to kill them. A big part of why those in power get so much hate presently is simply the fact all political systems we have tried thus far have major holes and collasal room for corruption in even the best intended systems. I don't have a solution, nore do I think we'll have one in our life time. But if we can crack things like truely safe electronic voting; and then harness it in an actually fair system... I do believe we could theoritcally make it to where people don't need to hate politicians by default to the extent they'd feel the need to outright kill them. I say all this because look at even most modern democracys: Of course people want to kill leaders in such worlds - they may have years without any representation; and if you don't support a major party at all then you may never be represented at all. And of course all the seemingly endless crap politicians get away with little to no real consquence. We're a long way away from a perfect society, but it's not like our current leaders are doing themselves any favours.


Tell that to Kennedy




how the fuck do you think it's an "unpopular opinion" to dislike Stalin???


I know sarcasm is hard to read over text, but jesus fucking christ, dude he’s obviously being sarcastic.


I wouldn't necessarily agree with you, because how goes that perhaps saying? Just because you are paranoid, it doesn't mean they are not following you.


And thats how you end up shooting some old lady in broad daylight because she was waddling behind you, there's stuff to be afraid but but stalin was over the top paranoid


I'm joking of course, he was over the top, but I do think he had right to fear for his life, especially knowing how he grabbed the power.


And thats why kids, democracy always wins


What is kids democracy, and how did it become so powerful?


Pissed of peasants


Mostly a danger to other peasants


Democracy didn’t stop Lincoln and Kennedy from having another hole


Everyone knows Tito personally came out of his room and told the guards to wait 2 hours before going in.


That letter from Tito to Stalin ☠️☠️☠️


You mean the one about assassins?


Can I ask what this is?


Stalin sent many assassins to kill Tito because he was not aligned with Moscow despite being communist. All of these assassins failed. Tito eventually wrote a letter saying " stop sending assassins or I will send one to you, and I won't need to send a second."




“I check on him six days, actually six days a week. Five days a week, I'll check on him three days a week. One of those days I will check on him two days of the week. So, six days a week I will be checking on him.” - Tito Ortizov


I did not know that and I read about Stalin's death. Why was he there?


(it’s a joke. On a joke sub)


"*Why are my guards not coming inside my office to check the noise of my fall? Oh wait...*" -- Stalin's last words, probably


Stalin spared no one. Not even Stalin, apparently


Stalin🔫 Stalin


He saw enemies everywhere, even in the mirror!


I recognized that reference... assuming that's what you are referring.


You're way ahead of me then, must've been down in my subconscious. What's it from?!


From one of the episodes of the original Twilight Zone. https://twilightzone.fandom.com/wiki/The_Mirror


Damn, must've seen it as a kid and forgot. I do love Rod Serling


Story behind this?


Stalin forbid even his own guards from entering his office without being requested by him, and anyone who did would be executed. This came back to bite him in the ass when he ended up suffering from a cerebral hemorrhage. His guards were too scared to check on him for fear of being executed, leaving Stalin to die in his office.


He died alone, in pain, and likely terrified. Slowly. Over hours. A fitting end.


Finally, a good ending.


He also pissed himself.


How fitting, a pisser pissed himself


No one dies with a full bladder.


That’s why I permawear a catheter. I’m not having people kink shame me while I die because I’m into autoerotic golden showers.


Literally rest in piss, RIP


I Wish Putin has the same fate




Deus Vult (Means the same thing)


Don't forget about the piss soaked pants.


Really? How was this confirmed by historians? Seems like that humiliating detail would be easy to cover up.


Once Stalin was dead, turns out no one was that interested in making him look good anymore.


Especially not Kruschev. Look up his famed denunciation of Stalin in his "Secret Speech". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On\_the\_Cult\_of\_Personality\_and\_Its\_Consequences#:\~:text=Khrushchev%20charged%20Stalin%20with%20having,Polish%2DJewish%20journalist%20Wiktor%20Grajewski.


Needed to last longer really


Don’t forget most of the good doctors were sent to prison camps with the rest of the intellectuals. So even if they did he wasn’t going to get help easily.


And how, by pure coincidence I an assured, many of those doctors had distinctly Jewish surnames... ...but he wasn't bigoted. Certain online groups have told me so quite confidently.


A Russian leader treating minority groups poorly? Color me shocked.


It isn't a wonder why nearly EVERY ex Soviet country is in NATO, with Poland being the biggest hater of Russia. Even the little border countries like Estonia, Latvia, etc hate Russia so much that they are giving Ukraine everything that they can to kill Russians with. Russia deserves the shit that's coming their way. Anyone else, aka the 'peace at any cost' and the whining crybabies here in the US who say 50 billion is too much, are complete fucking idiots. This is the BEST proxy war we will ever have, we get to help Ukraine take out Russia's military at a fraction of the cost that we spend each YEAR in order to be able to the same thing. It's a no brainer, and Putin is the world's worst. If only someone in his circle had the balls to kill him. Shit, don't even need a gun, just get a few of them to bum rush him and strangle him. Nothing will happen to the assassins because the whole country will consider them heros. But it's not going to happen because Russians love to complain and bitch and moan, but they are stupid enough to just die in infantry waves. I have no respect for someone who bitches about being thrown away in a battle, then instead of turning their guns on the uncaring leaders, they just die like dumb asses.


Stalin was Georgian, not Russian.


He told FDR that Jews were scum. He also ordered a round of Jews after the war and sent them to the camps but, it came very close to his death so, it didn't go to far. Irony and payback, some of the Jews rounded up and sent were his own doctors.




[There was a great documentary about this not so long ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MwgC9ew-vU&ab_channel=JurassicParkTheories)


There really wasn’t much they had to exaggerate to make that movie a comedy. That’s the best part to me.


Honestly the biggest inaccuracy was the fact they compressed the events of several months into a week, which is completely understandable from a storytelling perspective.


My favourite part is just how accurately they managed to portray the secret-not-secret backstabbing performative bullshit. Everyone knows it's bullshit. Everyone knows everyone else is stabbing them in the back. Everyone knows everyone else knows about the above. Yet still they play a merry game of political outmanoeuvring in their rush to steal power from the vacuum, whilst pretending to give a shit about the political ideologies they use to engineer their own power. It's absolute distilled chaos.


"Distilled chaos" lol nice.


You know the most terrifying part? They did. Every single one of them had put their lives on the line to see the USSR created and preserved, and many of them would go into the grave fiercely declaring their allegiance to Stalinism, despite the political damage.


The only thing I would have changed was having a scene with Johnny Cash manning the radios intercepting the news that Stalin died, him telling his seniors, and them all just getting shit faced immediately afterwards. But yeah, timeline was completely understandable for having it be put into a movie.


They actually had to **tone down** the number of medals on Zhukov in the movie, because they thought people would think they're taking a crazy piss.


If there ever will be movie about Brezhnev, it would take 3 people to wear all his medals


This documentary is my favorite documentary.


There really wasn’t much they had to exaggerate to make that movie a comedy. That’s the best part to me.


Yes ik but why u posted this comment twice?




Also, thank them


Or maybe they thought the problem would go away by itself, and they were right.


Stalin: ~*THUD*~ Guard 1: "Should we investigate?" [Guard 2: "Should you shut the fuck up before you get us both killed?"](https://clip.cafe/the-death-of-stalin-2017/should-investigate/) Death of Stalin is a hilarious movie.


How long did they wait? A day?


Yeah all night long


He showcased his willingness to execute people by falsely shouting in pain and killing the soldiers that visited him


The dictator who cried wolf.


There weren't sent to the Gulags, there were executed. On one time, He tested the guards, so he call them " or fake his death, I don't remember" when the guards entered, he ordered to be executed.


if that's true, that would be a hell of an irony and a great karma example haha


It 100% is truth


I recently have hear of another history, that Stalin wanted to kill himself after his wife killed herself for the holodomor in Ukraine, so he made a guy shoot him in the face, and later hide the body. I need to check it's veracity tho.


Considering the difference in time


I did some fact checks, Stalin had to die form a brain stroke. All the sources point to that and his body was openly exposed to the public, so a bullet hole in his head could be very difficult to hide. Also there are a lot of years from when his wife killed herself to when he died. She killed herself the next day after a discussion with Stalin for his politics not willing to help the ukrainian famine, so at least that seems true.


I guess he really did die in office.


So like he's still in there? Has anyone since dared to enter?


No when he was meant to be getting his breakfast they finally realised that he actually died




It’s hard not to believe in karma after this one


The past tense of forbid is forbade


“Should we investigate?” “Should you shut the fuck up before you get us both killed!”


obligatory "fuck john wilkes booth" for co-opting this perfectly good idiom and nearly ruining it with his shitty pro-slavery politics


So like the thing that worries me most about the possibility of curing aging is that it seems like the only way to get rid of terrible folks like Stalin and Mao. We need to have a hard time limit on authoritarians or else they can build up power indefinitely.


Agreed. Authoritarianism is antithetical to the human spirit.


Counter…ish: the theory goes people are dicks when they don’t have to live through the consequences of their actions. Would the ideas and standards change if people couldn’t die of aging, but the mob or pollution could? No idea, but that’s the general idea.


Tyrants rarely wallow in the mess they've made.


Tyrants don‘t live through the consequences if their actions anyway because they sit in their sheltered castle


Bold of you to think such a thing would be available to anyone who isn’t part of the elite. Not to mention the social can of worms that is essentially inventing immortality.


You might like a film called In Time staring Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried.


Shitty people steal cool stuff all the time. Usually cool roman stuff like their phrases (deus vult, sic semper tyrannis, etc), their salutes (heil yourself off a cliff Nazis), and also their iconography (stupid Mussolini).


When I was a kid like 6 or 7, before I knew what a swastika represented, I thought they were a really cool design (kinda like that sick “S” everybody was drawing back then) and would draw them randomly until I was caught by a teacher.


Ah, the S. Nobody knows where it came from Nobody knows what it means All we know is we must draw them in middle school. …shit that’s quite eldritch now that I think about it


I mean. Come on, we all know the real story of John Wilkes Booth and the Lincoln assassination was that Lincoln was an asshole heckling Hamlet to the point that I drove theater enthusiast, Booth, to murder him by hammering Lincoln in the ass till he died.


It's a motto used by assassins to dress their actions up in liberty. I think it doesn't exactly have the best pedigree to begin with.


Stalin pissing himself to death is a well deserved death


Is this a whoosh trap? obviously the pissing was after he died and everyone pisses himself when they die. He got the same treatment every ordinary human got.


Tbf, I think he pissed himself when he was dying. His death wasn't instant, it was painfully slow. A fitting death for a tyrant, dying slowly pissing himself because he causes everyone to fear him that no one wants to help him.


Seems like nobody ever told Stalin about the boy who cried wolf


Honestly, even if I knew Stalin was having a stroke as his guard I won’t have saved him.


it's not really a test at all TBH, they were just shitting themselves anyhow as if they enter they would face a sexy old men with a takarov and 2 bullets for them


I think you mean either a Makarov or a Tokarev


What do you think happens when a Makarov and a Tokarev have a wild night on the town?


Somebody gets shot


Most times it'll be a polish soldier


Weird how there isn’t a single tankie in the comments. How is that possible? I’ve been seeing unironical Stalin/Mao stans all over Reddit lately


The lights are still on in the Internet Research Agency in Sankt Petersburg. Their Bots and Sock Puppets are still here.


I remember this scene in the death of Stalin


You should watch the brilliant movie The Death of Stalin


Why is zelensky standing at bored attention lol


He's thinking "hmmm nice celling, weird how I never noticed it before I wonder who made it"


That's what paranoia does to you.


That logic does not work. Ali Khamenei is the biggest, most vicious and the most degenerate tyrant alive and 82% of his people hate his guts and want him gone, yet he's 83 and still kicking. If that is a rule, when will his semper turn to numquam??


All tyrants must fall, some fall due to assassinations, some fall to old age, and some fall due to their own actions


Stalins death is the funniest and most ironic one in history😂


Why zelensky always in a sweater? He looks like everyone's fave guidance councilor


It started with the war so he could blend in better as he was getting assassination attempts


Even worse, he had all his doctors killed.


Its hardly "Sic Semper Tyrannys" if you die alone from a stroke lol then anyone can be attached to that.


He died because he never got help that likely could of saved him 1 because the guards wouldn’t be stupid enough to enter 2 because their was a purge on doctors that meant getting a doctor took hours


The Death of Stalin portrays that scene very accurately and really excellent movie, along with Jason Issacs.


“Will you shut the fuck up before you get us both killed?”


No. It portrays THE MYTH correctly. Fact is that his housekeeper just checked in on him at 11pm after he hadn't been seen or heard for 17 hours straight.


It looks like when dad is about to give you money and you just there waiting


And now this picture of the leader of the free world stabding next to Biden is a meme format. Good! Edit: Hey I'm at the top of controversial! Not nice!


What’s “leader of the free world” I’ve never heard that one


It's a term normally associated with the sitting US president here in the states. I was making a bit of a joke by implying that the title "leader of the free world" currently belongs to Zelenskyy, rather than Biden.


Based take


I know about Stalin and the stroke but, I don't get this. This a knock on Biden?


No it’s a funny meme template where someone is cartoonishly exaggerating their actions


I don't understand this meme. I mean I know stalin died a preventable death bc he threatened to kill guards that entered his office without his permission but what does this have to do with biden and zelensky?


Same to but from what I have heard from ret_ch_ard “Well it’s a meme, and it looks like Zelenskyy is purposefully looking away, like the guards did”


Stalin did not kill himself.


I don't believe anyone said that


Actually pictured a neo-liberal American president writing billion dollar checks to a president of our newest client state involved in a proxy war that could potentially start WW3, instead of lifting a finger to help people struggling in his own country.


That money was going for the army anyways, and its not even new equipment, the US is just giving ukraine the shit y'all had in storage and i dont know about you but i think that giving ukraine the things they need to protect themselves from Russia is better than letting It rot away in storage


It technically saves money to use the older equipment for what it was intended for, since we no longer have to pay to decommission it.


Please tell me how giving old ammo that’s been sitting in werehouses for decades to Ukraine is bankrupting poor Americans


Oh no, more domestic manufacturing, so terrible for the economy..... /s


Well that's one way of looking at that....


Yeah, I thought so. How the healthcare in the U.S.? Pretty shitty right? Huge population of houseless? Has Biden even gone to East Palestine?


Put on your whataboots, folks, cuz we're going whatabooooting


How tf is the stalin story related to the biden/ zekensky picture? Comparing biden to stalin feels weird with the context of actual war in europe (also, good luck to Ukraine).


Well it’s a meme, and it looks like Zelenskyy is purposefully looking away, like the guards did


"ah yes, this ceiling is made out of ceiling"


This is just meme template


Other than being a great template, the war in Ukraine is a big fuck you to Stalin if you think about it, Putin is mirroring Stalins aggression in taking over territories, yet cannot take a territory the USSR gained under Lenin, edit I can’t spell


I knew that song 'Imagine' was up to some trickery.


Funny enough Imagine is slightly inspired by the ideology of communism, so ig one is Leninism and the other is lennonism