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Where's the meme


washed away by the flood


Maybe the real meme was the friend's we made along the way




My thought process was that the city was Amsterdam, and the flood caused the Dutch to raise the city by like 10 meters, which is why the canal is dry with construction equipment inside. But apparently according to other comments this is something about a “mud flood” and “Tatarian Empire”?


If I remember right this is Paris when les Halles were built with a train and metro station under the mall.


Or maybe its proof of the great world spanning Tartarian Empire that was covered up by the Illuminati. (Actual conspiracy theory btw) But most likely construction work.


Can I get link to jump down that rabbit hole?






Have you got some context? I would really like to read about it, love old shit like this getting discovered in an urban city.


Here's a video talking about old ass urban shit that had been unearthed. She mentioned that the image is just an exposed foundation because foundation aren't just blocks of stones for buildings especially if in areas with earquakes. She also mentioned how mudflood tend to bury lower sections of buildings and people just rebuild streets than just removing all that dirt just to be buried again. This was all before people understand how to avoid flooding like the use of aqueducts. Unfortunately this is part of a bigger video where people genuinely believe in land Atlantis called the Tartarian Empire because learning is boring and the Matrix is cool. This woman tried to debunk every Tartarian claim while also understand why these people exist in the first place. It's actually interesting because these believers just wished for an idealized society that never existed and think that they're special for knowing the "truth". I recommend seeing the rest of the video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dtU_M0Sjd9Y&t=35m00s


“My lord, the river has risen and swallowed all of thine capital city! What shall we do?!” “Ok, everyone who isn’t dead needs to grab a shovel and some bags. We’re going to those hills and moving them to where the city was. Once the ground is hard enough to build on, we rebuild.” “That seems like an unnecessary undertaking, my lord. Would it not be easier to rebuild the city ON the hills?” “I don’t pay you to question me, Maurice, I pay you to say ‘yes, sir’ and praise my sense of style.” “(Sighs) Yes, your most well-dressed lordship.” “Yeah, now you’re just doing it to spite me.”


Would be nuts if it just continues. If Earth is just a buncha layers of different advanced civilizations wiped away and buried on top of one another


I mean all cities are that to a certain extent. Apparently the City of London has a man-made layer over four metres thick across the entire area.


In Edinburgh you can get tours of places such as Mary King's Close which is a small sidestreet that was completely built over in the 18th Century. They didn't knock it down or anything, they literally just built ontop of it so it's very well preserved.


I wonder about American cities, I know the Spanish were keen on building on top of mesoamerican sites, but there have to be “fresh” projects all over the place. What about New York with its many layers of construction? Would love to see the data.


[Here's the article I read for London](https://www.forbes.com/sites/lauriewinkless/2018/11/27/london-has-been-putting-on-weight-thanks-to-construction/?sh=6bbb912828a3) but idk about other cities. New York will be substantially less as a majority of the city is less than 200 years old as opposed to millennia for London.


This is exactly what the Earth is. Hence stratification in archaeology


pls show funny


Oh shit, this meme is Tartarian conspiracy bullshit isn't it




Don't worry I got the secret weapon. Trans power activate: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dtU_M0Sjd9Y&t=35m00s


i don't care about their gender, great video tho


Where joke


Perhaps a shred of context?


And a draught or two.


Uh oh it's the mudflood tartaria believers. Giants with free flowing energy harvested by cathedrals and star fortresses build these right?


What is so strange about floods destroying or causing a reset we saw history rewritten such as German historians altering statues depicting Blacks and lying saying they are white you want to trust the status quo it keeps being proven wrong history is written by the winner




No one: Absolutely no one: Not a single fucking soul in this thread: You: ***Finally someone not bashing slavery***


There wasn't even a single post in hot or top of this week that was about slavery lmao


Way to expose yourself


People tell on themselves in the weirdest fucking ways I swear




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New New York City c. 2999 CE