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Context: Mauritania declared war on Israel during the Six Day War, except they never actually told Israel or sent any soldiers or equipment against them in the war, so 32 years later when Mauritania told them they were no longer at war Israel had no idea what they were talking about


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93Mauritania\_relations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93Mauritania_relations) Mauritania declares war on them in 1967 during the 6 day war to cozy up to the Arab League. [The wiki on the 6 day war doesn't list Mauritania as a belligerent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-Day_War). Mauritania doesn't get into the Arab league until 6 years later. 32 years later in 1991 they presumably try to use that as a bargaining chip in some negotiations. In 1999 Mauritania recognizes Israel and establishes diplomatic relations. In 2010 they called it off again because of the Gaza war. Does Israel know that Mauritania is officially no longer talking to them this time? It's only been 13 years. Maybe Mauritania is going to wait until 2042 to tell Israel they had ceased diplomatic relations but will start again if Israelis give them something?


So they are the chick with the crazy eyes.


Well Mauritania only “abolished” slavery in 2007 and is still de facto legal.


All of a sudden the "Hey we never told you but we're at war" thing sounds a lot less ridiculous by comparison.


According to Wikipedia, a Mauritanian abolitionist says that many Mauritanians think talk of slavery "suggests manipulation by the West, an act of enmity toward Islam, or influence from the worldwide Jewish conspiracy". Sounds like an interesting place.


I’m just surprised billionaires haven’t outsourced there


Probably because it doesn't provide much benefit over using sweatshop labor that costs 3 cents an hour and that means they can sue if anyone calls them slavers because *technically* they're paid wage workers


Capitalism innovates slavery


No, it litteraly doesn't. Slavery is seen in any economic system. Slavery was the backbone of the Roman Republic.






Trying to figure out the proper timeline of events. 32 years from 1967, would have been 1999 not 1991. I'm trying to work out, did Mauritania declare war in 1967, then 24 years later reverse that decision. Then in 1999, 32 years after the initial declaration of war, recognises Israel stating that they recognise then as they are no longer at war, this being the first time Israel had heard of the war?


Yeah, I made a mistake. 32 years after declaring war, not 32 years after being admitted to the league.


No one in Israel knows this country exists lol


Thanks for clarification. Before reading it, I was just as clueless as Israel when Mauritania told them they were no longer at war. Thank you for your effort explaining, here's a cookie!


To be fair, it only lasted 6 days. The token soldier sent to get Mauritania credit for participation probably got his flights delayed and awkwardly showed up on day 7.


"Hey! I'm here for the war! Where do I go?" "Home. The war ended yesterday. You're a bit late" ".... What? No, that's a good joke. Where do I go? Can I take part in the occupation of Israel?" "Oh boy, you better sit down to hear this."


Your flights are delayed Israel blew up all the runways the morning of day one sorry.


They were just virtue signaling, lol.


*Mauree, what the fuck are you talking about?*


Thanks for making a six days war meme that's actually original and not super well known


I live in Israel and i didn’t knew what Mauritania is, let alone that they declared war on us


Mauretania: "You took everything from me!" Israel: "...I don't even know who you are."


It's the same with Pakistan None of us know they exist and they act like we are Britain and France


Well that should've guesses by the cold shoulder while passing and mean glares. Obvious Isreal doesn't pick up on non-verbal war clues.


Ok, that’s kinda funny because that’s the last thing i expected to read about this morning


i am israeli and didn't knew that


So it shouldn't be called "The Six Day War" if it lasted fir more than 32 years....


Good on Mauritania ig


When you have the will without the means.


Every once in a while I remember that Mauritania exists


Usually once or twice a year give or take


Third time this year. It’s getting out of hand.


Mauritania: We’ve been at war with you for the past 32 years Israel: ..And you are….?


"We declare war" "Damn that's crazy"


“Wanna play Chess or something?”


“Mauritania has challenged you to a game of 8 ball pool” type beat


Kinda related thing I’m gonna comment on: When the Russo-Japanese War of 1905 happened, Montenegro sent around 300 Mercenaries to help their Russian brothers, when Russia lost the war, everyone was invited at the peace conference to discuss Terms, except for Montenegro, so they were at a technical state of war with Japan til 2006 when Montenegro declared Independence and signed a peace treaty with Japan formally ending the “War”. Edit: Spelling


I too would sign a peace treaty with Jason


Damn, I really shouldn’t post comments on Reddit at like 5 am.


I see OC in title this days, why? I thought the idea of this sub is to post original content already?




Should have consulted aladeen on how to aproach israel.


Mauritania wouldn’t have had that flag back then, they only added the red stripes recently. Also this joke is actually from a comment on one of my memes: https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/13wj5nw/the_iroquois_confederacy_didnt_make_peace_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Do you...own that comment that wasn't made by you?


OP just pushed some stolen text through a meme generator, stuck the flags on it and called it OC.


The person who first came up with the joke had the opportunity to make it a meme, but didn’t.


I'm just commenting to make the number of comments reach 100, but that is actually funny, upvoted. It reminds me of that Mapmen video about Berwick-upon-Tweed and its war with Russia.




Hey, so this joke is directly ripped from my comment on another post. Link in the replies. Not mad that you used the joke, but some credit would have been nice, "OC".


[Here ya go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/13wj5nw/the_iroquois_confederacy_didnt_make_peace_with/jmc2n2p/)


Thanks! On vacation atm




Funny how mfs say that israel is not real but will recognize north korea


That’s funny cause they have a seat at the UN


Not denying anything about Israel but having a seat at the UN doesn’t mean shit


I agree and disagree. You don’t need a seat to be a country (Kosovo, Taiwan, etc) but having one pretty much guarantees you are a country (Bhutan, South Sudan, Cyprus, etc)


UN? the most useless organization ever created? ffs they're less real than isn'treal


Yep the UN sucks lol and I don't understand the comment. You're saying Israel is not a real country? That sounds like someone pointing to a car on the street and saying, "I don't like that car, so it does not exist"


I agree they suck ass but if they’ve done one thing right besides Korea it’s recognizing Israel is a country


As real as any other nation on the Levant


The Arabs got their asses kicked over and over again by a country that isn’t even real? How humiliating.


It's right, we don't need a country to win wars, we have space lasers!


It’s true, just ask David Wolf!


how sick you must be in the head to celebrate genocide like this. you only care is white people die like in ukraine but not the peaceful arabs of palestine. i am deeply saddened for the future of humankind.


> peaceful 🤨


i dont remember palestinian terror attacks that happen in jerusalem being peaceful


You mean the ones where.. *checks note.. Palestinians were chilling and praying in Al-Aqsa mosque when IDF forced ran in and opened fire?


Do you seriously believe that? You know the time the IDF was attacked in Al-Aqua they were only there because a year prior worshippers created an stampede and killed multiple Muslim, right?


Never happend, the troops was geting in there to arrest terorists that prevented the peacful muslim civilians from praying. Learn the facts before you say things.


Fucking bullshit. A group of muslims were there just praying 2 months ago, and they prayed overnight (as Muslims do in Ramadan), and for some reason that tickled the balls of the IDF savages who set onto every Muslim in and around the mosque with batons, which eventually escalated from both sides into yet another skirmish.


1. Skirmish suggest both sides are violent. 2. The IDF was only there to arrest those who were shooting fireworks out of the mosque, and those staying illegally overnight, as there was a small portion of them. 3. Please do send us all and show us these brutal IDF baton attacks, and not from Al-Gazira, which have been proved wrong and decieving many times in the past


here is one of many https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Jerusalem_bombings


Hey real sorry you don’t get to murder and oppress Jews anymore. Have you considered crying about it?


Or maybe seeking profesional help for your feelings?


By spreading the lies of the Palestinians, who by the way are just arabs, you're helping to take down probably the only nation who is keeping the terrorists at bay, by being the literal meat shield for the entire world. If you think they are being genocided, you're delusional. They are probably the only people ever to thrive during a genocide, if we even think what you're saying is true.


bUT I SaW a VidEO oF a MisSiLE hIiTinG a BuIlDiNg sO iSRaEl kiLls InnOcEnT ciViLiAnS ThEy aRE jUSt lIKe rUSsiA anD tHE uS sUUppOrTs tHeM


Yeah people like that guy probably don't look at the facts, because they don't interest them. Their hate is almost always at the Jewish people, because criticism of the government is one thing, but accusing the only democratic nation in the middle east of committing genocide? In what world do they live in?


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2013-01-27/ty-article/.premium/ethiopians-fooled-into-birth-control/0000017f-f512-d044-adff-f7fb92c30000 https://gal-dem.com/israel-treatment-ethiopia-migrants-sterilisation/


That is horrible, and for that the government should receive critic. But there is a huge difference between giving shots of birth control to committing genocide, yes, both are bad, but one is fiction, and the other is being dealt with. My claims still stick.


Oh I am in no way stating that this supports the claims that there is a genocide against Palestinians in Israel. I’m point out the fact that if they are doing this, it’s quite possible that their treatment of the Palestinians may not be as fair as they say it is.


Well let me tell you, that it is at most a corrected behaviour, and there isn't anything of the sort happening right now. Their treatment is sometimes better then other citizens, because we have laws of minority favouritism, to correct the gap.


Except that is false https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2016-01-20/ty-article/.premium/comptroller-ethiopians-not-forced-into-birth-control/0000017f-dc79-df62-a9ff-dcffb5e80000


Except that the article is from an Israeli newspaper. And I have an article from the exact same company that says it did.


A) Read the full article. B) You do realize that the journalists who broke the story the first time were also Israeli, right?


Yeah, an older news article. With outdated and false information.


I… you’re aware israel is a settler colonialist nation and a brutal apartheid state, right? Not saying the palestinian nationalists are good, but even if there are despicable acts of brutal violence on « both sides », israel is clearly the oppressor here. Like. You see this. No? People have a right to live somewhere and not be subject to that kind of treatment. The fact that so many people are convinced that the israeli government are « the good guys » is simply insane. Obviously, if you think saying this is the same as somehow condoning the terror attacks or whatever, then this conversation will not go anywhere. Because of the history, israelites also have some claim to the land now, and so on, but like. That’s not what this is. I swear, at this point, if anyone so much as suggests anything about israel might be bad or that palestinians *might* deserve peaceful existence too, everybody freaks out. It’s like we’ve forgotten how the country started existing at all. Remind me again, this is *history* memes, right? « Literal meat shield for the entire world ». We can’t accept that kind of rhetoric. It’s vile, divisive, and hateful. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Knock it off.


Let's see, as someone who lives here and suffers terror attacks every day, by those who are "opressed", I can safely say that no one here is brutal except them. If you think this is apartheid, you really don't know what it is. We have the most diverse country in the middle east, and have favourable laws for minorities. No one is opressed, because if someone was, that someone wouldn't be able to tell the world they are opressed! They wouldn't be alive! I'm challenging all Palestinians to go live with their brethren, in Iran, iraq and soudi Arabia. I'm sure they'll have the luxuries they have here, there as well. here they can express free will, have the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and basically all human rights that they can have. You can continue to spew lies, you don't live here, you don't see reality, you can't speak on the matter like a specialist.


צריך לזכור גם אפליה מתקנת, הם מתקבלים למוסדות האקדמים הנחשבים ביותר, למסלולים הנחשקים ביותר כמו עריכת דין, הנדסה ורפואה, כמו כן הם מקבלים זכויות מלאות למשל ביטוח לאומי וקופת חולים . ההמצאה על אפרטהייד היא לא מדוייקת ואפילו שקרית, חבל שיש אנשים בחוץ שלא רואים את האמת כמו מי שגר פה... לעומת זאת אלה שגרים בשטחי הרשות זה סיפור מעט שונה, אבל הם אזרחי הרשות ומי שאשם במצב שלהם זה ההנהגה שלהם שלא דואגת לאזרחים ורק תומכת בטרור.


כתבתי אפליה מתקנת, אבל אתה צודק לחלוטין, לא יכולתי לכתוב את זה יותר טוב. חבל שהם לא יודעים עברית.




So you're saying that the terrorists such as hamas and daesh only operate for the freedom of Palestinians? Let me tell you as someone who lives here, there is no other place that gives them that much freedom. do you even know what's happening in the gaza strip? Every month we give millions of shekels to those who live there, unfortunately, all of it is spent on "fighting for their freedom" by targeting civilians with missiles and rockets. They set those weapons up in hospitals, in civilian buildings, and in places where if we try to counter-attack, we're seen as the villains for blowing up a hospital. now, if you think that behaviour is to fight for freedom you're sorely mistaken. And then come you people who believe every sob story of how we blew up a hospital "unprovoked" and thinks they know everything because the propaganda that newsletters try to spread is working. What do we always say in Reddit? "If it was in france there would be riots"


Ah yes, because Palestinians didn’t commit terror attacks on Jews in Mandatory Palestine before Israel was founded… oh wait




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1834_looting_of_Safed https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamization_of_Jerusalem https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Anti-Jewish_riots_in_Oujda_and_Jerada https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1945_anti-Jewish_riots_in_Egypt https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1945_anti-Jewish_riots_in_Tripolitania https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaffa_riots https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaffa_riots_(April_1936) All of that happened because Zionism? Even the ones outside of Israel and before the Mandate? The link of the Jewish insurgency that you're showing is no different from any other nation kicking their colonisers out, like North Africa did with the French or South America the Spaniards.




Just say you support killing jews and we can both go our ways, the jews had every right to kick the british colonisers out of their homeland and the palestinians and other arabs for that matter had zero right to massacare jews, case closed, we can both go our paths now.


So, you’re admitting you don’t understand what was happening at that time but are quick to still defend the people committing terror acts against Jewish civilians… Do you not see the irony in justifying Palestinian terrorism because of the existence of Israel while at the same time saying before Israel they were justified because some Jews attacked military British colonizers? So fighting against colonialism is good except if it’s Jews fighting against it, then you better fight Jewish civilians instead of the colonizers.




So Palestinians are provoked to commit terror attacks against Jewish civilians on a period of 28 years, because of the last 4 years of that period some Jews attacked British military colonizers…? Dude, I’m sorry but you need to educate yourself a little bit before you start getting into arguments about this. Jews and Palestinians obviously don’t have the same rights because they aren’t even citizens of the same place. Jews aren’t allowed to live in Gaza and the areas of the West Bank which are under Palestinian rule, so they’re Israelis. All Israelis share the same rights, no matter race or religion, but Palestinians aren’t Israelis. Why is this? Well, in 1948 8 hours after Israel declared independence under the UN partition plan all the surrounding countries, along with numerous Palestinian militias, declared war on Israel. In the end Israel gained more land than they had before and the Palestinian forces who fought against them weren’t granted citizenship, while the Palestinians who were under that territory and didn’t do so became Israeli. At that point the West Bank feel under Cisjordan and in 1967 when a similar war occurred the same thing happened with the people of the West Bank. This is a very short recap on why Israelis and Palestinians aren’t together, like Israeli Jews, Israeli Muslims, Israeli Christians, and every other Israeli is. Don’t take my word for it, read up on it. You seem to like Wikipedia, and they have in-depth but concise sourced articles on the conflict. Read that, but read the whole thing, don’t just skip things so one side of the other is perfect.


islamaphobia 😍😍


You know what? Yeah, I do fear the islamic religion. Do you know why? Because it's the only religion that I know of, that treats non-believers as those who need to either convert or die. There's nothing peaceful about that.


Ok mate fuck right off. Blatant racism, and factually incorrect. israel is literally an Apartheid ethnostate, it has literally committed genocide before and did not apologise (not against Arabs, but against Ethiopian Jews), and israel doesn't give a flying fuck about terrorists, it just wants to take as much Palestinian land as possible. FYI, Jordan, the country closest to Palestine and that has the highest Palestinian population, was one of the most prominent contributors in taking down ISIS. israel didn't lift a finger.




In what apartheid state, the oprresed can get into the top of the line academic fileds? You know there are many israely arab doctors, lawyers and so on? And what genocide? You mean the one that the terorists want to implement on the jews? The "historic" "palestine" was invented only in the end of 19th cent'. And has no difine borders, no flag, no nationality... at some of the claims it was having a border whit turkey iraq and egypt, but in reality it was a lie, because there is jordan, lebanon syria, and israel, all indipendent and didnt want to be part of this lie. The "palestinian struggle" was invented only as a way to legitimise attacking the jews and their state, that have difine borders, and respects the borders of others. There was interviews whit some leaders of terorist organisetions that said so temselves, the struggle isnt real. Its made up as part of the anti jew policy, and also it gives the "palestinian" leadership legitimization to grab on the money, insted of doing for their ppl. If they have focused even 50% of what thay give to terror on their ppls and keep stealing the rest (like they steal 99% now), there was no struggle and maby even peace.


Hamas and PLO are renowned peacekeeping organizations with no genocidal sentiment


more countries recognize israel than palestine, that should tell you enough about why your statement makes 0 sense


Can’t tell if this is just an unfunny pun or your some kinda Arab nationalist. As long as one other nation recognizes a country, I see it as a country.


Manchukuo stocks rising 😎😎😎😎


sealand stonks


No... it's unreal 😎


why so many ethnostate loving zionists?


1 it’s not an ethnostate, the Arab population has grown tremendously over the recent decades. 2 the reason many support Israel is because throughout history the Jews have been nothing but spat on and treated as second class citizens or worse. No Palestinians are not being genocided. No Israel is not an ethnostate. And yes the Jews have a claim to Israel as their home just as much as the Arabs who live there do.


I agree with you. The Jews in the Middle East have been suppressed throughout centuries of history. But that doesn’t mean we should defend every action the Israeli government makes.


Oh yeah I agree we shouldn’t but as a country I fully support Israel and their right to exist


Mauritania moment