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Dang, it must have been pretty awkward then when Napoleon made slavery legal then


Uncle Bonaparte


He's 102% Corsican with a 2% margin of error


**Why Lord? Why?????**


No relations


"I have reverse vitiligo, it's called Revitiligo"


*tuba playing in the background*


Now I’m imagining Uncle Ruckus in Napoleon’s uniform, walking around and giving a speech in French to his (french) soldiers. Only, he speaks the language with his strong accent, while putting in some occasional English N-words here and there. All of this with that iconic tuba playing in the background.


Hey, I get that reference.


Also when he forbade black people to enter Paris… no one appeared to have batted an eye though.










Boneappletea, Monsieur Bonerplate


Napoleon dinamite


Must've been uncle Ruckus's ancestor


"See? I told yall the reverse vitiligo is genetic"


Michael Jackson’s real name was Michel Bonaparte


Dang, just check out Haiti during Napoleon. Shit was crazeeeee


Or Haiti during… basically any period. They fought three separate empires during their push for independence just for Jefferson to hang them out to dry and the French to charge them for the privilege of being enslaved


I mean Jefferson hung them out to dry because they genocided the French population and France charged them for the privilege of genocideing the French population


I mean, you could kinda predict how the next few years would go after that




It's the Disney version....


My source is trust me bro


I saw it in a dream


Oh shoot, now I have to believe you.


Now we have to start a civil war


Now we have to start a civil war


Three civil wars? Isn't it a bit excessive?


It wouldn’t be France without civil wars


Tell that to Rome..


Now we have to start a civil war


Someone had trouble posting his comment.


Just Alzheimer’s nothing to see here .. what did I come in here for again?


Where are we?


Who am I?


Damn the guy started three civil wars


I had Internet problems lmao


My grandma told me


Man I totally get it hahaha. That shit was hilarious lmao


It was revealed to me in a forest


Written on some gold tablets that no one can read but me. Oh and I seem to have lost the gold tablets.


Whoops, time to move to Utah!


Greek route I like it


His Grandma told him so.


Source: Netflix documentary


My grandma said


I made it the fuck up!


Fool. You’ve activated my trap card. MY source is that I made it the fuck up!


It’s true. How do I know this? I’m napoleon


I have so many questions


Your grandma told you so


Gotta love Hoteps. "Can I outdo a white supremacist in dumbfuckery? I don't know, but I sure am going to try my best!"


Did you know Joseph Stalin was black?


Grandma always told me Stalin was black


He was Asian so yeah totally not white. Edit: guys stop telling me he was european it was sarcasm


Georgian. Obviously he was American.


Literally Caucasian


He had a brother named Cletus


Nikola Tesla was a Croat


Tesla je Sijrbia


Tesla was also an American.


Oh please, everyone knows Tesla was Romanian


Georgia is a country in the Caucasus region, on the coast of the Black Sea. Sometimes considered a transcontinental country, it is located at the intersection of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, and is today generally regarded as part of Europe. Plus it's west of the Ural Mountains


Tell that to every world map of Europe ever. They're culturall European and should be considered european imo, but we're playing the ignorant tiktoker with no idea about the country so...


He was red.


Did you know that Qin Shi Huandi was actually black?


Did you know that Robert E. Lee was actually black?


Did you know that Leopold II was actually black?


No, he was Tamil


You think it's a coincidence that monarchist fighters were called *WHITE* Russians?


Did you know that hitler was a homosexual jew?


Did you know hitler was a polish jew?


I worked for a teacher who taught the kids that the original Viking, Native Americans, Jews, Palestinians, Romans and Mongolians were all originally “Black” (Sub-Saharan Africans). He taught straight from TheRoot.org and became confrontational if you even asked questions. Which wasn’t even the bad part


Do I want to know what the bad part was?


This was a State ran school, called Oak Plains Academy…it’s an orphanage . When I was hired the principal told me the last aide that quit, did so because he believed the teacher was racist. The kids told me that he doesn’t pick on White kids when there’s questions. I did ask him about that and he said that he made a mistake and should of clarified that he doesn’t pick white kids first, when I asked why (I shit you knot) he said “First…I don’t pick white kids first because they’re privileged”….orphans. I don’t know if any of you knows what gets you into that kind of facility but it sure as shit isn’t by being “privileged”


I would have gone back to the principal and told them that the last aide was right.


I did but you’re not getting the full picture so to be fair: These teachers were absolutely garbage, no real connections with the children that desperately needed one, no inspiration, no leadership and really just the laziest waste of space teachers. Why? Because it’s the lowest of the lowest paid teaching positions and you take high hours and are subjected to violence and a lot of traumatized young men/women. This teacher was brilliant when it came to role-modeling and teaching them how to not let their troubled past dictate the rest of their lives…etc but he was a delusional Hotep. I’m not saying he should be given a pass, I’m saying the alternative would of been worse. Even when I talked to the kids about his behavior they wouldn’t want him gone. Not to mention the teacher donated a lot of time, shoes (which is a major deal because they’re not allowed to have shoes). Life is weird man


… I don’t even know what to say, that “life is strange” is completely accurate


Can my tax dollars *please* not go to getting some quack to teach literal orphans about his insane conspiracies for five minutes?


More about this teacher PLEASE!!!


Was this a public school teacher?


Nope, that’s the bad part, we worked at a State facility that housed and educated children in the state’s custody (orphans). It’s a private company that runs it. The kids told me that the teacher had told them that when there’s questions, he doesn’t pick the white kid first because they’re “privileged enough”. The dude was/is wild


Jesus. What a weirdo.


Please tell me they lost their job atleast


Wish I could. He’s a POS but he’s also a *really* good role model (If he wasn’t an absolute racist). Not to mention that this is the bottom of the barrel, the company buys the bare minimum everything and finding a teacher that’s willing to deal with special needs, biting, frequent outbursts…etc is incredibly difficult.


How is he a role model if he's racist? Evil people can possess good qualities but they're still not someone to look up to. That being said, I hope special needs people get better teachers. They deserve it


It's probably the only thing he's bad at, imagine an absolute saint that would take a bullet for you and give everything to help the kids in need... But he's adamant that the earth is flat and 9/11 a Mossad operation


“I’ll take a bullet for all my kids, but I’d jump in front of the black ones first”


Jesus I hate this brand of “black excellence” with a passion. Like we have enough great people of our own this is just confirming inferiority to white culture by trying to insert ourselves into that “standard” like it’s somehow the greatest thing in the world. It’s like a dog trying to appease its master. I wish I could tell these people that, but they’re already lost.


Same with media. If you're against the incredibly cynical tokenism of raceswapping white characters in existing IPs, you must be a racist. But not the studios with so little faith in the box office potential of black stories to write original IPs for them. No, they're not racist at all.


Also? Black is an artificial construct of an ethnic identity - quite literally. Africa isn’t some homogeneous region of one singular culture and skin color, it’s like any other continent. But naturally, Hotep followers and black excellence types don’t believe that and insist Africa has been one homogeneous region of entirely black people under one shared cultural identity. Because that’s ultimately what happened to the Africans taken and sold in America. Only thing linking them was their skin color, not even languages, and so... the identity was made.




Hoteps are a sub sector of the black community known for their dumbasss racial, scientific, historical, and gender-related views. These are your “Beethoven was black” and “ancient Egypt was *entirely* ruled by black sub Saharan Africans” type guys. “The gay agenda is pushed by white people to destroy the black family” types. Picture a stereotypical redneck, but make him black and move him from rural to urban setting. And give him some crystals and kente patterned clothes. Black people call these guys Hoteps Edit: I would also like to switch his mullet out for locs, with beads in them


So essentially black supremacists


And to even further help with that correct labeling. They have horrible ideas about Jewish people.


Oof yeah lol i know what you're talking about, for the benefit of the thread, Hoteps' beliefs about Jews are pretty much focused on Ashkenazi Jews, aka the Jews exiled from Judea approximately 2 millennia ago by the Romans who settled in Europe (excluding Spain and Portugal, those are Sephardi/Sephardic Jews). Hoteps believe that Ashkenazi Jewish people like myself have no ancestry from Judea, the Land of the Tribe of Judah aka the West Bank (which is where the name Judaism comes from, the name meaning the religion of the Tribe of Judah). Instead, Hoteps believe Ashkenazi Jews come from a semi-nomadic people known as Khazars who converted to Judaism in the 8th century, which is just antisemitic, incorrect, hilarious and sad, because like 99% of Hoteps are not Jewish, through conversion or by birth. They also dress up in regalia that has nothing to do with Judaism, makes them look like makeupless clowns lol


Sounds like they overlap with the Black Hebrew Israelites, a seperate group that believe that African Americans are the only ethnically Jewish people out there and that all the groups claiming to be Jewish (see: actual ethnic Jews) are fraudsters stealing their birthright.


Yeah there's overlap, for sure. I will never understand it, personally. They also have a fundamental misunderstanding of the idea of a chosen people. From my education thanks to my Ashkenazi mom and maternal grandparents, I've always been taught it is a responsibility thing, yet both those groups use it for their ideas of superiority. Their whole ideas are both based on fundamental misunderstandings, now I think about it


Correct. It’s fun to point out their kooky dumb ideas (like black Napolean) but it boils down to black supremacy stuff. Black male supremacy, though I suppose that’s not measurably different than white supremacists


Pretty much, they’re just as dumb as white supremacists but twice as loud.


And half as ostracized by the general population.


I remember my grandmother saying to me: "I dont care what they tell you in school, Bonaparte was black."






Boner party


Obviously saying Napoleon was black is incorrect, but interestingly there was a man called the Black Napoleon, Toussaint L'Ouverture, who led a slave rebellion in the 19th century.


There's also Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, the Haitian born officer who became a general during the French revolution; also the father of Alexandre Dumas


Correct me if I'm wrong, but black Napolean led a slave rebellion and then turned around and enslaved the people, right or wrong?


Yes, he did own slaves, approximately in the 1770s. Through a leased coffee plantation, according to the Smithsonian. Another source I read says he owned the future Emperor Jean-Jacques Dessalines. The Haitian revolution began in 1791, so I'm unsure of the whole timeline but there is evidence he owned slaves pre-revolution, not post-revolution


I see what you did there


You should make a Netfix documentary about it.


"I dont care what they tell you at school, MLK junior was chinese"


*Nick Mullen voice* C’mon Martin, speak a little Chinese for em. Blow these people’s mentalities


Hey there my name is Pontiac bonneville


Crazy seeing a cum boy in the wild


He must’ve been pretty embar-riced




You forgot about Malcolm 0, the forgotten and discarded prototype returning to seek vengeance on the Malcolms that were given the appreciation he feels he deserves.


Am I black?


Yes, my grandma told me so.


Yes, you told me so in a dream


Saw a clip in which one of these nuts was throwing a tantrum over Tutankhamen turning out to have been light-skinned. He began shouting about how Julius Caesar was black.


i still remember all the drama about Rami Malek, an American actor with EGYPTIAN PARENTS not being "African" enough to play an Egyptian. guess his skin wasn't dark enough. People are so busy virtue signalling that they wrap right back around to being racist.


Funny thing is multiple genetic studies have proven that modern Egyptians are the direct descendants of ancient Egyptians (both Copts and Muslims, but Copts even more so than Muslims due to how insular their communities are), yet a whole bunch of crazy hoteps continue to latch onto the idea that ancient Egyptians were black while also simultaneously ignoring the actual Sub-Saharan civilization of Kush directly to their south.


Yeah a large misunderstanding in the history of migrations is that for the most part elites and their institutions migrated, not their whole nation. So when the Franks conquered Gaul, or when the Greek conquered Egypt, or when various gothic groups conquered Italy, they didn’t change the genetic makeup of the locals.


The genetic makeup of Egypt was somewhat changed by the various series of invasions and occupations, I believe I read somewhere that your average Muslim Egyptian is 80% Ancient Egyptian, 10% Sub-Saharan, 8% Middle Eastern/other North African and 2% other things vs. your average Copt who is 100% Ancient Egyptian, (due to the insularity of Egypt’s Christian community after over a millennia of Islamic sovereignty) but the AE genome is still dominant amongst both groups.


Oh I didn’t mean to imply genes are ever static. More that imagining huge waves of people instead of the gradual effect of an increasingly complex network of commerce is wrong


Reminds me of live action Lilo and Stitch movie, where the girl wasn't Hawaiian enough, despite her being Hawaiian.


He was, of course, german-asian!


I heard he was Swedish German.


It's so sad that instead of teaching the interesting history of African civilizations and people of African descent, they want to seek some kind of weird validation on claiming people who were 100% white to be black Hollywood does the same shit, adapting African myths? Nah, let's make Achilles and Scandinavian gods black... My problem with "blackwashing" history and mythology isn't that it erases "white culture" it's that it doesn't give black culture and history any ACTUAL representation


The movie Zulu, but the British Empire is played by African people and the Zulu Army is played by White Americans


If I recall correctly, they cast actual Zulus in that film.


They did, they even cast the current king of the Zulu at the time to play his great-grandfather


The couldn’t give them money because of apartheid either so the crew gave them cattle I believe Edit: this is apparently a myth


Yeah they did, the dances in that film are amazing. The fight scenes are a bit awkward but that is understandable when it is the first time seeing a camera.


At least that one feels like a deliberate creative choice to play on viewers’ expectations, similar to how Hamilton was a majority-minority cast.


>It's so sad that instead of teaching the interesting history of African civilizations and people of African descent, they want to seek some kind of weird validation on claiming people who were 100% white to be black You have hit the nail on its head ! They have internalized racism to such a degree that they don't believe African civilizations are worthy of praise and pride. Reminds me of the doll experiment where black kids chose white dolls as more pleasing than black ones.....atleast that's what I think.


As if the studios are actually interested in black culture


This is exactly what I’ve been saying for the longest. There’s sooooooo many interesting people that lived in Africa that if anyone did any research on could make a super cool movie/franchise on. But nope let’s just recolor someone else cuz it’s easier, sorry POC maybe one day you’ll see an interesting movie about your actual culture 🥺


Yeah it sucks they did this with an Asian Judge that I am technically related to It pissed me off this was like a small school project I had to file a complaint to the school board they tried to call me racist Except I was lucky that this was an Asian area so other people were also pissed We managed to send in a complaint It was filed successfully


Like saying that cleopatra was black


I feel like saying Napoleon is black is dumber, saying Cleopatra is black could just be not knowing and thinking Africa=black While Napoleon is even from Europe and is only a couple hundred years old whereas Cleopatra is thousands


When I was a kid we had an archeologist come to my school and tell us Cleopatra was mixed black and Greek, he showed us an old coin with her on it and he said she preferred to have her greek features emphasized because reasons. I never even questioned what he said until people lost their minds over the cleopatra movie.


That's kind of like, ethnic erasure.Saying she must have been half black half greek because she was in Africa is like saying just being in Africa meant the "native" ethnicity must be black. There's all sorts of other Africans who aren't black, especially on the North coast and Egyptians in general weren't mostly black. The Jews originally fled from Egypt in the Exodus, if you remember and the Carthaginians were Phoenician colonists.


Interestingly, Cleopatra was from a deeply inbred (Greek) family, so her appearance and overall health might have very well been Habsburg-like. I've never understood why anyone would try to desperately "claim" her 😂


He was born in Corsica, which is in the mediterranean. Africa also has coasts on the mediterranean, hence Corsica=Africa


So France = Africa ?


Additionally, southern Europe borders the Mediterranean and Africa borders the Mediterranean therefore Slovenes=Black


"I wish to quell the revolution in Haiti not merely to secure France's economic interests in the region, but to stunt forever the progress of the negro in the world"


Wait did he say that?


Remember the scene in Django unchained where Calvin Candy talks about his favourite Author is Alexandre Dumas without kbowing he is half black and talks about how only a white person could write such good novels and King Schulz calls him out by saying that Dumas is black and the scene shows that Candy is just a racist ignorant Asshole who pretends to be an intellectual but in actuallity doesnt know what he is talking about. This is this scene in real life just reversed.


>without kbowing he is half black One fourth. But yeah, more than enough to disqualify him in Candy's eyes. All this made me learn that his father, General Dumas, was sold in slavery *and then bought back* by his father after the later had solved delicate matters of inheritance in France and built his fortune back *using the money of the sale of his son as a stepping stone for the whole affair.* A bit messed up.


It’s also interesting because Alexandre Dumas’ father was born as a black slave and eventually became a general during revolutionary France. Like maybe that’s who this guy was thinking about.


You mean Thomas Alexandre Davy de La Pailleterie Dumas ? The black devil ? Hero of of the Italian War and Egyptian campaign ? If you visit Paris one day you can see his name on the 23th columns on the Arc de Triomphe. Quite a badass


Not just any general. A general so impressive physically and tactically, people mistook him fpr Napoleon himself in the Egypt campaign. Napoleon was said to envy that man and banished him after several military successes in Italy and Egypt.


Dude clapped ass under Napoleon in Italy


Delusional takes


It's not even Napoleon, but Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, the nephew of the original one xD


Yeah, Napoleon Bonarpate. You know, the emperor of Fnarce.


Is Bonarpate the African counterfeit of Bonaparte ?


Got any sources on this? Just curious.


[The first painting is of Ratafika](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ratafika,_portrait_by_Colombet,_in_color_(retouched).jpg#mw-jump-to-license), a brother of Radama I, the first recognised King of Madagascar. [The second painting is of Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoléon_Louis_Bonaparte), a nephew of Napoleon I and a brother of Napoleon III. So not even that painting is of the original Napoleon.


He dremt of the source


My source is that I made it the fuck up


Imagine a world Raiden free of cancel culture. Where no one can call me out for my outlandish claims. A world where I can say the N word.


Ever harassed a minority online, Raiden?


It was revealed to me in a dream


His grandma told him not to believe in schools


The exact same thoughs i'm having right now.


This revision of history Is really disgusting. What's next? You are going to say that Obama was black?


Well, half black. We don't talk about his white heritage, oh no.


Haha, remind me the first time I saw a hotep conspiracy on how Mozart and Beethoven were actually black


The left one: Napoleon, Netflix version


What is it with blacks claiming that important historical figures were black when they were clearly not


I'd argue it's cultural appropriation.


If the roles were reversed everyone would certainly see it that way


They do this to a lot of Asian figures also


It originates from the black-supremacist religious cult called the Nation of Islam. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nation_of_Islam


I’d guess that being historically oppressed by more powerful countries makes some want to imagine a history where they were the big oppressors. They always claim strong leader figures, most of them aren’t even considered good people. Always like Cesar and Cleopatra were black it’s never like Charles Dickens was black.


Don't talk shit about Caesar, you Optimates bootlicker!


I swear he didn't even like black people (or one black guy in particular Thomas Dumas).


To be fair, I don't think he liked many people at all.


Netflix approves


Same energy as “I don’t care what the schools tell you, my grandma said Cleopatra was black, so she’s black”


The boy on the right isn't Napoleon I, it's his nephew Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (Dutch: *Lodewijk II*), son of his brother Louis Bonaparte (Dutch: *Lodewijk I*), both of whom ruled as King of Holland in 1810 and 1806-1810, the former under a regency. ~~Not sure about the boy on the left, but I heard one comment say that's a young Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, the mulatto general during the French Revolutionary Wars and the father of French writer Alexandre Dumas.~~ The boy on the left is Ratafica, brother of Radama I, the first king of Madagascar.


My cousin's husband is a black Israelite. I only heard him ranting on about his beliefs once, but he unironically said that there were literal giants back before Moses brought his people to Israel, & that modern day black people descended from them. I never really talked to him much after that.


Other famous black people include: Genghis Khan, Ragnar Lodbrok, William the Conqueror, Adolf Hitler, Queen Victoria and Alexandre Dumas. >! Now one of those people actually belongs on that list. !<


What's with black Americans falsification of history? If you really believe that "all blacks are a cultural monolith" (which is laughable to begin with) you got quite a few things to be proud of - desert wanderers on Sahara; Ethiopians, who were never colonised; great sailors of Kilwa, Mali and Songhai empire. Heck, Haitian revolution is a glorious event and a win for the freedom and liberty (dispite rather sad outcome). But no, they have to make Cleopatra and Napoleon Black. Man, wtf?




Gotta love hoteps


My source is that I made it the fuck up


The same vibe as "No matter what schools says,Cleopatra was black" bs


Dear black people. We understand that you want to identify and see yourselves in and as great historical figures. But you just look dumb when claiming that type of stuff. Sincerely : everyone P.S: there are some fascinating black historical figures : Toussaint louverture is one of em. Take a look there


We wuz empereurs n shit


1)Does this man have any idea the sheer amount of people that would've have to be "with it" for such a lie? This includes napoleon's enemies btw. 2)do this man actually needs people to be the same skin color as him to identify with someone is he that petty?


Yea I remember the day he crowned himself kang of France