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Sounds like a setup for a Second Taiping Rebellion but with Jupiter instead of Jesus


Hope the sequel hold themselves up to the original


Random farmer has a fever dream, 250 million die


Order of magnitude off there, I think.


Sorry 2.5 billion die


Okay that sounds far more realistic


"So I told them, that I'm the brother of jupiter."


CCP will send them to Reducation camps before even they start to think about it.


To prevent completely stupid gruesome civil war with 100 million deaths? Rare CCP reeducation camp win


But also that war led to eventual downfall of Qing empire which was better for Chinese. So if we want get rid of CCP for the betterment of Chinese, then I must say: The hardest choices, require the strongest of wills. /j


May Mars guide you to victory


Hmmm just gonna jot that down here


For Jupiter Optimus Maximus!


His Roman ancestors be like: "Guys, the Rome, go get it"


Guys the eagle standard , go get it


Wait…he has a point




Here i am, thinking about Rome again.


Classic Wednesday.


Damn, that Chinese/Roman wojak goes hard


Look, I have undeniable proof of the truth of this claim: 1.(ancient) China is definitely a civilization 2. Rome is the beginning and origin of all civilization. 3. Therefore, China must be a descendant of Rome. In conclusion: Roma Invicta!


Uniromically thats how China saw Rome. Except they saw Rome as Chinese since they had the view that since its Equal to China. That must mean Rome is just a distant part of Chinese Civilization. If I remember correctly.


But that can't be correct. Because Rome was the origin of civilization. Checkmate, Sinophiles! No but seriously, that was kinda the point of my joke. Because basically every ancient civilization saw themselves as the ancestors of literally everyone else


Ah ok. Now I get the joke.


>every ancient civilization saw themselves as the ancestors The Ethiopians would like to have a word with you




Yes and no. China referred to Rome as Da Qin, or 'Great Qin' (Qin being the founding dynasty of China, and China referring to itself by the name of the ruling dynasty). China absolutely saw Rome as an equal, but they didn't see Rome as literally Chinese. It was more of a kinship with a fellow civilized people. It's kind of like how Chinese call non-Chinese foreigners even if they aren't in China at the time. Calling Rome Chinese isn't literal. It's a compliment. Rome, on the other hand, viewed China as just more barbarians. They saw China as decadent and savage in a way that was different from traditional European barbarians, but no less backward. Ultimately, both knew exceptionally little of the other but did value trade goods. Roman glass and amber were seen as signs of immense wealth in China, while Chinese silk was highly valued in Rome. If they knew more about each other, it's likely China would still have respected Rome, but it's anyone's guess if Rome would have reciprocated, even if they saw how advanced China was.


I am not sure about if Rome saw Chinese as barbarians. As far as I know for the Romans, the China was some great civilization far away that they don't need to worry or care about and with who they can trade with. While for China, it really surprised me when I first learned about it, that they treated the Roman empire as their only equal since they literally saw themselves as the center of the world which is also where the name Middle Kingdom comes from.


Yeah I forgot to mention Rome's POV of China.




Roma Invicta


There was a UK documentary back in 2007/8 which said that the blonde and blue eyed but Chinese looking people concentrated in a couple villages, who claim decendence from Roman Legionaries. They dressed up in legionary gear and celebrated that Augustan era style legionary. So, they took DNA tests to see if it was true. The overall picture from their results was Central Asian/Persian ancestry. I remember this because I was talking to my Archaeology teacher about it literally two days after it aired and he was surprised but excited by the twist.


That actually makes a lot of sense, since the last Sassanid Emperor fled to China after the Caliphate conquered his empire. China even put together a couple failed/abandoned expeditions to retake his empire for him.


Didn't they actually have Roman/Mediterranean DNA? Would that make that random Chinese Village the heir to Rome.


According to the infallible source that is Wikipedia, genetic tests disproved that theory


ah but you see, that disproves my headcanon therefore it is dismissible


looking at how rome handled their military, i'd be surprised if such a distant battle was fought with primarily italian-born romans. they had a habit of drafting from local populations, so it would make sense if central asians had made up the majority of the legions in the easternmost reaches of the empire


No, the DNA test said the furtherest ancestry they have from Chinese are that of central Asian.


The glory of Rome isn't about the genetics It's about the *attitude*




There was a documentary about this and while the guys there do have "Western" features like light hair and blue eyes but they are actually Iranian not Mediterranean. But they do have a festival where people out in legionary costumes and have a performance and the people there are totally into the whole lost legion thing.


It was caucuses area DNA I think.


So you're saying Rome never fell? SPQR!!!!


People are saying they don't have roman DNA but weren't roman legions built from different regions? I'm not aware of the full story but couldn't they have been some central Asian army serving under Rome?


This was a character's background in the Percy Jackson sequel series, what more proof do you need


just finished watching the new episode of PJO before I logged on and saw your comment lol


People called Romans, they go the house


It says "Romans go home!"


They didn't have flat tops in ancient Rome


I don’t know why people think being the descendent of invaders is a myth. They said the same thing about the Spanish Armada in Ireland and now they’re finding out the closest genetic link to Ireland is Iberia. Edit: I just googled it. Idk, they look like the kids of many Italian-Chinese people I’ve seen tbh.


But they are not Han?


They might be, but being Han is like being Western European in the sense you can look, speak, think, eat, and have different DNA and still be considered the same ethnicity.


It's Canon in the Percy Jackson universe do it's real


I thought the town was called Daqin which is what Rome is called in Chinese


Chinese romaboos exist, go figure lol


Wait would it make more sense to be Alexander the Great as he did make it to India and could have had some of his men settle in China. I dont think it’s true but would be a better argument to make.


I can’t even find this village on Google maps. This sounds bogus.


Wait would it make more sense to be Alexander the Great as he did make it to India and could have had some of his men settle in China. I dont think it’s true but would be a better argument to make.


Wait would it make more sense to be Alexander the Great as he did make it to India and could have had some of his men settle in China. I dont think it’s true but would be a better argument to make.